Bow and Arrow

Chapter 615: Chapter 613 — The New Yuns: Devik, Rado, Pora; And Yingyong

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The New Yuns: Devik, Rado, Pora; And Yingyong




"Phew, oh my gosh, I'm only 1 year old, how can Mommy and Daddy force me to do this!" Yun Rang's tender voice went out, reminding the nurses around of the fact that this tiny infant was, indeed, just a child even though she has been aiding them rather well in this ordeal of...well, triplets from one of the Madams and a single baby from the other one yet with both of them going into labor at the same time.

“...Heheteehee!” Nevertheless, as she looked at the tiniest thing that was even tiny compared to her own body right on her own arms, Yun Rang revealed a little teethed small smile, not being able to hold her joy at seeing the beauty with her eyes semi-closed opening every now and then and gurgling at her as if she didn’t even know what to do yet was ‘thanking’ her in some way.

“Daddy, Daddy, this little sister, what’s her name?” Yun Rang went over and brought the tiny beauty on her arms towards the stretcher where she just took the tiny thing out of. Yun Beishang, sensing his naughty oldest child and daughter come over, gripped tight Cang Qing’s hand once more before lowering his head to look at the infant with the tiny newborn in her embrace.

“...You choose, you know I like the names you’ve told me, go on…go on…” A tired Cang Qing responded after giving her daughter and Yun Rang a glance filled with nothing but the eternal loving from a mother, then looked at Yun Beishang to appease him while also indulging him, nothing at all like she was the one who gave birth.

“Rang’er, come here, darling.” Yun Beishang motioned with his left hand to his daughter, with the latter then coming even closer, before being helped up the bed Cang Qing was resting via her daddy’s supah powahs. With her little brain working better than even teenagers, Yun Rang crawled carefully towards Cang Qing with the tiny beauty in her embrace, letting mother and daughter reunite.

“Oh…” Cang Qing let out a low but dragged out ‘oh’, her eyes tearing at once. Considering her age and the fact that she became Yun Yun’s maid not long after finding the ‘love of her life’, to which she even became the famous fan club leader of Yun Beishang/Tongqiu’s fan club of almost 3 billion fans currently; to now having a beautiful child with such ‘love of her life’ and no one else to thank besides Yun Beishang but his own sister…yeah, it was crazy; crazy good.

“Yun Yingyong, mn. That’s her name, did you hear that, Yong’er? Mmm, now you are my and my family’s beloved third daughter, we hope you’re proud, Little Yingyong.” As Yun Beishang spoke, Yun Yingyong looked up at her papa and then at her momma, naturally, having actually understood the meaning behind papa’s words and recognizing them very well.

“Yiyiya, yiyiyayaa~!!” Yun Yingyong responded at last, turning the faces of her parents broad with smiles and Yun Rang’s lost in thought, but also naturally dazed at the cute little thing that her little sister was. Cang Qing could be heard speaking now all joyous and blissful, as she saw her tiny daughter be passed over to her chest. “There she goes, uhuhu, she has a powerful voice, hm?”

“Little Sister Yingyong has a powerful voice!” Yun Rang repeated Cang Qing’s words, just, more cutely and with a little voice that made Yun Yingyong look back at her as if giggling mentally with her comrade sister, ah.

“Well then,” Yun Beishang made sure his third oldest daughter was placed well enough on his wife’s meaty ‘cushions’ that weren’t too large nor too small for baby Yingyong to accommodate herself comfortable with, and gave Cang Qing’s left side of her face a tender continuous caress with his right hand while his left hand caressed Yun Rang’s head instead. “I’ll go check on the ‘latecomers’, Irllytia seems to be flowing while taking care of them, so I wanna join.”

“Mm, take care, my love. I’ll be here with Little Rang, accompany Sister Irllytia, mwah.” Cang Qing ended her words by blowing a kiss to her husband’s face while still being quite tired herself, Yun Rang complemented her words right after with a couple cute nods from her part. “Mn, mn. I’ll stay with Mommy Qing, Daddy. Don’t worry and say hi to my Little Brothers and Little Sister for me.”

Not saying anything, Yun Beishang caressed their face and head respectively a few more times before walking away towards Irllytia’s bed, where about 3 babies laying on their back could be seen crying out loud whenever she mentioned something.

Cang Qing and Yun Rang began softly speaking towards Yun Yingyong, who was silently listening and understanding and learning all kinds of new and different words. Also emotions, feelings, sentiments, joy, tenderness…all that.

On the other hand, Irllytia was literally, but warmly, crying tears each time a baby of hers on top of her torso responded to her cute callings right away as if trained very hard since the womb to be the best mommy boys and girls there to be. And as Yun Beishang came closer, altogether, the babies seemed to sense him as they all turned their heads towards him and blurted out ‘yiyis’ and ‘yayas’ confusedly.

“He’s your daddy, go on, say hi to your beloved father. Mommy won’t get jealous~~.” Irllytia, seeming to know very well what they were thinking with their semi-closed eyes, spoke to her children like this yet so sweetly at the same time while her tired table-like body held them solidly and without any troubles.

“Yiyiyiyiyaya!!” - “Yayaaa…” - “Yiyiyiyiyiyiyiyyii!!”

With the babies calling out to him, how could Yun Beishang act normal? Seeing them so excited and responsive to such words alone, he couldn’t wait to carry them all, even at the same time, swinging their tiny bodies to sleep and telling them little stories. Maybe, even perhaps, tell them how to behave in the future when they grow up since this young so that they aren’t as playful and naughty like other kids their age by then.

“Hello, oh you silly babies, who’s your father, ah, here I am!” Yun Beishang grinned from the left corner of his mouth as he came up to them and raised and stretched his arms out in the open, eliciting glamorous cheerings from the ‘crowd’! “Yiyiyiyiyaaaa!!” - “Yiyiyaaaa~!!” - “Yiyiyiyiyi!”

“Mhee, mhehehehe…!” Irllytia, seeing this dumb ass behavior but also with their children being so responsive and not feeling embarrassed one bit, began giggling like it was a marathon made only for the act of giggling, not stopping even as Yun Beishang took away the babies from her flat tummy.

“Mm, the oldest daughter, have you named her?” Picking them up, Yun Beishang glanced at the tiny beauty, and even though everyone was now in their Human Form, he could already see their Demon Forms quite flawlessly, becoming amazed by that in just a blast. Irllytia’s voice nodded after her exhausted head gave a nod, “Mhm, Pora, Yun Pora. She is the oldest by 0.2 seconds to my second child, and 0.4 seconds to my youngest one, hehe.”

“It means ‘always there’, right?” Yun Beishang asked, his eyes already turned into slits as he gazed at his fourth daughter’s eyes, the latter seeming to sense something, as she then opened her eyes to look back at him. Irllytia nodded again, tiredly, adding with a soft voice that could melt away the strength in his legs and pacify the hearts of their children. “That is from my Ancient Demon native language, and they can already understand all of the words in one of their native languages. You’ll have to try for the Human language, father of my children.”

Seeing that smile, Yun Beishang didn’t even notice when, but he fell into her spell, and only when Yun Pora ‘clawed’ at his chin did he finally woke up and looked down at the tiny beautiful thing. With his voice being clear and full of a challenge, he said, “Yun Pora, are you content with being ‘only’ the fourth daughter of I, your dear daddy? At least you are the oldest of your directly blood related little brothers, you know?”

“Yiyiyiyiyiyi!!” Yun Pora responded rather right away and with her eyes having already gone through several different emotions as if becoming a bit downcast, then still happy but then being followed by becoming rather excited yet again! Yun Beishang could only nod at Irllytia who in return smiled brilliantly, before lowering Yun Pora to lay her back right on top from where she came from, before taking a look at the other sons of his that were looking at him with endless respect.

Without a doubt, such a look left Yun Beishang and Irllytia a bit flabbergasted, looking at these pair of brothers who were with their eyes half open. Irllytia’s voice came from below, Yun Beishang saw her tenderly looking at their daughter while playing with her hands, stretching them a tiny bit. “You name them, they are our pair of first boys and I’m sure they’ll want to grow to be as powerful as their father and mother, just that I already chose Yun Pora’s name; so it’s your turn, husband.”

“Mn.” Yun Beishang smirked for the umpteenth time in the last few minutes, while looking down at Irllytia before returning his gaze back at the pair of sons of his that were waiting for the ‘crowning’ ceremony of sorts. “Yun Devik, as the second oldest son of your mother, you’ll have your little brother, named Yun Rado. And together, as three, you will protect each other no matter what, as well as whatever you choose in the future. Understood, my dear sons?”

“Yiyiyayayaa!” - “Yaaaaaaa~!”

Though Yun Beishang wasn’t only soft and contained great traces of duty and sternness, something that one should really not have when talking to babies, let alone your own. The pair of brothers would’ve nodded if they could as they heard their names, Irllytia looked to her right at her man’s naming sense having improved, a radiant smile surfacing yet again as Yun Pora called out ‘yiyis’ yet again.

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“Okay, come here, lay on your mother’s body. Even though she doesn't have much where to take milk from, you will soon have your own tiny feeding bottles, oka-ouch, I’m just helping you, dear wife.” Yun Beishang lowered Yun Devik and Yun Rado back onto their mother’s ‘nest’, her flat tummy being covered by their tiny bodies and her warmth reaching them once again, making them make well…baby noises out of being in incredible comfort.

“Hmph, you’re lucky you’re still useful for breeding purposes, or else!” Irllytia ‘cursed’ Yun Beishang with a rather playful and devilish mosquito voice, afraid her tiny babies would know of her meaning if they were to heard her speak like this right away after giving birth, they were even less of a normal kind of babies considering their half Human and half Demon nature.

Yun Devik, third son of Yun Beishang and first son of Irllytia. He had the definition of ‘deciding leader’ in his name, one that could be interpreted from a lower rank like a group of children to the entire Demon Race, depending on their efforts, hearts of their people and leadership that might have brought pride and honor to the Demon Race.

Yun Rado, fourth son of Yun Beishang and second son of Irllytia. He had the definition of ‘obscuring light’ in his name, and when he was placed on the top of her mother’s tummy once again, he was the calmest and even seemed to be the shiest of all of Yun Beishang and Irllytia’s children.

As they laid on her mother’s belly, they became peaceful once again, no longer being excited by the first time they saw, and meeting at last, their father who couldn’t be any more perfect for their perfect mother; ah.

“Yun Beishang, let’s join beds, okay? I also want to hold Little Yingyong in my arms, they are all…’quadruplets’ after all, wouldn’t you say so?” Irllyia said 3 minutes after both parents had been playing with their evil spawns, the latter giggling in reaction to the former’s acts of teasing and juking at them with their hands and even voice by distracting them to keep playing with them around.

“Mm, I was just getting you both ready to see each other’s children become so close on this fateful day, mkay?” Yun Beishang brought his mouth to Irllytia’s forehead, the latter smiling and cupping his left cheek with her right hand charmingly. Irllytia then lightly shook her forehead, making Yun Beishang’s lips go from the left to the right of her forehead’s skin before saying. “Mn, I want to see them grow close together, protect each other and…be silly together too, ahehehe!”

“...” Yun Beishang, who was already moving Irllytia’s bed with his hands and Cang Qing’s with his Will, fell into silence right as those words left her mouth. Irllytia, being a lonely child, having no friends to play with and…even losing everything that was her family and known people on the streets…because of her and Yun Beishang…to have a whole different scenario was possibly Irllytia’s greatest dream when it came to their children indeed.

“They will be loved, surrounded by their family and never being left, Irllytia.” Yun Beishang casually spoke in whispers into her right ear, Irllytia trembled a little from such sensations, making even her babies swing left and right a bit on her tummy as she then slowly blinked her eyes and responded while looking directly upwards at her husband’s eyes.

“I know, I know…I’m glad, really really glad…of you and this family, my love…” Her eyes went downcast as she reminisced about her own previous life and her current lifestyle, and the one that her children were about to begin. By the time she woke up from her slight trance, she felt an exhausted, slender but warm hand hold her right hand that was hanging over the right sided edge of her own bed.

“Ah, Qing Qing.” Irllytia called out, the hands now holding her right hand becoming softer as Cang Qing looked to her left while passing over a tiny Yun Yingyong to her tummy. It was then that Irllytia noticed that her two sons were now on top of another’s belly, Cang Qing’s, and that they were giggling and calling out in their baby demeanors to their Mommy Qing, ah.

“How is she, isn’t she cute? Hehe, it took me a lot to take her out, so be careful with her, alright?” Cang Qing said, her voice deeply embedding itself into Irllytia’s brain and soul, causing her to nod with tears already sputtering around like a broken fountain. “Mn, mn, mn! I will be very careful, oh, she’s sooo pretty-sniff, what a wonderful baby!”

At the lower side of their beds, just a few inches below their fully stretched out legs where their toes were just a tad away from Yun Beishang’s bum and legs resting on their adjoined beds, Yun Rang was sniffing constantly with tiny sounds going out of her nostrils and her tiny fists going over her eyes to roll around a bit to clean those crystal ‘show of joy’ she had going on.

Meanwhile, Yun Beishang himself was looking at the pair of now brand new mothers who were doing some children meet Mommies kind of meeting, Cang Qing then being passed over the two tiny baby girls with Irllytia receiving back the pair of sons, then with Cang Qing having only Yun Pora on her meaty cushions while Irllytia had her boys and Yun Yingyong on Irllytia’s belly.

The boys were helping Yun Yingyong to practice their Ancient Demon native language while also helping her learn to respond to their Mommy Irllytia’s callings and so on. All while Cang Qing giggled along with Yun Pora who was overly giggly when playing with Cang Qing, and all Cang Qing was giving her was the beautiful pair of eyes that gave away how much she loved children.

Looking in the opposite direction, Yun Beishang saw a big bellied Cyn walking over to them, he extended his hand out towards her as she carried the huge bag holding another wonderful baby almost fully ready to be delivered. And, taking his hand, Cyn saw right in front of Yun Beishang, smiling delicately at him before turning her head to look at the pair of beauties no longer big bellied.

Their babies were there and they were playing with them even though they were just born; newborn! Naturally, there was nothing to worry given their origins, and the incredible seed that Yun Beishang has to give, ah. Cyn then turned her head and looked at Yun Rang on her husband’s lap, the going in her eyes that carried an even more stronger and unwavering love for children than Cang Qing fading out sadly as she fully turned her head around.

“Yun Rang, you did an amazing job, really. Even Natalia is incredibly surprised, it’s good that you were here, or Yun Yingyong would’ve taken much more time to come out. Natalia was really having a hard time with Irllytia’s triplets, well done little girl!” Cyn’s words directly made Yun Rang’s baby face flush big time, she herself knew how difficult it was and how Natalia had it even worse than herself.

“It’s nothing-” Yun Rang meekly responded, but just as she was doing so, a pretty and slender, table bodied Natalia came stepping towards them with a pair of nurses aiding her from the sides. Natalia’s voice rang out as she ‘tiredly’ said, “How was it nothing? You’re 1 year old, you said it yourself! Little Rang, you’re amazing, nothing else to be said, I was only 11 when I was barely able to help a woman give birth, you know?”

“Tsssh, tehee~...” Yun Rang was won over alright, nothing else had to be said as Yun Beishang looked at Natalia with some teasing in her eyes, causing the latter to lower her head in guilt, shame and with the horrifying pain of being ‘discovered’ from her ‘schemes’. But at that moment, Yun Beishang’s voice rang out as well while everyone was silent and as Cyn looked down at her own thighs before lifting her head in the newborn’s direction.

“Cyn, bring Rang’er with you and go check my babies, okay?” Making a blatant move of his jaw and with his head tilting backwards as he said the word ‘okay’, Cyn became flustered as she fidgetly turned her head left and right to look at everyone’s face, before her rescuer came to her aid at last. “Let’s gooo, Mommy Cyn, I wanna see Little Sisters and Little Brothers again, let’s guuuuh!”

“Ah, ah, okay Rang Rang. Just wait for me, don’t be too quick, darling~...” Cyn was being dragged by Yun Rang, she could only look twice behind her as she saw a ‘tired’ Naty resting on their husband’s lap and how she was encouragingly waving at her with a wide smile of closed lips. Meanwhile, Yun Beishang gave her a pair of uplifting and inspiring eyes instead.

Closing her mouth, Cyn inadvertently softly smiled, turned her head and…before long, joined the pair of brand new mothers in playing with their children, even holding each of them with affection and without letting go for quite a few minutes. In return, the babies she held turned out to be quiet, peaceful and comfortable like a bunch of ducklings who had just then lost their mommy duck and were found once again by such just a few seconds later.

Seeing Mommy Cyn being such, everyone who still remained within the room were naturally warmed deep in their hearts, and a smile deep inside or straight out in their faces formed without one of them missing. Cyn giving them eskimo kisses from upside down by barely touching their noses though, and speaking so slowly and as softly as the flowing water on the surface in the middle of the ocean; were but a most amazing sight to behold.

“She is sooo much of a children-biased mother, be careful or you might find yourself filling a whole mothership with Cyn and yours’ children, ah.” Natalia suddenly naughtily spoke out, her chin growing closer to her collarbone and neck as she looked at Yun Beishang upturned, on the other hand and unfazed by her antics, Yun Beishang said just a few words to yet completely defeat innocent Natalia right away.

“Nah, you should be the one careful of that matter, I’m not planning on going soft on you. Also, being helped up by 2 normal and ordinary nurses to come back to your husband’s lap? Are you even an ordinary person anymore, my love?”

“Kyaaaaah~~, please, not in front of your newborn babies!!” Natalia exclaimed out loud for forgiveness, but her waist was already being pinched to tickle her along with her tummy being quizzically rubbed, sending funny sensations that manifested out of her mouth from her throat in crackles and some giggling as well.


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