Bow and Arrow

Chapter 608: Chapter 606 — Vengeful Wrath

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Vengeful Wrath




"Mother, Father, Sister?!" - "Uncle? Where are... you... going? Ah..." - "Noooooooo!!! My child, my child, my child! NO-awahaeeu, why, why, WHY?!?!" - "Do you want more candy, brother? Then you have to behave! Onl-...y... when you... agh..."

'Ugh... haa-aa-a-ah~! Hauf, hah...!' Just when Yun Beishang was seeing the entire world begin to crumble in 'disappearance', endless voices speaking and words being uttered began invading his mind, heart and soul; even is very own being was assaulted without any walls nor Hidden Stats or even Godly senses being able to block it off.

All Yun Beishang could do was curl up on the ground with his feet still standing on it and his knees bending while his bum was just a couple of inches from reaching the ground. His arms were trembling, vigorously, as his hands failed to protect his ears and head from the just simply endless voices that came right into his head.

But it was no problem even if this many tens or even hundreds of trillions of voices were assaulting him, the problem, however, is that each of them were from an actual previous living being now a single remnant soul who could only be called a residual memory and not even as a ghost nor undead; possibly one of the most saddest and tragic of ends.

Even ‘better’ was that, all these voices were so impossibly more alive than even alive beings themselves, their every damn voice existing and that was either terrified or first terrified and then dying was immeasurably powerful, even a child’s voice or a disappearing person with not even their throat remaining was sending such heaviness into Yun Beishang’s head like no other time in his life.

Though at the Penumbral Citadel, he was attacked more viciously and personally, in here, his entire head was being this much affected due to his own senses and own volition of entering this residual memory. Yun Beishang could only close his eyes tighter and tighter while his burdened senses looked for a way for the ‘hideout’ of the Overlord.

Yet, it took too much damn time, as Yun Beishang could already feel his physical body back in KATARINA-1 bleeding from his left nostril while in the search for the hidden entrance. Each voice was powerful, it was powerful like nothing else, but the Yun Beishang of right now couldn’t figure out if it was because of the happenings in this Origin Citadel or his own capabilities being this powerful.

In any case, all he could figure out as he was surrounded by Inhabitants made of Earth colored energy was that the entire Origin Pertaining Region’s Origin Citadel was made out of 8 different Districts, each one had a different color with one of them even having males being a striking white and females an almost blinding violet within the same district.

Meanwhile, the other 6 districts had the colors of the Core Elements without counting the Lightning Core Element which was the one where males and females had different colored energy depending on their sex.

Furthermore, it wasn’t all 7 Core Elemental ‘Districts’ that had each of their people begin to ‘disappear’, to be consumed as it was instead only the first 4 Core Elements that were targeted first. The Fire, Water, Earth and Wind Core Elements were the first ones to begin disappearing, leaving no trace nor way to avoid it whatsoever. Before it was even understood and learned by the minds of each Inhabitant, most of them had already disappeared while some others took a few more milliseconds before being consumed as well.

Following those Core Elements being ‘eaten’ by ‘something’ that was at those moments, hidden, the Lightning Core Element, Light Core Element and Darkness Core Element were next, with those 3 all being directly consumed by the unknown in the same deep fear and confusion as before.

Though this time,their death was painless, the confusion, shock, disbelief and unwillingness was many more times more heartbreaking and mind-numbing than what Yun Beishang had seen at the Wonder Region’s Crystalline Citadel and felt at the Eternal Silhouette Region’s Penumbral Citadel.

Even Yun Beishang himself was feeling horrible without even needing to be invaded so vehemently by their voices, which were still going as if they were alive and repeating while they were instead all gone. Initially, Yun Beishang was surrounded by tens of thousands of Earth colored energy people, but was now completely alone and even the spectral images of buildings and structures disappeared as if they were being eaten by the ground itself.

There was no reason to doubt about it, about how it and what happened; the first 4 Core Elements can restrain each other, the Fire Core Element gets restricted by the Water Core Element, which is in turn restricted by the Earth Core Element. But the Earth Core Element is restricted by the Wind Core Element, and only the Lightning Core Element can put an end to its freeness and liberty.

The Light Core Element and Darkness Core Element could restrict each other and cooperatively restrain each other at the sametime without even needing both Core Elements to ‘act’ at the same time. As for the Lightning Core Element, that one was the only one without a certain Core Element in specific that was its ‘bane’, and could instead be slightly restrained by both the Darkness Core Element and the Light Core Element.

The 4 ‘Sacred’ Protectors that were no more thanks to him were indeed to be in charge of the first 4 Core Elements, while the Lightning Core Element should’ve been ‘working’ on its own, while the Light Core Element and Darkness Core Element were both at the hands of the Overlord of the Origin Pertaining Region.

“!!” Suddenly, Yun Beishang lifted his head with his eyes looking through the gaps of both his hands that were glued to his face, still tormented by the residual memories. And the exact location in which he looked on, was none other than the place where the light green orb was covered by a dried layer of dark green.


‘There!’ Yun Beishang thought, and without waiting anymore, he instantly flapped out his wings from his back and ‘Space’, launching his body forwards and flying through the air. As his body whistled through and became like a bullet sent flying, the numerous voices suddenly turned up a volume or lots, seemingly also turning their non-existent heads towards him to stun him with their volume having gone way up.

“Doon’t, please! PLEASE FORGIVE US!!” - “Whyyy, WHY?! Whyyyyyhayaaaaaaaaa?!!!” - “Please stop it, please, please, please!! STOP IT!” - “AAAAAGGGGGGRRRHHHH-!!!!”...

Fwoosh! Vbbeium! Twshang~! Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…!! WAAANG~~~~...

Yun Beishang went through the endless invisible soundwaves and crossed them while practically ignoring them, his eyes were still visible in pain from the ‘new’ and changed voices that although didn’t had the power and effect that the previous ones had, were still way too many for Yun Beishang to fully support himself among them without trouble.

But as Yun Beishang neared the place where he last saw the light green orb, a twirling screen of a portal appeared with the color of a putrid green opening up wide and large in several tens of meters big.

Right as it opened, Yun Beishang’s Unparalleled Projections flapped once more, launching his body from flying just above the ground level to upwards, directly sending himself into the twirling dark green putrid portal without even giving an effort to protect himself with his Hidden Stats or Godly senses at that.

Then, his body disappeared in a jiffy as it went through the portal, Yun Beishang’s entrance towards such caused an insanely long amount of dust and ashes to be lifted in the air once more before the dark green putrid slowly brightened and then dimmed down. It was like it began to die, and had fulfilled its purpose, but also appeared to be enormously fragile and sorrowful as it slowly disappeared as well…

. . .



Within a totally obscured and lightless place, one that had seemingly no end but consisted of a solid image with a floor made of a dark pool-like solid flooring, walls and ceiling that seemed to form a dark cupola all around with the dark pool-like solid flooring as its base and foundations. A sudden scream was heard out as a human body with a slightly dark brown creamy skin as it started to come ‘up’ from the dark pool floor itself.

‘Goddamit, fucking hell…uooghh! Just a bit, ah-agh, more!’ Yun Beishang was struggling with all his might as he had been ongoing for a while already. Because, though he entered the dark green putrid portal with his maximum Movement Speed %, when he finally crossed over the portal and arrived at the ‘other side’, he wasn’t met with an open space but fully trapped in who knows what.

All he could tell was that it was not because of the lack of light that everything in his surroundings where he was trapped in was purely dark, but that whatever was ensnaring him and restricting his movements yet not stopping him was of a genuine darkness that was different to the Shadow Lord but very potent and ‘meaningful’ on its own.

After a little bit more time, Yun Beishang finally managed to come out, or rather, ‘up’ from whatever kind of trap he was in and liberated himself from the slimy but aqueous yet sticky as hell dark substance. And while he was in a hurry to move so as to not get trapped once again, he realized while he was hurrying up to his feet that the ‘trap’ had become flawlessly solid.

Hell, it was even almost as solid as the crystal room from before which only he could destroy with his Destructive Essence, let alone that there was an endless amount of such and that it seemed to either have a mechanism, or worse; a mind of its own.

While Yun Beishang was looking down at the dark pool-like floor he was now standing on, he also had already discovered an insanely large ‘mountain’ that might as well be a small sized moon which was ‘limited’ to the height of the cupola he and ‘it’ were in.

A height of several tens of kilometers and going almost up to 90 kilometers in height even as it seemed to be hunching, the obscure figure that seemed like a ‘mountain’ quite a hundreds of kilometers away from Yun Beishang’s current position remained immobile while Yun Beishang took his first steps forward towards it.

Both his old pals were still in his hands as his untainted Great Petals of Destruction Suit Armor Set still glowed violet and now also a starry purple altogether within the cupola of darkness.

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Step-shalk, ste-shalk, st-shalk.

Yun Beishang wasn’t in a hurry but he would naturally not be fearful now of this kind of situation, his steps didn’t seem fast enough but his Movement Speed % was still at its utmost and at all times for that matter. Whenever he took a step forwards, the once fully solid dark pool flooring turned into somewhat wet, slightly wet, a little bit wet, rather wet, wet, very wet and totally wet.

It went from simple footsteps to footsteps in the rain and in the little pools on the ground that would be formed, and even those little pools would then later on become deeper and less shallow while their substance filling them would also become more sticky, disgusting, foul of smell and consistency as Yun Beishang got a familiar recent scent into his being as well the closer he got.


Suddenly, just as Yun Beishang was still several dozen kilometers away from the ‘mountain’, the mountain itself moved at last, the entire dark pool flooring began rumbling and the entire cupola seemed to resonate with its movement too. However, that resonation wasn’t just in a friendly demeanor, but in a restrictive manner as well.

And finally, what Yun Beishang had been expecting came to him as his body slowly began to float atop the dark pool floor’s level, his Unparalleled Projections already out and silently remaining unmoving as he yet began to truly float upwards.

[Origin Core Element, Phoenix of Pride]: Type: [Broken]Core Element(Forced Fallen), Grade: God Devourer, LV:125, HP: 67,000,000,000. From the Core Elemental marvel of Main Kingdom’s one of the most impossible to imagine Races of the entire Universe, a Race that can only be 1 every generation and from which memories, feelings, ideas and desires can be shared between to all Overlord generations that come and go. To a detestable being that had lost it all and was even abandoned from all sides after realizing its part in a deathly and crooked deal, the honor of Main Kingdom had turned into its own aberration that is not only abhorred by Mother but even by itself right before turning into one of the most failed entities of Main Kingdom.

Skills: …

‘Hmf, how fitting.’ Just as Yun Beishang’s mind was going through the information he received with less than half an instant having passed since its information itself was available with his eyes always set on it and he ignored its skills, under himself, a little girl’s body glowing extreme white light flashed out from the top of his head as a huge lion took form right below his crotch and seated him on top of herself.

At the same time, Rosey appeared right behind Yun Beishang and atop Lioness’s back, landing her fair and long pale-silvery hands on top of his shoulders from the back and with her deathly still, calm and exceedingly scary facial expression and deep black-crimson pupils with that crimson little flame and her clear, pure pale violet iris straight at the mountain far away to their front.

Meanwhile, the ‘mountain’ itself finally showed a bit of its aspect even though it was still totally obscured by the darkness within the cupola and it could only be seen as a body being outlined. As for how it was being outlined, however? Because, suddenly, there was a dull sun-orange light coming from the even more far away lands behind the ‘mountain’.

It was emanating and coming out of nowhere, and it was also the reason why a crane’s neck without much remaining feather and a bird’s head that slowly came to face the sky with its peak and began to open right after. At the same time, Yun Beishang’s wings, Unparalleled Projections and Lioness began to fly at an insane speed towards the ‘mountain’.

Pew~! Whooooosh~!!! Whiiiistleeee~~~!!

Grwarakrkkkrkrakrkkakrkakkrkkkrkrkakakaka…kaa…kaaa…KAH… …~~

With Yun Beishang and company speeding towards the ‘mountain’ the peak of the bird’s head that was already fully opened began fully moving to keep on ‘opening’ even further, naturally, its peak began to unnaturally move towards the top and bottom of its bird’s head and what the entrance of the bird’s head should be was also increasing in size as if it was somehow eating its own head in reverse; consuming it.

…flip…flop, flip flip…flop flop flop flip flip flap, flap, flap… …

Suddenly, from the insanely bizarre bird’s head that had become a mouth of its own in its entirety, an innumerable amount of monstrosities were coming out from it as the ‘peak’ of the bird’s head still continued to hoarsely seem to call out. What began slowly with a few of those monstrosities coming out from the bird’s head began to be tens, then hundreds and, naturally, thousands of those monstrosities rather subsequently.

[Putrid Elemental Phoenix]: Type: Element(Broken), Grade: Mythical(Weakened to a Heavenly grade essentially), LV: 125, HP: 90,000,000. A disease that was once a pure form of being, capable of overlooking the entire Origin Pertaining Region and protecting it from any minute dispute going awry and from the leaders of the Region from losing their way; but are now no more than already dead puppets of the failed Elements, let alone from the Core Elements.

This was more than enough to scare any brave and bold warrior silly, to turn their brains into numbed useless crap and have their hearts dismayed at either an end or failure in the case of an Inhabitant or Journeyers; respectively. But for Yun Beishang, the Evil God and who is the one and only in possession of the Great Petals of Destruction Suit Armor Set and had its total set effect completely active; was nothing but, indeed, fitting!

Tongqiu’s Godly Divinity + Omnipresent Cosmo Beta Shot + Unparalleled Tongqiu’s Destruction!

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, whiiiiisttleeeeeee~~!!~~!!~~!!

Yun Beishang had a pair of extremely calm yet extremely fierce eyes as he brandished his right and left handed Undeniable Orders from his left and right respectively, already in a cross stance, sending the suddenly created 300 shadows of his old pals that moved in the same motion that his old pals did; creating 2 different small rivers of shadow swords that moved independently to each other in zig zag motions towards the faraway Phoenix of Pride.


But! Just before even the sword shadows in front leading the 2 different small rivers of sword shadows made contact with the first Putrid Elemental Phoenix, Yun Beishang was already drawing his Vicissitudes of Life with his Void Jumping Star nocked to his bowstring. And as they both began humming and calling out in their own undeniable mightiness, Yun Beishang, Rosey and Lioness’ bodies began to be covered by a blood-like rosy pink aura that outlined their bodies.

Rosey, ‘Great Petals of Destruction, Bloodline of the Teary Rose’!

Lioness, ‘Insane Rage from the Heavens!’

Within just an instant, and as if in slow motion, the three of them were engulfed by the effect of Rosey’s Bloodline of the Teary Rose as Lioness was covered by it but not really affected, mostly because of Yun Beishang who was right on top of her. And just as the slow movements of Yun Beishang were being enhanced and Lioness began charging at a speed that, clearly indicated her rage at this moment, his Action Speed was increased with his subsequent combo skill coming to be faster than expected!

‘Bastardly wicked thing, this is just my first gift!!’ Yun Beishang roared in his mind as he made both his Essential Armament at this moment explode with a terrifying momentum that made the still rumbling cupola begin to shake in fear and even somehow begin to shriek and shrilly showcase its complete and wholehearted fear at his very own actions.

Hells Open, Heavens Weep! + Omnipresent Cosmo Beta Shot!

Whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle…~~!!!!



At the same moment that sent his large river of 3,000 arrows without any buffing skill’s effect added onto them, a third of those previous 300 sword shadows that haven even touched a single Putrid Element Phoenix finally dived deep and fast towards the one at the very front, all while the other ⅔ of those 300 arrows—just about 100 arrows—began perfectly evading and avoiding any other Putrid Elemental Phoenix. For as…

*PING*’ve successfully killed a LV125 Mythical grade BOSS, 'Putrid Element Phoenix', as a result, Fame+62,500 and SP+62,500. Due to your Evil God class, you've successfully stolen Essence+1,250. Experience has been respectively distributed...

*PING*...the effect of your Great Petals of Destruction Suit Armor Set has been activated, granting all of your cooldowns are reset. Your Pet Rosey’s ‘Great Petals of Destruction, Bloodline of the Teary Rose’ skill’s cooldown has been restored, and your Pet Lioness’s ‘Insane Rage from the Heavens!’ skill’s cooldown has been restored. Your skills Unparalleled Tongqiu’s Destruction’, ‘Tongqiu’s Godly Divinity’, ‘Omnipresent Cosmo Beta Shot’ and ‘Hells open, Heavens Weep’ cooldowns have been restored.


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