Bow and Arrow

Chapter 594: Chapter 592 — Shadow Lord (2)

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Shadow Lord (2)




"..." Feeling the void of his sister's dancing, bitch in heat moving bum on his crotch and her angelic waist becoming impregnated with his body's scent out of joy and in full bliss, Yun Beishang gazed at where she disappeared before quickly taking out some tools, mostly wool and bouncy, slime substance before placing a huge 3,000 meters diameter of a trampoline below with just a few minutes worth of work at his full capacity.

Then, Yun Beishang went back up and saw the Furious but now Calming Dragon that was still as hard as the earth it was from breaking and the heavens from shattering. Feeling lonely yet again, having not received some nice time together with his women for the last few hours, which was very sad, Yun Beishang still resolutely forced himself to not take out his pocket Rosey and Lioness and engage in debauchery, there was little time before the expansion and he wanted not to wait for more. Who knew what the new expansions would bring, and it even looked like so many were hoping that the borders would be fully lifted with it.

But, going by the previous words that the entire playerbase received from the system and the Crestfallen Industry, the Regional borders that should've been lifted with the Unshackled expansion were to surely be like so now that the next expansion was already coming to be. Only a bit less than an hour and then another for the 'servers' to finish the uploading of data and everyone would know.

Once Yun Beishang’s mind was freed from mortal’s desires, that he was very much going to engage himself in after finishing ‘working’, he looked once more to the trampoline he made for his overly joyful sister and his now  fully calmed down member, he didn’t want to meet up with a dude having a hardon.

Yun Beishang didn’t even know if the Eternal Silhouette Region’s Overlord had sex, but just in case… though it would be a pity indeed were the Overlord be a woman and not be enticed, conquered and turned into his plaything because of his extra cautiousness. But,comparing the banging of an Overlord whose strength was already below Tonkia and the rest and banging a dude, ew, it was better to not bang whatsoever in that case.

Shaking his head to the wrong thoughts and thinking more of the sweet ass of his all too willing Xiao Ruo waiting to be plowed for the first time, Yun Beishang then began nodding instead as his Hidden Stats began to envelop everything that surrounded him. Not in a large scale, merely, 50 meters all around him as the image Xiao Ruo’s butt wiggling for him to come in became stronger.

At the same time, his Godly capabilities began emanating from his own body oh so instinctively as well, and with his Hidden Stats suddenly ‘finding’ a screen that was formed by 5 different colors appeared in his mind. At the same time, its location that was still invisible to the naked eye was transmitted into his head, it being right above his current position and a few meters to his front.

Meanwhile, Yun Beishang’s Godly capabilities slowly made their way into the screen of different colors, those colors ‘in’ the screen seemed to be illuminated way too much, and moved around as smoothly as water itself but like a swamp’s shifting of the earth in terms of motions and in the directions that those colors were swimming in.

Out of precaution and being new to this, Yun Beishang’s Godly senses reached the screen of 5 different colors, and just as soon as there was contact between the 2 of them, Yun Beishang’s body amply disappeared from the spot as if eaten by the void itself!


While a tiny, whistling but also bubbly-like sound was all that was left from Yun Beishang’s image that was no longer in Main Kingdom’s space, Yun Beishang found himself in  the middle of another tunnel-like ‘pathway’ that was sucking him in towards another space. Yet, the sucking force, unlike before, began to become weaker without Yun Beishang needing to even open his eyes to take a look.

Slowly, Yun Beishang actually came to a smooth and manipulated halt in the middle of the tunnel, opening his eyes, Yun Beishang could finally see all around himself with his very own eyes. Black was the most visible color, followed by an equal other four who were of a shadowy Black color, naturally different to the darker, stronger and fearful black that was the main color from before.

A shadowy Crimson color, a shadowy White color and a shadowy Gray color. Those 4 shadowy colors naturally made their properties all way too obvious for a normal person, each meaning a different Sub-Division within the Eternal Silhouette Region. As for the main Black color itself… it couldn’t be anyone nor anything else but the Overlord’s meaning, now could it?

“...” After taking a good look at everything around himself for actually quite a few dozen minutes, Yun Beishang then pulled himself and not allowed himself to be pulled by the sucking force from before, slowly making his way into the whatever lair that the Overlord might have, though there was a Citadel before at the Wonder Region, it did not mean that there would always be one, right?

In any case, Yun Beishang also began to prepare himself, because; when he and his Pets fought the Crystalline Overlord back then, the traitorous motherfucking shit been caught in a pretty special situation, having been forced to even eat such a strange and unknown failed artifact that even ended up successfully harming himself towards his last few minutes of life.

Besides that, the Crystal Room that the Crystalline Overlord relied on so much to study and protect himself from even Yun Beishang’s senses and that of Mother Main Kingdom wasn’t doing anything in order to aid him at all, though that was more like a show of the true relationship between the Crystalline Overlord and the marvel of Main Kingdom that he found.

Which, of course, Yun Beishang ended up completely breaking, destroying and pulverizing with a single hit of his Destructive Essence. But it was only normal, after all, once he unshackled this little part of himself, Yun Beishang’s Godly stages ‘came back’ to himself and his power was still growing, even now and earlier on as he was doing just nothing.

Now, as Yun Beishang slowly closed in on the end of the ‘tunnel’, those 5 colors danced and moved all around him while Rosey’s head suddenly peeked out from Yun Beishang’s lower back to study everything around them. Lioness, on the other hand, was between Rosey’s breasts and still hidden within Rosey’s own personal space, still looking up to see the ‘tunnel’ as much as she could from within Rosey’s space.

Before long, they arrived at the ‘desired’ destination, but this time, Yun Beishang was not sent flying nor stomping hard against the ground or simply any angle in the air.

Verb-Prr–PFSHIYIIINGL~!!! WHOOOSH! Thud-thud.

*PING* are the first to discover the Penumbral Citadel of the Eternal Silhouette Region, congratulations for this honorary achievement, Fame+20,000.

…Landing on the ground, the already on guard Yun Beishang was suddenly surprised and baffled at the whole, current surroundings and space all around him. For instance, right in front of himself was a street with a pair of buildings, one on each side of the street and from which both were complete and unharmed… but naturally devoid of any life and feeling that there was ever such a thing existing in its entire history.

With his senses, however, he directly scanned the whole place within just an instant. Like the previous Regions’ Citadels that he has been in before, the Penumbral Citadel is as large as the whole Eternal Silhouette Region, the Penumbral Citadel, however, was but utterly vacant of even existential past; simply ghostly.

Everything round Yun Beishang was foggy, but it was a kind of fog that had the unique effect of being within one’s eyes besides existing in the real world itself, Yun Beishang even began to hear similar voices from time to time as he began walking around for some time, hoping to at least find a drifted memory or a dead memory at least.

In the sky, there was only shadowy purple as its one and only color, but in the ground, the floor of the Penumbral Citadel, it was just the same purple yet it was many times more unsettling than the sky and more unsettling that Yun Beishang has ever found something or ‘someone’ to be in his entire pitiful life.

Everything was just… empty, when Yun Beishang got close to stand between the 2 buildings from before in the middle of the street and from both building’s sidewalks, he was both surprised and at the same time not; to see the ‘main’ Black from before, it seemed like it used to have some tiny bits of purple long ago but unfortunately, it was all that Yun Beishang could get from his senses even after trying for a long while.

When Yun Beishang decided to investigate just a bit more and looked at the system’s clock, he noticed that it was still 11:21 pm and not close to 12:00 am, it was the same as before and it seemed as if he had been in that tunnel that he spent so many dozens of minutes to look around; only a few seconds instead.

This couldn’t help Yun Beishang but immediately feel as if he was way too deep into something he couldn’t comprehend, which was obviously the case… for the moment.

The tiles that formed the floor weren’t broken or cracked like an immensely hot, scalding desert that has gone through a severe or several- droughts. They were instead spotless clean, had not a single bit of dirtiness and even had the sensation that they were brand new. But for them to appear in a place such as a citadel that was as large as a whole Region on Main Kingdom… could it be any worse?


“Ahggh!” Just then, completely out of nowhere at that, Yun Beishang crouched down but stopped halfway there and stood back up with yet his back a little bent forward and with his neck and head lowered, his hands went to his ears and ‘capsuled’ them with his fingers with some trembling and painful twisting bending forming at their fragile image.

Yun Beishang’s eyes fully wide and even red, somewhat bloody purple all out of nowhere, he didn’t even need to ‘check’ his physical body back at Irllytia’s bed to know that his fingers were trembling there too, bending and twisting painfully as the sudden bemoans that came from nowhere were as if stuck within his head and his hands could not avoid them from ‘whispering’ and ‘speaking’ to him!

“Mmfgh!!” Letting out a whimper-moan full of pain, Yun Beishang was then able to sense a set of 10 fingers which began to finally touch and massage his own, each ten fingers on each of his hands were slowly helping Yun Beishang to come back to his senses, the bemoans of who knows what were still there and were as loud as possible but not as painful to be haunted by them as before.


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“Agh, fu-OPEN!!!” Roaring to the top of his lungs, and even making the whole surrounding buildings tremble while the floor he was stepping on all cracked and lowered its level by a few tens of centimeters, Yun Beishang suddenly had the sensation that a hand full of purple with black stains was moving in his direction, he didn’t know where it came from nor in which method but he knew that it had suddenly appeared and that it was after a long time of being ‘forced’ upon appearing thanks to Yun Beishang’s senses.

It was a confusing matter that he couldn’t explain, other than the fact that the Overlord already knew of his ‘visit’ and that he was waiting until a certain moment, this moment, before taking Yun Beishang into his own little lair. At the same time that the hand was closing in, more and more bemoans, howls and shrill echoing words calling to his name ‘Yun Beishang’ and ‘Tongqiu’ sounded out again and again.

“AGGHH!!” At this moment, Yun Beishang was already trembling from the base of his neck to the top of his head, fully in pain and from being haunted by those familiar sounds and eyes that were already invading his mind even long before having entered the Penumbral Citadel. He then finally felt how that hand went over and picked him up in a matter that was not rude, hostile nor gentle and careful.


In just a moment, Yun Beishang’s body was dragged from the floor of the Penumbral Citadel to the ‘void’ that the hand came from, and it was only at those small moments that Yun Beishang could see a huge shadowy hand that was as wide as several small houses within the Penumbral Citadel and endlessly large, just that the ‘base’ of such arm wasn’t visible from his side.

Yet, just as Yun Beishang ‘entered’ the void and his vision instantly turned as if being tainted by Blackness, the same that had turned the previous purple into complete Black color of the buildings and in the ‘tunnel’ from before. Even with his eyes closed, Yun Beishang’s overall sight was being tainted bit by bit by that Blackness more and more, seemingly not wanting to stop until all of his sight was tainted in the same manner that everything else was like so before.

“Haaaaaaa~jiejiejiejie, jejiejiejiejaaaaaaa~...” A shrilling crooked laughter resounded from deep within the void and the Blackness that Yun Beishang was being engulfed with, ‘tenderly’ echoing into his ears and then as if within his brain, slowly enshrouding Yun Beishang who then fell unconscious for just a moment, but that moment alone was instead felt as if dozens of lifetimes went by.

. . .


Within an unknown space, where everything in the sky and the floor seemed to be made of the same black color; fearful, corrupted and without a purpose that even if it was just a color itself and in its utmost lifeless state of true… seemed more alive than people themselves who had a completely sane and healthy life.

“Ah…” On the floor that didn’t even seem to exist, from how annexed the walls, the ceiling and the floor were that they even appeared to be the same thing and not just sharing the same Black color, yet also seeming to not even exist at all. A young man’s body covered by a tight powerful violet color suit that seemed to be formed from the most purest beautiful of flowers and Core Elements laid on the ‘inexistent’ Black floor as he slowly tried to open his eyes in quick succession several times in a row; nonstop.

“Wah…” Opening his eyes in a flurry, and barely managing to do so at last, Yun Beishang impulsed himself from the ground with his right arm against the Black floor and his left hand trying to push his own body upwards. His eyes were irregularly closing and opening at different intervals to one another, with their sight being flurry blurred and very slowly gaining a bit of clarity.

“What is this…? Where the f-... oh.” Standing up, halfways, Yun Beishang was crouching but still trying to regain his senses as he was continuously trying to stand up; he finally saw what could be said to be a type of incredible wide cape. This ‘cape’ was of that very same Black color and from the shoulders, it was as wide as 47 meters or so, with the lower cape being as wide as barely 3 meters or so.

Naturally, this was someone’s back, and just like the Crystalline Overlord from the Wonder Region, this ‘Overlord’ was giving Yun Beishang their back, though ‘this one’ wasn’t saying a single thing at all, much less moving as it seemed to be stuck in time. Even while frowning, Yun Beishang could only do that much while recuperating his balance and nothing else.

“...oh, you woke up.” With dragged out words and a creepy, unhinged tone of a male voice, Yun Beishang was spoken to from his front. Seeing the ‘back’ of the ‘Overlord’, Yun Beishang received no information whatsoever and could either enter into roleplaying mode or silently make his way towards their back.


“Ugh…” Without saying anything, feeling still dizzy and incredibly fucking annoyed at this situation, Yun Beishang began walking towards the Overlord with his hands having gone upwards to his upper back and summoning his Undeniable Orders; his old pals!

Step… step, step… step, step, step… stepstep stepstep…!!

“Oh, you’re hasty, mm?” The same unhinged male voice and dragged out tone echoed out, this time even louder, as a visible shadowy head was now visible as it turned itself towards the right and from which the male voice came from yet not a mouth nor ees were visible from. “Oh noooo, you are sooooo hasty to kill me?! HWBAJBWHAWBWHAWAJHAWJAHAABHAABHAHBAHAHAAA! So funny, aaaaaaaaaaah!”

‘Ugh, another crazy motherfucker… great.’ Yun Beishang lamented to himself while, on the other hand, the entity made of simple and mere ‘shadow matter’ began cracking the shit out of himself and his shadowy body was becoming more and more capable of making a person become deranged and develop one or a few mental illness from just seeing ‘him’ crackle up.

Whatever the reason it was before that the shadowy body could not move or had simply chosen not to move for, right now, as Yun Beishang quickly approached it in this space that seemed endless and short at the same time and from which even seconds with his speed having recovered and reached 150% Movement Speed yet was still far away from the shadowy body.

As the male voice spoke for the third time, his shadowy body seemed to now regain its mobility and, while Yun Beishang got closer and closer, the shadowy body went from moving at seemingly 3 fps every 3 seconds with the male voice sounding out as smoothly as a normal person’s; to an almost full 3 fps speed every half a second, appearing yet even more deranged than before.


*PING* are no longer inflicted with a God Race’s curse, your main basic attributes and Hidden Stats have been restored along with an unknown existence’s shackles being completely broken, please be prepared to face any abnormality!!!

Slowly feeling himself recuperating, Yun Beishang ignored the system notification that appeared at an adequate space from his eyesight and rushed madly towards the shadowy body at his full 304%, which he would rise to 329% in a bit once he got into contact with it.

“HAHAHAAAAJIEEEEEEEEEEEE-~~!! I AM FREE.. I AM FREE I’M FREE I’M FREE BUT WHY-WHAT-DO-WHY-WHY-WHY DO I FEEL SO SAAAAAAAAAAAAADDD?!?!?!” The shadowy body in front of Yun Beishang spoke boldly, so damn loud to the point that Yun Beishang’s ears would’ve started leaking even brain matter should the one facing this entity be a normal player and not someone of at least the ranks of Baston and the like.

It also said some incoherent words, the entity had hands and arms form at the lower part of his body which was hidden from Yun Beishang’s naked eye since the former was still giving his back to the latter. Those shadowy arms were many times thinner and smaller in width to the purple arm with Black stains that dragged Yun Beishang in here from before.

Yet, as they appeared and rose to the place where arms should be in a humanoid’s body, they began merging altogether, a wider and thicker arm was still growing more and more at the sides of the shadowy figure’s shoulders hidden by his Black cape, with hundreds more of those smaller arms joining the ones at the to keep on merging more and more.

Meanwhile, the shadowy body finally began turning around to his right completely while raising his body up. Then, as the front shadowy body was becoming visible through Yun Beishang’s naked eye, which he already visualized with his senses long ago, the shadowy male voice spoke once again in complete incoherence as Yun Beishang did just as much as ignoring him; yet, with a bout of information finally being released into the world and caught by his eye.


The shadowy entity had its whole immense reverse triangular head horribly trembling along with most of his body from the head high up to the waist midway below; before ultimately and so bizarrely turning incredibly calm and collected…



V6: #5 2/10.

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