Bow and Arrow

Chapter 566: Chapter 564 — More Time Passes

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More Time Passes




With his beauty under his right arm, Yun Beishang had another 2 little girls to his left as he grabbed a light bluish skinned hand whose other hand was grabbing a brown skinned hand of an older little girl who was all so content and joyous as she walked along the younger little girl's family towards work!

Tap, step ,tap, step, tap, step.

As they walked through the slowly filling up to a bustling road of the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain Regional City, which had been filling up quite a bit by some homeless and even Inhabitants from other settlements within the Bright Sunset Region while the war against the Wonder Region was fully ongoing but was still deserted, since most newly moved in Inhabitants were busy within their own homes.

Each house wasn’t the same after all, and with feeling bored making them in the past besides him having some of his people accompanying him while he was working, each had at least 3 floors and could even accommodate up to 6 largest families among all settlements without it feeling too crowded.

It also had a basement, that was even twice as long as the house itself, but was naturally as wide as itself, since there were many houses ‘sticking’ to each other and with a ‘small’ garden that allowed one to even farm in a small scale; yet, that was still farming and not merely planting flowers or herbs.

Colors were, naturally, free of coin for the first ‘choice’ while the subsequent ones would be costly, The Order doesn’t have that many workers to help with that matter as of yet. If anything, The Order could have tens of thousands of houses being attended by workers available and there still being quite a lot left for some extra ‘orders’ or whatever was needed; really.

But that was for it to be possibly in about a year or so, when the third year of Rising Essence was to arrive to the game, but then, who knows which kind of insane things would’ve happened by then within Main Kingdom… and if The Order’s Unparalleled Peaceful Rain Regional City would even grow larger.

Right now, after many kisses, tender smooches and rubbing left and right her head on Yun Beishang’s face while puckering out her lips; along with huggies and so many tight embraces within her tent. Powlniu had successfully revitalized her dear hubby–to-be man while the little girls were like ‘yucky’ and making dumb, shy and disgusted faces whenever catching sight of it.

To which Yun Beishang naturally gave no care about and simply enjoyed being pampered so much by this perfect Blue Elf milf that he casually hooked up that many months ago and was now tenderly attending to his need, to which naturally, Powlniu was even more shameless as she bit Yun Beishang’s ear from time to time as he could only shake his head in a jolt as a response.

Oh well, after all of that was done, he was walking with a straight back and a shameless countenance while Powlniu rested her head on his right chest, the beating from his heart even from that side and his manly scent making her flow in paradise along endless bouts of joy and longing; which she enjoyed with eyes closed as she imagined Pawya being a great Elder Sister to tiny little Yun Beishangs and Powlnius.

Yun Beishang’s right arm was coveting that damn waist from the back, while his left hand was constantly ‘tickled’ by naughty Pawya who wanted daddy to once again tap her head and call her silly to stop her, aaah, life could be so good. It was just a pity, that those who were waiting in a certain room that the main host had been so late to arrive like a bunch of docile scaredy cats were all troubled and panicky instead.

With Yun Beishang leading the way, Pawya pouting cutely whenever she was addressed at by ‘daddy’ and with Powlniu’s sniffing on his body being less and less restrained yet still soundless, as well as Shilay looking around fully entertained by the sights of the first ever Regional City; they finally arrived at a building which Yun Beishang defiled some time ago with a certain someone’s aunt.

Knock, knock… knock.


After the 2 small, little knocks on the door were like the sounds of hell wishing to enter into their hearts, the heads of almost each person within the room turned towards the door, as a small little figure appeared with her big completely azure eyes looking at the fatsos, old farts and some younger people all seated in utter subservience.

“Oh, so boring! Daddy, take my hand, take my hand-ehehe!” Turning around without opening the food fully open and the other one left closed like it didn’t even exist, Pawya let go of another smallish hand as the owner of that smallish hand surely pouted at the notion, and then extended her now free hand diagonally upwards the air.

“!!!” Only for it to be taken by a bigger, manly and fatherly hand, that looked to even do the act of taking that small bluish hand with no other options available. Right after, as their hearts were suffocating and shriveling from the incoming demonic image in their eyes once again, those hearts were instead stopped before beating loudly and several times in a row in quick succession at seeing the flawlessly magnificently beautiful blue face of an Elf.

But then, hearts whose changes were enough to cause a heart attack were inflicted with furthermore pain as they then saw that her now opened eyes had her head resting on top of a man’s chest. Lifting their eyes, all they saw was the evil demon within their hearts and dreams.

When they saw his face, the devil was smiling like a totally harmless father as he seemed to mutter to the little girl which ‘forced’ him to hold her hand something along the lines of ‘don’t be silly’, and ‘bring that Shilay with a lost gaze with you’ as he then raised his eyes to look at them the same way in which they began looking at his face.

At that moment, their hearts began to stop for a full 3 seconds, which could only be calmed down and ‘resuscitated’ by Yun Beishang’s next words spoken in a casual and carefree tone. “Well… because I am in a rather good, good mood. I will make this faster than anticipated, no death will be added as long as this is fast enough, understood?”

Yun Beishang made a slight pause, his lips on the left corner raising as his eyes turned teasing, making Powlniu shake her head helplessly, but to which she smoke-screened to smell more and more of his chest, skin and unique scent while narrowing her eyes furthermore as she kept sniffing on his whole aroma.

“Understood?” Yun Beishang asked once again to reiterate, and immediately, it seemed to have made all the lamb-no, people within the room to be filled with endless vigor as they stood up after taking a document from their group that were standing behind them with their heads low; not at their ‘leading’ figure but at Yun Beishang instead and out of fear instead of respect.

Right after, with documents in hands, already signed and with Yun Beishang only needing to take them with his hands for the system contracts to be formally turned into such by the system, they began speaking their ‘sincere’ words with huge and fat, thick bullets of sweat going down their faces starting from the top of their heads.

“You are the true leader of Main Kingdom, sir! Ahahahaha!” - “We wrongly doubted you before, sir, please do not take offense, we were too foolish to see the truth right in front of our eyes.” “That’s right, that’s right! The truth was right in front of us and we stupidly chose in not to believe it!” - “Sir, please forgive us, we will obviously follow your arrangements! Our troops? All yours, they were meant to be!” - “Our status, ah-this… anything that the Lord thinks is right, that we will be perfectly glad of the Lord’s decision!” - “That’s right, that’s right!!...”

“...” Yun Beishang needed say nothing else, like well organized and disciplined children ready to sing their Region’s hymn, they formed two lines to the Lord’s left and right and prepared themselves to hand their documents over with a deep bow and reverence of subservience; one of each line at the same time to make it faster for their lives to be saved.

Flip, flowp, flip flip, clatter clatter clatter.

With his hands taking documents along with a grin on the left corner of his mouth, Yun Beishang swiftly took the documents and kept on hearing system notifications almost as fast as he kills mobs with a single rock being thrown at a mob of hundreds of fast speed monsters and beasts. After just a minute, all the Regional Forces of Main Kingdom were ‘sold off’ to him for free by these ‘important’ figures of the previous era of Main Kingdom.

“Sigh…” Taking a breath out of his lungs but then recuperating it quite quickly as Powlniu did the same since she felt she’s had enough of his right chest and shoulder’s scent, as she then sighed out comfortably while changing the resting of her side to his left chest, where his heart beating instantly drove her into a lovely and cute trance.

“Okay, about your previous work and analysis of yourselves, I will have my people investigate it. Since you are now part of my Order, and from the military side as well, and you gave better have had done nothing that incurs disciplinary actions or even lethal measures depending on what you did. As for those who are talented, or that I say that can do it, they may be placed among the current military ranks of my army.”

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“Be it a soldier or an officer; as well as simpler jobs like management, governing, economics, logistics, agh, all that stuff.” Yun Beishang waved his hands in obvious tiresomeness and annoyance, from speaking and talking about stuff to others alone, as he then finished his ‘encouraging’ words. “So for the next few weeks, you are welcome to tour around my Unparalleled Peaceful Rain Regional City.”

“Of course!” - “We will be mostly glad to do so, my Lord!!” - “We will become chicken poop movers even if we have to for your Maj-our Lord!” Not daring to call out Yun Beishang’s imprisonment, the previous military leaders of each present group were glad to bootlick even if they knew that it did nothing to aid them in their current situation.

However, Yun Beishang’s next words, instead of stilling just more fear into themselves, somehow and strangely granted them peace as if they’ve done… the right thing. “As for those who did not attend, some heads already arrived at their military units, others are being toyed with first by a few Abysmal Creatures; oh you'll know about them soon enough.”

“HAAAH, okay, that’s all.” Yun Beishang threw his neck and whole head to the back and exclaimed, but his following final words to  everyone were cold and expressionless. “Everyone, dismissed.”

Step, step step, step step step, step step step step step step…

Bowing even more deeply, in reverence and out of half sincerity and half utter fear, the now people of lower status and momentarily without power whatsoever practically ran to the exit of the room to go to their temporary chambers to simply… breathe out of mental fatigue. Before starting to prepare their luggage and… also preparing to stay for good in this place, holy shit! What kind of monstrous fate they just avoided!

Meanwhile, Powlniu was now in front of him, cleaning the nonexistent dust off his casual clothes and accommodating his collarless long sleeved shirt’s collar, her meek actions making the two bored little girls to ran away to play while another few remaining groups that dared not to look at such tender scene at all out of respect and fear were waiting to be addressed by their Lord.

“Mm~, mhm~~, lalala~... done, my love.” Powlniu hummed and sang with her beautiful voice being muffled by her outstanding dark blue lips, her sapphire eyes landing on his as they glossed while dangerously narrowing with both their noses dancing together left and right. Yun Beishang took her arms into the palms of his hands and smooched the lower tip of her nose before saying in a hushed tone, “Wait for me with the girls, I’ll talk to some old acquaintances and bring you home, okay?”

“...????…” Hearing ‘back home’, Powlniu melted, her dangerously married eyes turning passionate as they almost triggered the ‘very fatherly’ Yun Beishang right away, but she then closed in her right cheek to his right cheek and whispered directly into his brain. “That girl over there… she smells of that other boy that looks like her but is sending off so many chemicals to beg for you to fuck her retarded… hurry up with this little meeting, okay?????????????”

Yun Beishang: o(●⍥●)o   ▔\▁((.′◔_′◔.))▁/▔

By the time Yun Beishang got to wake up to the image of poor and ‘clueless’ Faouzia Dirnn getting those childbearing hips banged at by his waist and those quite soft yet elastic lips with a touch of pale-pink crossing over the meaty borders of his Meaty-Mighty Dragon surfacing inside his head endlessly; there were steps coming towards him with Powlniu’s figure having long gone after her little girl and her playmate.

“Lord-ah-err… my Lord? Our Lord? I’m not really experienced in this calling, it is quite unused in Main Kingdom, your native world must really be something, haha!” The Dirnn father spoke while trying to appear quite amicable, unlike before when he was rather not really positive about Yun Beishang, but the latter couldn’t blame the former.

“Um, hi. Just speak your mind, Miss Dirnn…” Yun Beishang looked down at Faouzia Dirnn’s big darkest gray eyes, only to see her biting her lip whorishly towards him while an embarrassed Heliss Dirnn shook his head a bit helplessly. Yun Beishang then continued after blinking about 3 times in a row to Faouzia Dirnn’s tightly locked eyes on him.

“Ahem, Miss-oops, Mister Heliss and Mister Alexys Forchirch were the first Inhabitants I ever saw, and that was even before meeting my wife Tornyllia. Both your children are good and great and commanding, while your most loyal subordinate is but a great teacher and advisor. I have great plans for them, if they don’t mind a moving and intense ‘training’.”

Yun Beishang looked at the siblings as he said the word ‘training’ rather ambiguously, with Faouzia Dirnn’s eyes getting even more heated while Heliss Dirnn looked at her precious big sis with restraint, as if knowing what her passion would make her think of with those words. Then, Yun Beishang stared at Alexys Forchirch, “And a change of profession?”

“Hahaha, Lord doesn’t need to worry about this old me, I'm more than due for a retirement, watching this pair of… err…geniuses under my tutelage is more than enough as a prize to my retirement. Only, what does… my Lord, intends to place me at?” Alexys Forchirch seemed to be blunt but apprehensive and even treated the Dirnn children as his own grandkids while the father Dirnn said nothing about it, very well allowing it.

“Well, I understand that Mister Forchirch is just short of reaching the Legendary gr-being of level? Even despite the changes made in the last moments of the previous era, well, my Order can help you a bit with that, you will be going through certain hardship for some moment besides needing to study a lot.”

“Afterwards,” Yun Beishang made a momentary pause, engulfing Alexys Forchirch with full expectation as he then continued with a calm face. “Calling Teacher Forchirch in the future would be just the beginning, besides, you’ll become younger and, who knows, you might even get younger, find a nice girl and settle down? Meh.”

“...” As the group was blinking, father Dirnn feigned a cough once before changing the subject, with ‘Teacher’ Forchirch, who was already in the known of such a title, clearly showing his ‘fuck yes!’ answer to the Lord’s words with a dazed expression. Meanwhile, the duo Dirnn looked up to their actual teacher with joy so visible within their eyes as Faouzia Dirnn softly rubbed the old man’s arm to wake the hell up.

“Well, my Lord, here’s the thing. I know your people are immensely capable, I really do,” father Dirnn interjected in the moment and gestured towards the few groups around his own. There were more young people than old, but the old among them seemed not to be there out of caution but for the same reason as the young one; reason which was clearly explained right after by father Dirnn.

“But I would really like to show you this lot, they have been the most capable ones within our disbanded Faction of the Regional Forces, I’ve only picked the ones that weren’t… awful of attitude and views; so as to say. Some of them weren’t really willing to come even if you ended up winning the war, out of some loyalty and attached feelings to the previous Faction.”

Father Dirnn looked at Yun Beishang with respect this time, as he conveyed their thoughts with this glance and his next words, “Finding it impossible to reject a force and strength that genuinely fights for Main Kingdom, and is capable enough to conquer a whole Region without… without even enough troops to cover a medium-scale battle among Regions… we are more than honored; MY LORD!!”

Finished saying that, father Dirnn suddenly knelt on the ground, making even Yun Beishang’s eyebrows raise a sole millimeter. But right after, all of those that remained within the room knelt right after, with even horny Faouzia Dirnn turning solemn, closing her eyes and bowing furthermore as she and everyone else presented their unwavering honesty to him.

Yun Beishang looked a bit more at their napes, each already willing to be cut off if they did wrong, but only wrong to their beliefs and not yet to his own; they needed training but that’s okay. With a casual yet somehow heavy tone of dominance within his voice, he spoke to them with the back of his hand facing the ceiling. “Raise, I can check upon them, sure; just make it fast. As I said, I’m in a good mood~.”

Afterwards, with Faouzia Dirnn sending a bad, bad, so bad glare at him while driving her little brother to a room within the building in hurried steps, father Dirnn began explaining a blinking Yun Beishang the different characteristics, achievements, points of view from his analyzing and experience while working with them.

By the time he finished bothering Yun Beishang, only 2 minutes had passed, with each spoken person stepping forwards and bowing deeply to Yun Beishang until another person’s name came up. Yun Beishang then stepped out of the room after nodding at them in general, not saying anything, and as he hesitated when he was walking through the corridors of the building towards its exit, Yun Beishang ended up not going to a certain someones’ room today as he had Powlniu going into his home finally being achieved!

Coming out of the building while feeling like he did way too much the past 10 minutes as he had to walk in and out of the building and even talk, Yun Beishang then instantly found Powlniu and the girls and went directly towards them as a slightly blurred figure dashing among the streets and atop buildings of his Unparalleled Peaceful Rain Regional City.

Before long, he surprised a Powlniu that was taken aback with a deep kiss and his aroma not carrying that ‘girl’ from before, clearly showing his intentions; bad, bad, very bad intentions.


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