Bow and Arrow

Chapter 82: Chapter 81 — Race Against Time, Infamous By Each Passing Minute

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Race Against Time, Infamous By Each Passing Minute



Tongqiu then started rushing towards the innermost central area of the Somber Tree region, knowing that the journey was one where to expect powerful and many obstructions was the most obvious train of thought, he used his full Movement Speed without any restrictions, inhibition or purposely lowered it for better control.

Even if a player managed to somehow get about that of 200%-300% of pure, raw Movement Speed; that did not meant that they were forced to always move at that speed nor automatically entered a state where they can only try to calculate the distance and current speed in order to move.

No matter what one's Movement Speed was, one could move at whichever speed they wanted; of course, it also applied that; were someone to have extremely high speed that they would still not be capable of simply using it however they wanted to. When stats are high, extremely higher, one naturally needs the capability of using them properly, just like how a Hidden Class is not enough to become a king or queen, and may instead become the buffoon.

For example, if it was an ordinary player with 130% Movement Speed instead of the basic 100%, they would need a few days to be able of getting used to the entirely new level of speed! Tongqiu, however, didn't even need half an instant, not with his sheer Mental Power that is.

Even if Tongqiu had a total of 300% Movement Speed, he didn't really think much of having some undesired trouble with it as his almost 400 Mental Power was ever growing... In that case, even being fearless at the prospect of a 400% total Movement Speed seemed doable!

Pity was, there was not a single manner in which such a thing could be determined. His still unknown -of many- unique class was quite the wild card sometimes, right now he was able to produce, by himself, two skills which ended up being the greatest source of damage for one and brought him great damage and  great survival capabilities for another.

It was naturally possible that he wouldn't need of such things like being an expert or an Specialist in New Earth to quickly adapt to those intense, inhumane changes or even not needing to adapt to them at all!

As such, Tongqiu would use his Movement Speed stat to its fullest when battling, giving him the mobility and flexibility that the DEX stat could no longer grant him. His use of resources was completely unimportant when facing multiple enemies, being only fundamental when facing an enemy such as a real BOSS who he couldn't oneshot even if he wanted to. Whether by the lack of damage or the fact that he'd be put in a state where even a LV0 mob -if there was one- would be able to put him down like a dog.

But even then, his mobility was one of the entirely most important factors when fighting against real opponents. Such was the case with Mortal's Terror completely absurd AOE skills and skill damage as well as those unavoidable skills... Such was the case with Rosey, having her overall stats be reduced to almost nothing and still barely keep up with her and only being able to deal damage to her thanks to her initial dependence on her own skills; before needing to use almost all of his remaining pots.

Had Tongqiu not taken advantage of Fatima's garden as well as Rosey's small gift, he would've surely just fail in utter shame, not even being able to know how many days he'd need to take her down as he would've died from exhaustion prior even forcing her to use a skill at all.

In any case, Tongqiu went towards the innermost central area to his full speed and considering his speed, 30-50 minutes would be all he needed to reach there. His greatest hope was that even if the announcement become clear for everyone in 30 minutes, due to their unpreparedness, he'd still be ahead of time. Only misgiving here was, his almost useless amount of Kindness and Benevolent Low-Potions just would definitely be not enough if that Somber Tree was an Enlightened being which, according to common sense by being the overlord of an entire region, he should at least be as such.

That and taking into consideration how he seemed to become much more tired by using his 'abnormal' state... Well, his window of favorable opportunities was incredible small. There was also the hidden factor that was the seemingly out-of-this-kingdom enemy, always prying into the matters where players were at, where they moved towards and also to wherever they were guided...

Tongqiu shook his head somewhat slowly amidst the incredible speeds as he dashed and dashed nonstop, in a bitterly manner as he even closed his eyes to mourn his current situation somewhat.



Since he had at least 30 minutes of free time, he decided to do something which he already thought himself to be incredible grandiose and knowledgeable about.

The forums.

The moment the did though...


—'Becoming a Star Painter!' | (6B Upvotes) - (12,2B Comments) | Posted 6 days go

—'How to main like a true MINER' | (7B Upvotes) - (112M Comments) | Posted 13 days ago

—'Tongqiu, a total menace!' | (3,59B Upvotes) - (15,7B Comments) | Posted 5 hours ago

—'Tongqiu did nothing wrong!' | (1,11B Upvotes) - (18B Comments) | Posted 3 hours ago

—'A weapon's god!!!! TAKE IT FOR YOURSELF' | (910M Upvotes) - (22,76B Comments) | Posted 4 hours ago

—'Little Phoenix Maiden soloing an ENLIGHTENED grade BOSS!!!!' | (908M Upvotes) - (7,13B Comments) | Posted 35 minutes ago

Tongqiu: "..."

He had not a real good or bad impression of this, he just, had one sole thought... 'why'.

Slapping his nose with the center of his palm, Tongqiu didn't know whether to read or not to read. It was lightly eating at his brain as if little worms were taunting him into reading them, but, his instincts told him that were he to read them, he'll never be able to restore that time lost and that he'd just simply would have done something really stupid.

...So he opened them one by one.

[Tongqiu, a total menace!] 

Author: SageOfHeight  -  Posted 5 hours ago


-After what seemed to be an abrupt introduction towards the root of the 'problem' here with a video right below the words 'just watch this video', an increasingly amount of incoherent words insulting Tongqiu to no end was what followed it... Taking a deep breath, Tongqiu once again set his eyes on the rest of the post.-

So! Isn't this evildoer deserving of being hunted down by all elite players?! He deserves to be downed to LV0!!! Such and incredible and extraordinary weapon cannot be left on the hands of such a murderous person! Imagine what he'll do to those poor NPC we all love and do our best to take care of- once he's amassed more levels as he kept on abusing such power that does not belong to himself!! Now, who's with me? Who can or cannot see how evil, nefarious and extremely perverse of a person this monster is, and who is willing to put a stop to his doings?!?!?!?

(3,59B Upvotes) - (15,7B Comments)

And that was it... That was all of the contents of such a 'controversial' post. Merely, that video was the only source of incredible amount of upvotes and comments in a mere few hours.

As for the 'criticizing' comment from its author who was soon to be entirely forgotten by humanity, it only managed to drive some foolish or naïve players while the rest were merely bot-like commenting Tongqiu's 'previous' wrongdoings and creepy actions towards other female players, even going to the extent of implying that he had discovered a way to elude the system's form of punishment.

'Just what the hell, huh...' Exasperation remained for a few seconds before shaking his head with an expressionless face, people were people after all, a pity he could never care about others trying to mentally put him down-

Thinking that there was no wrongs in opening the other one 'helping' him up, he merely pressed the tip of his index finger on it.

[Tongqiu did nothing wrong!]

Author: Leaf On Fire  -  Posted 3 hours ago

Towards those who were on the battlefield against that Obelisk, would you really dare to tell anyone that asked you what really happened there the truth? And what if your life depended on it?!

The veracity of this matter is certain and the fact that I'm brave enough to go 'against' this so-called Elite players is also proof that my standing is not merely for the clear and obvious greediness that other people seem to have! I'm not a person of the highest kind of morals but- I'm also not someone so cowardly nor childish enough to slander a person.

It's fine if you want to annoy someone from beating you up, no one cares what kind of trash talking you do but, to directly slander a person because of a game is truly repugnant, you scum of the New Earth! Go fuck yourself!


(1,11B Upvotes) - (18B Comments)

You are reading story Bow and Arrow at

'Hm?' With one of his eyebrows lifted and the other leaning slightly downwards, Tongqiu became unusually interested in what some people might thought to be some gibberish or mistake in spelling/voice recognizing from the side of this person's use of the forum's feature in-game. He then asked the system: "System, do you have any idea to what this is?"

*PING*... the code written on the forum's thread is part of our system's features. If host has previously read the 'Hints and Tool tips' book made specially for Rising Essence's players, then he'd surely have known. This code is entirely only decipherable by Crestfallen Industry's very own technology and knowledge, hence is incredible shown support from players all over New Earth. The one host has indicated seems to be directed at host's account only, would you like to read it?

...Blinking a couple times in a pondering fashion, Tongqiu darted his eyes for a minute or so as if he was talking towards a person instead of a system, as he spoke: "Yes, please let me read it."

*PING*... from Leaf On Fire: "Hi Tongqiu! Now that you know my name, you probably don't remember me but I'm one of the persons who you... saved(?) from before. When I woke up at a small hill close to the where the previous Obelisk was at, I instantly knew that you helped us get out of there for two reason, to avoid from letting us be witch hunted and... so as to not kill us...:). It's okay, we know more or less about it and we are grateful! We won't tell anybody about 'it' as we all feel... well, quite the admiration for you. Yes, even the male one. I just wanted to... ok, to be honest, I'd like to add you at my friendlist but I don't even know if you'll accept me so... if you're willing to be friends with me, even if just on a list, then please send an invitation towards me I... REALLY wouldn't like to feel rejection from my hero. Yes, you are my hero! If I could, I would create a fan club only for you! I'm sorry, I know it is really weird, but with my looks and background, I know I'm not even worthy of knowing you. One last time, thank you and... I like you!" End of the message, would you like to delete it or keep it in your personal memory storage(save)?

Tongqiu: "..."

"Sigh, yes, save it to my personal memory."

After giving that command, he received a notification of having a new 'archive' downloaded into his personal memory storage. Thinking about how one could put in there whatever they wanted after storing Leaf On Fire's message, he realized the endless potential of it... Of course, only idiots would use it with their personal loved ones, even if it was totally safe from even Crestfallen Industry's employee's eyes and knowledge, no one with a brain would do such an uncaring action.

In any case, though Tongqiu thought nothing of her little message, he also felt a slight resonance to her feelings. What background? What looks? As long as she was nice, Tongqiu would respond equally as kindly as she was towards him.

Before his 'rise' into a living being from seemingly having become a 'fallen', Tongqiu would feel the stares of quite a few young girls, young women and even milfs that had no extraordinary appearance, of course, it was only when he wasn't with his 'beggar' mode on or something. His naturally attractive jaw and natural amazing eyebrows were an easy grab of the eye of any woman, it was just that those that weren't beauties would always seem to have a despondent fixation when seeing someone they fancy, while those more or less beauties would instead be too proud. Sigh, the unnecessary pride and the overthinking maidens were truly one of humanity's never-ending enigmas.

As such, when Tongqiu saw how a girl who was seemingly not a beauty be so forward and clear on her feelings made Tongqiu have a good image on her. Hell, even fatsos could pair up with a beauty to follow them around like smitten kitten following an obese bulldog without sexual tendencies nor money. Let alone a nice, kind girl or virtuous woman being forward and direct with their wants and wishes.

He sent a friend request towards 'Leaf On Fire' immediately after.

Five minutes after, he got a notification of being accepted. Tongqiu's thoughts were simple, really, but accurate: 'This girl... was she doubting or fidgeting about it?'

Tongqiu then decided to give her a little boost to her daily life as he messaged her: "I liked your message, and within it, you. Let's talk from time to time, alright? Oh, I don't care about superficial things, I just like you so don't overthink it, alright? Oh that's right, if you have time then stay in the Somber Tree region for a little while in whichever area you're most efficient at, soon there'll be a nice surprise... Maybe."

Afterwards, without caring about whether or not how she would react, he concentrated on his marching towards the innermost central area. He was infinitely closer to it and was about to lose himself 'into nothingness' when he abruptly recalled one of the other posts he saw just a few minutes ago.

[Little Phoenix Maiden soloing an ENLIGHTENED grade BOSS!!!!]

Author: LettingGo  -  Posted 41 minutes ago

I do not have a video, in fact, I deleted it.

I know many of you brethren of the Little Phoenix Tails Club will probably want to kill me for real right now as her appearance is still a mystery but, I did it because she asked me to!

Now, now, now. I don't want to flaunt about how she talked to meshe to~~ me! Anyways; after she was done with her exciting and epic battle with the Enlightened field BOSS, she nonchalantly walked directly towards my direction, THAT'S RIGHT. It was not my general direction or merely a coincidence, she was even looking straight at my head, as if she could already blast it to ashes whenever she wanted!

But after 3 seconds from slowly walking towards me, some ashes suddenly appeared from nowhere yet at the same time I saw them go from my left towards my right, when I turned my head to the front once again after stupidly looking at my right to follow those ashes... You won't believe. She was right there! Like 5 meters away from me, stepping on the ground yet as I was on my knees, I felt that she was floating in the sky looking at a mortal with disdain yet not disdain!!

It was the most emotional and philosophical moment of my entire life.

I don't regret it. As I still remember the cold tone of her voice yet was nothing like denigrating me or scornful, she merely said the words: "Please, better delete that video." And then she left! How amazing was that?!

As for the battle, she was against a weird crocodile-like snake with horrifying slipper limbs. but that wasn't the most creepy part of it, no, it was instead a plant that seemed to be completely inserted into one of its eyes as it behaved like a parasite.

It was really disgusting.

It had mainly a charge ability which, to be honest, is just impossible to dodge. Lady Little Phoenix Maiden had to form a three-layered shield so as to protect herself! That was a shield that was as thin as a cicada's wing with an orange-red colored design and it was a square shaped one of at least 3x3 m, it was so small compared to the gigantic weird crocodile but when it collided against her shield, it bounced back like a cannonball, it was GREEEEEEAAAAAAAT!!!

She sometimes summoned some kind of ashes with a flick of her left hand while it was some very lava-level of hotness kind of red-golden flame with her right hand. It was some kind of synergy-like skill combination, I don't know, but it was the best!

She ended up making a cage of flames before rapidly suffocating the crocodile monster, like a goddess and totally unstoppable. I hope my brethren can find a way to forgive me, for I am loyal to my goddess before being loyal to the club!!

SORRYY~~ :''_$

(1,50B Upvotes) - (9,63B Comments)


Slightly frowning, Tongqiu had a pensive expression as he fell into a deep silence, so much that even his movement seemed to have been silenced. This girl was always getting on the top of the forums in the most eye catching of ways. Before, she openly killed a Lord graded BOSS, and now she's danced around with an Enlightened being... But!

That did not mean she was as crazily perverted as Tongqiu!

There was no specification on whether she was fighting a LV30 or LV50 Enlightened BOSS, besides- being a field BOSS, though it was bound to be slightly more vigorous in terms of HP, they may have an even worse damage than any other type of BOSS unlike in public or private dungeons or even those special scenarios like the Mysterious Hidden Ground.

. . .


"Huff, huff... Eh, that was actually tiring. Hmmm... it seems I made it in ti-" Poor Tongqiu, as soon as he tried to brag to the always helping system, the system in return however, slapped across his face

*PING* Global Announcement: The Somber Tree region has been voluntarily opened! All players can now join in the hunt of the Demon Race.

*PING* Global Announcement: Player Tongqiu from Azure Dragon Sub-Division, Myriad Beast Division and consequently; from Bright Sunset Region. Meritorious rewards will be given to all those previously mentioned.

*PING* Regional Announcement: Bright Sunset Region has been granted a gold coins drop rate+50% and Fame+100,000 to all players!

*PING* Local Announcement: Players of Myriad Beast Division have been granted with Fame+100,000 and a Mysterious Box!

*PING* Local Announcement: Players of Azure Dragon Sub-Division have been granted with Luck and Charm+1 and Movement Speed+15% when in ally territories (towns, encampments and the Azure Dragon City).

'Oh well. Yeah, it no longer matters so why hide my id?' Though indifferent, Tongqiu still felt somewhat played around by the system and whoever or whatever this lord is.




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