Bow and Arrow

Chapter 596: Chapter 594 — Whispering Of Goodbyes

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Whispering Of Goodbyes




When Yun Beishang was just calmly swiping down, left and right his Divine Gladiuses, the Shadow Lord's shrill cries and howls emanating from his mouth never ceased, but the whole lot of shadowy arms and fingers that he sent to Yun Beishang were all 'cordially' parried back or the fuck away; granting the Shadow Lord nothing else but anxiousness and desperation as his whole body was being eroded with each passing of Yun Beishang's blade and even kicks or headbutts the latter did to the former.

-963,630, -963,630, -963,630, -963,630, -963,630, -963,630, -963,360...

"WUGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEYYYHH!! How can you harm me, how can how can how can yooouuuu?!!" But to these shrieks, Yun Beishang ignored and at most, narrowed his eyes a bit more out of boredom as he kept on slashing at the stupid piece of shit. Just as Yun Beishang ended up dealing a total of 66,490,470 damage to the Shadow Lord's bar HP, the latter finally utilized what was obviously a skill!


‘Dominion of Darkness!!’ Yun Beishang instantly felt his body being dragged away as soon as he saw the Shadow Lord’s cape begin to spread out as if they were becoming the skies themselves and his body seemingly beginning to be dragged left and right instead of directly being sent to the Dominion of Darkness’ space, at the same time, the still ongoing Heavenly Rain of Lioness’ skillset was still able to deal Magical Damage and Lightning Damage but not able to slow down the Shadow Lord.

In this Dominion of Darkness, without a doubt, the Shadow Lord could already become immune to either certain or most debuffs that were inflicted upon him, even then; unless he hid within the shadows themselves to hide from the global and unavoidable Lioness’s Heavenly Rain skill, he would still be damaged by it nonetheless.

But Yun Beishang wasn’t going to wait until he was placed inside the Dominion of Darkness directly, as he instantly began using his Godly senses to drive himself into it and appearing within it while ignoring and overpowering the sensation of being dragged away slowly and dully. As soon as he landed on the Black foggy floor, from which Black fog was all that existed on his surroundings for an area of 10 km x 10 km right now, Yun Beishang also saw the back of the Shadow Lord once more… while his arms were raised up into the foggy Black sky.

‘Endless Darkness?’ But Yun Beishang had no time to think for much as the Shadow Lord had discover him as well, and with the Shadow Lord beginning to emit deafening shrieks of ‘kishi kishii~!’, his shadowy hands that were in the air began emanating a pure silver-platinum source of light that began outlining a rhombus shaped form of light from the same colors.

The silver as the main color and the platinum as the outlining that was first formed, Yun Beishang’s eyes widened and his head quickly positioned itself as Lioness rushed up to the Shadow Lord’s back at the insane 1,029% Movement Speed right away!

Besides the fact that Rosey was also within the Dominion of Darkness a few thousands of meters away, Lioness could feel the sole target selected for her Heavenly Rain of the Responsive Dragon’s Destruction!-skill being targeted by her, its Magical Damage of 5,000 and Lightning Core Elemental Damage of 15,000 affecting the Shadow Lord every 3 seconds.

As such, without even needing of Yun Beishang or Rosey to tell her where the enemy was nor needing to scan the whole area filled of pure Black fog with her own senses, she directly rushed at the Shadow Lord, while on the other hand and on top of her Responsive Dragon Form, Yun Beishang was already brandishing both his Undeniable Orders old pals and decided to go for broke for a little bit at once!

Tongqiu’s Destroying Combustion + Omnipresent Cosmo Beta Shot + Hells Open, Heavens Weep!



Before, without activating his Omnipresent Cosmo Beta Shot, Yun Beishang was already able to deal an incredibly high damage  of a couple billion thanks to his always Critical Hit and Pierce Rate as well as his Critical Damage+100%, allowing each of his Critical Hits dealing thrice the damage instead of just twice.

Now, as he attacked the back of the Shadow Lord and directly emptied his bar HP, the Shadow Lord didn’t even had a time to react as the 6 different colors from the Core Elements formed explosions out of this world as their sound alone directly distorted half of the Dominion of Darkness all at once and the explosions themselves distorted the other half.

At the next moment, from all the explosions of such different colors, a powerful violet color prevailed from all of them as a second round of explosions that didn’t deal any sort of damage but rather, destructive damage to structures and anything that was or wasn’t a living being; directly destroying the entire Dominion of Darkness and freeing both Yun Beishang and Rosey and Lioness from it.

Yet, as Yun Beishang found himself completely free of the Dominion of Darkness, and while the entire ‘outside world’ that consisted of the main Black color had suddenly gained clear and extremely large spots of violet that spread through the entire Black room unlike before, the Shadow Lord was still moving and ‘kicking’ as he threw his head to the back and roared out.

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhwyaaaaaaaa!! Pallhawlawhwlahalhahalahalhalha~! WHY?!?!?!”


Amidst the quickly filling up purple, the Shadow Lord’s head that was already basically ‘detached’ from its normal position was looking back at Yun Beishang while flying away from the previous plethora, thousands and thousands of explosions that went off at his back in a moment of weakness and being taken advantage of, but to which Yun Beishang looked on indifferently.



Seemingly having found a kind of ‘end’ to the Black room, the Shadow Lord’s body halted at once and the sound of his body slamming against a ‘wall’ was so loud despite being sent flying hundreds of kilometers away in just a few seconds. Meanwhile, Yun Beishang was frowning a little. Before, he only used his Hells Open, Heavens Weep with his normal attacks in order to no burst out his brain juice and energy at once, but he would still grow rather tired from it even if not too much.

And now that he didn’t use Supreme Last Stand and used instead a combo with his Tongqiu’s Unparalleled Destruction and one of his self-buffing skills, though it was much better than using the combo with Supreme Last Stand, it was still taxing and a lot of weight to support mentally and on his own virtual body than when using only his self-buffing skills.

“!?!?!” Yet, just as Yun Beishang was riding Lioness and approaching the Shadow Lord with a bit of less Movement Speed % that Lioness specifically chose to travel with due to letting her now finally husband recuperate from the slight pain and taxation of his body and mind, Yun Beishang’s eyes widened incredulously as he suddenly felt himself completely overshadowed from all around over his body… by nothing but darkness itself.

“...huuuwwgaaaaah…YUN BEISHANG! …TONGQIU! …Evil Gooood~!!”

“!!!” Yet, just before Yun Beishang could even blink while his frowning was easing up and his whole body was turning fully ‘made’ out of darkness, and as Rosey’s voice could be heard within his senses with yet a feeling of her voice being from a whole different reality and like from a mirage; saying ‘...not fair, you are faster than me without any skills, AAH!’.

Yun Beishang couldn’t differentiate anymore between himself and the darkness, for as the darkness had engulfed himself and he had been drown in it.


Before Yun Beishang knew it, there was no more a bar HP that said 0/2,000,000,000 nor a Shadow Lord; much less a Lioness in her Responsive Dragon or Rosey chasing up to them from behind, yelling injustice and demanding retribution and cuddling afterwards. Now, it was only him alone and not even his mind was with him, as if Yun Beishang had become completely just… ‘nothing’.

“HAHA-jiehajiehajieHAHA! … … …Yun Beishang?” All that Yun Beishang could hear and see was nothing, but suddenly, bright colors came to exist from Yun Beishang’s left, glowing on the left side of his face as a voice that was completely with dragged out words and creepy, unhinged tones in it slowly disappearing and dying out inside his head…as a sudden but familiar voice made his eyes open up again from their almost closed stance and to gain clarity once again.

“!...” But just as Yun Beishang was going to lift his head, or rather, even about to begin to raise it, he stopped and his eyes turned unclear once more; before becoming indifferent and emotionless. At the same time, just 1 second after Yun Beishang stopped himself from moving his body just a tad, disgusting lewd, squelching came to be.

“Ah~, mmg… … … … …”


The noises were really abrupt and came as fast as possible and as loud as ever damnable possible, the images were already showing a lot of what they could be as the glow from them on the left side of his face were even more unthinkable and heartbreaking… but they left as soon as the ‘darkness’ created them… by not any other thing but Yun Beishang’s heart; and himself.

Those images didn’t even managed to even form themselves to exist before they were completely ignored and not given a damn fuck about by Yun Beishang; as such, they could only not even hope to exist as they disappeared… Suddenly, Yun Beishang felt like walking. As such, he took a step forward.

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Step, step, step… step, step, step, step… step, step, step, step, step…


“Gyaaaaaaa~-hihihihi, die, die, die, die, die, die…!!”

“Shrklgb-blawkkfff! Noo-... help me, pleas-splash! Pfshhwwll~...”

“...” Yun Beishang walked, as a response, everything around him and even more importantly, in front of him; began to be all sorts of nightmarish thoughts, dreams, intrusive thoughts and realities. None were real but all of them could never be fake as well, they would exist as long as the pure and strong feelings and emotions existed; just like shadow existed within light.

Yet, Yun Beishang maintained his face so lifeless and emotionless, cold yet expressive and filled with severe murder while being completely surrounded by peace. When images appeared at his front, he kept walking, not moving anything that wasn’t his feet, legs and waist to move forward; his head wasn’t low so he could still see the images that were placed in his front, yet he saw none of them.

If that was the case with them, then those images that appeared to his sides and behind, calling out to him; merrily, with hate, in a lewd stance or in the most horrible of dying sounds… were even more so completely futile to even accidentally, coincidentally or accidentally attract any bit of his inexistent attention.

…Step… Step… sigh, step. Step.

At last, no more images appeared and instead, a totally stifling and unthinkable silence was the only thing that was presentable within the entire World of Darkness! Yun Beishang, at this point, blinked once, just once. But that blink alone was enough to make the whole darkness around him to wave and ripple, to make way and prostrate to him in servitude.

His words, lighter than a feather and his heart, beat-less as an object; were both heard as his arms were slowly raised upwards with his fingertips seemingly being bleached by an invisible black sea of darkness right above his head at an arm’s reach. “I initially have decided to, unless it is personal, not talk to dead people anymore. It is… very dumb and petty to do so anyways, but for you… since we share a common similarity…I will speak to you, let’s just make this quick with me talking low so that I won’t stop midway there, okay?”


The fingers that were bleached in darkness by the black invisible sea were suddenly met with another kind of sensation rather than being ‘tainted’ by the Black sea, it was the sensation of his fingertips touching another set of fingertips. Yet, instead of feeling stranded by it, Yun Beishang, who now wore an innocent and guiltless expression on his face, did nothing even as he instead felt as if 20 fingertips from 4 of his hands touched one another.

It was a bizarre and undeniably most crazy sensation and notion ever, but that was just like the world around him was filled with fake and reality, both being truthful yet nonexistent at the same time.

At the same time, Yun Beishang was suddenly ‘pulled’ by the Black sea upwards, or downwards; perhaps. His body wasn’t grabbed at by any pair of hands to the arms on the other side, whichever side and whichever pair of hands. And yet again, at the same time, Yun Beishang felt a pair of omnipresent slender yet utmost powerful arms entangle his waist from behind and a fiery yet smoothest long hair caressing his nape… while a sense of direction finally came back to him.




As soon as Yun Beishang recovered his sight, sense of direction, breathing and beating heart; his eyes that were just now as if a ton of black painting had landed on his eyeballs and was swiftly covering them all with that blackness went in an instant. Allowing his darkest black and broken glass gray eyes to see again as Lioness’s roar made the entire Black room roar as she charged for the umpteenth time against the Shadow Lord’s totally immobile chest!


“...” Without even needing to use his senses, Yun Beishang could tell that Lioness was infuriated to no end right now, and even her incredibly hard and durable scales on her face were all wrinkled up with her entire self having let go of inhibitions and showing her rage with abandon. But just as Lioness collided with the immobile now 40 km tall Shadow Lord’s immobile body, Rosey’s voice sounded out from behind her head and behind Yun Beishang’s ears as she sounded… a little silly.

“Well guys, I admit I need to use my Bloodline of the Teary Rose to catch up to you, and travel among Core Elements as well. But… that’s too much of a waste, isn’t it better if I just teleport to Big Brother? Ai… I’m so dumb…”

“...” Lioness was stunned silly when hearing Rosey finally catch up to them, throughout this entire time, she had been charging over and over at the Shadow Lord’s body and sending it flying away for tens of km every time, making Rosey pout and narrow her eyes in aggravation. But just as Lioness looked behind herself, she finally saw Yun Beishang who no longer needed of her Lightning Core Element and its derivatives to take a good hold of the soulless dumbest husband of theirs.

“Hmph~, okay, let me take it from here.” Yun Beishang, feeling somewhat lethargic from his goddamn incredibly unique but fucking most bizarre experience; snorted through his nostrils in a cheerful and involuntary manner before rubbing Rosey’s face with the back of his head. The latter doing nothing to stop the former from doing so as she slowly let go of his waist. Her arms? No longer trembling with incredible force while holding him tight.

Brrrr~...” On the other hand, Lioness looked back with her majestic golden eyes and tiny dot of pure, powerful violet at Yun Beishang, her gaze as if about to sniff some times and then lash out crying out tears of grievance. But Yun Beishang quickly made her ‘pout’ instead as he said with a snarky single laugh, “Ha, you even know when to be cute? No, that’s not good, you’re being trained badly by my Rosey, sigh~.”


Graawwl… Big Sister, you said it would work~!”

“Bawhaa! Why are you blaming me? It definitely worked! You’ll see, later on-gwyaaah! Let me finish! Bad Little Lioness, bad!”

Landing on the ground and ignoring the pair of pretty beauties… well, one of them in her non-humanoid Form; Yun Beishang stepped onto the Black floor as the still immobile Shadow Lord’s body that no longer grew after being attacked by Lioness remained on the spot. He now had a face that was completely stagnant, mouth not even visible and shadowy eyes seemingly having petrified.

“...” But then, the petrified eyes instantly moved, creepily, towards Yun Beishang with a series of sudden movements that were incomplete and had to be repeated over and over again to really look down at Yun Beishang’s body. It was as if they were frozen, and could only move from time to time with great speed and with sounds of ‘crish!’ even being heard whenever those shadowy eyeballs moved.

“You’re dying aren’t you? I could just leave you like this and let your body slowly disintegrate; painfully.” Yun Beishang raised his right arm up, his hand opened and his head tilting to the left for a little bit, “Hm, it’s weird. You were of a descendancy that somewhat has resemblance to mine, even if it’s just in color and that is childish.”

“You were on the other way; on another path.” Yun Beishang lowered his right arm lackadaisically, even somewhat unbalanced, making him seem as if he was swaggering on his way to the Shadow Lord’s enlarged body. “But I don’t care,your stupid shit dragged you and your little bitches down, I can’t even tell where they are, if they are anything at all anymore. So, I just simply don’t care…”

“Besides,” Yun Beishang arrived before the Shadow Lord’s body, right below where his chest and as the latter was also crouching down with his legs somewhat separated from his lower body yet still giving support to the rest of the shadowy body. Yun Beishang’s eyes turned hostile, so damn cold and brutally silent as he lightly uttered out from his mouth.

“Besides, when did I ever allow you to peek through my memories?”



Let It Rain's Note: Damn, dude got blasted, sorry Shadow papa; I made YB op, get recked dumb idiot.

V6: #5 4/10.

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