Bow and Arrow

Chapter 590: Chapter 588 — Regional Borders Are Lifted

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Regional Borders Are Lifted




"Woah, man. My Magical grade Halberd went to shit right now." - "Fuck!! I lost my Magical grade shield, it had 2 effects, oh my fucking god!" - "My pants are also destroyed, oh no, what should I do?" - "There she goes, luring men, sigh..."

With the voices of tens of thousands of players all around the battlefield that was now fully vacated by The Order's soldiers and their Abysmal Creature Mounts, and the entire battlefield being filled with the Journeyers from the Eternal Silhouette Region that tragically died and lost the battle as they tried to come back to pick up their own stuff. Baston's Team, himself and Fosk Yao accompanied by Natalia, Estel and Itnia walked towards another little meeting at the side of the battlefield.

Even now, as Baston was looking over the logs, he couldn’t help but imaginably sweating cold bullets left and right like it was nobody’s business. From the whole 100,000 soldiers from The Order, they only managed to kill off 26 of them! And that was only because of the fact that from the 15,000 polearm weapon users, only 15 were able to try and jump into the air to try and annihilate the enemy.

From which, 9 of them were shot to death and forced down by bullets, rockets, explosions, magic spells and arrows; especially a few that were of the golden arrows that created that incredible life-reaping effect on the right flank of the Eternal Silhouette Region. If it were 10 people who managed to strike with their full might and even with potions that granted them Physical and Magical Damage boost, they would’ve at least managed to kill off 100 soldiers from The Order or so.

Of course, it was mostly due to their levels being similar and both sides not having a lot of HP to speak of. As for The Order, it was already hard for them to move their bodies slightly agilely at the Movement Speed of their Abysmal Creature Mounts, let alone the use of skills being successful or even helpful if anything.

In that, they varied a lot from what even 1,000 Inhabitants of The Order could do, drastically making all Journeyers who previously saw the leading Inhabitants on each battlefield ashamed of having thought the typical ‘I/we can do that too!’. The armor that the Journeyers of The Order have might also be of the Luxurious grade and have certain stats specified for the use of each, but that wouldn’t give them 1,000,000+ HP like it is the case with the Inhabitants.

Be it a system directly from the game to not only differentiate the strong and high leveled graded BOSSes or named ‘mobs’, with the latter being the case with The Order’s Inhabitants, in which case it was even more special with additional stats that a ‘simply’ graded BOSS wouldn’t have. Especially in terms of proficiency in combat and not just good skills for both killing, AOE, CC and so on.

Nevertheless, if this was 100,000 Inhabitants of The Order vs 100,000 Journeyers of the Eternal Silhouette Region, the result would’ve been in 0 casualties from the former and in the extermination of the latter being sooner by 3 seconds, for sure.

Nevertheless, the main force and reason that the battle ended so impossibly fast, exterminating so many tens of thousands of enemies within just a couple dozen seconds, was mainly to the Movement Speed, weight and pure strength from the Abysmal Creature Mounts and the powerful transformation from their white furred Spirit Cat Pets.

Even Kalen was flabbergasted at taking the lead of The Order’s group, him almost bursting flying once he finally reached the end of the rear of the enemy’s group, along with his twin children who would’ve been sent flying were it not for their hands clasping each other. As for Kay, strangely, she was completely fine as she was even already playing with her Abysmal Creature partner of murder by scratching its lower chin, right where it made all Abysmal Creatures tremble from the itch being scratched, ah.

Anyway, once that was over with, and there were quite some thousands of Journeyer from The Order that flew way at the end of the enemy’s lines, everything went back to normal as the initial excitement and boosted morale from the new expansion arriving in less than 24 hours; both parties’ leading figures went to the borders and to the east of such a battlefield to discuss for the last time.

“Oh, and, before we start. Ladies and Maidens, I’ve seen that every woman of Yun Beishang has somehow gotten not only that strong, which should be thanks to real training outside of the game, but also skills and even some passive skills, perhaps? Though those might be from your equipment and stuff, so, could you tell us where those skills come from?”

Delette spoke cordially, loud and clearly towards the group of The Order, which were just four people, as she, Mort, Lit, Bellar and Zete nodded with Baston being surrounded by Delette and Mort right and left respectively. Mort then added up intelligently, and innocently, with her sweet and cheerful voice. “Oh that’s right, we know only women can get those kind of skills, so we brought our best females here to know the secret, don’t feel shy because my dull husband is here, hehe!”

Natalia, Fosk Yao, Estel and Itnia: (;ꏿ︿ꏿ   )ヾ(o´0Д0o)ノ   (⊙.⊙).

“Errr, my my… ahem, I think that… well, oh well! My hubby can answer to that in the future, right-right now… it is kinda… secret, yeah, too much of a secret. So, when he feels that it is time to reveal it, ahem, he will. So don’t worry, just wait a little, once he has figured out things, Vassals first and then Allies alike will enjoy similar ‘fruits’ such as we, haha…” Itnia responded, trying very well to hide the obvious and warming blush all over her serious, professional face.

“Oh no, it’s okay. We are very willing, hehe!” Bellar said, she then raised her large and thick sniper as she winked to her man, Moa, far away behind her group.

Them again: (゜ロ゜)(゚д゚;)∑(ΦдΦlll(; ꒪ö꒪)(ノ゚ο゚)ノ

“Ahem,” Natalia’s turn came as she tried to explain a bit differently, her voice gentle as she didn’t even try to hide her blush like silly Itnia did before, which had now also given up on hiding it from everyone’s eyes… it was futile after all. “The thing is, the method is really difficult, but Yun Beishang is already working to take care of that, and he has researched how to make it more… or less… ahem, rather ‘for all’ and without needing to get through so many complications.”

Seeing the large, gentle and beautiful, breathtaking smile on Natalia’s blushing face, the ladies on the other side couldn’t help but feel close to such fellow beauty whom they were inferior to. At this time, Zete began to speak with a large smile in return, “Oh, come on! My boyfriend Terre is getting too cocky just because he beat me at buffing our raid in the last God Race’s troops’ base. I have to teach him what we wamen are made of!”

Yet again, the four Ladies and Maidens: (゚ー゚;   (♠_♦)(⊙_⊙)(´エ`;)⁀⊙﹏☉⁀(‘-’*)

“AHEM!” Estel couldn’t take it anymore, and as for Fosk Yao, she was stiff and statue-mode, her entire face, neck, shoulders and some of upper arms red already. Estel then gave an obvious glare at Baston that only a man should feel a threat from and then said in a forced, docile tone. “Well, later! Right now, The Order has no fear of others having similar capabilities, so don’t be so petty! Rather, work harder to tame your men, and also, work those damn thighs some more. Don’t you see Mommy Heals You and Adorable Serious Face’s? You think they only do workouts for it? Nah-uh, and it is all knowing by none other than our hubby, you understan’?”

“Oooh~~~!” While Baston respectfully looked at the sky to count the inexistent clouds in the dark sky, the Team members, even Mort and Delette, responded with enlightenment as they indeed saw the thinnest of them all have rather gorgeous thighs even when wearing an angelic skirt and sage robes that were rather dull, they were impressed!

“Okay then, co-he-heum!” Fosk Yao, now awakened by the melodic ‘ooh’ response from the other ladies, coughed very cutely and high pitched before turning all serious and even somewhat with a trace of wrath on her face. Which instantly made the other ladies and the Maidens and Ladies to settle down their moods and become silent.

“Baston, you chose to surrender, then was given a chance to fight for your actual sovereignty over the Eternal Silhouette Region, but lost. Do you have anything else to say?” Fosk Yao spoke coldly, but not hostilely nor without any reason behind it, Baston shook his head after closing his eyes, his eyelids lowering down slowly in defeat and then shaking his head gently. Even he himself couldn’t have thought that directly living a life in a game and trying to command people in the same way he has done so before would be so excruciatingly, differently difficult.

“Very well, so now, there are the following procedures…punishment.” Fosk Yao stopped talking for a moment, naturally on purpose, and raised her left arm fully into the air, and as she spoke, she began lowering it down until her elbow was right at her left shoulder’s height. “Baston, you entire Eternal Silhouette will directly donate 80% of all the extant resources that were dropped from the God Race’s troops, no room for discussion for this.”

“It is just a price for the things you’ve made the entire Region suffer, after all, even if that means that it was us the hand you had to deliver that suffering. As for the authenticity of the amount of resources that need to be delivered in a month from now on at most, we will give you a definite answer, you won’t have to worry about not even knowing how much is that 80%.”

“Lastly, those who were participants in the tactics that costed the lives of both sides without reason nor logic will be destroyed immediately,” Fosk Yao’s left hand then suddenly bent 90 degree, and the moment it happened, something seemed to shine behind Fosk Yao’s figure and very far away in the distance. “This is but a demonstration of The Order’s wrath towards the ‘use’ of Inhabitants as puppets for war.”

“...demons… tration? Wait!” Baston though, just for a single moment, before his eyes widened in both realization and then terror to what was about to happen. He immediately screamed out loud as a pair of deafening noises echoed from within the borders of each Sub-Division in the Eternal Silhouette Region’s Sub-Divisions. “There are Inhabitants there as we-”


“No need for someone like you to bother about it, our reputation is one thing, but The Order will never do things recklessly even if it seems that we are condemning the whole world on our own. Well, you won’t have to worry as to what happens next, only the forcing of logging off would be all that you can worry about, after all.”

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As if being slap from within, Baston couldn’t say anything anymore, his face turned not ugly but rather completely expressionless as he felt now that he understood Yun Beishang’s aim whenever he moved his Order so slowly, precisely and by showing very clearly from where were his troops coming and moving towards the settlements or Castles, conquering or destroying without a stop.

At this moment, a tiny little thing that was a mere label that said ‘Live’ with a red circle floating to its left that was half the size of the letter ‘L’, suddenly stopped ‘fixating’ its ‘angle’ onto the two groups below, before turning it instead towards the air where dozens and dozens of whistling figures went past and disappeared far into the horizon… there was only silence.

“... … … … … … … … … … … … … … …” The silent atmosphere high in the air might be relaxing and moving even, but below the invisible ‘camera’, the two groups that met each other for the last time to clearly end this war were now moving towards their own side. The Order needed to start moving their troops to all settlements now, besides that, they also needed to move their whole army to the center of the Region and begin some construction, just like it was the case with the Wonder Region at its Precious Stone Division.

On the other hand, the Eternal Silhouette Region had to begin moving and making a count of Inhabitants, while also beginning to inform every Ally and Vassal of their…’choices’. At the same time, once the Lord declared that he had won this war, such things would be much easier to do, especially the moving of troops and transfers of the same between certain settlements.

Even if the whole Eternal Silhouette Region was to be given to The Order, that meant not that the settlements would all suddenly have the same terms and cooperation with their new ‘Royal family’. For that matter, The Order also had to teach the Eternal Silhouette Region’s Inhabitants of the new order and that it no longer was about a Royal family, but a huge global one instead.

With the forces below the ‘camera’ beginning to work, its invisibility making it easier for the Inhabitants of great power like Powlniu and the Army Colonels and Colonel Generals to kinda understand that it was all being transmitted to the rest of Journeyers without a warring status on their Regions. Not even the Eternal Silhouette Region was capable of seeing these images at these moments, let alone the Origin Pertaining Region.

But, right at these instants, with the camera still looking at the faraway distance high up in the sky, with so many comments going wild, wild and very damn wild ever since Baston showed such an expression of defeat and a pair of widened eyes understanding guilt at last, as if he has genuinely done wrong and began to truly feel guilty. With the new victory of The Order that was still costing them quite to adapt and process, it happened.

…bumm…PLRAGAAAAAASSHH… buum… plragraaaash…!!!

…buum… …plragaaaaassssh… bum… …plragrraaaaaashhh~~~...!!

Several hundred sudden seemingly pillars of light that quickly ascended from the ground to a height that went from simply 500 meters or so to up to 10 km highest up in the sky. Those pillars of either watery blue colors, fiery red colors, yellowish-gray colors, dark earth lively colors and even darkest-devouring colors, purest white lights of colors and a violently blinding white and violet color.

From the hundreds of ‘beams’ that went up to the sky for 10 km at most, and that went made a huge ‘circle’ from that very same color with a diameter with a total of 115 km around it, those 7 different kinds of beams became so loud that even from tens of millions of kilometers away, it was still possible to heard them explode into the sky and every fucking possible angle to ever exist.

The comments that were already in their third ten billion number suddenly all halted at once, and without a doubt, every single viewer of this streaming in particular became obsessively stunned at the sight of so much… so many… so beautiful… colors of destruction.

“No way… it happened again…:o.” - “What was it again? Baston’s people did something stupid or what? It had to be something extreme like what the Wonder Region did, right?” - “Synfyl used more than a billion Inhabitants to try and ‘save’ the Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division, but supposedly, he failed and everyone on his side died or something like that.” - “Who were targeted?” - “LOL SHIT! Look at the forums’ support section, so many were instantly forced to log off due to mental discapacity, HAHAHAHA!!” - “I think it was those who did the bad stuff, but did The Order kill Inhabitants just now?” - “They said not to worry about that, no?”

Slowly, but surely, the comments on the livestream became alive once more, the billions of viewers that were bored due to no God Race’s troops being ‘spawned’ around anymore began to look forward to the war more and more. And when the Eternal Silhouette Region was approved for livestreaming from the very system itself, this was what kept on happening for a few days.

Otherwise, Fosk Yao nor Natalia wouldn’t be so shy to be the spokesperson of The Order in this situation. But, just as the meeting for the Eternal Silhouette Region’s surrender was much of a twist and shocker to the viewers, so was the fight that was witnessed by almost all humans of New Earth.

And it was even more so when the angle seemingly wanted to call off the livestream with a last, peaceful and ‘hope of the future’-like feeling angle, yet, what followed right then was an even much more shocking development. Never in their dear minds did these viewers with mostly ordinary lives and ordinary mindsets, have thought that this ‘peaceful’ ending would have resulted in the ‘wrath’ of The Order… and that it was that scary; not even caring to protect the innocent Inhabitants that didn’t even stepped out of their homes due to the war and the fear of even being conscripted.

Right now, as many went to the support section of the Rising Essence’s forums to see the bullying of the people who supposedly did ‘bad’ in the war, even to the point of offending The Order this much; an even more shocking event happened that consisted of just one person commenting on a certain thread.

Tong Tong Tong: As the Lord of The Order, I can promise to not use any of those cute little color-making booms when I come to the Thousand Words Region, Fate Meeting Region and the Ancient Forest Region. Of course, that is if… you also dare to sign up in a system’s contract to never overpass the numbers of my soldiers in a battle with more than ten times that of my people. Do you dare? :).

“WOAAAAAAAAH!! EVERYONE, GO TO THE THREAD THAT TRUE DRAGON MADE, OMFG OMFG!!!” - “War is coming, aye!” - “Mommy, take me back to the peaceful times.” - “Daddy, take me to The Order and join the victorious side!” - “Bulllllllshit, the Founding Clans can tire the shit out of The Order, they’ve revealed all their trump cars, this is obviously an easy win for True Dragon’s Alliance!!” - “War in my p&!%|![chat restricted for 3 hours]”

But, soon after…

*PING* the leader of the Association warring against the Eternal Silhouette Region, you have the choice of finishing this war the requirements for being declared the winner and conqueror have been met; at the moment, these requirements have all been met successfully, would you like to finish the war? NOTE: Experience of your Association and Ally Associations and Vassals will gain their respective amount depending on their contribution, participation and data recollected by your Association.

*PING* Global System Announcement: The war of the Bright Sunset Region against the Eternal Silhouette Region has finished, resulting in the victory of The Order!! The Eternal Silhouette Region and the Bright Sunset Region now share the same territory, all Regional borders shared between the two Regions will be slowly taken down in a week, all Journeyers, Inhabitants and other creatures will now be capable of crossing between Regions freely and coexist together!

While nobody was in the known of were Yun Beishang was, he simply ended another war like he was merely taking the trash out, and just as the global system announcements began to be spammed out by the system and the Masters of each settlement were quickly spreading the word…a certain True something named fella was sure to be either standing or sitting; but either way, in total bemusment as he saw his own thread being invaded with endless comments after Yun Beishang had commented on it and opened it for everyone else to comment as well.

It all went not only so, too damn fast, but even the meaning of each action made by The Order and Yun Beishang alike of today and of the last 15 days were much more powerful than he , or anyone, could have ever imagined them to be. Even more so, as an entire Region was taken down in just 15 days, in contrast to the Wonder Region war, this one could even be considered a flash!

Then… what about the Origin Pertaining Region, how long would it be until that Region is also taken by The Order, could his Alliance still send people to help? Obviously not… it was best to… prepare their own forces instead of spreading them further apart. Even sacrificing another Region or 2 just to be able to destroy Yun Beishang-no, The Order, would be more than enough!

However… it was already, now, impossible to stop the people from both worlds to start looking at The Order, at Yun Beishang, that insufferable useless demon! …In the way that the high and almighty Founding Yun Clan’s Founding Alliance never wanted them to see The Order… And thinking about it, True Dragon even had to admit that he needed, once again, his father’s help.

Otherwise… he might as well lose it all, but Rising Essence’s fruits wasn’t something that the Founding Clans could let go of, so, taking a deep breath and cooling oneself down; was much better than dully failing.



Let It Rain's Note: Next chapter, a bit of more about the baddies, this last part was just some description, not what I usually do when showing the baddies side, dunwarree, beh haapeh.

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