Bow and Arrow

Chapter 609: Chapter 607 — Another Region Falling, A New Order Brewing

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Another Region Falling, A New Order Brewing




Yet, at that moment, instead of sending another bout of the 'Hells Open, Heavens Weep!' skill, Yun Beishang directly allowed for the new marks all over the Phoenix of Pride that were barely visible just now with the explosions from his Tongqiu's Destroying Combustion's exploding domes turning softer and softer until finally disappearing and just as he once again transformed his Vicissitudes of Life and Void Jumping Star into his Undeniable Orders before once again making a cross stance with them; he activated those mercury-like marks altogether!

Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh!...


Tongqiu's Godly Divinity + Omnipresent Cosmo Beta Shot + Unparalleled Tongqiu's Destruction!

Right after activating the mercury-like marks, one right after the other; Yun Beishang was already yet sending another combo to kill the Putrid Elemental Phoenixes that either survived his previous 3,000 normal arrows with Omnipresent Cosmo Beta Shot or that were too close and widely spread on his front for them to have been targeted by his train-like moving few thousands of arrows.

Phoenix of Pride's HP: [61,218,220,000/67,000,000,000].

In just a matter of seconds, almost 5 billion HP were taken away from the Phoenix of Pride’s bar HP, it wasn’t a full 10% of its total Hp but it was rather close, and better yet was that Yun Beishang was even already preparing his second use of ‘Hells Open, Heavens Weep!’, but this time with the implementation of his Tongqiu’s Destroying Combustion.

Tshin-shin~~~... Tshin-alalaloowww~...

Tongqiu’s Destroying Combustion + Omnipresent Cosmo Beta Shot + Hells Open, Heavens Weep!


*PING*’ve successfully killed a LV125 Mythical grade BOSS, 'Putrid Elemental Phoenix', as a result, Fame+62,500 and SP+62,500. Due to your Evil God class, you've successfully stolen Essence+1,250. Experience has been respectively distributed...

Whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle…~~!!!

And so were a bunch of few thousands of arrows sent from Yun Beishang’s Vicissitudes of Life once again as his old pals turned back into his Essential Bow and Essential Arrow, humming their hearts out as they reappeared in his hands once more and as Yun Beishang put them to use right away and even stronger than before!


An astounding damage directly sent the ‘only’ somewhat pushed backwards Phoenix of Pride 90 km or so long body by the previous ‘Hells Open, Heavens Weep!’ combo, more than ten kilometers away with just the explosions of 3,000 arrows with the Tongqiu’s Destroying Combustion effect on them, but that was not the ‘worst’ of it.

Though 3,000 arrows were already too strong for the Phoenix of Pride, with them having that effect which created a 133 m x 133 m area all from a single arrow’s explosion, the problem in truth, this time, lied on the fact that each and every single one of these explosions were of a single color; the starry purple color of Yun Beishang’s Destructive Essence!


And just as the explosions were still ongoing, without waiting for the starry purple domes to fade out, Yun Beishang directly gritted his teeth and yet once again detonated all those mercury-like marks!

Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh! Pvfigsh!...



With the Phoenix of Pride's HP: [40,981,990,000/67,000,000,000], however, it was the least of the problems within this cupola of darkness. At the moment that the first combo of ‘Hells Open, Heavens Weep!’ came to be, the entire cupola was already shaking and scaringly bursting about in some places that considering the vast space within it, it was quite a sight of seeing all around oneself exploding from the ceiling, to the walls and the rumbling dark pool flooring that had its rumbling sounds muffled by the explosions that were clearly out of this world.

However, with the second round of the mercury-like explosions going off and starting wreaking havoc in the worst possible way, the entire cupola of darkness directly began crumbling! Shaking and shaking like it was an earthquake large enough to have the sensation that the cupola’s space turned all into a boat in troubled waters, cracks began to become visible as the night sky slowly revealed itself through them.



*PING*’ve successfully killed a LV125 Mythical grade BOSS, 'Putrid Elemental Phoenix', as a result, Fame+62,500 and SP+62,500. Due to your Evil God class, you've successfully stolen Essence+1,250. Experience has been respectively distributed…-

*PING*...the effect of your Great Petals of Destruction Suit Armor Set has been activated, granting all of your cooldowns are reset. Your skills Unparalleled Tongqiu’s Destruction’, ‘Tongqiu’s Godly Divinity’, ‘Omnipresent Cosmo Beta Shot’ and ‘Hells open, Heavens Weep’ cooldowns have been restored.

…though the second kill of a Putrid Elemental Phoenix was done right after sending out, his third kill of such happened while he was still ongoing in the drawing of his Vicissitudes of Life’s bowstring, yet, just as Yun Beishang was preparing all of his skills and his right nostril felt like bleeding back to his physical body, an immense crack appeared right behind the Phoenix of Pride.


*PING*’ve successfully killed a LV125 Mythical grade… *PING*’ve successfully killed a LV125 Mythical grade… *PING*’ve successfully killed a LV125 Mythical grade… *PING*’ve successfully killed a LV125 Mythical grade…

‘Ugh, fuck.’ Yun Beishang frowned his eyebrows indiscernibly, with not even himself coming to realize it right away until another 3 seconds or so passed. And by that time, he had already wasted out his whole remaining 300 sword shadows that were already difficult to seamlessly manipulate while sending such powerful skills and activating the mercury-like marks.

Tongqiu’s Destroying Combustion + Omnipresent Cosmo Beta Shot + Hells Open, Heavens Weep!

“FUUUUUUUCK!!!...” Yun Beishang felt as if he himself was returning back when he began utilizing his ‘strange transformation’ which now had a name—Evil God Metamorphosis—with his headache being much more than just his head splitting and his soul being poked at by a needle. His entire face right now, behind his Godly Crowned Helm of the Great Petals of Destruction was roundly deformed as his eyebrows furrowed with strength and his nose wrinkled up twistedly.

Whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle, whistle…!!!


*PING*’ve successfully killed a LV125 Mythical grade BOSS, 'Putrid Elemental Phoenix', as a result… *PING*’ve successfully killed a LV125 Mythical grade BOSS, 'Putrid Elemental Phoenix', as a result… *PING*’ve successfully killed a LV125 Mythical grade BOSS, 'Putrid Elemental Phoenix', as a result… *PING*’ve successfully killed a LV125 Mythical grade BOSS, 'Putrid Elemental Phoenix', as a result… … …

-10,118,115,000… … …-10,118,115,000.

Phoenix of Pride's HP: [20,745,760,000/67,000,000,000]


. . .

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Back where the pair of beauties were still waiting for their husband, within the aerial territory and on top of a hill-tall-sized Core Elemental Throne, with the light of the morning finally appearing on the horizon.


“Was that your mentor? So sweet~.” Yun Yun said after some time passed in silence, Miriam still had a dumb smile on her face while she rested her head on Yun Yun’s right shoulder, the scent from her dummy huge ass breasts reaching her nose but were naturally not the reason she was smiling so dumbly.

“Mn,” Miriam nodded, her movement causing her little pointy and cutest nose to graze against the covered upper regions of the huge H sized monstrosity of the universe, one of two to be more specific. “She’s been helping me… so much…since some time ago already. She also…also encouraged me to clutch at the only man I have ever been with and longed for. I can’t believe the kind of thoughts I had before, no wonder my Mentor was so soft and caring towards me back then.”

“Oh, so, is she a she-devil now?” Yun Yun asked cutely, trying to ignore the dummy Miriam who made her jolt in response. She wasn’t an unknown person but a co-wife, and one that was supposed to have met with each other since young but could not… Miriam nodded her head again, this time carefully, before saying in a soft tone. “She made me go alone and face many Heavenly grade and even 3 Legendary grade Mortal’s Terrors all on my own, booo…”

“Mm, ah. But at least you seem to be okay with it, was it fun at least? Only Cindy, Zyv and I have proved to be able of so…lo-ing? Ahem, a Heavenly grade BOSS, but you are this strong already~.” Miriam giggled soundlessly to these praising words from one of the queens, she couldn’t help but ‘modestly’ say in return, “Hehee, no big deal, I only had to spam it all while running away in my Core Elemental Throne while wasting my MP like it was free, hehe.”

“...” Yun Yun was speechless alright, it seemed like her brother was truly a bad influence, even making such a pure and dedicated ‘little’ sister like Miriam so shameless and playful. “Well then, seems like hubby is taking some time, ah. We’ll get to have a lot of time together and in family afterwards so-eh?”

Just as Yun Yun was talking softly and caressing Miriam’s right cheek with her left hand, Miriam clearly enjoying and feeling great from it as she closed her eyes and allowed the ‘molester’ to caress her softly; Yun Yun turned her head to her front from looking at Miriam’s small and cute forehead. A second later, as if realizing of something, Miriam lifted her head to face the same direction as well.

“Eh? Big Sister Yun, what is-”


But there was no time for Miriam to speak any single following letter, let alone for Yun Yun to respond, as immediately afterwards there was a deafening sound that went out from all over the Origin Pertaining Region that even went farther beyond the Regional perimeter of the same!

And accompanying such a sound that immediately made billions of Inhabitants faint but that were thankfully protected by the Masters of each settlement as a light golden barrier that suddenly appeared to surround each and every settlement suddenly came to be as soon as the sound extended through the entire Region; was an insane thousands kilometers long sun-like orange cloud in the sky that detonated.

And with that detonation alone, the sound that managed to deafen a whole Region but thankfully failed to harm even the youngest or oldest and ordinary Inhabitants, suddenly disappeared as if it never even existed. But then came another ‘detonation sound’ as the sun-like orange ‘cloud’ became tens of times bigger than just now…


Though it wasn’t the same of something cracking, the sun-like orange cloud that was humiliating the suns of Main Kingdom altogether at this early time in the morning suddenly gained a violet and starry purple touch right in the middle of it all, at the same time however, a figure that was incomparably diminute to the sn-like orange ‘cloud’ emerged from there.

The figure had a pair of wings of the same starry purple that everyone saw just now emerge at the center of the ‘cloud’ and that were actually quite familiar with, because it was none other than Yun Beishang’s iconic colors and appearance! His wings were naturally the ones that the Journeyers had seen and despite the also deafening but not as damaging sound of ‘glass’ falling onto either the floor, wall or any other structure and substance along with the sound of water being splattered around in vast quantities; they could still hear each other’s shock and amazement while their eyes looked up without blinking even once.

“What is that? What is going on?!!” - “It’s Tongqiu!! Fuck! But what is going onnn?!” - “What is he fighting this time? Fuck, it can’t be stronger than before, right? OH… MY… GOD?!?!”

Just as there were an endless amount of Journeyers laying out their doubts, shell shocked expression and totally confused thoughts; it was first one, then thousands and then millions before all of the currently online Journeyers in the Origin Pertaining Region raised their heads and extended their necks…to see…what was by far the largest monster they’ve ever seen with it being second only to that blurred dragon from several months ago that was also Yun Beishang the one killing it.

“Oh my god, don’t tell me, is he also going to kill this one?!” - “Holy shit! Look, it’s his Pets! They are…they are really fighting such a huge monster?!”

Up in the sky, what everyone could see, including the ordinary Inhabitants, was the crooked, creepy, disgusting and rotting head of a chicken with an extended neck that was altogether about 10 km long coming down from that high up in the sky. Though no one was stupid enough to do tests about how high the distance between the ground and the ‘space’ was in Main Kingdom, with just knowing the overall size of Main Kingdom with the recollection of data and experiences from Journeyers from all over Main Kingdom, it was pretty obvious to know that it was countless times larger than New Earth’s.

Yet, as no one could figure out how high up in the sky was the ‘chicken’ coming down from, they could still see Yun Beishang’s starry purple wings and the dark pink beam being thrown over and over again while the ‘chicken continued on coming down from the sun-like orange ‘cloud’, the ‘chicken’ also had many holes all over its body, from which many more monsters with a repugnant and putrid appearance came out of only to be killed by Yun Beishang’s iconic sword shadows.

Within just ten seconds going by, Yun Beishang who was surely mounted on his Mount as always had already gone down enough for the naked but improved naked eye of the Journeyers to see his figure even if it was blurry and barely discernible high up in the sky. At the same time, however, only the legs of the ‘chicken’ were visible now that most of its body had come down.

With a total of 8 wings, 4 on each of its lateral side, and with a tail that was seemingly eaten out in some way, the ‘chicken’ had slender limbs and neck with even its head appearing to be disheveled as if it had gone through nutritional disorders for an eternity. Its stomach, however, was bloated and looking as if it had taken an endless amount of liquid to survive…

“Hey! Can anyone look at the thing’s information?” - “Nope, too far.” - “What if we throw you up in the sky?!” - “I’d rather die, no.” - “...”


Meanwhile, on the sky, the Phoenix of Pride opened wide open its peak and let its brainless head be once again ‘self-consumed’ as the sound reverberated out loud from within the Worshiping Lands Division and barely through all of the Sub-Division surrounding it. And Yun Beishang, who took a half a minute break, aimed his Vicissitudes of Life and Void Jumping Start back up once again.

His Unparalleled Projections were in a revere nosedive position as it naturally helped Lioness in the act of diving even harder and quicker towards the ground, the Movement Speed of the ‘chicken’ was after all still that of a God Devourer grade BOSS’s and its Forced Fallen state even seemed to enhance such a notion.

His eyes, which looked a bit bloody, had actual thin streams of blood coming out of his whole eye sockets, be it from the lacrimals, from the lower eyelid or even the upper eyelid themselves and from the corners. However, they were not red blood, but violet blood! Violet blood that was many times more vigorous than any red blood could ever be and which oozed off a rotund might!

Looking at his HP bar, which he had used many arrows on the way ‘down here’ to shoot aimlessly even, not caring about which unfortunate Journeyer appeared on the other side and corner of his retinas with an extra ‘*PING*’, Yun Beishang smiled as he looked at the fool of a chicken’s head whose ‘skin’ was of an orange and sun golden that had completely lost its color.

‘Heh’ Yun Beishang began drawing his Vicissitudes of Life’s bowstring, and feeling like he’d gone through a good workout, let go of his one and single Void Jumping Star without initially effectuating any skill onto it.


Yun Beishang’s arms suddenly showed signs of changing, his left arm became instantly covered by leaf and tree’s root-like patterns all around it, and his entire skin seemed to become armored with a gloomy verdant. Five sets of claws appeared, no longer ‘claw-like nails’, oozing with elegance and radiating an incomprehensible domination and imperiousness.

His right arm, from the shoulder blade all the way to his hands and nails changed just as much as his left arm did, but his claws were of a gray-platinum color and were longer but also crooked, appearing so many times more aggressive and scary. While his whole arm gained a gray-platinum armored skin instead of his usual skin anymore.

With patterns of a 3-clawed claw attack on his arm that would move to other spots constantly, and with marks of damascus appearing like water flowing around, pitch-black like abyss tiny spheres surrounded his right arm as his right hand excluded an insane raging ferality and aggressiveness without an end, nothing more! Only a sense of it being imperious and full of uncontrollable thirst remained.

Whistle!! Twinkle~... Tshin-alalaloowww~...

Void Jumping Star, who was let loose and instantly flashed already kilometers above from where Yun Beishang was as the latter kept falling down, began to slowly turn violet to no end, while a verdant gloomy Essence and gray-platinum, pitch-black like abyss Essence surrounded it from the lower and left and upper and right regions respectively; all while leaving a starry purple contrail on its way up.

That wasn't all, however, as Void Jumping began growing to an incredible length of 280 meters and 111 meters wide; shortly after, 299 other Void Jumping Star shadows appeared as Void Jumping Star adhered itself at the flock of arrow shadows and led it while turning into a 'shadow' 'himself'!

Evil God Metamorphosis + Omnipresent Cosmo Beta Shot + Supreme Last Stand + Unparalleled Tongqiu’s Destruction!

…As it then finally happened.


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