Bow and Arrow

Chapter 610: Chapter 608 — Main Kingdom Moves!

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Main Kingdom Moves!





At that moment, all the Journeyers and Inhabitants below saw was how the tiny figure below the goddamn long body of the 'chicken' sent out yet again even more arrows to attack it. However, this time, though they could make wild guesses that it was the same 'skill' and with just a different 'effect', all they saw was merely colors streaming from below to the sky and land move towards the 'chicken'.

Gloomy verdant colored flashes, gray-platinum, pitch-black like abyss colored flashes, starry purple colored flashes and violet colored flashes; all of these was all that was visible the moment the extremely silver dot in the space between the tiny figure and the large 'chicken' exploded into all those beautiful colors and letting go of any figure or shape.

Merely like a stream and rivers of colors and nothing like weapons or projectiles, from the tiny figure that was the Lord and the long 'chicken' a streaming bout of those 4 different colors formed a 'wall' or 'screen' of a length of 2 kilometers long with the Lord being right below it and the other end of the stream looking like arrowheads that deeply embedded themselves onto the large chicken.

However, there was no sound even as the streams and rivers of colors went up and diligently began bombarding the chicken's head with their arrow headed bodies. In fact, time and space were like being played around and manipulated by someone; as in the moment that the streams and rivers of colors came to be, everything seemed to have come to a stagnant and limbo-like universe.

But the colorful streams and rivers weren't stopping and, instead, seemed to be as fast as the speed of light, though no one had ever seen such a thing and no one could calculate it...they still felt like it was the case; as an instinct. Hell, not only was the most bizarre sight of all Journeyers and Inhabitants, and it was instead the fact that both the large chicken seemed to go back in time and forth, going up and down constantly as if stuck in a loop while eating away all those colorful streams and rivers silently as if even too afraid; soundless.

But the other part of that 'both', was none other than themselves; the whole world. It was as if jumping, hopping around up and down while slightly, ever so slightly, moving to the left and right upper and lower corners as if it was an impossible to avoid matter. And just as everyone was becoming sick and were about to peacefully return to the 'real world' of New Earth due to their minds not being able to take this in...



Everything exploded and the deafening, mightiest, imperious, capable enough to scare Gods to death and send furthermore transcendental beings into a retarded state sounds of such explosions reverberated across all of the Origin Pertaining Region; passing through its borders and reach the Eternal Silhouette Region and the Wonder Region slightly.

To the Fate Meeting Region, it came to the Lucky Chance Sub-Division like a huge boulder smashing on a free fall against an egg, and for the southwestern side of the Clandestine Vocation Sub-Division and the northwest Grasped Potential Sub-Division like an immense flood coming at their doors and respectively spreading towards every corner of their territory.

All at once, more than 4 Regions were taken by surprise by the insanely exploding, marvelous and divinity-destroying to scare anything shitless sounds of Yun Beishang’s ‘new attack’ on the chicken. Nobody was ready for it, and even the Masters of each Region’s settlements from those that were affected had a hard time going through these moments while still protecting.

However, it was just right at this very moment that just as the Journeyers who could barely move to crouch down and hold their heads by placing their palms hard against the ear which now wanted to lift their heads up, realized that they couldn’t even move at all in the first place. And then, it all transpired and occurred again with yet a much faster beginning and end to it.



Some of them noticed, from the way that the ground they could barely look at, some with their whole eyes open, some with only one of them opened or with a tiny bit of window for their eye to see through their extremely narrowed eyes; or just slightly. That the colors from before were once again flashing and streaming upwards to the chicken who hadn’t even had the time to get the receiving end of damage and pain from the previous attack when the next one came just a few moments later.

Some others, however, were still looking up, either because of their limited willpower and were about to be forcefully logged out, the system already prompting them from it but were instead paralyzed while with their heads still facing up, their eyes seemingly shocked to a petrified state but with their ears dripping the thinnest bits of streams of blood.

And all they could see, to the terror of it all, was indeed yet another bout of colorful streams and rivers going up and bombarding the enlarged chicken while everything stopped in place yet again though at a much lower quantity within the same kind of strange loop from before.


The explosions from Yun Beishang’s ‘brand new’ skill were instantaneous, which is how they’ve always been whenever Yun Beishang used to make good use of them, but still felt like they were endless and that they were constantly ringing out over and over again. However, the sound of each of them was really just instantaneous, and the deafening ‘touch’ to it was just as real, breaking the minds and reality check for all those Journeyers around while the Inhabitants were still protected by Masters.

But, now, just as the time finally resumed itself and tens of millions of Journeyers disappeared straight away from all over the Origin Pertaining Region and mostly from the Worshiping Lands Division. Only such a lower number of Journeyers remained within the Worshiping Lands Division while those far away from it couldn’t be any more glad they didn’t ‘live’ even near it.

It was as if it was a kind of ‘I’m glad I’m not leaving in that country that just now entered into a war’; brainless and thoughtless from beginning to end. However, for those who were directly living it straight above their heads, what else could they do?

Especially the Journeyers who had enough synergy with their virtual body and skills that could identify the enemy; be it mobs, named BOSSes or even NPCs. Thought a huge ton of them were bailed out by the system, there were still strong and pitifully resisting ones that could just not give up to the chance of getting this ‘information’ from the large ‘chicken’...they were not willing to miss this sight, to lose the chance of seeing it happen…to witness it!

As such, even though some were even already crawling on the floor and pulling their own skin off their bodies, to which though the pain tolerance was low, could feel like it was their own flesh being pulled by their own hands; did not stop. All; to see it happen and open their eyes…like a kind of vicious addiction for a new progress in their beings.

Finally, from above in the sky, when Yun Beishang was just 20 km away from the ground and his mouth even had violet blood come out from his throat and into it by the few thin streams of violet colored blood that came out from his nostrils; he was beginning to be taken care of by Rosey and lioness who maneuvered in midair and in a nosedive while he looked up at his fireworks.

Phoenix of Pride's HP: [0/67,000,000,000].

“Heh,” Rosey had a serious expression as she felt her big brother’s—and husband—HP finally stabilizing, but also sensing the huge ass little chick above them who was all lifeless and with its body having turned into sun-like orange colored flare that was just now shoot and turned on right as its HP value reached 0; while Lioness extended her claw forwards and picked up her paws straight up to her lower abdomen, also not daring to transform in her Responsive Dragon Form.

Yun Beishang laughed barely audibly as he looked at the Forced Fallen eyes of the Phoenix of Pride, and as if it was freed from ‘something’ the dead gray-filthy-blue and black eyes of the Forced Fallen that were already so shrunk since the battle started like it didn’t even had a surviving brain in that little head of itself, it looked back into Yun Beishang’s eyes right as its head was about to be covered by the orange sun-like flames from the flare that detonating within its body.

But its HP value remained 0, with no sense and even less so for an opportunity to heal despite its obvious skills.


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The sun-like orange flames covered the whole body of the Forced Fallen Phoenix of Pride, and while it became mere ashes right away, there was a tiny orange, sun-like energy orb that was covered by a brown-red and light blue colored layer of ‘dust’ around it as if it had dried up from the who knows what and time itself.

Its whole body disappeared but not without leaving a trace of its ugliness with an aura of death being spread all around the sky and the Journeyers who managed to survive the throes of their ‘second world’ and were looking up could see as a ‘shadow’ that exploded slowly, peacefully and extensively tens of kilometers in the sky with a foul stench accompanying it…but being somehow absorbed and cleansed of by the invisible ‘mother nature’ it/Herself.

On the other hand, however, Yun Beishang and company began falling down even more badly faster than before since they reached the 20th km mark above the ground-level, reaching up for the 15th km mark in just 15 seconds, the 10th km mark 10 seconds after that and the 1 km mark in another 9 seconds only.

By the time Yun Beishang and company reached an altitude that would allow anyone to see them clearly, basically and with their eyesight improved, but even more so for those who made use of their Hidden Stat/s almost perfectly at the very least; Yun Beishang then suddenly began to make a set of actions as he hugged Rosey’s waist with his right and Lioness with his left, seemingly not affected at all by her size and heaviness of quite the huge Heavenly Lion she currently was transformed in.

Then, turning his body around to face the ground with his back, he crazily had his Unparalleled Projections become as he went even faster than before and kept on going faster and faster with extreme speeds that even created small sized butterflies of cracks in the space of Main Kingdom’s air from where he went past with a bloody-like aura surrounding his and their whole bodies!

Placing Lioness and Rosey on top of his stomach and at the last few moments, respectively, Yun Beishang finished doing so just as he was 3 seconds before hitting the ground; as it finally happened!!

“... …… … … … … …” All of the Journeyers were dumbstruck, looking at the place where at the very least a whole 1 km in altitude was filled with dust, dirt, rock, trees and even small ordinary animals and the like right after Yun Beishang seemed to impact against the ground so heavily and fast that he even lifted a whole base of 3 meters thick and several kilometers square from the ground 30 meters into the air before falling down immediately after.

Only the heavy sounds from already so far away of the dust settling back down and rocks, boulders and trees falling was audible for the soulfully impacted and with their heart stopping- Journeyers who were very silently looking at the general direction from which Yun Beishang should’ve landed on the ground.


Yet, just as they were wondering that ‘how could a hero die so fast?’ and ‘Isn’t this so…too tragic?!’, a blinding creamy rosy light and along with several different colors churning up towards that general direction as if worried that they wouldn’t be able to be eaten up by whatever was occurring right where Yun Beishang fell.

In crude words, red, blue, green, yellow, violet and a striking white that yet seemed to be the same color; somehow, a pure white and a bottomless darkness. Were all congregating towards the creamy rosy white blinding light that glowed for just about 3 seconds, but from which it seemed to last ‘eternities’ before it all finally ended.

“... … … … … …” Then, it all became wholly silent yet again, the Journeyers were speechless in the most respectable and heart-shaken meaning of the word, and Inhabitants all around the Origin Pertaining Region listened on and on and stared at their Masters that would always defend their home with their purest and honest hearts out.

But it seemed like those Inhabitants were more like listlessly looking at the Masters and not seeming to hear them out, as if they were looking at something happening from far, far, far away…

…With their hands clasped together, their eyebrows naturally wrinkled to a worry stagnancy, Yun Beishang who was just now standing up after reading a system notification and saw an embarrassed Rosey stand up from hugging at his neck while he previously lied on the huge crack’s epicenter with his back on it; seemed to have been able to see all of those Inhabitants who seemed to be ‘praying’ for him…and to him all the same.

“Sigh…” Yun Beishang let out a low and almost inaudible weak sigh, but to Rosey and Lioness, who were now in front of himself just 2 small steps away from his front body and Lioness having already gone back to her temporarily true form of a little girl. It was the most beautiful calling as they looked up…and saw an infinite boundless ‘space’ full of violet and dark, broken glass gray color as both his pupils and irises.

“...” - “...” Being totally befuddled by this sight, the pair of beauties could only look up at him with endless charmingness locking them on the spot, and while they were cutely looking dumb with their infatuation and devotion being shown bare and unrestrainedly, Yun Beishang instead looked up after giving them a magnificently mysterious long glance.

His left hand, slowly and with some violet blood dried out that was somehow not cleared out by the pixeling from the system, opened up as it was put into the sky and allowed a tiny sun-like, orange tiny energy orb covered by brown-red and light blue dried out stuff covering it. The tiny energy orb didn’t fall down on his left palm, but remained hovering just right above it.

…twi…twi…twi… … …

Emitting just a few light and tendermost callings from within, Yun Beishang then passed it over to his right aggressive claw with his left elegant claw flawlessly letting go of it and without even needing to use his Hidden Stats nor Godly senses. His right palm caught it at last, touching his armored skin and slowly feeling out the quickly dried stuff being peeled out of the sun-like, orange energy ball.

“Hmph.” Without any disdain, derision, coldness or a single silver of emotion, Yun Beishang harrumphed through his nostrils as he moved his right aggressive claw to the level of his neck in height, held it right to the right of his right shoulder and turned his body to the left. The moment, the right back side of his head and the energy orb were faced against one another…he crushed it!



And from within the sun-like, orange tiny energy orb an energy that was a combination of putrid, pale golden and orange energy as one began to drift skywards at a great speed while Yun Beishang gave it his back and began stepping forth for a couple of seconds. Rosey and Lioness woke up to the sound of the tiny energy orb being crushed and its contents drifting into the sky.

Walking behind Yun Beishang to reach his side, they then turned around and looked at the same ‘manifestation’ that Yun Beishang turned his body around to see just after he walked 30 meters straight. Now, as they were facing the ‘manifestation’ of the putrid, pale golden and orange energy transform into a glorious spectacle like the northern lights that had lived from the ancient Earth to the New Earth, they were also met with an otherworldly and ‘transcendental’ spiritual residual memory as well.

“It is not the end! There is so much to hope for, I will prevail on my decision! Do not separate! I command thee!” A voice rang out, one that was filled with what it just spoke about, hope, and with the pride and haughtiness that a superior being would naturally evoke whenever they spoke to an inferior being. “What are you doing?! You will doom your Races, doom the hope, doom Main Kingdom!!”

“...” In silence, while the voice swiftly disappeared and seemed to have met with a change, as if many eras have gone by and so much time has been wasted…as an inevitable change was going to naturally occur. Rosey, Lioness and Yun Beishang who still had those bottomless ‘spaces’ in his eyes, looked at each other before silently returning their gazes back at the ‘manifestation’.



Let It Rain's Note: I just started reading another novel 3 days ago, and I found that it had a kind of writing that was similar to how I write but much more clear and vague. The beginning wasn't 'foolproof' though, and to me it is rather so enjoyable, it is of a comedy genre and though it is so, it isn't a 'haha' novel which its content is basically to appear humorous. At the same time, I remembered that it had quite the 'bad' review on Novel Updates, and so, I thought to myself... after thinking so much that my writing was just alien and impossible to comprehend that whether or not those people are either ego reviewers, bored, with hunters or trolls; it doesn't matter as I never cared for them and only believed in my story and my writing. Once again, let me bother you, readers; thank you for reading.

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