Bow and Arrow

Chapter 616: Chapter 614 — Yun Yinyc

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Yun Yinyc




Rising Essence, Unparalleled Peaceful Rain City's highest building for the Order's core members to meet.


Step, step, step!

Within a room that was both luxurious and complex, it having an initial main hall that was also the meeting room where a long yet not 'extremely' long table was placed along with the respective couple dozen of chairs or so. Footsteps resounded as a soldier wearing his uniform for whenever it was time to stay within the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain City immediately tensed up and stood in attention, waiting for his Lord to cross through the 3 meters tall and 5 meters wide doors’ frame.


"Go ahead, you only have 5 minutes for this," Yun Beishang directly said, ordering the tensed up soldier in attention as the latter then began to accommodate the pages he had in his hands, taking only about 3 seconds to begin reading with Yun Beishang having to wait only about 1.2 seconds in front of the soldier in question.

"Reporting to my Lord, there have been over 12,377 Inhabitant casualties in the Origin Pertaining Region war, mostly suffered due  to the extremely well equipped enemy who would suddenly come out from the enemy's ranks. After investigating the items from the enemy's loot directly after being repeatedly killed, and by interrogating the people that were selected as their highest in command, it is now guaranteed that their 'resources' came from the far away inner and core Regions."

"Not all of them were cooperative until the end of the war, after we won it, my Lord, they seemed to be abandoned and they realized it, which must be the reason they decided to come out clean. Journeyers related to such have been put into jail while the Inhabitants related to this matter have been already executed after some time spent in their cells."

"Not a single Journeyer from The Order's side suffered even more than 5 kills during the conquest of the Origin Pertaining Region, and they've seem to slowly come to understand the Inhabitants' power, adapting to it and becoming proficient in following well after them. Additionally, a total of more than 45,000,000 troops have been distributed for each Region of the bright Sunset Region and the Wonder Region."

“Additionally, the Wonder Region’s Generals, after seeing the many statues and monuments being built for different entities, some of Journeyers who were not even seen in our world before. They’ve decided to create some structures to continue worshiping the Lord even if he is not present, they are requesting for permission, and also already sending materials for such constructions to all the other outer Regions of Main Kingdom even at this moment, my Lord.”

“Hmm? Statues, can they be built, and of Journeyers at that, too?” Yun Beishang asked as he found it weird, and new, that it was now possible to do such things. After all, since long ago when the game was just starting and there was no plot at all to speak of, Lotion Lost’s lore doubts and suspicions already clarified that there hasn’t been any temple of sorts nor statues of a religion or even a person to idolize.

“Yes, my Lord. It is now seemingly possible as in the Eternal Silhouette Region, a couple of statues from Journeyer Baston’s have been built while dozens from Journeyers Mort and Delette have been made… As for Lady Juvenile Blade, there’s already a couple thousands of such statues and even a couple dozen temples made for her…” The soldier awkwardly spoke of one of the many Ladies of the Lord.

“Hmm, interesting ah, go on.” But the Lord responded rather casually and interested at that, to which the soldier heeded his orders and then continued in the same informing and ultra respectful tone in his voice. “Yes, my Lord. These statues, without one of them missing nor being distinct, have all to perfectly carve out the person’s appearance or they will be directly destroyed by what we Inhabitants believe to be Mother’s will.”

“It is the same with the temples, but with certain other characteristics that have to be taken into consideration. If one wanted to make a temple out of a Journeyer of Inhabitant, they would have to be made with the person’s…tastes, beliefs and favored colors, aesthetics and so on where even the flooring, ceiling and marks in the inside structures and decorations must perfectly follow.”

“Even then, there are so many temples of Juvenile Blade?” Yun Beishang asked once again, the back of his right hand separating from under his chin for a second as he did before going back to rest under his chin, the uniformed soldier nodded and answered to his Lord loud and clear. “Yes, my Lord! But it is not only Ladies and Maidens having such structures going on all around our Regions, my Lord, Generals are also receiving such treatment from the Inhabitants themselves, be it our own people or the newly integrated Inhabitants.”

“I see,” Yun Beishang looked at the window of the room, his eyes losing track as they become unfocused, the soldier still in attention remained silent and awaiting for further orders. Yun Beishang then turned his head to look at the soldier for a moment before turning it around once more, saying, “Accept the Wonder Region’s ideas of their Generals, also, tell them that they must do just the same for a statue and at least 3 temples of immense size for each of my Maidens and Ladies for each Sub-Divisional City.”

“To make them underground, of course, that would be more than enough for all to fit, and none of them must be smaller than my own.” Yun Beishang asked at the confused soldier, doing some bit to clarify things for him before continuing, “And tell them that they must not touch them after building them, I’ll be the only one allowed to do so, along the Maidens and Ladies, go.”

“Yes, my Lord!!” The Soldier instantly saluted gratifyingly at his Lord’s order, before directly bowing and then walking towards the hallway-meeting room’s exit, leaving Yun Beishang with his pair of eyes thinking rather mysteriously of whatever was in his mind. Yet, before another minute could go by, he suddenly disappeared from the meeting room, the visual effects of one doing so being mostly invisible and completely inaudible for some reason.



KATARINA-1, Cyn’s bedroom, 22nd day of the 1st month and 2nd year since Rising Essence’s release. At around 6 pm where the lights within the mothership were starting to turn dim.


“There she is, there she is! Oh my-!! Heavens! She has long hair already!” A nurse who was helping up Doctor Natalia working her ass off to bring the ninth child of her husband out to live with the family, couldn’t help but call out loud, making the already slightly tired Natalia look more carefully and indeed, she saw the tiny head of the little girl in her hands have some smooth brown colored but translucent hair that could be considered long for a tiny just born baby.

“It is-it-it’s my baby o-kay?!” With ragged breathing, Cyn tiredly called out while also sounding exhausted, her entire rosy face on her brown milky skin making her look even more weak than she currently was. Natalia looked up at the concerned brand new mother, cursing her stupidness of becoming silent at such a moment before giving her Sister Cyn a good smile.

“It is all alright, Cyn, don’t worry. Your daughter just has some peculiarities at just being birthed, but she’s perfectly fine. Just give me a moment, alright?” Once she was done saying that, Natalia stood up and waived for Cyn’s confirmation, only walking away to clean her and the like once she saw Cyn nodding back at her while Yun Beishang held her right hand with his own.

With Natalia gone to clean up the littlah babieh, Yun Beishang looked back down at his tired wife who had a face which definitely called out ‘I WANT TO HOLD MY OWN BABY ALREADYYYY!’, he felt obliged to calm the newly made into a mother Cyn so that she would not faint when encountering their wonderful tiny daughter.

After all, this damn ol’ driver was already used to seeing these marvels of the universe come out his wifeys’ bodies and becoming a father, a professional of sorts indeed.

“Darling, look at me, hey, hey; do you still love me?” Yun Beishang first called out softly, but then had to really get her attention after he saw her ignoring him flatly and looking with her ‘crazed’ eyes at Natalia’s back instead. Finally, with his last few words being barely heard by her, she looked back up and to her right at Yun Beishang, blurting out. “Eh? Honey, of course I do, always…ah, I see, moou~...”

“Hegeheheh, so you’re aware now, eh?” Yun Beishang laughed like an old and joking papa who successfully teased his wife after so long and hadn’t had these fun moments together, his double chin showing on purpose as he laughed out at her. Cyn could only restraining her tired out smile, saying with a low tone. “My husband, don’t be like this, don’t you see th-”

“There she is, already for her naming and to be held by her mother.” Just as Cyn was defending her honor, Natalia came in and moved the subject away from their conversation, with Cyn directly reacting with an inaudible ‘AAAH!’ the moment she saw a tiny baby’s body covered by a yellow softest and warm layer of cloth right in front of her head.

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“Oh…my-my, oh my my…gosh~!!” Looking down at her while Natalia got to his right side, his right hand placed on her lower back and her head tilting onto his right arm and shoulder at the same time, Yun Beishang grinned gladly and invigoratingly as Cyn really began streaming countless buckets of tears down her lacrimals, drenching her pillow and neck right away while the tiny baby opened her eyes wide open.

It was natural, seeing that face that was just so instinctively the most important and beautiful in her very own quite, very advanced eyes, the tiny baby seeing that huge ass face having lots of water and with the ‘things’ above the place that was expelling so much water knit together; the poor tiny baby didn’t know what to do!

“Oho…baby, my baby…you’re so perfect!” As such, all the tiny baby could do was to lazily move her left tiny hand towards the huge, warm and loving face in front of her tiny body, patting it with her even tinier left palm as she felt weirded out by the wet skin. Cyn, on the other hand, felt her nose even more sour as she felt her tiny daughter’s hand to the right of her nose.

“Here, aiyo, let me clean you. You look like a teenager whose music got cut off at 10 pm by her parents.” Yun Beishang lowered his hand with a napkin to wipe Cyn’s lovely crying face, their tiny daughter seemingly wanting to thank the opportune and intelligent big baby standing on her left, with a pair of cutest eyes ever.

“!” When, suddenly, the tiny baby became stiff instead as she saw Yun Beishang’s face; her father’s face. Then, as if wanting to prove something, she looked back at Cyn’s huge ass face, before beginning to move her gaze from Cyn’s face to Yun Beishang’s face and vice versa; over and over again.

“Yuuh?! Yiiii! Yayayi, yiyiyiaya!!” The tiny daughter then suddenly became all excited and cheerful, her voice was loud just like it was with Yun Yingyong, but unlike Yingyong, this one tender little thing’s voice was also already so immeasurably beautiful.

“Oh my god!!” Cyn couldn’t believe it neither, as soon as her daughter opened her mouth, she and everyone else of course heard the beauty of her voice and how, even at such an early and premature age sounded like already, would then have what a kind of voice in the future as she grows up and fully develops her innate talents and potential.

“Mm, indeed…Cyn, let’s name her…Yinyc! How ‘bout it?” With his eyebrows jumping, Yun Beishang lowered his body at the now cleaned up face from tears of Cyn, looking first at his fifth daughter before turning around to look at Cyn’s face while Natalia rolled her eyes at Yun Beishang’s regression at his naming sense; oh no!

“Mmm… Okay.” But to everyone’s surprise, except for Yun Yinyc who was enjoying seeing everyone enjoy her voice as they smiled and even clapped whenever she opened her mouth to blurt out practical nonsense, Cyn agreed immediately with her now even more gentle eyes gazing so infatuated at Yun Beishang. “Let’s name her Yinyc then, a beautiful name.”

“Isn’t that right? Little Yinyc? Mwah mwah,” Cyn brought the tiny baby to her face, kissed her nose very lightly before doing the same to her forehead, and the crazily ‘singing’ Yun Yinyc finally became quiet, as she felt the naturally welcomed warmth of this huge ass face. Not wanting to fall behind the ceremony of parents, however, Yun Beishang joined in while Natalia looked on at the pair of doofus with a grand, gentle smile on her face.

Mwah mwah mwah, don’t worry, mwah-mawh. Your mommy here has trained, giving her milk to some tiny babies and even filling some feeding bottles for them as well. She didn’t have time to fill some for you, but as soon as you take your first meal, mwahmwah, she will barely let go of you, trust me.” Yun Beishang said, attacking Yun Yinyc’s left side of her brown haired head ruthlessly.

“Yyyiyiya?!” Yun Yinyc directly ‘answered’ with, doing her best to look at Yun Beishang with a pair of ever so intelligent, clever and crafty eyes, Yun Beishang chuckled, definitely not expecting such a humane-like response such as this. While Cyn on the other hand looked at her daughter’s turned head with a hidden smile and restrained giggles at the strange scene.

“Mhm! But of course! And if not, here is Mommy Naty still in case you don’t want to miss her milk-aiyo!” Yun Beishang was, naturally, hit on the back of his arm ‘painfully’ by Natalia’s slapping left hand as soon as those words were just in the middle of being spoken. Seeing that it didn’t work, Natalia was about to bite his arm when she restrained herself, not wanting Yun Yinyc to have such ‘teachings’ and even less from her own acts.

As such, a flushed Natalia could only constantly hit the back of Yun Beishang’s right arm while thinking of her ‘troubled’ times where she had to fill the feeding bottles with her small breasts not really helping much to it; sigh.

“How dare you! I’m already so troubl-wwa?” Just as Natalia was retaliating, she was stopped with a pair of smooches on her lips by Yun Beishang's very own manly lips, before a few words were began to be hushed into her right ear rather without sensuality nor sexiness. Yet, she couldn’t help turning stupidly seduced and tempted as she immediately lowered her head and even smiled foolishly.

“Ahem, so, where was I? Oh right, Mommy Naty over here will play with you while I make your mother a nice beverage, it was quite a long delivery, after all. So I, your father, will be back in a while, okay Little Yinyc?” Yun Beishang turned his body once more to look at Cyn and Yun Yinyc, with Cyn’s massive E cup teardrop shaped monuments of obscenity, their tiny newborn baby was oh so comfy in the milk bags indeed.

“Yiyiyaaa~...” With her energy being drained at last, which was more than damnably normal after scr-no, singing out loud for about 2 minutes straight, Yun Yinyc could only respond rather lazily as she was swiftly accommodated on Cyn’s upper chest. Yun Yinyc’s tiny head used Cyn’s meaty cushions to lay comfortably as Natalia rubbed her tiny nose from below to up with her pinky finger.

“You go, I will stay with this pair of mother and daughter, can you bring Little Darcel here too on your way back? He didn’t get to see his Little Brothers and Little Sisters from before the day they were born, so today let him be spoiled.” Natalia, of course, didn’t forget to pamper her one and only son—for the moment—as Cyn simply smiled and had her eyes turn into slits at the notion.

Looking back, Yun Beishang had a helpless but cheerful smirk on the left corner of his mouth, which Natalia didn’t dare to face and turned her head back to Yun Yinyc as the latter finally closed her eyes to rest. However, Yun Yinyc had her hands opening and closing with her mini fingers while her mouth opened and closed as well in search of yummy food.

To this, while Yun Beishang shook his head helplessly and left the room, his senses still—and oh so obviously—caught the sight of Natalia taking both of Cyn’s teats out in the open as there were only female nurses and maids. At first, Natalia couldn’t take them out completely, as such, she molested Cyn blatantly by pinching them with her whole right hand as her left one was still massaging Yun Yinyc’s tender miniature nose.

Then, with the right teat out, Cyn moaning in soundless breathing, Naty actually took the teat to her mouth and bit at it a bit before starting suckling without abandon. As she was eating her fill, which she deserved after working so hard these past few days, her right hand brought the left teat out and began pinching, stretching and grabbing at; molesting furthermore.

“Don’t worry, Sister Cyn, this is for more milk-gulpgulpgulpgulp-to be delivered to your baby, okay?” Natalia said, her mouth never leaving Cyn’s meat and eraser which was dancing wildly and throbbing joyously to the awful skilled tongue torturing it. Cyn could only say amidst her breathless moans, “Naty, I know that is not th-aah, oh gosh…”

“Mm, shhh-nomnom-if I say it works, then it works, okay?” Natalia did not give up though, even going as far as to eat a whole ⅓ of Cyn’s entire right breast, her teat already about to reach Natalia’s throat, while Natalia’s right hand slowly began directioning Cyn’s left breast towards Yun Yinyc for a deep latch, her tiny feet aiming at the left breast already.

Cyn was still dubious, but not going to stop Natalia from actually producing more milk as her left teat oozed more milk than when she was breastfeeding the tiny newborn babies all from previous times at their first weeks, and even almost as much as when in bed with Yun Beishang since she began producing milk altogether.

And with the left teat already smelling so much of her milk Yun Yinyc was already waiting and content with knowing she was about to be fed well, merely laying there asleep and lazily waiting for the yummy food to reach her minute greedy, hungry mouth needing nutrients and a healthy future!

“Aah! Natalia! Wait-ooof! You…I’ll tell our man to punish you with his new gift, you’ll see!” Cyn exclaimed out, her body trembling but also oozing even more milk that was still even then now enough for Yun Yinyc to have a full mouth from how hungry the mini devil was.

Natalia, on the other hand, let go of a bit of Cyn’s right breast and from her ⅔ taken inside her mouth, she lowered the amount to only ⅓ of Cyn’s breast all inside her mouth once again as she puzzedly asked. “Eh? Did you already know? Tell me what it is~!”

“Mm, no.” Seeing an opportunity, Cyn wisely smiled as she denied Natalia the pleasure of ‘knowing’, and merely fatally finished the latter with her next playfully spoken words. “Not only do I know of Yun Beishang’s new gift for us, I even tasted them; ehehehehehe!!”

“Wuah! How dare you! And to your madam at that!! Cyn, I didn’t think that you… em…attack!!” Natalia almost cried out, her mind racing with the deliberate words she spoke, not really knowing what to think as tons of words invaded her head but didn’t stay for long. For as she had to truly know! As such, she looked down at the breast still within her mouth, before pledging to make this Mommy Cyn surrender!

Hence, Natalia’s plan to eat down her throat all of Cyn’s right breast began, and Cyn was terrified. For such a thing wasn’t that ‘new’ to Yun Beishang’s harem, for one, even a young girl maid, to eat all of a huge breast down her throat. After all, a breast was elastic, while Yun Beishang’s member wasn’t…she was in danger of spilling out the secret to endless bliss and ultimate joy!


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