Bow and Arrow

Chapter 81: Chapter 80 — Innermost Central Area, Open!

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Innermost Central Area, Open!



Arriving at the small hill which, at this point, Tongqiu had already more or less understood that they were made so that players could get an overall look of the Basic Communication Device's area, and reevaluate strategies... somewhat useful for him, barely; but it would've had surely been helpful for those idiotic players from before. Pity their arrogance and inexperience at such an incredible real life-like game was null.

The girls were watching Tongqiu dexterously arrive at the summit as they were met with his dazzling, ever more captivating figure without his Great Petal Suit Helmet, allowing them to clearly see his nonchalant expression and somewhat smug stance, clearly waiting for some praise.

"Waaa! Tongqiu, so strong! Good, very good..." Natalia had her arms raised as she cheered on him, but just after a few words, her face gained a pinkness oh so intoxicating on her angelical face. With those light blue unimaginable one of a kind eyes, it became easy for him to fall into a slight, habitual trance for whenever he took his time admiring them.


He was woken up by Diana's body being lightly thrown off at him, catching her waist he blinked a couple of times before directly looking at a small, yet large smile filled with mirth. Upon seeing his 'innocent' expression, Diana's heart melted a lot as she then closed her eyes and relished on the slight gush of wind encompassing them both.

After a little while, a pair of slim arms embraced them both as Natalia arrived and took Tongqiu's other side, deeply allowing herself to fall into a tranquil and peaceful atmosphere along Tongqiu and Diana.

After a little while even more, Natalia finally lifted her head to look at Tongqiu as she gently spoke in a low voice: "Hm, let's go then. Next stop! Yes?!"

"Mn." Nodding in confirmation, Tongqiu then proceeded to make some small chat from their leveling before embarking in a small, light trekking towards the next Basic Communication Device's territory.

Since he was in a party with them, Tongqiu was able to receive a notification from when they leveled up, right at the exact moment they did so. Even then, he also had them at his friendlist which also gave some shallow information of that player; their level was one of such information, for example.

'Mommy Heals You' reached LV27 and only needed a few dozens of % Experience more to level up once again, but she still remained top 6 at leaderboards, which have not changed that much.

As for Diana, she went all the way up to LV25 and only a couple % Experience left for LV26 which was easily filled up on their way to the next 'Obelisk'. Successfully taking Silha's spot at the 10th in the leaderboards for levelling too.

It may seem as if it was too hard to level up, but the only real problem here were two, one incredible difficult and one that they cannot do anything to solve it and that was; one, a very low amount of mobs to farm some Experience from and two, there were only LV30 mobs here at the Somber Tree region and even then, they were hidden. As such, though a lot of actual 'Elite' players could form small parties to optimize their Experience gain as well as the fact that they also didn't sacrificed their own efficiency from how high skilled they were.

Be it them amassing lots of mobs in one spot, or merely tanking BOSSes and the like in great numbers every day... they could do it, but there was no large amount of LV29 mobs outside the Somber Tree region, let alone any LV30.

Thinking of all this, Tongqiu thought to himself that even if they managed to take down those Basic Communication Device, they still wouldn't be able to deal with whatever was 'prepared' for them at the final room, of final BOSS fight if even.

 Oh well, nothing that could ever make someone like Tongqiu give a damn fuck. He had the power to move how he wished and even do as he pleased in this release version of Rising Essence... as long as he didn't encountered a real Enlightened BOSS like Rosey, it was all fine.

 . . .

On another small hill, one could see two girls cheering up from the distance as they flapped their arms like crazy drunkies every once in a while as they seemed to be talking with someone whom could see them from far away with the calling system, they looked incredibly cute and attractive, somehow.

Then, suddenly, there was this big explosion that had already been heard once earlier, way before these two women started acting like crazy high schoolers cheering on their sweet darling. However, instead of one kind of such sound, there were two.



-333,666, -333,666.

'Another one down... sorry not sorry? I guess...' Tongqiu had started to feel more and more apprehensive of his actions when he once again saw that strange, shadowy current fall down from above.

*PING*... you've successfully destroyed, Basic Communication Device, Demon Race Structure.

*PING*... because all Star Elite Skeletons have been killed without taking down any minion type skeletons, hidden effect has been triggered.

*PING*... you have received SP+1,718,700 and gold coins+572,900. Congratulations on achieving an incredible feat!

*PING*... because you've utterly decimated a Basic Communication Device in a humiliating manner, the overlord of the Somber Tree region has become determined to stop such advances from occurring again, henceforth, the number of both: minion type skeletons and Star Elite Skeletons have been increased.

*PING*... because of the complete annihilation of Star Elite Skeletons, their bone ashes will turn to the ground to nurture the rest of the army of the minion type skeletons in indescribable ways.

When Tongqiu once again saw this type of messages pop up from the system, as if flaunting it in his face that whatever he's seeing was exactly that, Tongqiu then felt that they were true in one way or another. Well, it was indeed as it had described before as he had felt that there were a few hundred more of those Star Elite Star but there were also only a few hundred more of those minion type skeletons.

He didn't know how to feel, at this point, it was no longer some simple introductions into some kind of story or simply a mechanism made to get lucky and extremely powerful players to relish in full joy. In fact, it didn't even seemed to be made for a small group of players with the greatest type of skill to reunite together and work together to create this kind of feat... or achievement.

'... Is... Is this what, an indirect scheme to... get players stronger?! It doesn't, I mean that's obvious but... but. Why would the system try to do this like that? As if there was some kind of force in this world actively trying to mess up players' progression... am I just going crazy? Mmgh.' With a discomforting grunt from Tongqiu, he once again arrived before those two girls, unaware that he once again forgot to take a look to those magical shield thingies. Oh well, who can blame him when he has two such beauties ready to offer themselves for him should he even ask? A man is a man foremost!

In any case, after a few admiring sightseeing, the trio went ahead onwards to another Basic Communication Device.

With this second 'Obelisk' destroyed, Tongqiu had carried Diana all the way up to LV27 while Natalia got insanely close to LV28.

Not only that but their expressions when looking at the insane, astronomical and 'impossible' amount of SP they've gotten by doing nothing made them become quietly but surely excited, slowly building up some 'gratefulness' of their oh so hardworking man.

"Ah, Tongqiu. About those minion type skeletons... what is the deal with those Lord 'fake' graded ones? How come they're there only to be walls, uh?" Diana suddenly asked an innocent question, which unbeknownst to her went directly through his heart.

'Ah fuck.'

And as if that wasn't enough, Natalia also chimed in: "Oh yeah! Remember that poor scorpion from before, the one atormented by the rose-like parasite? Ugh, he was also very different from other BOSSes I've seen or read about! What about that one as well, hm?"

Ah, fuck. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!' Almost starting to sweat with a vein trying to pop out from his forehead, Tongqiu finally calmed himself down before speaking: "You're right! I'll check those things the next Basic Communication Device, great idea Diana! Mwah, here for your enthusiasm."

"Eh?? What about me? 'Mwah-mwah' me too, me too." Natalia's sudden little girly, hoarse tone resounded at his side as he saw a coquettish Naty implore for some smooches too.

Seeing her like this, Tongqiu's heart went 'puff-puff' as he acquiesced with a few spokes: "Awww, alrighty, some -mwah- for being so gorgeous, -mwah-, -mwah-, -mwah-..."

As they embarked in some shady, lascivious and extremely shameless antics, they slowly arrived the next Basic Communication Device.

. . .


'Alright, is now time to take it down.' Having his eyes grow extremely calm and become extremely fierce at the same time, Tongqiu aimed at the poor little Basic Communication Device doing its best for prevailing in the middle of a long lost battle for its race!



-333,666, -333,666.

'Hm... the place around here... it feels somewhat heavy after barely shooting these. Weird...' After Tongqiu finished shooting those two arrows in the most unique and reality-bending ways, he remained on the ground, unmoving. He then shook his head and let it all go from inside his head, there was no use on wondering how a bird can fly without any prior introduction to necessary information, let alone such a big 'plot' like this.

*PING*... you've successfully destroyed, Basic Communication Device, Demon Race Structure.

*PING*... because all Star Elite Skeletons have been killed without taking down any minion type skeletons, hidden effect has been triggered.

*PING*... you have received SP+1,768,650 and gold coins+589,550. Congratulations on achieving an incredible feat!

*PING*... because you've utterly decimated a Basic Communication Device in a humiliating manner, the overlord of the Somber Tree region has become determined to stop such advances from occurring again, henceforth, the number of both: minion type skeletons and Star Elite Skeletons have been increased.

*PING*... because of the complete annihilation of Star Elite Skeletons, their bone ashes will turn to the ground to nurture the rest of the army of the minion type skeletons in indescribable ways.

In any case, Tongqiu still had some work to do, he wouldn't rest until his two darling were LV30. Even if it meant taking down the hopes of players that still wished to level in this region for a few more days than a week.

This time, thanks to the embarrassment, Tongqiu finally took a look towards those magical shield thingies. He went around to where those Wall Minion-Skeletons were standing at as he then used his Mental Power to scan the area.

"Hmm, hm-hm... tt-hmm..." Humming, Tongqiu kicked the deathly sand that was the ground, as a disk-like object flew 3 meters high before abruptly, as if being pulled down, plummeted down towards the ground.

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Tongqiu perfectly caught it before it could even destroy itself from the light touch against the ground. It seemed absurd, something as heavy and resistant as this 'thin' being broken to shit from falling onto such smooth-looking ground. However, Tongqiu's heartly instincts made him act to which whether or not was necessary, did so anyways.

He heard footsteps behind him and right away recognized them to be Diana's and Natalia's, he waited until they were close as he then spoke out loud: "Phew~ man, this sure are something."

Intrigued, the girls went ahead to sneak a peak to whatever he was holding in his hands. When they saw that strange disk-like object they weren't astounded or something, rather, it was the fact that when Tongqiu was holding it what made them become silly for a moment there.

Bzzz! Bzzz! Bzzz!

A constant, incredible quick and utterly inexhaustible vibration was taking place from the disk-like object! It made Tongqiu's hands be completely blurry and look as if they've grown 3 to 4 times, how very bizarre... There were times where even his arms started to become blurry and his body seemed to become distorted along with his bodysuit before being rapidly calmed down.

"Eh? Naty, Diana, you wanna try it out?" Tongqiu's sudden question astounded the two silly girls.

Diana was still blinking in confusion and intrigue while Natalia herself had her head cocked as her face gained a pinky touch...

"TT-TT-Tongqiu!! Yo-y-you! Naughtyyyy~~!!!"

A sharp yet still soft screaming then resounded for a little while...

At some point, they all stopped as they then sat in a circle, Tongqiu then asked: "Can you see any information on them, my women?"

After a cute 'hehe~' from Natalia, she proceeded to glance at the disk-like object furtively, after a little while, her face became despondent as she answered: "No... can't see anything, not even some question marks -'???'- like before, mou..."

"Eh, ah, don't worry my dear little Naty, tonight we can talk about life!" Towards Tongqiu's words, Natalia shyly lowered her head with a content smile, ah.

Suddenly, another slim yet strong hand took the disc-like object.

"Let me see. Hm... nope, me neither. We talkin' 'bout life too or what?" Blinking at the sound of speed a couple of times, Tongqiu had a dumb smile on his face as Natalia rebuked Diana for being too hasty. What a question that was, indeed.

"Hmm... Well, whatever, let's go get you, little devils, up to LV30 and call it a day! I'm still somewhat sore from-" As Tongqiu proceeded to talk, he was interrupted by Diana's affectionate voice: "Mnn! Let's quickly let you see your new little darling so that you can rest in peace, my fickle Tongqiu, sigh~."

Tongqiu: "..."

Natalia and Diana: | (• ◡•)| (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)

. . .


A couple of hours had gone by and from previously taking down 3 such 'Obelisks' in a row, Tongqiu then took another 2, making it a total of 9 Basic Communication Devices having being taken down in total. Previously, the players on their own -and stupidly at that- took down 3 of those 'Obelisks' and with his 'help', another was taken down. Afterwards, with his women, Tongqiu took another 3 making it a total of 7 before going ahead and taking even more -two- 'Obelisks', which left it at nine. Currently, he was even facing another one.

Through all of this, Natalia and Diana both made it up to LV30 as Natalia even had an extra main stat point from reaching an Experience cap at LV30, much like Tongqiu had done so multiple times already.

Right now, Tongqiu was going for the third 'Obelisk', intending to reach the count of 10 of such poor little Demon Race Structures being destroyed.



-333,666, -333,666.

*PING*... you've successfully destroyed, Basic Communication Device, Demon Race Structure.

*PING*... because all Star Elite Skeletons have been killed without taking down any minion type skeletons, hidden effect has been triggered.

*PING*... you have received SP+1,918,500 and gold coins+639,500. Congratulations on achieving an incredible feat!

*PING*... because you've utterly decimated a Basic Communication Device in a humiliating manner, the overlord of the Somber Tree region has become determined to stop such advances from occurring again, henceforth, the number of both: minion type skeletons and Star Elite Skeletons have been increased.

*PING*... because of the complete annihilation of Star Elite Skeletons, their bone ashes will turn to the ground to nurture the rest of the army of the minion type skeletons in indescribable ways.

*PING*... - ... - ... - ...

'Huh?! Seriously, you were doing just fine~.' Seeing his old system's behavior returning, Tongqiu was more or less indifferent, the only thing that could be considered a thorn on his side was that this usually meant either big BOSS foreshadow or something happening to his body without having a fucking clue about it. Basically, either go really good or get fucked up.

After a little while, Tongqiu got a nice, sweet surprise... or not.




*PING*... the overlord of this region has made an absolute 'last stand' decision! The rest of the Obelisks have been voluntarily dismantled in hecatomb! The way to the innermost corners of the Somber Tree region have been already opened for the last stand of the hidden, unknown enemy inside. As the player who managed to deal the most damage to this unknown enemy, you've been granted a notice ahead of time, you can also choose to divulge this information for yourself. As you currently hold no significance to the world of Main Kingdom, host isn't eligible for creating a local announcement (Sub-Division range). Naturally, host cannot make an announcement of a higher standard via system's feature.

Tongqiu: "..."

'Somber Tree? What... are you planning... are you really trying to force this to happen or is it in order to aid the player's?Tongqiu was going wild once again, at the same time.

*PING*... you have yet again achieved an Experience cap, as a reward, Mind Power+1.

*PING*... player 'Mommy Heals You' in your party, has achieved yet another Experience cap, as a reward, WIS+1.

*PING*... player 'Fragile Broken Eyes' in your party, has achieved a brand new Experience cap, as a reward, STR+1.

This was the sixth time that Tongqiu had gotten a Mind Power+1 ever since stepping into this new region; Somber Tree region.

"Sigh... whatever, I guess..." As he was talking out loud, he remembered that the girls were still nearby the closest small hill which he was so familiar with already. He stopped speaking to nobody like a retard and instead went ahead to inform them.

"Hey girls, well there is this thing going on, I think..." As he made his very best to explain to them without a trembling voice and or repeating things he had already said, Tongqiu then told them in a kind tone: "Why don't you go offline before me? Take some break, once this is over and another thing is cleared up, I'll take my sweet time to take you both on dates, alright~?"

"Waah, you're just pampering Big Sister, this is too much! I wanna go first, she has already gone with you!" Diana, the always trying to act collected and calm, suddenly became a bit of a brat as Natalia was then getting ready to start some 'harsh' rebuking on her Little Sister's behavior, like a good Big Sister... Ignoring the fact that she is clearly a few years younger.

Smiling in a bit of... joy?! Tongqiu looked at them for a while before bidding his sweet goodbyes. The girls used some scrolls to return to Azure Dragon City.

Then, Tongqiu gazed towards the utmost central area of the Somber Tree region, he sighed after 'calculating' with his Mental Power how much he'd take on getting there. Based on the system's prior notice, they'd sure to be announcing it blatantly open to the entire playerbase. Which meant, 'hurry the fuck up and don't lose this chance!'.

Whether or not it was an enemy or task he could take on alone before they all had gotten the notice of the one and only LV30 area being opened was unimportant, he wanted -kinda- to know what kind of 'secrets' this place will offer him, if there were any.

It was a game after all... and his source for desiring to live, it was more than welcoming for him to be driven, drown, into this world's story... history and, future.




Author's Note: Aaaaahh~~, how tranquil and nice, easygoing time. Very, very nice. Does anybody remember that angelical beauty, Yunalesca? Oh yes, the naming, let me explain it a little. I wanted to use Yuna (and yes, from FFX), but I went ahead and used Yunalesca. Mostly from how her image inside Rising Essence and her... relationship with Tongqiu... well, no spoilers. I hope you are enjoying this story so far!

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