Bow and Arrow

Chapter 576: Chapter 574 — It Begins

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It Begins




Almost 3 days later, 1st year, 12th month and 14th day of Rising Essence, 11:50 pm; within The Order’s campsite at the Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division. Inside the Lord’s tent.


"...suuuuuck~...plop-mwah!!" With her lips leaving her Master's Dragon Head, Itnia enjoyed the aftertaste of his body inside her mouth once she was over with her sucking of his member dragging the 'weakening' monster that was only so because it was finally 'time' and Yun Beishang couldn't just delay the initiation just to fuck naughty Itnia once again.

As such, with his lower body being forcefully restrained and anything that was viscous already deep inside Itnia's tummy, for the both ways, Yun Beishang then quickly helped up his sweet darling as she took a candy from her Master's Bag and ate it. Not out of choice but because she couldn't command with her mouth reeking of the Lord, right?

In any case, once they were dressed up and Itnia's blush lowered a tad, she spoke to Yun Beishang while cleaning and arranging her husband's Great Petals of Destruction Suit Armor Set. Each of her movements bringing about a crazy good sensation of a caring and encouraging wife looking after hubby doing his best at work, finding some good secretaries and dominating colleagues.

Despite the fact that Yun Beishang was instead about to kill and send the order of killing many others, such a fact did nothing to interrupt their slowly enjoyable time together, crazy or not, they were having this good time no matter what. “Master, Lord… Hubby!”

“Mm, yes… wifey Itnia?” Yun Beishang responded after blinking profusely for a few times as the young woman of 19 years old held onto his shoulders with her wifely claws and continued to speak to him in a soft, low and adoring voice. “Estel said, she and her family have been talking… and since she is almost a tsundere, I got to be the one to say it.”

“Mm? Getting ready for what?” Grinned a Yun Beishang who was already so smiley and full of teasing, to which Itnia had her gray eyes look at him narrowed and glossing, her luscious naturally bright red lips smiling at his face with all the infatuation in the world as her gray black hair swayed; danced a little on her back and waist. Her modest bosom against his chest as if to lovely compare and be content with just the sensation of his manly body, her modest bottom being lightly tapped at by the tips of her cascaded down hair.

“She’s getting ready to become a mother!” Itnia said, and her tone couldn’t be any more damn glad, proud and just so much in bliss; when seeing the astounded and well received eyes from her hubby, Itnia let go of any professional thoughts of a maid in her mind and went up to a lovely and sweet-long kiss with her beloved.

Mwchaa…” Itnia separated from their kiss but their heads were still so close to one another, as she spoke with his saliva and her own on her lower lip and wanted nothing more but to be one with Yun Beishang forever. “I still have to teach Yao Yao some other things, and then also make sure Xiao Ruo becomes a godly cutie, then… I can become the mother of your children as well????.”

Mwaah, alright. But this is not a competition, you know?” Yun Beishang said after kissing her closed lips, tip of her nose along her nostrils, bridge, glabella and then her forehead with it getting 3 smooches in succession. Yet, as Itnia’s face looked lucid with her enjoying eyes closed, she responded. “Bullshit! Everyone knows our man got loads of cum to make even millions of us preggo, nobody is rushing because of that. This ain’t an imperial harem, my love????.”

“...” Surprised with Itnia’s response, and reminding him of his previous oh so beta-like self, even after starting to be healed up from his blackened heart with Natalia and Diana… and their bodies, of course. But then, looking at the time, he opened his mouth to speak but was then interrupted by those naturally bright, luscious red lips caringly covering his own. “Mmmmh… Master, it is time, forgive this playful Maiden and please go ahead… lead us to domination!”

“...hmph~.” Her words turning into a woman’s, and a leader’s, Yun Beishang was deeply instilled into her every spoken letter of each of her words, and her gray eyes gazing at him upwards sent him into heaven in terms of sensations. With but a loving gaze, he returned the favor by wrinkling her nose with his whole own nose that wasn’t attractive at all.

“I will, but ah… anyways, I get it. Now go and prepare the girls, while I get things ready.” Yun Beishang needed not to remind Itnia of the ‘signal’ that was going to be louder than loud, Itnia directly let go of her man’s body, unwillingly, as she then nodded and hopped away into the distance, her recently upgraded Wise Heart-Changed Sage Armor set looking more enigmatic the more he looked at her 1.78 meters tall modest body.

“Sigh…” With but a sigh, of course, Yun Beishang looked down before raising his head once more and cracking his neck only twice. Then, as he opened the Association’s features and system within the main interface, he quickly went through a series of commands with his mind alone in the matter of just 3 seconds; him confirming his choice when the last message came to his eyes’ view.

*PING*...would you like to declare war to the Eternal Silhouette Region as the Lord of The Order, Leader of the Bright Sunset Region and the Wonder Region?

*PING* Global System Announcement: Attention to all Journeyers, the League of The Order, its Lord, Ladies and Maidens have declared war against the Eternal Silhouette Region just now. This war will make the Bright Sunset Region and the Wonder Region to wedge war in the Eternal Silhouette Region and vice versa; while all of the Eternal Silhouette Region will temporarily gain a Warring feature to band with one another to fight off the invaders! Because there are still Regional borders set on all around Main Kingdom, the specialty of crossing over them will be needed to be rewarded, each kill, destruction and conquering made by The Order and those under them and its allies will gain double the Experience for themselves and their Associations while gaining triple the Experience in the name of and for the The Order.

There was a loud ‘...boom…’ echoing within all players’ minds right now, and a lot of people on the leading positions as Inhabitants. Let alone about those who were actual leaders from the large and huge Associations in charge of training up some soldiers and logistics personnel with mainly focusing on Journeyers.

All Regions, the Bright Sunset Region and the Wonder Region themselves, the Origin Pertaining region, the Fate Meeting Region, the Thousand Words Region and the Ancient Forest Region. Each one of them was minding their own business, every single Inhabitant was watching as their livelihoods got better out of nowhere as well.

Inhabitants were feeling like winning the lottery every week since the war of the other 2 Regions had already ended, it was as if there was a hard attempt to mimic what they were seeing and hearing from the black-robbed people. However, it worked and, even though it wasn’t comparable to what they were seeing from time to time relating to those black-robed people; it was still making their hearts adhere to their fellow Journeyers.

But nothing like what was visible every day, anywhere and anytime within the Bright Sunset Region and the Wonder Region. Whether they knew of it when some Journeyers would come to their settlements and come recruiting people with flowered words; it was another whole matter and one where they just couldn’t be wrong.

In any case, when there was sudden news of a rounding whole new war within their Main Kingdom once again, rather than just fear, fear to the unknown and scare from the results and subsequent actions of such things happening; there was an anger as if someone was tramping on their lands and calling it a fun toy to have.

As such, the moment the Inhabitants showed even the slightest bit of a strong reaction towards the announcement of the war from the nearby Journeyers and their settlement leader, some ‘hidden’ parties directly diffused the prospect of the tyranny of an Association bringing about this mayhem and unnecessary hate to their lands… just to flame their flames.

Black-robed people, this time, could do nothing to avoid quite some several number of Inhabitants from the settlements turn the back of their heads towards them; especially from the supreme and large settlements that had a larger and bolder amount of the same and that were for some reason ‘so’ willing to enter into the action themselves.

Honor? Pride? Fame… or a good word to show off? Whatever that could be, it wasn’t to be stopped with mere words and images.

. . .


Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division, outskirts of the Sub-Division and at the Regional borders around the southern eastern side of the whole Eternal silhouette Region; before…



“Hey, what do you think about the boss?” A young man Journeyer was with his large as fuck sniper-cannon-hammer kind of weapon over his right shoulder and with its mouth aiming at the ground, as if to use as a shovel here and there to prick at the ground. He asked out loud yet lightly at another burly and regular-height Journeyer that was looking around seriously.

“Stop talking, this is the time to patrol.” With the thought of ‘kids these days’ inside the burly Journeyer, the older man shook his head and stretched his feet a little bit. The sensation of the air benign a tiny, wee, tad and iota less was somehow prickling at him from all sides as if there was an obstacle more within this ‘outpost’.

“...hgrr.” The young Journeyer grunted, he may be a motherfucking annoying brat, but he wasn’t a motherfucking insupportable motherfucker at the very least, so he stopped played around and swayed his right handed sniper-cannon-hammer with his right hand to his right while throwing his head to the back. “It’s so boring! I’ve been here for 3 weeks here and I want to go to one of those new Founding Flick Clan’s Flowery Paradises, the girls there are just so sweet, aiyo.”

Shaking his head once more with his eyes wishing to fully go back to the back of his head, the burly and older Journeyer yelled out to the younger one with a feeling of schadenfreude along with some sassiness too. “Hahaha! What are you talking about? You were even marked with the little inch sign after I picked you up, you really wanna go back to one?”

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“...” The younger man was left agape, so it seemed that his efforts to hide it weren’t worthy at all and this older-no, this old geezer and wise fox actually knew since the beginning?! Yet, after a small sigh, the small sized poor fella shrugged as if it was his skill that allowed him to remain in such well-known brothels without being thrown out, proud, as he sighed out to the older Journeyer.

“Sigh, but mister, you’ve been here for the 3 months already, is it any fun to do this? Zynfyl isn’t that kind, right? I see him walking with that door-tall and 3 doors-wide monkey around nonstop, glaring up at the old and young like he is looking at some hyenas and looking for new elite buddies nonstop.”

“Besides that other fact,” the young Journeyer scratched the back of his head, his eyes narrowing a bit in confusion as he continued, “If it wasn’t that he us always going against those that even talk, not ‘like’, the Lord of The Order and stuff, then he wouldn’t be so infamous. We only got Inhabitants to fight at most, with barely more than just a few million players.”

“How are we really supposed to respond to an attack from any Association? Any Region? The God Race’s shits appeared out of nowhere, and the Regional borders separating the Wonder Region from the Bright Sunset Region were lowered down. If so, who is to say that our or that all Regional Borders would finally disappear out of nowhere?”


“...” The burly Journeyer turned around and fixed his gaze on the younger one, his look was astounded for sure as his eyes were wide as saucers but quickly calming back down to their normal size and glint, while his mouth was slightly agape. “What is your name, kiddo? You seem better after a few ‘weeks’ of work, you are not that spontaneous and you even treat an oldy like me so good. Hell, I can even adopt you as my little brother, how ‘bout it?”

“...bahahahaha!” The young Journeyer looked at this 26-27 year old devil with some blankness before bursting out in laughter, he then nodded at his ‘older brother’ with some bro-like known meaning as he was about to declare his name and relationship as sworn bros right away. But just as he was uttering out ‘Alej-’, the older Journeyer suddenly stopped him and made a gesture to alarm the young Journeyer to get to a cover as fast as possible. “Shit, get down boy, there is someth-”

When the young Journeyer saw the older one use his left palm to make a claw in the air and swipe it to the back of his back while turning wholly around, the young Journeyer quickly dashed in a really damn low stance with his back bending almost a whole 60 degrees  and his abdomen meeting his knees and his one-of-a-kind weapon hanging from his moving figure towards the back of a tree that covered him fully from the Regional borders’ direction.

And just as the younger Journeyer head out the older Journeyer speak, a shocking occurrence came to be!

*PING* Global System Announcement: Attention to all Journeyers, the League of The Order, its Lord, Ladies and Maidens have declared war against the Eternal Silhouette Region just now. This war will make the Bright Sunset Region and the Wonder Region to wedge war in the Eternal Silhouette Region and vice versa; while all of the Eternal Silhouette Region will temporarily gain a Warring feature to band with one another to fight off the invaders! Because there are still Regional borders set on all around Main Kingdom, the specialty of crossing over them will be needed to be rewarded, each kill, destruction and conquering made by The Order and those under them and its allies will gain double the Experience for themselves and their Associations while gaining triple the Experience in the name of and for the The Order.

Attention to all Journeyers, the League of The Order, its Lord, Ladies and Maidens have declared war against the Eternal…


First was a sound of a weird electronic from the future going off and its power disappearing, but just as that sound went on and on and it seemed to be extremely long but was instead and actually rather a mere moment. The burly Journeyer was seeing, and at an incredible speed at that, how a ‘screen’ of the small forest from before sliding down to reveal what was truly behind said ‘screen’.

From the sky, not much was different except the fact that it seemed a bit darker, as for the small trees and bushes from the forest and even the grass or the small ungraded animals that they would see from time to time were nowhere to be seen, both completely eradicated and taken care of. The only thing that remained were… charging Abysmal Creatures!

“WOOOAAAAAAAAAAHHH!” The burly Journeyer screamed out while throwing himself to the right, evading the nearest by Abysmal Creature that was marching towards him right not and as he even collided with the Regional border to not be stomped down to death. The second sound came at last, and the sound of the Abysmal Creatures crossing over the ‘screen’ was heard out instantly as if time and space were separating the Journeyers’ side from the Abysmal Creatures’ side.


“...” As if the moment where sound and ‘existence’ was met and the Abysmal Creatures entered from a new dimension, the moment they did, it was like time returned to the world as their almost deafening sounds of their stomping ‘cavalry’ began to hugely march further in towards the Eternal Silhouette Region!

There were just too many, uncountable! From the side of the 2 patrolling Journeyers who were just now watched having a chat and idle time together, only a few tens of thousands of troops were seen while in reality, the number would be even amongst the millions but from which they could obviously not see as too much ash-like fog and dark was present in the nights of the Eternal Silhouette Region.

And as if staying within the same silence as before, the burly Journeyer who was up against the Regional border on his own looked on at a certain soldier wielding a small sword and unsheathed it towards his very own neck. The burly Journeyer was a Fiend Ancestor, so he had enormous vitality if not the best, then the second best with the unique skills of one.

As such, he was sure of being able to survive the most of whatever this attack from an unknown soldier was about to hit him, aiming at his neck, he was a great fighter at melee even amongst Synfyl’s army after all and in such a high position. The soldier was wearing his helmet, and his face wasn’t visible, but that shiny silver small sword came at the Journeyer’s neck without even surprise nor tension.

The Journeyer, with all his might, wanted to make anytime for his sworn little brother to send a message before dying and being totally useless for some time before respawning. Yet, to the shockingly widening eyes of the Journeyer, his neck was sliced clean off despite the extra difficult to chance a Critical Hit for even a weak, vulnerable spot; his head flew off for a moment before it all turned black and he saw only blue before finally disappearing.


‘OH! Oh no-’ the younger Journeyer only had 1.2 seconds to react from the moment he saw the screen similarly slid down and the, obviously and naturally, Abysmal Creature enemies that were from The Order appear and decapitate his just now sworn older brother. Yet, he all wasted them by the shock he was undergoing, only able to do so and be able to think when it was already too late.



In the senses of the younger Journeyer, the figure of damage done to himself came first and was finally then followed by the sounds and calls for death from an incoming arrow flying towards him and that of his neck being utterly crushed into nothingness with even some of his collarbone and jaw being destroyed fully, almost disintegrated; from his body in just an instant.

With such an obvious display and difference in power, both Journeyers were ultimately destroyed, as their bodies were fully ignored by the 1.5 meters 2 meters and 2.5 meters tall Abysmal Creatures, with only a few 3.5 meters tall others who were leading each huge amount of soldiers to charge with their partnering Abysmal Creatures forth!

With the last few images of the younger Journeyer being those of the older Journeyer’s head disappearing, the younger Journeyer could only close his eyes in lamentation before the will to fight even harder and more than never began re-surging inside his head!


Meanwhile, on the other hand, the soldier who decapitated the burly Journeyer brought himself and his Abysmal Creature partner towards where another soldier wearing the same armor but with his insignia of half a blue heart a flashing brighter and more powerfully than the soldier with the small shiny sword, instantly shouting out in stern, respect and in an informative manner.

“Warrant Officer, sir! Both Journeyers had been taken down!” The soldier that was no longer wielding his small sword stored his regular sized crossbow as he reported to the young man with cold eyes that looked at his subordinate with acknowledgement before nodding and turning his head back to the road where a legendary famous Colonel General among The Order led her people valiantly and only some thousands of meters away. Dignified, the Warrant Officer opened his mouth to his troops, just as the other such official commanders were about to.



V6: #4 4/10.

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