Bow and Arrow

Chapter 595: Chapter 593 — Shadow Lord (3—Last Part)

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Shadow Lord (3—Last Part)




[Shadow Lord, Overlord of the Darkness]: Type: Shadow(Forced Fallen), Grade: Mythical, LV: 130, HP: 10,000,000/2,000,000. An Overlord, a strongest powerhouse from all over Main Kingdom, and the ultimate Sacred Protector of a whole Region from Main Kingdom. As the last survivor of the Penumbral Citadel from his own doings, Shadow Lord had been beaten from the front and from the back after his doings were done over with. Whether it is the slumbering spirit or the invading enemy, both punished the Shadow Lord and jailed him, unknowingly cooperating for the restraining of the Shadow Lord and granting him an unforgivable long time of forgotten existence. Now, countless years has passed and as the first Overlord's Citadel of a Region to become extinct, he has been freed from this prison.

Skills: Endless Darkness, Dominion of Darkness, World of Darkness, Shadowy Limb, Unhinged Failure(Sacred Protector mutation) and Darkness Within.

[Endless Darkness]: The Shadow Lord can travel between shadows and darkness, can travel in the form of a gigantic entity as large as Main Kingdom itself or as small as a single atom instead. With the activation of this skill, the Shadow Lord conjures a breathtaking, instantaneous source of light with his own powers, allowing for shadows to never be lacking wherever he goes. Usage rate: Normal, cannot be blocked, cannot be mitigated and cannot be stopped.

[Dominions of Darkness]: The Shadow Lord erupts from within a powerful failed Pocket Dimension and sees all his targets within a radius of 10,000 m x 10,000 m to engulf them and bring them with himself towards this very own failed Pocket Dimension and continue the fight, or terror, within there for a total of 3 minutes. Usage rate: Slightly high, cannot be parried, cannot be blocked, cannot be avoided and cannot be interrupted.

[World of Darkness]: When the Shadow Lord descends all of the Shadow Elemental, Stain Elemental, Corruption Elemental and Tainting Elemental power within his body, he covers the an entire Region’s territory worth of space in an instant and begins regenerating 250,000 HP per second, his enemies are inflicted with Slow+50% and are tend to be inflicted with Strong Knockback with a 80% chance rate every time they are hit in any way or form. The Shadow Lord can take any shape and lunge into anyone’s dreams when inside is World of Darkness to terrorize the target. Usage rate: Slightly rare, cannot be blocked, cannot be mitigated, cannot be interrupted and cannot be stopped.

[Shadowy Limb]: The Shadow Lord can send away either his arms or legs to deal a powerful hit, send flying away or simply to grab at the target without any qualms nor need of placing any force nor momentum in his limbs. He can extend his limbs to an endless degree or all the way until his limbs came out of the Eternal Silhouette Region’s Regional Borders; to which they would not disappear but be impossible from leaving the Region. Usage Rate: High, cannot be interrupted and cannot be avoided.

[Unhinged Failure(Sacred Protector mutation)]: The Shadow Lord regenerates 20,000,000 HP every 2 seconds he is in the battlefield, has his overall Damage Dealt+250% but receives 400% more Damage Dealt in any way and form, while also having his total HP lowered by 50% eternally until the end of his times.

[Darkness Within]: No matter where you are, no matter who you are, no matter your strength, no matter your life and death; the Shadow Lord uses his one and only, unique Racial Talent to target and focus on you… before drilling deep into your mind and raising each and every single terror within it, allowing for no longer any sleep nor death that any dead or undead could ever free themselves from. Usage rate: ???. Cannot be blocked, cannot be avoided, cannot be interrupted, cannot be stopped, cannot be mitigated and cannot be cured.


“Hap!” Yun Beishang was just thinking to himself, rather calmly and peacefully ‘huh, so this is one mental fucker specialized in fucking with another’s mental-’ when he suddenly felt a strong hit of the nonexistent wind on the right side of his face and his right chest being practically covered by a hot sensation, one he was goddamn familiar with.

Kruuuuuuuggrrrrrrrrrrhhh!! CLIN-CLANK-CLANNNN~...!!!

Yun Beishang saw the incoming large, dark and shadowy figure coming right at him and directly moved his right handed Undeniable Order to parry the incoming left limb from the Shadow Lord, the latter was silent but made an incredulously ‘shocked’ and ‘unbelievable’ but also comical and to laugh at face once his left arm was easily sent flying away like a balloon's discharging of air from within.


“WOOOAAAAH, EVIL GOD IS SMART, EVIL GOD STROOONG!! KUWYAHAHAHAHAHA!” The Shadow Lord said that much and then directly sent over his own head towards Yun Beishang! With his own neck dangerously bending and showing his shadowy body in a creepy yet silent and seemingly nonexistent demeanor, a mouth appeared on the Shadow Lord’s head before more and more appeared…

“IIIII AAAAMMM GOOOIIIINNGGG TOOOO EEAAAATT TOOOODDAAAAYYYWAWAWAWAWAWA!!!” The Shadow Lord spoke, and all mouths at the same time began mimicking the main, authentic mouth of the same that was basically not any of the new ones that even took up space and replaced his ‘eyes’, ‘ears’, nose and eyebrows. With each word being spoken, the Shadow Lord’s mouths would drag and continuously drag and drag on those word until they were finally told by the dozens of loud as hell mouths.

At this time, Yun Beishang only had his left eyebrow involuntary rising at his skin numbing a tiny little bit; just a tad. With his old pals being close to his skin, his left handed Divine Gladius with its edge aiming about 120 degrees with his left hand grabbing the handle right in front of his collarbone and his right hand close to his left cheek with his right handed Divine Gladius showing its pure and regular colors overall.

Spotless platinum-white blade but with the tiniest tads of bright dark blood spots all over the entire blade’s body; and a handle that had a royalty-ish, dragon-like design to itself with an undeniable imperious aura and of a dark golden for the dragon-like design while the handle itself was of a dark brown sparkling color instead.

“HUUUAUAAAAA?!!” Suddenly, the Shadow Lord could only stupidly ‘ask’ to himself in the loudest of voices as Yun Beishang abruptly sent his body just a short 3 meters up in the air and rotated his body, his head ending up aiming at a 90 degrees angle and both his Divine Gladiuses beginning to gyrate along with Yun Beishang in the middle of the air yet while still moving!

Vwooo-cracrrcrcrcraackcrackaa-oooooongggg!! Vwoo-cr-cr-crcraacrackckckackrkcrkaa-ongg!

While gyrating in midair yet not only going at his full maximum Movement Speed of 304% but of 329% instead, Yun Beishang suddenly let go of his old pals as they were effectuated with the Unparalleled Tongqiu’s Manipulation skill and began spinning on their own accord while becoming as large as 7 meters and as thick as 120 centimeters with a width of 2.3 meters.

On the inexistent Black floor, the Divine Gladiuses went on their way and flashed the 6 Core Elemental colors all except for the Darkness Core Element, creating ripples that were scarier than 10 grenades falling on solid and untouched concrete floor/ground and with some even being as long as ten meters despite the fact that the blades had already stopped touching the Black floor.

Yet, as if due to the incredible grade and power that these already completed Artifacts were made to have innately, the initial hits from the Divine Gladiuses’ blades still made quite a bit of ‘scars’ through the Black floor while the handles would instead make the Black floor have countless dents of at least 10 meters deep whenever it did as much as just slightly touching the ground.


Meanwhile, on the other hand, the wingless Yun Beishang had simply and merely extended out his legs after coming to a sudden halt thanks to his Mental Prowess and Will hidden stat and having crouched down on the Black floor. Sending his own body shooting like a bullet to the left while the spinning Divine Gladiuses rushed over to the right, Yun Beishang reappeared just 1.2 seconds later at the right shoulder of the Shadow Lord who was bending his own body forward.


While an insanely wide and thick in volume- right arm made its way toward Yun Beishang was, the latter raised both his arms to his shoulder height and formed fists with his hands before slowly, actually slowly retracting them. The two Divine Gladiuses finally arrived at their destination, the shadowy body’s left ribs from the side of the torso and deeply penetrated themselves up to their handle into it.

-963,630, -963,630.

On the other hand, just as Yun Beishang was going to be bathed in the slamming of the incoming open shadowy palm with only 3 fingers on its east, west and northern regions, his arms began glowing while his eyes showed an extreme fierceness along with an extreme calmness at the same time; his body’s veins and mass enlarging a bit in just an instant as a pure golden and light violet energy surrounded his body and regularly flashed in the same colors.

Tongqiu’s Godly Divinity + Hells Open, Heavens Weep!





“AAAH, MOT-herfu…eeerr~~...” Yun Beishang managed to hit the Shadow Lord with his 3,000 fists thundering on the right side of his body, basically turning the latter’s right arm into sweet fog that vanished as the Divine Gladiuses that stabbed him on his left ribs made an even stronger inertia force that sent the Shadow Lord’s body even father away once he was directly hit by so many thousands of fists and with all of them having a 130% chance of inflicting a Knockback effect and 75% of a Strong Knockback.

Allowing for the normal Knockback effect to seem almost as efficient as a Strong Knockback instead, and making the Strong Knockback effects that were able to be activated with that little chance and to a Mythical grade BOSS to be even stronger than expected, the Shadow Lord’s body was as if directly teleported tens of kilometers away in just an instant just after slapping Yun Beishang the heck away from his current attacking position.

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“...aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrggghwaaaaah~~...~~...” With the Shadow Lord's HP: [7,107,182,740/2,000,000] and with Yun Beishang’s HP being just ridiculously lowered by that tiniest amount possible, it made Yun Beishang fully enraged as he saw his remaining 177,045 HP from his 178,060 total HP, ‘So useless?! Motherfucker, forget using Supreme Last Stand, I am even willing to reduce my bar HP on my own, fuck off!’

With his idea changing to that of no longer taking his sweet time to have his HP lowered by either using his Evil God Metamorphosis or his Omnipresent Cosmo Omega Shot until his HP was lowered to that required % of 15%. Yun Beishang then simply began raging forwards, but not alone anymore, his right hand raised into the air as if beginning to climb something while his left foot made a last strong move forwards as if he was perfectly and calmly walking forth without any awkwardness despite his obviously uncomfortable pose of the likes of a male dog about to take a piss.


From under himself, a tiny figure of a little girl was 'outshined' and appeared to be made of fully golden energy and light color, yet, half an instant right after, that figure turned into a n incredibly long and insanely thick creature under Yun Beishang’s bum. With the same golden color being all that one could see from the creature, an ever so majestic and imperious huge head came to be at the front!


Rumble~!! Rumble~!! Rumble~!! Rumble~!! Rumble~!! Rumble~!!

With just the most powerful show of might possible to ever be hosted by none other but Yun Beishang’s Lioness herself! She showed her Responsive Dragon form in the most opportune of moments, as before within the Crystalline Overlord’s crystal room, though it was good enough for her to transform in her Responsive Dragon form, it wouldn’t have been nowhere near as fitting and agile as her Heavenly Lion form would have been.

But, that was back then on that limited space of a room and one that would be easily traversed by the likes of a Mythical grade BOSS, let alone a God Devourer grade BOSS and two Universal grade Pets along with none other than the fucking Evil God of Main Kingdom!

Right now, her length reaching up to 200 meters and her body with a diameter of 15 meters, her entire body covered by majestic golden scales with their tips being as if 'tainted' by a pure, powerful violet color that made them look furthermore omnipotent yet, regrowable arms and legs that can retract into her own body with a length of 20 meters and a diameter of about 2 meters, claws as long as 5 meters and as wide as 70 inches with each limb having 7 fingers. She had some fur behind her head as if a lion's mane of a majestic golden color but with their tips from the top being of the same pure, powerful violet 'stain'. Majestic golden iris and pupils with a tiny bit of violet at the very center of her eyes and fangs as large as 8 meters long and up to 3 meters thick.

Despite her enormous appearance and her incredibly large body, Lioness’ whole dragon’s body moved as if not being affected by the density of either gravity or her entire presence in this Black space that was seemingly endless yet inexistent at the same time. But she wasn’t the only one to show up as Rosey directly showed herself at Yun Beishang’s right, her little petals on top of her head emanating a dangerous dark rose energy as well.


Rosey, Great Petal of Destroying Dooming Bloom!



WHOOOSH!!! Whistle~~, whistle~~...!

First was Yun Beishang mounting Lioness’s Responsive Dragon Form and dashing at their maximum Movement Speed of 1,029% and with Rosey’s dark rose colored beam from her Dooming Bloom skill’s bombing attack following them right after as the Shadow Lord was still flying away and experiencing what a certain someone’s father did some months ago in the same manner.

With the Shadow Lord’s HP being rather 20,000,000 HP short of having only 7,000,000,000 HP left before its ultimate death despite the supposed 2,000,000,000 total HP that the current him should’ve had, Yun Beishang and Lioness flew in impossible speeds and flexibility towards the Shadow Lord’s body flying away while another pair of whistles accompanied the whistling sound of themselves cutting through air and almost through space.

In fact, should Yun Beishang not be careful, he could very well cut the space he was in and send both himself and Lioness flying way without even knowing which faraway place within this seemingly endless space they would end up at. But that was of no importance to someone like Yun Beishang who had so many Hidden Stats and even the senses of a Godly being!

The accompanying 2 extra whistling sounds were, naturally, from the pair of Undeniable Orders that had stabbed directly into the Shadow Lord’s left ribs, and once they left their stabbing spot and began flying back to Yun Beishang with another use of his Unparalleled Tongqiu’s Manipulation. The Shadow Lord’s body began to gain some mobility at last with the Divine Gladiuses leaving his body, at last.

But by that time, Yun Beishang had already reached to his front and with Rosey’s Dooming Bloom hitting the Shadow Lord’s stomach square and her own body already flying towards Yun Beishang’s back, he could only see as a few hundred shadows of those detestable stabbing fellows all coming down at him and the real ones already aiming at his neck while his right shadowy arm was barely beginning to form once again.

Tongqiu’s Godly Divinity + Unparalleled Tongqiu’s Destruction + Omnipresent Cosmo Beta Shot!


Shadow Lord's HP: [ 6,735,893,740/2,000,000]. In just a few seconds, from the moment that Yun Beishang sent the Shadow Lord’s body, a true Overlord of a Region from none other Kingdom but Main Kingdom; was sent flying with just punches and a set of skills from a ‘lower being’ than the Shadow Lord himself, only about 20 seconds had gone by.

And though the use of Hells Open, Heavens Weep skill used up all 75% of his MP and Stamina, with just 1 Benevolent Advanced-Potion, Yun Beishang was even almost already full of both his MP and Stamina yet again. In fact, a single Benevolent Intermediate-Potion would’ve been more than enough already, but all of those he had delivered to his Order for each of his soldiers to have 1 or 2 at most.

[Kindness Advanced-Potion]: Type: Potion, Grade: Spiritual(Brown), Effect: Instantly restores 44% of your total HP, regenerates HP+1,000 every second for 8 seconds and grants you invincibility for 0.15 seconds. Cooldown: 9,5 seconds. NOTE: This item can now perfectly work with graded BOSSes or special NPCs/mobs with a 100% accuracy rate and efficiency to those under the Legendary grade.

[Benevolent Advanced-Potion]: Type: Potion, Grade: Spiritual(Brown), Effect: Instantly restores 60% of MP and Stamina, restores 1.5% MP and Stamina every 1.5 seconds for 15 seconds and gives you invulnerability for 1.5 seconds, also cleansing any CC effect in that time frame. Cooldown: 17 seconds. NOTE: This item can now perfectly work with graded BOSSes or special NPCs/mobs with a 100% accuracy rate and efficiency to those under the Legendary grade.

With his HP being able to instantly recover ‘+78,346’ HP at once and both his MP and Stamina recuperating about ‘+118,410’ MP and ‘+118,470’ Stamina, Yun Beishang had nothing to worry about and even more so thanks to the less cooldown and larger duration of the special, additional effects; even if they were menial or barely something.

For someone like Yun Beishang and someone that fought these kinds of battles where every fraction of a second, sometimes even moment and instant, it was more than enough for Yun Beishang to make an insanely great use of without a doubt.

And with the 1 minute cooldown from his Hells Open, Heavens Weep skill going lower and lower, Yun Beishang’s Unparalleled Tongqiu’s Destruction descending onto the Shadow Lord’s body sent him smacking against the ground  bit lighter than before but just as tremendously instantaneous as before!

And yet, such movements and tennis-like plays were just the beginning, as Lioness roared to the world above and her mere act began to make an endless show of lightning and thunder… that then began to rain down onto all over the Shadow Lord’s body who was moving his head as if in a daze and with his ‘jaw’ completely dislocated.

Lioness, Heavenly Rain of the Responsive Dragon’s Destruction!



Let It Rain's Note: 'Tis but a short battle, tings are how they are, ah.

V6: #5 3/10.

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