Bow and Arrow

Chapter 623: Chapter 621 — Future Of Main Kingdom!

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Future Of Main Kingdom!




Just like said before, the Vassals of The Order became powerful increasingly fast, leaving even others like Baston's Guerilla Guild and such other pro and elite Associations like Oco's Glorious Gods Sect, Tong Tao's Trinity Hall and Cobra's Historical Legend League in the dust while only some other already strong allies that were the earliest to join The Order could only have a lower position in the Association Leaderboard.

With the Black Lotus being in charge of mostly scouting and assassination at certain intervals amidst, before and even after a battle; to a battle and to the enemy's Castles and settlements respectively. Even as they killed the most Journeyers, compared to the Imperishable Guild of Sylda that not only were very well appreciated by their leader-in-law Yun Beishang the very same Lord of The Order, but that Sylda herself could grant all her soldiers god-like capabilities that are just a bid shorter than her and yet still not be able to grant them the use of any skills unknown to whether that be because it is impossible or she was just not up to the task currently.

In comparison to that, the Black Lotus was low in the killing of Inhabitants as the Imperishable Guild was the topmost in that scenario, along with The Order not being bothered to train the Journeyers of the Imperishable Guild, it had made their soldiers even to successfully roleplay as actual soldiers as if it was in real life with satisfaction; just to a 'so to speak' demeanor.

Thanks to that, whenever they faced enemies without Sylda to help them up with her Imperishable Seven Sins Knight Legendary Class, they were able to fight much better than any other Journeyer from even the strong Associations of the other Regions when in war, and by the time that only the Origin Pertaining remained, they were already even slightly but obviously better than the House of the Knights of Raoundozia, House Sunbreaker and the Guerilla Guild's Journeyers.

Through war, not only did Sylda lead her Imperishable Guild to a level that is almost the top of what a Guild could grow to be, she even had her whole Journeyer army completely experienced in war and incredibly loyal to The Order. Besides that, they gained not only willing Journeyer Associations but even some actual strong drifting  Inhabitants' Factions that were weakened and ambulant through Main Kingdom's warring Regions.

With this, unlike any other Journeyer Association, the Imperishable Guild became the strongest Vassal of The Order, and as a Journeyer Association on its own. As a Guild, they had not many Vassals’ slots for them to recruit under their name, but they had an availability of Journeyers that was at the very least in the top 2 among all Associations, excluding a League…

And with the Imperishable Guild having long ago been completely filled before the War against the Origin Pertaining Region Was soon to be over with, the Imperishable Guild was by far the largest Association Vassal of the League of The Order. Though it had then reached the Tyrant level of a League, they didn’t even have their Black Lotus League filled up as they only had about 140,000  people within their big family.

And even the recruits that were carefully allowed in and only so after they have been investigated and tested with several, unique and very well committed methods; their number only added up a couple Brigades to the Black Lotus’ numbers from the original 6 Brigades. As such, the mere fact that they could still reach the 3rd rank in the Associations Leaderboard was a mystery for others, but very well known for the core of The Order.

The Forgotten Flask League, unlike the Black Lotus League of the Imperishable Guild, didn’t have many kills in both Journeyers and Inhabitants, from the Journeyer side of The Order of course. But they did end up being the ones to conquer more big settlements and to traverse land as well as to allow other Inhabitants Region units to move amok from their Castle.

Together, along with the Frozen Maidens Sect, they created so much surprise and were the reason why the Origin Pertaining Region was so fast to take as even they suffered less casualties with an enemy that was half-well provisioned in the middle of the war by the ‘unknown’ and hidden enemy of the inner and core Regions of Main Kingdom.

The Otherworld Merchant Guild of the Xie Clan didn’t had much indirect participation, but it was mainly thanks to them that The Order had so many Journeyers quickly entering their Ally Associations and Vassals which were either bought by the Xie Clan or convinced by the mere show of The Order’s equipment, potions and even some Abysmal Creatures that Yun Beishang gifted to some Xie clansmen close to his wife Xie Ling; to amaze and tempt the Journeyers into  The Order.

In the end, the Xie Clan ended up, on their own, covering the trouble of having more than 1 billion Journeyers coming to their side with their methods alone, which meant that a lot of contribution was given to The Order in terms of gold coins and resources, as well as manpower. And such an insane influx of all of it caused them to have their Guild all the way up to the Matchless level which is just the second last level for a Guild.

Then was the Eviscerate League, led by Kalen, who even though his troops were slightly weaker than those like Raoundozia’s and Baston’s and their Guerilla Guild and House of the Knights of Raoundozia; by the end of the Origin Pertaining Region war. The Eviscerate League’s members were some of his previous comrades that weren’t caught in the mess done by his brother, Synfyl.

And it was like that that his League leveled up to the Tyrant level at last, though it wasn’t comparable to the achievements of the Black Lotus League nor the Forgotten Flask League, and their Association was also very far away from the next level of their League, the Immortal League.

The House Sunbreaker, as a Selina who deeply choose to ally with The Order after just meeting him in the first expansion of Rising Essence more than a year ago, she was rather quick witted to let her House become the most strongest one and advanced one at that, leaving the poor Raoundozia’s House to be a bit later and hence; weaker.

As a House that reached the highest level one could be, the Immortal House, the House of the Knights of Raoundozia were ‘only’ a Domineering House. And in the battlefield, the Immortal House Sunbreaker was immensely formidable, exponentially creating a frontline even in the most ‘balanced’ clash between the enemy and The Order and even with their Head Selina having been felled once in the whole ordeal of the two wars.

The Knights of Raoundozia, however, were much less flexible in their soldiers’ classes and even their very own tactics and military strategy when in the middle of a battle. Even then with their main force consisting of melee knights, riding their horses and plummeting the whoever Journeyer army they encountered, were still somewhat slower than the House Sunbreaker.

Whether in terms of fighting in the battlefield or in joining The Order, the House Sunbreaker had much more valiant advances through even the hardest enemy lines and the greater amount of % rate of kills and lesser deaths. Also being much more efficient, helpful and reliable than the Knights of Raoundozia who could just overwhelm their enemy with light and heavy armor instead.

Then, there was the Dark Immortal Sect, which beat Baston’s Guerilla Guild by 3 ranks above themselves, and barely thanks to the cooperation they had with the Knights of Raoundozia. Because, by the end of the Origin Pertaining Region war, Head Raoundozia had begun to take Selina’s advice and her new ‘girlfriend’ into consideration, so he began to change the brute and ‘knightness’ of his Association in preparation for the future.

But, that was just a quick showdown of what The Order’s Vassals and Allies had more or less gone through in the first 3 Regional wars of Main Kingdom. Because of course that there would be more, more and more once…time was due.

As for the Regions that were under The Order, as well as the Regions ‘under’ the ‘Founding’ Yun Clan’s Divine Gates Hall’s Alliance; they all underwent changes. For example, the Thousand Words Region and the Fate Meeting Region, ever since the realization of the whole playerbase of Rising Essence about the Sub-Divisions and Divisions’ so-called ‘secrets’ there are about ten million Journeyers looking around for their traces from all over the Regions and each Sub-Division.

While the Division, out of finally some intelligence after seeing how it ‘costed’ Yun Beishang much more moves and even ‘exposed’ his greatest killing skill from the already absurdly large, wide and almost instantaneously traveling arrows-to-explosions; the Divisions’ Overlords were ‘left alone’ instead.

Every day, since the revelation of such, the Thousand Words Region and the Fate Meeting Region could be seen having their tens of millions studying and not letting even a single growing flora or young fauna alone, even killing some for the ‘scientists’ that wanted to see if researching their bodies and storing them via some difficult methods like what The Order did before but weaker; would then allow them to find out something.

To this, though, Yun Beishang could not say that it was pointless, since the mobs of the Wonder Region have similarities to the Sacred Elemental Protectors and even the Overlord of their Region, even if it was very small and pointless as well.

And within the Ancient Forest Region, instead however, there was calm and peacefulness, but silence as well. Over the past few months, a billion Journeyers had been sent from the Ancient Forest Region to stay and remain within the Fate Meeting Region and the Thousand Words Region each, with some other Journeyers from those Regions coming to the Ancient Forest Region before leaving it.

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At first, it took them weeks to complete such extensive movement even with the teleportation between settlements all the way to the farthest settlement from the Sub-Divisions’ territories of one Region to another Region. But after about 3 months, at around the first half of the 5th month of the 2nd year of Rising Essence, the time for doing so much movement…was lowered down to just a few days’ worth.

And it only took 15 minutes for the forces of those Regions to make use of ‘them’ for Yun Beishang to be notified, that the enemy Regions whose enmity was only known from inner center of each ‘leading’ party of the 4 Regions and the 3 Regions’ sides, had now investigated with some mild success and managed to build effective portals that help cross from a Region’s borders to another with the portal being able to send anyone and anything to almost ⅓ of the Regions’ wilderness outside their Sub-Divisional territory!

Naturally, once in the knowing of such ‘man-made’ portals that could be used in the middle of a war, just like The Order ‘had done’ before in order to ambush the Regions like before and were even capable of crossing the actual invisible Regional borders. That the enemy Regions would then build a lot of these from the center of the Fate Meeting Region and the Thousand Words Region to make it so much easier for them to move along rather than paying and taking their time to reorganize in each settlement and so on; instead of just making a few for each Region and so on.

Like this, the ‘meetings’ that were to occur between the enemy inner and core Region became much more frequent and lasted even more for the past 1 month and a half, slowly coming to a stop during the last week and making it seem as if something was brewing. In the end, as of today, there were 3 billion Journeyers situated in the Thousand Words Region and the Fate Meeting Region. While the Ancient Forest Region then had about 2 billion Journeyers on their side.

As for…why were there now around that of 7 billion Journeyers on the enemy Regions’ side, while The Order had around 8 billion? Over the last few months, after the wars came to be and were finished…if that wasn’t enough to attract lots of attention, what would then be capable of so? Hence, the ‘few’ remaining billions of humans from New Earth swiftly became Journeyers!

And, exactly because the Bright Sunset Region, Wonder Region, Eternal Silhouette Region and the Origin Pertaining Region were at war for at least a few weeks the previous months. The new influx of the remaining Journeyers to join Rising Essence were sent to ‘live’ as they found their new lives and the new world of Main Kingdom to the other 3 Regions who had been the only ones to be peaceful for more than 2 and a half years.

This was both good and bad for both parties, as the 3 Regions’ ideas to form all Journeyers into their military power had to be slowed even after they’ve successfully built so many portals in Sub-Divisions, Divisions and wilderness amidst their Regions, and only up to the last few days had most Journeyers who were going to simply play the game ‘joined the Regions’ armies for the cause’; that things were finally brewing then.

However, at the same time, they gained much more manpower than before, with some youngest Journeyers and old ones as well becoming convinced of joining the armies as well. It was free money to their cause and free equipment and even some roleplay of being in the military after all, who wouldn’t be willing to know of it knowing they wouldn’t be harmed or lose their lives in an actual war?

To that, there were many a times where recently built Unions of the 3 Regions raised up to demand the ‘freeing’ of the Inhabitants that do not wish to participate in the military and any future war of the ‘game’, after all, the ones that form part of the ‘last few billion’ of Journeyers were the actual ‘big adults’ that had been through the peaceful but tormentous life on New Earth.

Because of that as well, a lot of time was consumed by the 3 Regions to calm down these actually influential and charming people, their charismatic self gaining them quite the lots of fans and…well, whatnot. Some tigress wives and jealous husbands even began accepting for their own and their partners some extra ‘pixeled’ lovers from the game after some months went by.

Anyway, if it wasn’t for an open mind, then it was for the feeling that it wouldn’t harm their lives…aww. The demons get out while the angels remain within their heart; anyway. After having appeased these kind of influential people, the Alliance of the 3 Regions out of any previous war slowly but oh so damn surely began taking back those Inhabitants after rewarding systems and promises were given, the typical pride of the poor being pumped up by the cunning and bored rich.

As the influential people lowered their guards and Inhabitants went back to the armies, little could be done, and only their own lives within the game could be followed with their hands being too short to reach down to take those Inhabitants out of forever disappearing from the game. ‘NPCs’ of Rising Essence are all well known for being ‘real’, but too much that their lives are just like so; after all…

But, at the very least, there were many who were making ‘happy’ progress in the 3 Regions, and who could then purse their lips lightly, relax their eyebrows and simply allow themselves to be saddened for a bit before distracting themselves with making some extra money within Rising Essence.

At first, it was like that, and Unions and Academies were made by some companies, corporations, enterprises and organizations from New Earth during the night and sometimes during the afternoon. With the Medium Strengthening Serums and the Balanced Invigoration Beverages that were once ‘Little’ and ‘Minor’ instead, it was like sleeping and resting with high-end natural medicine.

Hence, even the elderly managed to get into business with their old sons and daughters, having some more extra company and…lost time together, perhaps. But what started to be the beginning of some extra money to themselves, and later on, to their companies as they practically made their company directly linked within their in-game’s Association and groups.

Then became a rich way to become even richer, to gain from ⅕ of what they would in the ‘real world’ to now gaining double fo what they could previously gain every month after just some weeks went by, and soon, gaining 3 times what they would earn before entering the game became stupidly known for most business in New Earth to be attracted into forming a ‘second life’s’ business here in Rising Essence.

And it was like that that so many people from New Earth truly finally decided to join this world that is even as alive during the deepest hours of the night as it is during every single day; daily day and so on. It was a change that though some had already known of, they kept to themselves, but when now billions of people knew about it, and it was to the scale that just made it impossible to hide it any further; that when it blew up, it blew up.

Instantly, those who were unaware of the Crestfallen Industry and Crestfallen Clan’s silence and passiveness, became die hard fans of them yeeeet again. From the moment that Rising Essence was put forth into the light of New Earth, to the third expansion of Rising Essence: Road to Godhood: Becoming a God.

The Crestfallen Industry had only been answering the ‘riots’ and calls for injustice, and rather swiftly and right away, since the release of Rising Essence until today, while remaining utterly silent in anything else with even those who were waiting for the spaceships’ technology and research to be released as a finally arriving new, progressive era of New Earth towards the cosmos!

Meanwhile, their Crestfallen Clan was as silent as slow passing air, not even a trace of liveliness could be seen outside their hidden territory from the eyes of even the more often than ever before prying eyes of a ‘few’, indeed.

This led some discontent but, with the surprise of Rising Essence bringing so much more money to the organizations and bla bla bla and the like, the feeling that something big was about to happen hit them square on the back of their heads as they told themselves and to their friends and family ‘it’s here! It’s finally coming, the future…the future of New Earth!’; or so.

Yet, the Crestfallens, in general, were still silent in all of those matters…while the ‘Founding’ Yun Clan, ‘Founding’ Sun Clan, ‘Founding’ Kernti Clan and the ‘Founding’ Ross Clan began to uniformly and cooperatively around their Regions and…towards the center of New Earth…to approach the multiple business of New Earth, including the other Founding Clans who in exchange were rather…silent as well.

As such, with the last ‘few’ billions of Journeyers appearing in Main Kingdom, as an unsettling atmosphere was set in the 3 Regions, New Earth also had something brewing from within, and all citizens could do was to watch until something went…finally went ‘boom’.

And who knows, maybe it will indeed happen. As the third expansion of Rising Essence, Road to Godhood: Becoming a God, was indeed not just new levels and more enemies and overall dungeons to play in…


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