Bow and Arrow

Chapter 582: Chapter 580 — SYNFYL!!!!

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Magic type of soldiers from The Order were also charging fearlessly up ahead, though they couldn't have some pets following them around like the Soul Pet Immortals, some of them could conjure entities from all kinds of Elements. Some of them from those who derived from the Core Elements, a tiny portion of them from the very same Core Elements, while a ton others from otherworldly Elements instead.

But even for those charging magic type of soldiers, from which there was a large and incredible amount of brave healers who were mostly ignoring the enemy Inhabitants and faraway shooting and spell casting Journeyers while constantly healing their fellow comrades instead. There were those who were riding their Abysmal Creatures without much skill in the art of riding and spellcasting at the same time.

Yet, as their hands danced, their lips fluttered and their eyes’ coldness, fierceness, determination and passionate feelings glowed ever more radiantly; their enemies were put down on the spot, becoming either ashes, sculptures of ice, pieces of solid rocks, cut into spaghetti, struck to death by several different magical projectiles and even simply made into chunks from parts of their bodies!

But receiving injuries was the most clear and happening occurrence of this battlefield, in this war. For those brave and strong enough ones that kept on riding forwards, even their Abysmal Creatures began receiving quite a few, small and superficial wounds over their incredibly durable and flexible bodies after thousands and thousands of attacks impacting them.

For their riders, though no one was particularly in danger nor growing close to a Heavily Injured state, much less a Critically Injured state; they were still being slowed down by not only the plethora of bodies their Abysmal Creature Mounts were trampling and flattening on the ground, but from the projectiles coming their way and certain polearms that made their way to hit them and their Abysmal Creature Mounts.

Though tens of thousands of enemies were being slain, all each second with the move of every soldier from The Order and from all over the entire battlefield from which a formation of the resisting forces that took more a form of a rectangle that extended more towards the rear rather than to the sides and were being mostly slain by the charging soldiers from The Order.

There were still many a times that a soldier of The Order was almost throw down onto the ground and was about to be massacred and butchered, turned into either a hive or a miserable porcupine from all over their bodies; when a nearby comrade pulled them out with the fallen soldier’s Abysmal Creature Mount following them while ragingly destroying any bit of life that they could see on their path before being mounted by their almost dying rider right away.

Because, even if one soldier of The Order was to fall into any Injured state, the graver it was, the more his or her death was assured. As those charging with their Abysmal Creature Mounts or on foot only to make their slowly moving numbers towards more and more enemy spots to kill would just die without much opportunities to be brought back to safety once they became that vulnerable to enemy attacks.

Yet, despite those obvious facts of ‘keep on moving or die’ shark-like life ideology, there were still quite a large number of soldiers from The Order that chose to join the charging army units with their own people, and them having not a single type of objection to their official commander nor Official Commander’s decision.

At present, there was only one commander, as there were more than one sole point in which the whole blockade of the resisting forces had made around the outskirts of each Sub-Division’s territory.

And Colonel General Katalyia had to decide on whether to draw back her troops and wait for the remaining few million to reach her Army Group or to charge right ahead and not allow the enemy’s troops to keep on gaining more terrain for the resisting forces. Naturally and without a doubt, her troops followed her order to kill and either force back or exterminate the enemy!

At the moment of impact, her Army Group had fully grouped back together, but there were still 3 and a half Army Group units remaining to join her as intended from the MK Legend’s Regions, so she only had about 12 million soldiers under her command. With about other Army Colonels, Army Generals but no other Colonel Generals commanding their own Army Group.

However, as the battle started, the remaining 3 and a half Army Groups were moving in separate batches of 1 million, more or less, towards the back and sides of the immense army that Synfyl brought to get killed with. And as they were riding to aid Colonel Genera’s 10th Army Group of the Elf Blue-Hunch Region, the latter’s Official Commanders fought bravely to the advance and victory of The Order!!

With 7 million being directly sent to the charging movement, leaving the other 5 million left to keep the frontlines so busy dying that they would realize that retreating with their full guard up would result in instant defeat, thing which Synfyl became afraid of the moment he was first sent flying backwards by a dying Rog who barely managed to save his boss on time.

As such, with just a mere couple of minutes since the battle started, Synfyl had ordered his army to retreat; but slowly and with one step being taken every 5 to 10 blows. Which, for The Order, was enough time to kill tens of thousands of their own. Besides, due to the Mounted soldiers having already all gone to charge into the enemy’s rear, the Infantries, Archers and Mages were capable of going all out without a care of being Critically Injured or maimed even.

For each time that a vehement injury resulted in one of The Order’s soldiers, they would be drawn away—sometimes forcefully due to the undying battle spirit of said Injured soldiers—by their comrades. But they would naturally become an insane target for the resisting forces to gang upon without caring about discipline nor the purpose of this war, merely resorting to their savagery and hidden wicked selves amidst the ongoing warring battle.

With such activity, it wasn’t only until about 1,232 soldiers perished with tragic injuries and hard fought yet flash battles that The Order formed a strategy of directly charging to the nearby enemy resisting forces at the northeast and northwest of the injured soldiers while the Injured soldier would be brought away on foot as another Platoon on their Abysmal Creature Mounts charged into the middle of the enemy forces for just a few seconds to draw attention and stop any attempt of killing any more of their brothers and sisters.

But it didn’t meant that it was just easy to save each of their comrades, as some were shot and bombarded to death on the most sneakiest and hyena-like chosen movements to kill a weakened soldier that was right beside another strong one and full of vitality or even in the middle of a large amount of The Order’s soldiers.

It was tragic; tragic to the point that even those who were in the middle of such and were still not at an Injured state were wounded mortally where not even the Kindness Advanced-Potions were able to treat them afterwards.

It was like that… that slowly, bit by bit, both sides became more and more committed to bloodying the other with even The Order’s side having no other thought invading their heads except the images of their felled brothers, felled sisters and undying will of Their Order!

The official commanders led their own to follow their superior Official Commanders, there wasn’t much room for spreading and flanking smaller groups of enemies as they were overpassed by more than 100 times, but their number was already so high and unthinkable that it was way too many of these that it was like a flock of birds or colony of ants getting rid of even armored vehicles by biting and clawing at anything they could from the latter.

The Official Commanders were valiantly, recklessly but cleverly and without fear- charging right behind their Commander as they cleaned up anything that came towards them. Most of them were going melee at the enemies, using a single skill to instantly kill dozens to even more than a hundred enemy Inhabitants and others by periodically erasing thousands of them with their other own skills as well.

But as each soldier from The Order was fighting with their feet no being able to stand any more stably and relentlessly, it was the sight of their Colonel General Katalyia merely rushing forwards with her claws spread out and her nose wrinkling to the utter enjoyment of violence and the sensation of these enemies being destroyed and turned into mere viscous blood everywhere she passed by.

From the huge plethora of enemy Inhabitants that had to be placed at the frontlines and only moving in retreat ever so slowly and being butchered out even faster, the Colonel General’s doings of running from one point to another filled with countless enemies, making insane gaps and ‘roads’ of fresh bones and organs to let her soldiers get more room for swarming across the enemy’s lines like maggots to the bones.

Her figure moving freely in the air from time to time, moving on the ground so seamlessly and unrestrained as she sometimes lunged and created craters from her movements alone and some other times as she just simple punched and a whole 100,000 amount of enemy Inhabitants were pulverized and shocked to death…

…All of that was enough to bring The Order’s faltering soldiers the spirit to battle once again, and again and again and yet again! Those who were Injured were healed as quickly as possible, returning even faster right after without a care of their bodies being Injured like so once more!

With such life being taken, and with such hearts beating as they were moved beyond possibility, the frontlines of both sides became incredibly more and more heated and intense. With Synfyl retreating faster than the Inhabitants yet still being almost killed every now and then as he hid among his troops as he moved left and right to avoid the always attentive eyes of The Order that always found him and from which he could barely save himself while sacrificing a bunch more of thousands of his troops.

A victory was just a matter of time! And for the side of the charging Mounted soldiers and even those who weren’t classified as Mounted but still followed such into the enemy’s rear; they were finally getting to their objective as the huge amount of wide eyed and panic stricken Journeyers were scurrying up to their feet and getting ready to enter the war once again.

The war, the battle; that they very much were told that not even a single soldier from The Order would meet their eye, yet, as a whole 7 million of such were no galloping towards them without any damn obstacle being able to obstruct them even for a moment. At the very most, only slowing them down for a few moments before returning to their charging speed even amidst the sea of quickly dying Inhabitants.

At this point, there was now the event in which the Inhabitants that weren’t at the frontlines were trying to pincer the incoming charging Army Groups to death, yet were repelled without much effort being put in. Those Mounted soldiers from the middle and rear of the charging Army Groups were ranged and magic type of soldiers, easily getting rid of any threatening flock of enemy Inhabitants at the front.

While also cooperatively fending off against those who were coming their way with other melee soldiers that were at the rear and in the middle as well as in between. The leading Official Commanders were finally getting to the rear of enemy Inhabitants, while the Journeyers right behind them were starting to get massacred as well!

Without giving them any time to get into any formation, the Journeyers were beginning to be sent all the way back to the settlements that were near to the one Baston resided within. And when the middle and rear of the charging soldiers from The Order arrived at the rear as well while their Official Commanders began butchering the Journeyers around, they began killing the healers who were resuscitating the dying Journeyers faster than a spark can fly and disappear from being created.

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The few and tender millions of Journeyers who were helpless at being massacred could only have an insane minority of their numbers run away from The Order, who couldn’t invest their time to chase them and had to instead come back right from where they came from. However, just as the Journeyers were glad of saving up their level and equipment…


“NOOOOO!” - “FUUUCK!” - “Aaaah, fight! Just fig-” - “Kiiill!! Motherfuckers! Aah-”

The Journeyers were panic stricken furthermore as they could only see about 2,000,000 of soldiers wearing an emblem of a violet stream, a stream that led to the Lord's Residence fragment that appeared on all of The Order’s Regions’ Insignias. The stream seemed to come from below to up, connecting at last with that part of the Lord’s Residence as if making a way, but also as if asserting the subservience and devotion in each of that Region’s heart from their soldiers; their soldiers from The Order!

Their armors, even in the night, were easily visible up close but the Journeyers weren’t able to see them before at all, only when they were around a few hundreds of meters away and even though they were hearing those stomps from the Abysmal Creatures, they just thought that it belonged to the retreating soldiers in bluish metallic gray armor… not these ones.

As for the newly coming soldiers that were so obviously from The Order; despite that it was an utterly obscure set of armor, it had illusory glimmer and glows that went off and all around the armor and weapons as well as even the armor of their Abysmal Creature Mounts. Such a glimmer and glow was of a violet color and it was coming off from their bodies and Mounts’ armor enchantingly.

Soon, the cries from the escaping and basically defecting Journeyers, but from which nor Synfyl nor Baston would’ve punished since this was a ‘game’, were silenced through the night yet as the night could hide the doings from the utterly obscure and violet armored soldiers but not the sounds of them galloping towards the rear of utterly terrified enemy Inhabitants.

“...” At the frontlines, Colonel General Katalyia was looking over the heads of the many battling, dying and killing soldiers from both parties. Her narrowed light brown eyelashes fluttering calmly as she stood still amidst the frontlines with heads rolling and blood splattering on her armor and her surroundings nonstop.

“Lotto,” after her eyes opened fully once again, Katalyia called the tirelessly fighting soldier that was 10 meters to her right accompanied by Gytto who was right at his left, when she saw him turned his head to her with his eyes going from narrowed and furious to wide and clear as well as still as a lake; she suppressed her bolting heart as she pointed with her right index finger aiming at a certain section on the enemy’s side.

“Go and clear out that Synfyl for me,” her right extended arm seemed like a spear that was more graceful and beautiful than powerful but that could instantly take all life with a punch of its fist. Her voice then turned cold, detached and commanding instead but with her innate extreme softness still there; as always. “Staff Sergeant Gytto, take that little mountain away from their fight and make sure no one disturbs them.”

“Understood, Colonel General!” Gytto wisely chose to say yes and ask nothing, then immediately rushed up at the front like a madman, while Lotto nodded his head with his eyes never leaving her image, before also joining Gytto in a mad sprint. Just as Gytto was going to seemingly get himself killed, a bunch of flood dragon shaped flames surpassed him at it and reached the enemy’s frontline sooner, directly incinerating a ton of enemies as it made a conventional path for both ordered official commanders.


Stepstepstep… step, stepstepstepstep!

When Lotto arrived before the open path of raging flames and scorched organic matter altogether, he only took a second to breathe in before rushing up right behind Gytto. Entering the path of flames as the nearby enemy Inhabitants that tried entering were set ablaze and dying a few seconds later in resignation and shame.

Seeing their backs gone into the fiery path, Katalyia’s shoulders were behind her beautifully slender and muscular torso as her eyes narrowed, not at watching Synfyl being closed in by those two but to her lovely partner that was just now either going to amaze her or force her to train him more; sigh.

At the same time, there was a sudden change in the situation from both sides of the enemy’s lines.

First of all, there was an insane swarm-like tactic that the resisting forces were employing; only. And that was of quickly moving but slowly advancing to make a circle and to surround both flanks of The Order’s army, letting them kill their own but slowly tiring them completely and surrounding them to a superficially made dead end.

After just that of ten minutes, The Order was almost fully surrounded from their left and right, it was only a matter of time before their 5 million soldiers would collapse bit by bit until the point of being exterminated, even as there was almost a whole billion on the frontlines of the resisting forces and the remaining few hundreds of millions who were targeting the 7 million charging troops.

Yet, The Order showed no hesitation nor terror, much less being overcome and overwhelmed by these huge plethora of enemies. Even if they were this many, there was still a ton of ally bodies blocking them from reaching The Order’s soldiers, which made it so that only projectiles that had a falling effect were useful from behind the frontlines and only melee and short-ranged ones could tire out The Order’s side.

But, just as the rear of The Order was beginning to be outnumbered by the shameless surrounding strategy of the resisting forces’ side, the most simplest yet clear and obvious familiar galloping sounds that created a deep fearing trauma in the deepest bottom of the resisting forces’ side went out again and again from the left and right flank of the same.

Suddenly, just as their forces were going to start pressuring the ranged and magic type of soldiers from behind The Order’s lines, a long, not sneaky at all and thundering battle cry awoke the happy and contented resisting forces’ side as those at the rear of the left and right flank could only look to their left and right respectively; only to either see a huge mouth filled with hunger gnaw at them, a blade, pole arm, arrows, bullets and magical spells all being send right onto their faces.

“ENEMY ATTACK, EN-” - “From the flaaanks! Quickly, take the res-” - “BWAAAAAAAGGGGH!-”

In just a moment and without understanding how did more soldiers from The Order could make it to their left and right flanks since they were being surrounded already, the flanks from the resisting forces of the enemy were brutally tackled and penetrated at by the soldiers on those ‘dog’-like strange creatures!

From the frontlines, and killing a few dozens of enemy Inhabitants that were closing in on herself with their blades and polearms and crossbows brandishing around; Colonel General was looking at the enemy’s right and left flank, before returning her head to gaze at the snake-like slithered road that the charging 7 million subordinates of her had made on their way to the rear and were now fighting on a standstill within such a path they just made.

Fighting on the spot and seemingly maintaining that path unoccupied, the Mounted soldiers left their Abysmal Creatures and fought side by side, the Mages and others who weren’t specialized in cavalry to battle were even more efficient to hold their position. Yet, they were now getting back onto their Abysmal Creature Mounts and preparing to charge at the left and right from where they stood.

As for the path that they made when charging towards the rear of the enemy’s lines; it started at the middle, but then inclined more towards the enemy’s left flank, then maintained that direction for a while before moving back to the middle, which is then at the point where more soldiers from The Order were getting into that path and also restraining the enemy Inhabitants at the frontlines for retreating any further and for those at the rear not being able to escape.

Meanwhile, one full Army Group of 4,000,000 were at the left flank of the enemy’s resisting forces, while another 2 such Army Groups were at the right flank of the enemy; both of them began to charge and brutally kill towards the middle, while those who were within the 'snakery' path began to move 4 million to their left and 3 million to their right.

With such simple acts of moving towards the center from the behind, front and sides of the enemy’s resisting forces and with almost a full 2 Army Groups charging to the sides; the last few moments of this battle had just begun!



Let It Rain's Note: Who will be so angry to call out his name? Hmm, there aren't that many Journeyers among the vanguard of the war, they are still too weak to compare to the Inhabitants from The Order, even the weakest Inhabitant soldier is stronger than even Baston, which he could only truly defeat after using his 'special' moves (Sun Transformation).

V6: #4 10/10.

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