Bow and Arrow

Chapter 581: Chapter 579 — Direct Confrontation

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Direct Confrontation




"Won't you do awful things to them?" Katia softly whispered into Yun Beishang's ears, her forehead was nudging on the back of his head up and down as she spoke, Yun Beishang couldn't help but enjoy the massage as exhaled out in enjoyment before saying in return. "Hurt who? The Eternal Silhouette Region entirely, or the Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division? Hmm, too long, let's do like Kara and say 'White Shadow' only."

“As for the ‘who to’ punish, well… Even though Baston seems like a good guy, you know, things that he is supposed to expect and has to take measures against or at least restrain his people from, yet still happened and he did not restrain them at all…” Yun Beishang said, and while he did, his hands went over to grab the wrists that were hugging his neck from behind.

Turning around and placing those wrists behind his neck as he faced and pulled Katia closer, he continued with his lips touching hers and making their mouth seem like clown-dancing. “Yet these things still happened, and he doesn’t seem to make any moves to that matter. I don’t know whether it is because of thinking too much of this as a video game or because he is hopeless…”

“..but either way, I will just have to discipline his bad children one way or another, no? Set examples and all those ruthless things to assert dominance, and definitely not just to the White Shadow Sub-Division eh.” Yun Beishang then dipped his lips on Katia’s for a sweet, tender small kiss before doing the same to the tip of her little nose and separating from her face with a peaceful glimmer in his eyes.

“And then, right under his nose, I will take people that were under him over to my side… under my ‘wings’ as well. That’ll teach him a little bit about management, I suppose.” Yun Beishang rose and flipped somewhat his starry purple wings, giving them the image of sovereignty and dominance  while Katia only laughed it off with a raise of her left eyebrow.

“Hahehe, and how are you going to, how do you even know that people will abandon that guy even if he becomes your Ally or Vassal?” Katia narrowed her eyes, making this sight of her that she never had done before in her entire life, to only her husband and beloved partner of life. Yun Beishang picked up his little wife’s chin with his right index finger’s tip before nodding upwards at her just a little.

“Dear, my silly Katia… don’t we Evil Gods know each other so well?” Without needing to mean anything else with those words and any more words as well, Yun Beishang sealed the huge grinning lips of his little wife at last and began making the night sky that of a furiously passionate romantic scenery with his dear Evil God wifey in his embrace, listening to his beating heart with her head on his chest like a pair of puppies sleeping on the same tiny bed.

. . .


12:20 am, 1st year, 12th month and 22th day since Rising Essence’s release and 7 days since the eruption of the war of The Order vs the Eternal Silhouette Region. At an approximately ‘nearby’ distance away from the Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division.



Galloping along Sophie, Staff Sergeant Gytto, temporary official commander of 3,000 troops, a whole Battalion Regiment was approached by a certain Scout as he got close to the main group of a Commander. When the Scout went over to his side, Staff Sergeant Gytto spoke towards a certain someone behind him who then led the whole Battalion Regiment to join in the several millions large Army Group.

Meanwhile, Staff Sergeant Gytto was escorted not only into the Army Group’s galloping whole lot, but right into the leading position of the same with the Scout acting as the guide and ticket to do so as well.

There were 10 Commanders within the Elf Blue-Hunch Region unit of The Order, each Army Group within it now had a total of 2,000,000 soldiers at the very least, with some having a few more tens of thousands to even up to hundreds of thousands extra. Together, they almost formed half a fully formed and complete Region unit of The Order, just like any other Region unit under The Order itself.

But even though there were only more than a million yet less than 2 million soldiers in this Army Group currently, with the addition of the other also incomplete Region and Army Group units that would be under the Elf Blue-Hunch Region, Azure Legend’s Region, Black Legend’s Region and White Legend’s Region; there was still a lot more who hadn’t arrived yet to join this Army Group as well.

Currently, as Staff Sergeant Gytto was moving among the well coordinated, orderly and disciplined Abysmal Creatures and their riders at a rather fast Movement Speed percentage, he saw what was actually the back of the Colonel General Katalyia. However, before he could approach this Commander, the Scout left Gytto’s side as the latter then heard his name being called out at.

“Staff Sergeant, you can choose to either go back to your Commander’s Army Group or remain with us until the day is over and we can rest, but leave that for later. For now, you will have to accompany Colonel General Katalyia’s soldiers and fight under her, a pretty impossible amount of the enemy’s resisting forces had gathered closer to our position.”

Turning around to look at the soldier who was talking to him, Staff Sergeant Gytto was surprised to see this slightly familiar face, to which he himself then turned apprehensive and kept on riding on his Mount at the adequate speed before responding after a small moment of silence. “I understand. My people are ready to fight, we will remain here until my people are no longer needed around.”

“Mn,” Warrant Officer Lotto nodded at this kinda familiar guy’s words before saying some more of his own, “We know that you were drastically overwhelmed before, I hope that the supplies given to your people were enough to maintain them and their battle spirits up. Now, let me brief you a little bit, you’ll need to know whose Official Commander to obey.”

“Mm, also, please do not worry about my people. They are actually very impatient to enter another battlefield… the previous one wasn’t enough… far from enough…” The look in Staff Sergeant Gytto’s face turned somber, fiery and wrathful, but such a look only gave Lotto a sense of lost to the Staff Sergeant’s experience; before nodding his head in acknowledgement at the former and then going on about to explain these matters of importance to the temporarily added Battalion Regiment with more battle lust than any other army unit around.

From the distance and leading the troops, Colonel General Katalyia turned her head around for a little before returning her face to the front, the night sky hiding some of both of her reactions. One, was the glimmer that her eyes could never restrain anymore and lately whenever she saw that man and two, was a glimmer so scary, feral and cold that would become a deathly nightmare to all enemy Inhabitants she and her people were about to massacre.

But, all of this wasn't just at the Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division as; each Sub-Division within the Eternal Silhouette Region seemingly began to march forwards. Though that was just a little bit and, in truth, the only one who was directly charging with a great yet not overly vast portion of Inhabitant troops in one sole Sub-Division was that of the Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division.

While the Generals among the Eternal Silhouette Region were frowning, even if just a little, to these circumstances as that one Sub-Division seemed to either have a different purpose or a different goal towards those movements of theirs. Either because of the blatant action of sending lambs to their butchers or because there were many more numbers of enemy among them being active than in any other part of the Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division.

On the other hand, though the overall leader of the Eternal Silhouette Region was also to frown at these actions from a certain someone, no order nor sanctions or rewards were effectuated and everything was still left to the hands of the perpetrator. While that perpetrator in specific, was calmly riding towards The Order yet with a twisting expression sometimes appearing on his face for mere moments.

The Hidden Carmesí, Hidden Black and Hidden Gray Sub-Divisions didn’t had much movement, merely moving over to cover about 20% of the whole outskirts from their Sub-Divisions with their soldiers forming a blockade with ‘okay’ built outposts and with soldiers who were slightly over confident watching over the enemy’s side in case they actually came.

From their side, only about 20% of all the lands were ‘taken’ to form a blockade while, on The Order’s side, about 40% or more was pretty much already conquered. Compared to before, this was really a much slower and weaker speed and efficiency, many even contemplated the fact that The Order was beginning to have deserters or rebellions even; all that helped them sleep at ease more or less.

Yet, no one could really tell that there were more than 250 million troops moving from the borders of the vast and extremely long lands of the Eternal Silhouette Region’s borders towards its middle, its core and the fully ‘developed’ territories of the same. Even as there were about a few hundred million Journeyers awake and ‘working’ the boring way while some others still fought hard and constantly against the God Race’s troops.

Even if they couldn’t tell, however, the more than a whole billion troops, with most of them consisting of Inhabitants, were bound to end up meeting with the largest force of The Order that hasn’t been seen before. And the one leading such was none other than the one who took most of such Inhabitants to war, under him and for his own purposes; Synfyl.

. . .


12:50 am. Outskirts of the Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division, at where the 3/10’s from where the resisting forces are stationed within all over the Sub-Divisional territories’ perimeter in order to block The Order.


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“SIR!! There is a lot of troops coming, I think they’re millions, what do we do?!!” A Journeyer with a defenseless horse who was radiating a bit of dark blue which was galloping at full force and speed possible, shouted as he made his way back towards Synfyl who was leading the medium-fast whole and enormous amount of troops on his side.

“!” Synfyl was at once astounded by the sudden notice, he didn’t expect at all that The Order would send ‘millions’ of their troops, but it was definitely not out of nowhere. Yet, just as Synfyl was going to pull that damned Journeyer towards himself and question him, the latter spoke in a hurry while sweat a ton. “Sir, they have really millions or fucking riders with those stupid dogs charging at us. They are going at full speed as if they know we are here, it is many times faster than I. I swear!!”

“If it wasn’t because of my Talents, I wouldn’t have been able to run away, they can be here at any minute sir! What-wha-what do we do?!” Seeing the Journeyer not giving clear and obvious signs of lying to get out of the situation, Synfyl let go of the Journeyer before yelling out loud once he was done taking a scrutinizing glance over at the troops behind himself.

“What else can we do?! There are only millions of them, no?! Then we kill them, with our numbers, what the fuck can they even do? GO AHEAD AT MAX SPEED, MOVE YOUR DAMN ASSES!!” Synfyl roared out at the end, making the Journeyers excited while Inhabitants had a mix of fear, excitement and uncertainty. Nobody was stupid enough to forget of the large amount of Inhabitants that have died at this ‘leader’s’ hands after all.

“You heard the boss, prepare to kill!!” - “Get ready to face the enemy! Tonight we finally kill those bastards!” - “Who wants some soldiers from The Order crawling at your feet? Hurraaaaaayh!!”

Synfyl nodded at the sight of some of his Journeyers’ commanders yelling out in return, passing the voice and boosting the morale of the insane amount of troops, though considering how far and wide were those troops extended behind himself, it would take a long while before all of the Inhabitants received the word.

But it did not matter, after all, once they all saw the large number of enemy soldiers, they would instantly understand what to do; to fight for ‘his’ Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division and die!


“Oh, I see them, are they the enemy?!” - “What-wh-what?! What are they doing here? We didn’t know any of this!” - “Calm down! They are our enemy as well! Get them, prepare to kill these traitorous bastards!” And, indeed, barely a few minutes passed by while all Journeyers were prepared and as most of the Inhabitants around were still surprised, shocked and then led to charge against the troops that began appearing on the other side.

Synfyl, seeing most of the nearby Inhabitants’ reactions, couldn’t help but think well of his own and his people’s work of ‘brainwashing’ the Inhabitants, slowly turning his head to his left as he grew quite satisfied. Looking at the tall and wide towering Rog, he nodded his head at him while Rog nodded his head back at Synfyl in return, before beginning to move their horses which were emanating a bit of violet from their saddles.


There wasn’t even a need to think about it, even for a moment. With a broad, open smile showing his teeth and his eyes opening more in a vertical oval shape, Synfyl started a charge with a number of more than 1 billion troops following his lead. Either fearless or hot-blooded, with inhabitants leading the Journeyers who were only behind themselves.

“CHAARGE!” - “Chaaaarge!” - “Open up a path to destroy The Order!” - “For our precious Main Kingdom, for our liberation of these traitorous scum~~!!!” Without needing to do any more work, and with just having given these young and fresh, strong and capable Inhabitants a purpose, a reason and a motive to their current acts; Synfyl and Rog led the whole bunch of Inhabitants to clash head on with The Order!!

…From both sides, one going at a fairly good Movement Speed percentage while the other one was going at full speed against the former. The former looked fearless, fast and committed to engage in a war where only their side could keep on walking after the battle was over; but from the latter, there was only yelling, cursing, cheering and a whole bunch of disorganized yet committed soldiers ready to attack and be killed.

With the Movement Speed that The Order has been employing for over more than half an hour, they were more like the ones charging at the enemy even though they weren’t so, and furthermore so, they also weren’t going at their max speed nor even remotely close to that.

Yet, the ones who were using all of their Common Horses were the ones who were more active, non stop yelling and nonstop brandishing their weapons in the air, whichever that weapon was. Within just a few more tens of seconds, the latter were finally able to hear each and every stomping that the ‘dogs’ were making with each of their steps on the stable and solid ground.


Yet again, as the resisting forces were becoming slightly stunned evermore as they continued to get infinitely closer to The Order’s riders, the soldiers on the ‘dogs’ weren’t affected in the slightest by such sounds, sounds which not even their own helmets seemed to be built to defend against such volume and constant sounds and even more so for when the clash was to come to be.

But even if the resisting Inhabitants were going to try and think more clearly, there wasn’t even time for making another 3 breaths of their lungs, even if they committed themselves to it like a bunch of scared dogs with their tummies skywards while their necks were being held by the dominant and superior dawg.

… … … … …PWUUAAARGGGHSHSHHH!! CLANKCLAANKCLAAANK!!- Bvreee-VwlshtBvreee-VwlshtBvreee-Vwlsht- Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Bvreee-VwlshtBvreee-VwlshtBvreee-VwlshtBvreee-Vwlsht…!!!!!

‘Shit…!’ Was the last thought they had as… they both; clashed against the beastly lustful Abysmal Creatures lunging at them from the direct frontlines of The Order’s side, and instantly died as they were either beheaded from their heads! Had their heads ripped off their necks by an Abysmal Creature’s claw, snout, limb or their mere bodies unknowingly hitting them square on their heads.

Meanwhile, the first 10 to 15 rows from the frontline of the resisting forces were directly thrown to the ground, both mount and rider of the galloping force was directly flattened against the ground once their bodies were devoid of life and only muscular responses were being emitted from the brain to all over their dead bodies as they fell to become another type of red colored grass and mud.

Heads rolled in the air, some being caught by the Abysmal Creatures who either slammed, slapped them with their limbs and tails, ate them greedily before falling down onto another whole bunch of Inhabitants that were left alone to be brutally eaten and massacred by a single soldier of The Order as each Abysmal Creature would go to a different small space of around 5 x 5 meters while those from behind kept on charging forwards to take their own spot.

But this wasn’t so for everybody, some other Journeyers were constantly charging up ahead and not seemingly about to stop any time sooner, countless blessings and healing skill fell onto them over and over again as they did.

Limbs went flying, bodies directly spluttered around from the direct collisions of their feeble bodies against the bluish metallic gray armors, be it a shoulder pad, a fist, a kick or a mere accident, becoming mere pieces of flesh, broken bones, destroyed organs and inactive brain and hearts as they fell on the ground to form part of the bloody grass and dirt.

Magic and ranged types of soldiers from The Order were still far from the rear, mostly, as those who remained behind thanks to the spots that some of their fellow charging soldiers stopped to get rid of a dozen or more of enemy soldiers; allowing them to get close to the battlefield even in groups but without having to fear a sudden and powerful charge from the enemy. Even then, the enemy would be the one being shot down, bombarded and torn to tiny shreds by their projectiles; whatever they might be.

Even then, there were a ton of magic and ranged types of soldiers from The Order that moved their Abysmal Creatures to charge and/or to to stop within the middle of the frontlines to make a spot for killing of their own. Even as they did not all have heavy equipment, they were seamlessly dispatching any enemy that came their way, accidentally, amidst their fear or with the intention to kill while being shrouded in fear!

Body after body fell around them, their guns shooting with utmost precision and at a perfect accuracy with such closeness and even though there was a ton more of other projectiles traveling long distance from side to side, spot to spot amidst the entire battlefield. Unfazed, they shoot and terminate any enemy’s life each half a second even.

Drawing their bowstrings, accommodating their arrows on their crossbows with sheer speed and dexterity, then releasing those arrows with some of them using skills as magic, Elements and brutal Effects quickly finished off tons of enemies with under-regular quality of armor and weaponry. Despite the ‘slowness’ of having to draw one’s bow or crossbow’s string and aiming with their hands putting great force yet sheer stability; their speed was even not only greater than the other ranged type of soldiers, but even their explosiveness and AOE was more intense than their fellow soldiers from The Order.

And their killing, theirs was oh so great as the Mounted Archers kept on riding and reaping so many lives more than the Heavy and Light Cavalry could altogether. The kings from The Order side were showing their impossible efficiency and commitment even as they were the lesser number of soldiers within the Blue Elf-Hunch Region.



V6: #4 9/10.

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