Bow and Arrow

Chapter 577: Chapter 575 — Bloodbath (1)

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Bloodbath (1)




"Get your Spirit Cats out! Less than half a minute left before we enter max speed once my words are over, get ready!!" Warrant Officer Lotto yelled out his order, his troops not needing any time of confirmation as they all took out their white furred Spirit Cat Pets and turned them into wings of their own and as they latched onto the back of their Abysmal Creatures.

All at once, with a sounding 'hua!' of a shout, the hundred few soldiers around Warrant Officer Lotto 'put on' their Spirit Pet Cats as the other few official commanders did just the same and their soldiers followed suit, when he looked back at the regular soldier who took the enemy out, Warrant Officer Lotto just thought for a little bit before speaking to that soldier with his voice being respectable and quite audible.

"1st Lieutenant, bring your Platoon to the third smallish settlement among the others, I'll ride with my own Team towards the small one nearby on our side, I'll leave those men and women under you at your care. Don't disappoint me." Saying such, the Warrant Officer left with another 11 of people he knew of while a newbie who was recruited into his Company nodded fervently while gazing in utter admiration to the man who was his superior.

"Let's go, people!" Though he shouted, it was really lightly and it could only be counted as a murmur of his own amidst the roaring official commanders; yet his own Platoon perfectly heard it and responded with a similarly light and low 'hua!' of their own just as all soldiers which then moved out in several units did before departing the huge, large and immense remaining force that kept on following the Commanders.

Teams, Squads, Section Platoon and Echelons moved out in small groups from a dozen to up to a few hundred people all at once; some operated in smaller numbers but more units, while other directly moved even with their whole large groups of hundreds together, but none being larger than a full Company nor as large as a medium full Battalion Regiment.

As for the 1st Lieutenant in charge of his own Platoon, he wasn't the least worried about Warrant Officer Lotto, his direct official commander for this first few weeks of the war against the Eternal Silhouette Region. Even though he was just that of a Warrant Officer, his Company was 750 soldiers full with only his strength being lower when the war against the Wonder Region ended.

As for the Warrant Officer Lotto's capabilities and strength in commanding, that was already known by all as the new recruits even saw some Lieutenant Generals, Corps Generals and even Army Generals praise and even ask advice from such a 'lower level' official commander. And the Team of the Warrant Officer Lotto itself was really strong too, with it being rumored to be the one that the Warrant Officer got to his position of today from the very beginning of the previous war.

Leading his troops away and the whole galloping of few millions of soldiers somehow remaining silent amidst the endless stomping from the Abysmal Creature made it seem more like the one of many training regimens they would go through before even allowing them to be selected for being given the green light to become a soldier at the very least and at the bottom.

If it wasn’t because of this particular soldier having so much experience of his own and rich combat technique, he would’ve even been a Private First Class, let alone an actual 1st Lieutenant which even the famous Warrant Officer Lotto approved of. Marching away from the large group without an ounce of fear, the sensation this 1st Lieutenant gave to his soldiers allowed him to also feel confident, but also ready to even die for the sake of The Order itself.

“...huf…” Meanwhile, as Lotto rode his own strong as hell Team towards the far away small settlement from the already so little among the whole outskirts of the Sub-Divisional territory of the Eternal Silhouette Region, his head then turned around to gaze at the back of the even more famous, capable and quick learner Colonel General leading the whole bunch.

“...” Then, as the latter suddenly turned her head around to gaze at himself, both parties seemingly entangled in a known silence, before both of them turned away with their helmets hiding the peaceful smiles on their faces. Galloping faster and faster, each unit and the Colonel General’s Army Group moved towards their desired destinations; all already being so ready to face anything that would come towards them…

…to which would definitely not ‘disappoint’ them.



Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division, at a certain border of said Sub-Division and in which a Castle was actually fortified up to its 2nd stage to that of the Middle Stage; capable of holding 2,750,000 citizens and an army of 1,237,500 in total. Around 11:58 pm, just a shy 2 minutes before a certain something went off all at once.


The ground was calm, the air was slowly and swiftly passing by as the nearby mobs were all peaceful even despite the eeriness of the night, for as whenever it came to be night in the Eternal Silhouette Region, only a fearful remaining mist like the vest of a ghostly monster would prevail all around it with not even buildings and structures being spared of it from within them.

The night was always like this, but particularly today, there was a sensation as if some air was taken away from their Region and only certain strongest few bunch among another even larger bunch of Journeyers could feel and realize it. There was a great dividing line and even a bit of a really long wall that went on and on for about tens of kilometers around the already big enough walls of the 2nd Stage Castle.

Within the Castle, right at the very center of it, Synfyl was within the actual Castle’s castle as he was sharpening one greeny-silver blade while sitting on a spacious, large room that was big enough to accommodate even 4,000 people and 5,000 people at most. It was rather vacant in terms of furniture and structures, but was quite filled up with Journeyers instead.

He was sitting on the only ‘seat’ available, which was a mere and simple box with nothing but dust and some raw materials being stored within. Synfyl had no particular expression as his people came to him over and over again and as they reported him of their week’s sightings and so on, from them, only a few spoke to him of the same ‘feeling’ that Synfyl felt along his good pal Rog.

To each of these Journeyers giving a half-hearted and half-lazy report to himself, Synfyl gave not a single damn care about them as he only focused on their information, merely nodding and grunted at them to piss off to join the others in this ‘banquet’. On his side, a mere glance of Rog was enough to make any ‘funny’ Journeyer piss off even faster, not willing to be another smacked around fool like before.

“Mhm, Baston is really making these things happen, seems like he really got the hang of it after a while.” Synfyl was hearing endless murmurs among the crowd, many of them were just idle chatter or bored people, few even cared about such matters like the one he just heard as a Journeyer responded to that other Journeyer.

“Mn, I’ve heard he was like that already, from some of his fans. Well, the hardcore ones that is, ahaha.” Synfyl rolled his eyes, even if he didn’t got too well and all friendly with Baston, to be able to move people around inside a game was okay. But to move almost a whole 2 billion of such around was even more incredible!

As such, with his ears somewhat pricked and the respect he had to Baston showing up, Synfyl unconsciously stopped sharpening his greeny-silver blade before turning his head to look at the two Journeyers, the latter one continuing on speaking to the one from before. “He would even get a whole million bunch of people to listen to him in games that didn’t even had strategy implemented.”

“He would get those to listen to him and to do it rather in a great demeanor, some said he gained this trait in the Founding Flick Clan when he was being sponsoring big time by them.” Hearing the words ‘Founding’, Synfyl’s right hand that was about to hold the greeny-silver blade gripped tightly as a rather simple thought echoed in his brain, venomously; ‘Founding Clan!’.

“For example, in a farming game and out of boredom, Boss Baston got the top 100 in the entire world to gain a score never before seen, all at the same time and with the same score, numbers as well as procedures. But without different ‘items’ used in that game, this showed his great management and coordinating skills to command, and it is now showing once again.”

“Oohh, that seems great actually, though only for the part where he got a ton of people to do just that out of boredom. The game, I’m sure it didn’t matter?” The previous Journeyer commented, with the latter Journeyer responding with a face that was much more at ease, “Nah, it died a few months later, but Baston still plays it even up to now, is rather comfy or someth-”

“... … … …” It was only now that the 2 Journeyers realized that there was no one else making even a single loud breathing noise, let alone a mere act of speaking or at the very least whispering and hushing around. In a room that could hold 4,000 to 5,000 at max, this was even more clear as they both began looking around… until they found their Boss Synfyl looking at them from his ‘seat’.

“Hmph,” snorting through his nostrils in not a dismissive nor hostile manner, Synfyl lowered his head as his right hand loosened, his eyes then calmed down as he raised his head once more before speaking out loud. “Everyone, don’t feel that bad, I was just list-”

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*PING* Global System Announcement: Attention to all Journeyers, the League of The Order, its Lord, Ladies and Maidens have declared war against the Eternal Silhouette Region just now. This war will make the Bright Sunset Region and the Wonder Region to wedge war in the Eternal Silhouette Region and vice versa; while all of the Eternal Silhouette Region will temporarily gain a Warring feature to band with one another to fight off the invaders! Because there are still Regional borders set on all around Main Kingdom, the specialty of crossing over them will be needed to be rewarded, each kill, destruction and conquering made by The Order and those under them and its allies will gain double the Experience for themselves and their Associations while gaining triple the Experience in the name of and for the The Order.

*PING* Global System Announcement: Attention to all Journeyers, the League of The Order, its Lord, Ladies and Maidens have declared war against the Eternal Silhouette Region just now. This war will make the Bright Sunset Region and the Wonder Region to wedge war in the Eternal Silhouette Region and vice versa; while all of the Eternal Silhouette Region will temporarily gain a Warring feature to band with one another to fight off the invaders! Because there are still Regional borders set on all…

“!!!!!” Instantly and without being able to finish his words at all, a deafening sound came to everybody’s ears as their eyes were even more shocked than their own corporeal movements reacting to this situation. Quite similar to the system logs that they were made to study, the Journeyers instantly saw that this was, indeed, a fucking declaration of war and by The Order itself nonetheless!

“Over here, you dumb idiots!!” By the time everyone began to sober up and as their bodies were starting to walk towards the exit, Synfyl was already there and opening the one and only gate leading to an immediate exit with Rog passing through the door entering their eyes. The shout then finally woke those dazed Journeyers up as they all almost disciplinary rushed to the gate and… out for battle.

‘Dammit, are you for real? You fuckin’ appeared before me, didn’t you? Ughh…’ Even though Synfyl thought up to that, with his head low and his eyes gaining shadows filled with hate and disgust, he also knew very damn well that Yun Beishang wouldn’t show up just for him and his fantasies of revenge.

As he walked among the large crowd rushing towards their own Journeyers who were already moving and getting their ‘Mounts’ ready, Synfyl appeared a bit shorter in height with his neck bent forwards and low while the huge towering Rog was right beside him and not moving much nor saying anything at all; just cordially remaining by Synfyl’s side.

‘Very well, since you’ve come then you’ve come, I’ll see whether or not you can remain unscathed.’ With that thought alone, Synfyl thought about the Journeyers that were stationed out and those who were mostly within his 2nd Stage Castle, which were Inhabitant soldiers with okay equipment that was definitely not as good as those ordinary Journeyer soldiers.

“Everyone listen well, they might be a fucking lot so I want all our forces to move out, take the Inhabitants with you!!” With that order alone, Synfyl stood on the spot with his head high up and his face distorted by hatred, even if not by much it still had dark circles on his eyes and shadows under them, before moving away with Rog to get their own Mount as he roared out again. “See you at the nearby small settlement in 2 hours!!”

The Journeyers who were in charge of moving the people, be it Journeyers or Inhabitants, only looked at him with their heads turning back but with their legs still running, some known and understanding flashing through their eyes as they also understood… The Order valued quite a damn lot of those ‘NPCs’; so it was only natural to do ‘such’.

Without a lot of thought put into it, several Journeyers moved onto their ‘mounts’ while also moving towards where the army of Inhabitants was stationed. However, knowing Synfyl’s will and whatnot, such Journeyers weren’t just going to contact the ones in the army, as they passed word of the war faster than ever to the Journeyers themselves and even ‘invitations’…

It wasn’t going to be the end of ‘it’, though, as there would naturally be time enough for them to go around and reach the nearest small settlement that was just 20 minutes away from this 2nd Stage Lacerate Castle. With the time of 2 hours, the could spread their numbers to every corner of the nearest by smallish settlements before reaching the small settlement.

Like this, the 2 hours of ‘well expectation’ that Synfyl had ordered them around would be met according to Synfyl’s wishes, while, at the same time, their numbers would increase to a much greater degree than that of the forces under him. As such, they brought their armorless Commo grade Borrowed Horses to the wildlands while wearing their heavy armor without a thought.

…But, naturally, the Hidden White Shadow wasn’t the only one that was met with this kind of encounter as, when the ‘alarm’ rang; all Association within the Eternal Silhouette Region were incensed up and brought to a deep sense of disbelief before such a notion turned into that of their blood ‘trembling’ and their fists clenching.

However, for those who were handpicked by Baston and put in strong, leading positions as well as those he accepted to still be leading were different; no, they had to be different. With each of them forcing themselves to stay clear headed and go according to procedures, their roars of moving into ‘play’ and setting up a border among the small settlements near the last bits of the vast and largest territory outside the Sub-Divisional territory.

Like this, the Hidden Black Shadow Sub-Division, the Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division, the Hidden Crimson Shadow Sub-Division and the Hidden Gray Shadow Sub-Division were like sudden ants being invaded by another colony into their own, coming out to sparse themselves and to meet the enemy without a mere feeling of backing away… though it was done so rather slowly.

From the Hidden Black, Crimson and Gray Shadow Sub-Divisions; each of them were mostly moving the Journeyers that were nearby while sending the respective information through some Journeyers or even some with Soul Pet Immortals that had 1 or 2 unique pets from their class that allowed them to travel extremely long distances as long as it was directed to an Alliance’s member or a Vassal.

The Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division’s ‘army’ was not slow on this either. However, as one of the leaders from this side made all the people ready under his command to recruit a ton of Inhabitants, so did such things began to happen all around the Eternal Silhouette Region. Yet, the reasoning behind the others compared to Synfyl upon deciding this action was what made those under the latter to seem strange.

The sudden recruiting of Inhabitants was, in fact, not as random nor as thoughtless as it once was at the Wonder Region when The Order showed its true fangs. Inhabitants from all over Main Kingdom were aware of these things and, even without the direct recruiting of the Regions’ Journeyers towards the Inhabitants and even though there were black-robed people spreading some words here and there along with the Masters for the sake of The Order and mostly; of its Lord.

Even then; there were always differently thinking minds that were simply not a hive mind, and when the time came where the leader of such smallish settlements told the Inhabitants of his or her settlement about the sudden and incoming warring period of their precious Region, many of such different thoughts were arisen.

Yet, from the Hidden White Shadow Region, and just as Baston logged inside the game to take note of anything that was happening with a harshly beating heart, the actions of the leader he put in charge of a ‘spot’ from the borders made him frown… but just a little.

Synfyl reported that he was going to extend the perimeter on his side, and that for that, he would require more people since he was also a Founder of a Guild that was at its Heroic level, 750,000 members and 20 Vassals were big but not that much compared to other leaders that were even put together with other such ‘leading’ figures.

Hence, the recruiting of his ‘area’ was extended and he began moving towards the sides rather than just sticking to his own ‘jurisdiction’ and territory supposed to be his to defend. As such, Synfyl begged for forgiveness instead of permission due to the short time that they had to alist so many numbers.

Seeing someone willing to lead and even become the vanguard among the borders of the Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division, Baston didn’t mind, but her also was sent complains from other leaders nearby who reported disgusted actions and demanded for Synfyl to be put down instantly.

The reason? He was actually going up to their own army, even somewhat distressing the armies already stationed within their posts at the already planned perimeter on the outskirts, and after almost sending a few troops to kill a fellow Journeyer, only to realize that they couldn’t hurt them ‘officially’ and then stopping.

However, that once such Journeyers conveyed their message of taking some percentage of Inhabitants from their numbers, the leaders would naturally oppose to it but to which the messenger said that Synfyl had already long gone been approved of such for as he was the one making a vanguard against The Order.

Naturally, it was then accepted and allowed the messenger to bring away some Inhabitants, with some of those leaders only noticing that the amount was much more than what was accorded and with some even losing more than half of their Inhabitants. Like this, a ton of displeasure was of course created from all the other leaders within the Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division.



Let It Rain's Note: Synfyl = Zynfyl, I'm just dumb, thank you very much.

V6: #4 5/10.

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