Bow and Arrow

Chapter 591: Chapter 589 — The Penumbral Citadel

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The Penumbral Citadel




South of New Earth, Cloud Gates Region. Southern Heaven City, Founding Yun Clan's territory, within the main building of the newly rebuilt Main Hall.


It was already the last day of the year, so many things happened during this year, especially the first and last few months, leaving only about 4-6 months of 'rest' while the remaining time was quite filled with changes and movement that genuinely shocked the earth, paralyzed the heavens and converted hearts over and over again.

The Warmonger expansion, first expansion ever of the Rising Essence game, one which has brought endless meaning to everyone’s life within New Earth and from which even the flora and fauna of New Earth had begun showing side effects from the new ‘caring’, ‘tonics’ and behavior that Humans of New Earth were now showering them all with.

Be it from certain incredibly old and experienced organizations that could even be trailed back to New Earth’s ancient Earth era, for both the animals, insects, small animals and even those under water as well as plants from the same conditions. Every single one of them, after so much time has passed since the release of Rising Essence, were slowly becoming more and more than just resources in the eyes of even some conglomerates of New Earth’s humanity itself.

There was a whole new level of caring for these ‘resources’ that really wasn’t there before, and the people who took such levels of caring, enhancing by natural and not really harmful ways after much experimenting and research and so on, as well as by even acting as if these ‘resources’ were not just living beings but even races that were standing at the same intellect as the human race; were certain Journeyers from Rising Essence that would either be Caretakers, Gardeners, Lumberjacks to even Chefs.

Gardeners would usually hang around the flora of New Earth, either the ones that were being held and conserved within herboral houses, industrial gardens, parks and even beaches and shores’ tourist attractions. Though it was more like lakes and rivers having a size many times larger than the sea, as humanity itself was still far away from the real sea itself.

With time, random people would sometimes enter into such organizations or simple groups of people with the objective of giving these flowers, herbs and plants something more than an easier way of reproduction, feeding and livelihood. Some that went o the organizations from so very old would mostly, almost 99.99% be rejected and called retards in the minds of those old organizations.

As such, they had a weaker and slower time approaching the ‘new era’ in which Humans were going to be capable of directly influencing their ecosystem, but by the time they realized that those motherfucking lunatics who came with knowledge from a game were actually right… most new organizations and groups of conservation and study of any flora already had many of those people recruited into their ranks.

In any case, and even then, some new organizations would join an older one, with most of their members following up on such a notion and only a few remaining in the new one out of loyalty, sentiment or personal gain. Not all of the ‘talented’ people from a game would also decide to join the older organizations however.

As for the groups of people, they were mostly joining a new or old organization, but there were still a few that were rather unique and ultra-advanced on their own despite their lack of funds that they weren’t joining anyone at all. Be it because of pride, resentment or to simply make things easier for them to work with; it could even be because of the pettiness of discovering something on their own and not with anybody’s help.

But in the case of the animals, it was much wider and dangerous at the same time, there were not that many organizations, way too many groups of people. And while the organizations were too few, they were immense and even capable of influencing ⅓ of the population of the Human Race on New Earth if banded together, while the small groups could only affect villages, towns and cities that were definitely not a capital city.

Lately, there were even sightings of ginormous aquatic monsters being forcefully taken from the lakes and rivers closer to the ocean, and being safely brought to one of the researching bases to study and even… grant some sort of cognitive properties to intelligent speech and ways of humanity that only the Human Race that has been so progressive since ages ago could innately have as an instinct or as instincts.

While it was super dangerous with things such as airplane-sized sharks, squids, turtles, eels and so on; with the small animals, it was like finding the most beautiful and kindest of joys as there were already many authorized videos of even seahorses being able to ‘talk’ with each other in certain vibrations and consonant words similar to how a person would communicate with another one.

Other than seemingly forming actual languages and being studied furthermore by even more people of all kinds of scientific professions, the small animals would form small groups of their kind to have ‘meetings’ with their human ‘step-fathers’ and ‘step-mothers’. It was a fantastical sight, but both in mind and images, that couldn’t help but bring distraction to the uneasy atmosphere within all of New Earth…

Step… step… step… step… step… step…

Within the Main Hall of the ‘Founding’ Yun Clan’s territory, though his steps were pretty fast, not all of them were audible every now and then as only a few would have their footsteps echo out through the whole Main Hall. The lavish white-brown-beige floor was clean and spotless, and even the shoes of Yun Lao were completely clean as they stepped on such a floor.

With the Main Hall being renovated…from scratch, several good ‘funds’ were used to the restoration of all the destroyed buildings within the ‘Founding’ Yun Clan’s territory, and this floor that was already so spectacular was just that; a floor. Yet, as Yun Lao stepped on it, it even seemed capable of cleaning the soles from his shoes, that absurdly ‘unique’ it was.

Walking forward, Yun Lao had a dark blue suit on with a white tie, he also wore dark brown oxfords that covered his whole feet and even some of his lower chin fully, yet this did nothing to hide the ‘nobility’ and gracefulness of himself nor his dark blue suit.

While walking forwards, Yun Lao had his head turned to face straight and was only moving his eyeballs left, right, down and straight back up, as if there was a type of conflict inside his head. After walking for almost 7 whole minutes within the hallways before entering the Main Hall and then the Main Hall itself, Yun Lao had enough time to think, at the very least.

Right in front of him, still more than 100 meters away from himself was his father who was sitting on a tall throne that was newly added up along with the restoration of the Main Hall. It looked anything but inconspicuous, as it was about 20 meters tall with the back of the throne becoming thinner and taller while the actual resting back of the throne was just about 5 meters tall.

Yet, from those 5 meters, only 3 meters were visible on the throne itself as it was elevated from the ground level, and the seat was right at the 2 meter mark from the floor. To get to the seat, Yun Wentian, who was now already seated on it, had to go through some steps that lead to the seat which was 2 whole damn meters above the floor’s level.

But the throne was covered from right below the seat to the floor by a burgundy mantle that was so long yet so thin, spreading from below the throne’s seat to 7 meters around it once it reached the floor. Seeing his father from so far away in this scene, Yun Lao didn’t felt it was comical or absurd as he simply made his steps toward him even quicker than before as he felt much more confident and at ease.

Step, step, step…. Step, step, step… step, step step…

“Father…” From within the large Main Hall, the young man’s voice sounded out and spread quite far, meaning of his growing power and aura that he was building within himself. Yun Lao didn’t kneel, he didn’t need to nor was he supposed to, as he looked up to his father with a few meters of distance between him and the 7 meters long-covered floor by the mantle of his father’s throne.

“Lao’er, you’ve come for something? What is it, son?” With a dignified majesty that seemed to seep out of his bones, the ‘King’ of the Southern Heaven City responded to his son’s calling, looking down at him from the throne with a high but warm and doting tone in his voice and from within his eyes a resurging gentleness that landed on Yun Lao’s shoulders and the top of his head.

Feeling as if he was being doted on by his father with just his gaze, Yun Lao lowered his head lightly, appreciating the ‘touch’ of fatherly love before raising it up again. But this time, with his eyes flaming with bravery and shine, a need and desire to strive for greater heights!

“Father, I may be useless, I really think that… I may be so alone.” Yun Lao’s words caused Yun Wentian’s eyebrows to be shot upwards and remain there in a slightly relaxed stance still, the former then spoke to the latter louder and clearer, “I… I am, Father, I am afraid of Yun Beishang… very.”

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“Lao’er,” Yun Wentian said as he was seeing his son trembling for the first time at confessing his feelings, his fists already so clenched that even his father himself felt pained from the way his son’s hands were clenching, to the point that Yun Wentian could only start speaking; his tone and his demeanor becoming more and more powerful, attractive and filled with an obsessive and crazed ambition.

“That’s good! It is good, it’s really good!” Yun Wentian stood up from his seat, his throne looking all majestic as he wore a dull-brown colored suit with slightly big black-gray buttons on the middle, his face looked down as his eyes were even beginning to tremble from the notion alone, his voice low as he kept on speaking towards his son.

“Admitting that that Yun Beishang is a cruel monster is just the first tiny, baby and beginning step that you needed to send yourself into your own path!” Yun Lao wasn’t understanding what his father was telling him, but as he kept talking, Yun Lao could start feeling something from the bottom of his heart.

“Yun Beishang is just a man, he cannot compare to a whole Founding Clan on his own, let alone our Founding Clan!” Slowly stepping down the stairs that led to the floor, Yun Wentian continued as his right fist began swinging in front of his chest while he gave his speech. “One many might defeat an army, but our wishes and goals could never be stopped by something so utterly weak as ‘one person only’.”

“Let me tell you something, my son,” Yun Wentian finally arrived before his son, the mantle below his feet being stepped on weren’t inside his eyes at all as they were already beginning to now really tremble on their own volition. “Once our Founding Yun Clan mourns the duo of Yun Xuantian and Yun Ao for the last time, it will be time for us father and son to take not only our strongest Founding Clan to a greater future; we will even become the conquerors of the new era for New Earth!”

“While Yun Beishang is busy playing a game like it matters for the sake of the real world, I, your father, will be waiting until the day that the Crestfallen Industry, and the Crestfallen Clan! Either grow weak, or run away from this planet!!” Yun Wentian was almost spitting out saliva among his words as Yun Lao’s shoulders were being held tighter and tighter, but the latter couldn’t help his heart from getting excited and thumping with the same ambition!

“My son, you are in charge of making a lot of money for our Founding Yun Clan within the game, and this little war of games will be easily learned by you from me, and by then, a stupid Order and a young man would be nothing that could ever hope to stop you and me from achieving our hopes and deserved power.”

“While I may be the current Clan Head of our Founding Clan, you are my son, Lao’er!” Yun Wentian shook his son’s body a little bit, the son becoming more absorbed in the same way as his father with his eyes beginning to show signs of trembling for greed and ambition, while Yun Wentian’s eyes were now even getting slightly red from just thinking of such ‘great future’ ahead of them.

“When Rising Essence is in your hands, my son, New Earth would already be mine at its whole! I would be able to even create chaos within all capital cities and calm it down if I wanted to, I could even make all women and men my slaves and they would applaud me for it. Once such things have finally happened, you will naturally become my successor to the Clan Head position, my son.”

“Because I, your father, would then begin a colonization over all of our galaxy! It would no longer be just New Earth that our Founding Yun Clan would rule over, even the sun will be my pet for consumption for whenever I want it too! It is possible!!” 

“Then, figuring out new weapons, advancement in human’s strength and the use of many more elixirs, more powerful than the Crestfallen Industry! They would all come to be born in our Founding Clan’s hands, no one else’s! We can rule these worlds with just this little bit of suffering and our effort.”

“When I become the emperor of humanity, my son will be my successor as well, and when I soar into the universe, my son will follow my steps, becoming the next emperor of humanity and when we reunite within the universe again, what could EVER stop us?!!” Yun Wentian had Yun Lao’s body shaking for a bit, his hands on the latter’s shoulders even tighter than before and with his eyes now also trembling quite.

“So, my son. What are your doubts now?” Yun Wentian then smiled, his lips forming a knowing ,fatherly and loving smile as he looked down at his son’s eyes that were finally calming down, just ike his own, before continuing. “Lao’er, you must make sure to get that free slut of Yun Yun, your cousin, back into our hands.”

“Eh? Why are you talking about her now, father?” Yun Lao was still in his drowsy state of drunkenness hoping for the future, he couldn’t wait to be humanity’s emperor even! But his father’s word took him slightly aback, to which his father naturally responded with an approving nod to his son and with his low tone becoming a bit deeper but higher as well.

“My son, you must understand what kind of power our Founding Yun Clan’s children have, right?”

“Mm, yes Father, most of us gain certain resistances, especially to poison, venom, drugs and even have a greater ‘tank’ for stamina.” Yun Wentian nodded, took his son’s shoulders with his right arm and began walking around the Main Hall. “Indeed, but do you know what kind of power did our ancestor that founded the Founding Yun Clan had?”

“No, Father.” Yun Lao obediently answered with a light shake of his head, his heart beginning to thump, but this time, in a way that only one that was a Yun could ever relate to. Yun Wentian’s eyes went hateful and his tone changed to that of a spiteful, vengeful and regretting one… but also of deep honor and immeasurable longing?

“There was a time, where the ancestors of each Founding Clan began to ‘see’ the world like no one else ever could, even up to today, and among them, our ancestor was the greatest in those terms. Greater in any other way, she was capable of looking at the destruction and reconstruction of the entire world with her own two eyes, not via recordings; for the longest!”

“She had a capability so vast and intelligence so beyond human levels, that even then, would continue to grow longer, larger and stronger as mere months went by! It was thanks to her, and only her, leading all of the people that she could, which was most of those survivors that managed to board a spaceship, into a new Region and future of humanity that the Founding Yun Clan is what it is today!”

“She could already deflect the entire capacity that a high-end missile at that time could do damage to everything it reached without suffering a scratch even when being targeted at her very own eyes! She was capable of even flying eternally if she wished to, let alone capable of running tens of thousands of kilometers in a matter of mere-SECONDS!”

“But… what she did, the reason why we no longer respected her wishes after her untimely death!.. Was no other but due to the fact that she allowed herself to die! For just a mortal! A mere man whose prospect had nothing, and who could never accept taking an elixir down his throat just because of his ways of life! And you know what that caused?! Our foolish, stubborn and stupid ancestor’s death!”

“She could already face all of humanity’s army in her 50’s without even needing to raise her hand, just her eyes alone could melt the whole bodies of millions in an instant! She still looked like a teenager even at that age, yet never took an elixir before because she was considered talentless by our previous ancestors’ era! Yet she could’ve lived for who knows how long without even doing anything, anything!!”

“Yet… at the age of 100, along with her… man! She chose to die along with him for utterly no reason, the stupid!” Yun Wentian was just a tad bit less before outbursting in rage, his hair even seemingly dishevelling on its own without him needing to tear it apart with his own hands. “But, at the very least, life still had our Founding Yun Clan with hope, as her one and only daughter showed the same signs of power.”

“Yet, to the disappointment of our-no, of an entire Race, she only had a tiny proportion of her mother’s strength. The daughter could not compare to the mother… it was a failure, the mother… could’ve been bred and bred by our own kin nonstop until another such person was birthed just like her! But then… we also realized, that only females can gain this power.”

“Year after year, centuries after centuries, my son. The power from our ancestor slowly disappeared, dissipated and evaporated from our hands, from our power. But our hopes and beliefs were still there… it was only when your cousin was born that even Yun Beishang, with his incredible and inhumane, monstrous talent, potential and self-growing abilities was overshadowed by his little baby sister. Son, do you know why?”

“Because s-sh-she has that kind of power that our ancestor had?” Yun Lao, for as ambitious as he could be, had still become meek after knowing of this completely unknown history of his own clan. Yun Wentian looked at his son, impregnable joy; crazed joy, filling his whole eyes. “Oh, son. It isn’t only that it was the power of the Founding Yun Clan’s ancestor, but according to our ancestors, that of our own family branch, Yun Yun’s birth was extremely alike to that of the ancestor. Not just similar!”

“That’s why-” Yun Wentian stopped walking, he and his son had already reached the end of the Main Hall and were fight at the doorstep of the exit, but just as he was speaking with his head in cloud nine, Yun Lao involuntarily interrupted him. “That’s why we must bring that breedable power back into our hands, to bring our Founding Yun Clan beyond humanity’s achievements ever! Who knows…with the knowledge of today, we can even subtract that power from that bloodline, and copulate with her as much as possible!”

“Birthing many children, and even those children will be mated with by… us on and on! Power was just in my hands and I-and I blew it, Father… I understand now, I understand!” Yun Lao might not have seen it but, as he walked forward with great strength and stomping on the floor, making it slightly crack, his father was looking at his back with a large smile plastered on his face. Only one thought on his head remained, ‘My son, you are now ready.’.


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