Bow and Arrow

Chapter 624: Chapter 622 — Gods Of Main Kingdom!

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Gods Of Main Kingdom!





After a quarter of a year went by, there were the elite Journeyers who reached the LV150 and even went way past that, reaching LV161 for those like Baston, Raoundozia, True Dragon, Gold Shoulder, Selina and of course...The Order. For once, the Ruined Temple who once only helped up to level up to LV50 and then gave resources, which then evolved thanks to Adorevia's sacrifice to help those who used it to level up to LV99, then LV110 before finally LV120 and so on; was now capable of allowing anyone who used to level up to LV150.

With such aid, The Order became rather stagnant in their levels along with their Vassals and their Allies besides The Order's direct members and most important members; namely the Maidens, Ladies and the Lord. They were growing increasingly robust in their treasury to the knowledge of only its Vassals and Allies.

They might have taken only about that of 2 months to have most of their Allies and all of their Vassals to reach LV150 first and foremost than anyone else in the game, but once 3 months went by, and the rest of Journeyers kept on levelling up, even if it was slowly, they basically stagnated so much that even casual players were leaving them behind by reaching LV160 at the 4th month of the 2nd year of Rising Essence.

However, once the 4th month and 10th day came to be for Rising Essence in its 2nd year, The Order abruptly leveled up, leveled up and leveled up in a mere 10 days for all their Maidens, Ladies and the Lord as well as a couple of leading reach LV170 before anyone else could.

For those who weren't the core circle of The Order as its Vassals and direct Allies, they could only patiently wait for 'the game', aka developers, to slowly 'update' the mobs so that they would have higher levels and so that more dungeons would open as well as areas and not just an upgrade of difficulty. Such a thing would make it impossible for new players, not that it was that alarming since most players were already over LV100 at the very least, even those who barely level up on their own and are yet not Sub-Class players only.

Meanwhile, they could farm mats, increase their proficiency, get some SP and Fame from BOSSes or PvP at the arenas or with Association vs Association battles for territory, be it friendly, for territory or for Castles. In short, if there wasn't enough PvE to go on with, PvP was the way, and it was like so that many businesses were made which also elevated the economy all around New Earth in the most to laugh at and absurd but efficient way.

Meanwhile, The Order just had to go to a certain platform, be 'vrb-pr' and appear in a large platform that's always goddamn moving and being constantly filled with both unknown and known monsters of much higher level. Once the max LV that the monsters have is reached by the Journeyers, or that of the current expansion's, then one is granted resources of all kinds of items instead of Experience at the end of the Private Dungeon.

Well, once The Order’s Maidens, Ladies and its Lord level stopped at LV170, there were commotions. But it was already too boring, as Journeyers were used to it very well by then and now. After all, if Inhabitants already recognize Yun Beishang as some weird kind of ‘god’, after seeing so much from him from other Journeyers.

And such thing was even more so for the ordinary Inhabitants who would then live in both the 3 Regions and the 4 Regions, then the Journeyers from New Earth were growing incredibly used to seeing all of The Order, and not just Yun Beishang, to be the first on things such as leveling, Castles, equipment, Pets…and so on.

However, there were people outside of the 4 Regions under The Order that felt their spirit of competitiveness and surpassing the big daddies that did their best to level up harder than even those like Baston and whoever else. And by the end of the fifth month, had reached the very same level of LV170.

Then, the world made a bit of a commotion, as it was indeed the maximum level of this third expansion of Rising Essence. With the LV170 confirmed to be the maximum for this Road to Godhood: Becoming a God, Journeyers could then finally decide to level up instead of…of doing what many other Journeyers wished they could achieve…

Months before the whole playerbase of Rising Essence began to run for the LV170, Road to Godhood: Becoming a God expansion allowed for not only all Journeyers but Inhabitants as well to turn crazed for the sudden discovery made by the mere act ofa certain global system announcement that rang across all of Main Kingdom…from The Order, at that.

*PING* Global System Announcement: Attention to all of Main Kingdom! The first Journeyer in reaching LV150 and gaining the chance to liberate their own shackles and lunge in for the finding of their Essence has been successful in their attempt…to become a God of Main Kingdom! The Masters are now more stimulated, roused and provoked to guide all Journeyers into their new path of Godliness! To all Journeyers, only those who are capable enough of going through all kinds of pains in life, the world of Main Kingdom will gloriously welcome thee Godhood!

It was an insane change for the entire then peaceful world of Main Kingdom, where not that many ‘important adults’ were beginning to flock altogether into the ‘game’, that it made all of Main Kingdom shake as it rocked by the kindle of anyone who has seen Yun Beishang appear like a god all over Main Kingdom to kill and dominate, not to fight, but to KILL!

Within just weeks, settlements were flocked all over Main Kingdom, billions of Journeyers were all almost going crazy over the 3 Regions as they swarmed into settlements that only the Masters had to actually effectuate their protecting barriers in order to safeguard said settlements.

On the other hand, the 4 Regions under The Order were also incensed and incited like never before, but under the months of being under The Order, there was a calmed commotion that was swiftly taken care of by all of The Order; be it its Journeyers or Inhabitants; Factions, Vassals or Allies that were quick to give the Masters an easy time.

But then came the let down of those overly excited Journeyers…from themselves, as the requisites to start such a ‘brand new path’ that looked like nothing else but the ultimate Class Advancement, it was necessary for the Journeyers to have a high main Hidden Stat and an auxiliary Hidden Stat at the very least to even be considered to be viable for this new path.

Instantly, billions of Journeyers were left to the side, rendering the whole playerbase that had become insecure full of depression and even some resentment at this new third expansion. Since not many can even get to start it, why even bother? So many were about to cause yet another riot at this pay2win situation when…

…when some who barely got the capability to embark in their path to Godhood showed off their skills; for example, a video from a single healer activating one of their previous skill given to them by the Masters, be it the first ones that seemed to accumulate the most of a Journeyer’s MP and Stamina, and then the ones that come from the Law that they previously selected.

Showcasing those skills first, the healer who then demonstrated a divinity on an aura that suddenly surrounded their bodies and that was as thick as 2 inches then surrounded the healer, before long, the healer began repeating the very same skills without even pausing nor cutting the video!

That fact alone already had many Journeyers crazed! It was a complete cooldown reset for their most strongest, effective and battle-changing skills that seemed to require those now Godly Journeyers to activate their Godhood, or whatever it was. Then, the healer's new effects were displayed, easily showing off the difference between before and now.

For one, the healer could deal True Damage equal to half of the amount of HP they would’ve heal instead, if they had healing skills as their skills given to them by the Masters, but to allies, the healer actually granted a shield that could mitigate normal Physical or Magical Damage of half the amount of HP the healer healed up.

With this, and seeing the ‘stats’ as well as the ‘type’ of Godhood and the type of God that the Godly Journeyer became, and the fact that one could try to repeat the ‘quest to Godhood’ of the third expansion as long as they didn’t already complete it thanks to the healer who was willing to share his downheartedness to the fact that he only got through the most easy and low-rewarding of steps.

The Journeyers all over Main Kingdom then became more aggressive and incensed to the leveling and questing of the ‘game’, just so that they could grow strong enough to achieve enough stats and opportunities to take the quest! Like that, many casual players even reached that LV160 by the end of the fifth month, quickly raising up to reach LV170 and then try again to see if they could accept it.

There were some who tried even before reaching LV170, and ended up as dispirited as that healer, as they only got to such low-rewarding steps before failing to advance anymore. As for the ‘steps’, that they were talking about? Well, it was more like a challenge inside an unknown space. All of those who went through the ‘quest to Godhood’ could swear that they were teleported to somewhere else.

When, instead, the other Journeyers who weren’t Godly Journeyers all swore that they simply saw the Journeyers who got to accept the ‘quest to Godhood’ roll their eyes backwards and then flatly fall on the ground right before the Masters. Then, the Masters lifted their bodies and allowed them to remain there until they woke up.

However, even then, the then Godly Journeyers felt that it must’ve been an image to ‘fool’ those who weren’t the Godly Journeyers as they were sent to that unknown, colorless hence black and consuming darkness-kind of ‘space’. Anyway, for those Godly Journeyers, they could feel themselves becoming ‘real’ in that space, as they only had one objective repeating over and over again.

It was rather simply, truth be told, and the Journeyers just had to find ‘something’ in this pitch-black space as they floated and couldn’t even know whether they even existed anymore, let alone if they were moving or nay. With this, the Journeyers that then became Godly Journeyers hours later woke up hoping they did more than that healer and the others…only to become disappointed in themselves at the end.

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The objective was rather simple, ‘find yourself within 65 minutes, 60 minutes, 55 minutes, 54 minutes…’.

At the end of the 5th month, those who did their best and tried their most to go as far as possible joined together in their losers Godly Journeyers’ group, slowly sharing and accumulating knowledge from the new, weird yet refreshing ‘experience’ within the game. Slowly giving all the other Journeyers training hard to reach LV170 and not be a failure like them a good chance out of their bonafide intentions.

There were 3 types of God that they could become, and after deliberation, they called it the ‘God Path’. That was in short, as in long, it was ‘Final Choice, God Path’. They were some kind of titles that would be bonded to the type of God one would want to become; they were the Devilish God, Dreamcaster God and the Royalty God.

These paths were all unique on their own, with the Devilish God being the most simple and that could be ‘understood’, while the Royalty God was the hardest yet not the most complex to ‘understand’, as the latter was reserved for the Dreamcaster God.

The Devilish God Path was the first God Path shown to all Journeyers to ‘turn’ into Godly Journeyers. This God Path allowed Journeyers to gain a godly for everything-;offense, movement speed and placement.

It sounded short and lacking, but was so only because the godly offense that it could bring to a Journeyer’s every attack, item and skill was astronomical; to an almost no end. Their speed in general, overall; was even more scary as they could move faster than Journeyers focusing in DEX with Magical grade summoning borrowed Mount.

That was at their full capabilities, however, and it was easier to become tired mentally and even get hurt ‘physically’ within the game. Though there are some weird reports from this losers Godly Journeyers’ group’s part that retell the ways some became capable of running extensive marathons despite being a fatso, fatsa and so on…

However, that was not all as…one’s Hidden Stats would gain a very scary capability, like their very own Hidden Stats had gotten Passive Skills of their own and even Active Skills left for themselves to discover which, strangely enough, never appeared in the game’s interface. Anyways, that was just a point for the Crestfallen Industry and Crestfallen Clan daddies in their point of view…but for ‘Founding’ and previously ‘Founding’ Clans…

Well, then was the second God Path that would be shown to the Journeyers just about to become Godly Journeyers. The Dreamcaster God Path, this God Path allows one to have deuced flexibility, stability and extreme synergy. The latter part was too shocking and impactful when everyone, especially a ‘few’ people with bad luck, heard that this God Path allowed for one’s inconvenience of their Racial Talents, Abilities and randomly generated ones with those that one gained later on with their chosen Classes and playstyles…to be reversed into bizarre, huge potential!!

The flexibility allowed to even escape, evade and easily fend off the Devilish God type of Journeyers that would go all out in their speed to attack a Dreamcaster God Journeyer, the latter Journeyers would always have some ways and findings on the opponent’s movements and end up counteracting them and repelling their attacks!

And their stability allowed not only for their bodies to weirdly become used to these rapid thoughts, ideas and ways of thinking, as it even felt like they were instinctively made so by the Dreamcaster Journeyers; but also represented the huge regeneration for MP and Stamina as well as the low cost of their skills and sacrificing of such resources for certain ‘elements’ that they could effectuate from this new truly, genuine ‘Godly feature’.

The third and last God Path presented to Journeyers aspiring to become Godly Journeyers is then, obviously, the Royalty God Path. This God Path allows a Godly Journeyer to gain godly-ish defense, countermeasures, nature, resilience, CC, debuff and survival. Such a large list of benefits is by no means an inverted reality of this God Path being easy.

With the Devilish God Path being the most simple of them all and easily understood, the Royalty God Path the hardest to use yet well-comprehended for the regular intelligent human entity—at the very least?—and the Dreamcaster God Path being not that complex to use but instead the most complex to understand; what followed in the ‘Road to Godhood: Becoming a God’ guide were the…Chosen Godhood.

Though that was, once more, in short! As in long was called the: ‘Last Class Advancement, Chosen Godhood’; instead.

The Chosen Godhood is then consisting of a variety of ‘Godhoods’, in which everyone is welcome to choose as they like, but from which the ‘game’s’ system presents everyone with the 3 topmost recommended for the Journeyers in question. But even though this was the second half of the third expansion’s ‘most fun feature’ guide, it was only available before selecting a God Path in reality.

The Godhoods then, were as follows: 1.-Gold Godhood, 2.-Earth Godhood, 3.-Water Godhood, 4.-Fire Godhood, 5.- Wood Godhood, 6.-Wind Godhood, 7.-Celestial Godhood, 8.-Void Godhood, 9.-Space Godhood, 10.-Dominion Godhood, 11.-Darkness Godhood, 12.-Violet Godhood, 13.-Spiritual Godhood, 14.-Immortal Godhood, 15.-Elemental Godhood, 16.-Wisdom Godhood and finally; 17.-Worldly/Otherworldly Godhood.

Each Godhood is all obviously so unique and one of a kind to its own, not a single Godhood is like another and the only similarity is that they all might have the same extra affinity in granting defense, offense, flexibility, speed, synergy, survival capabilities, skillset turning into a rage-quit inducing horror, debuffing, buffing, healing, DoT damage, AOE damage and so on…

Only one was available of course, and it was simply impossible for anyone to select a second Godhood, it was all so extremely converting, altering, evolving…so much like a metamorphosis!

And even better! These Godhoods served even furthermore to aid in the God Path that one has chosen, be that whatever it might be. However, the efficiency, altering of stats and a Journeyer’s capabilities within the game—only?—; sadly, sigh, depending on how far one goes. Within the loser group, only a few thousands had managed to find their ‘own self’ up to in 34 minutes.

However, it didn’t take long as in the very first few days of the 6th month, some elites such as Baston, True Dragon and others that managed to last much longer were noticed by the playerbase, as they took screenshots and even did their best to show it to  the entire world…as if trying to compete with one another.

However, while True Dragon tried recording all of what happened in his ‘travel’ to the quest’s space, Yun Beishang had instead ordered Baston to only record the moment he was choosing his Godhood and God Path, before then posting it all in the in-game forums; ‘to see what’s up’. In the end, the video that the True Dragon had recorded was immensely glitchy and practically worthless; all the way until it was time for the selection of his Godhood and God Path, to which True Dragon chose: Violet Godhood and Devilish God Path.

As for the timers, True Dragon had reached up to ‘find your own self’ in 14 minutes; while Baston, shocking the world, got to ‘find your true self’ in 7 minutes instead. A small loss, a small win? For Yun Beishang, such a tiny thing could not matter any less, eh.

If it was not this that made all of Main Kingdom’s Journeyers turn crazy with temptation for the heavy weight of defending this world which they once not only failed to safe but even harmed senselessly to an ultimately horrifying degree, knowing that they could now become the Gods and Goddesses of Main Kingdom and dutifully protect it in the future when the clash of Main Kingdom and the God Race came to be once again and for good…then what would?

In the other hand, as for the Ruined Temple, it went through quite a few changes but, for a more clear distinction; it went from being able to hold 2 full parties, 1,000 stacks of Useless graded items in the first wave for free, to about 2,500, and that was without reaching LV170 as it would become double instead once LV170 and from giving Seven Sins graded items in the last wave…

…to give, in the last wave, Heaven’s Ascension graded items which were shining a beautiful, strong and colorfully Platinum color…and not even a relatively small amount only at that.

Now, for the Maidens and Ladies of The Order who had obtained their own Godhood and God Path, which were obviously not posted around like it was a carnival; all Yun Beishang could remember their timing was, ‘you will have 15 seconds to enjoy meeting for the first time, and full-fledgedly, you Essence’.

So, when it came to see the other whole Journeyers’ experience and screenshots…he was discombobulated to see the great difference, and why so many different numbers? Weird…

Aaaas for Yun Beishang’s? He of course didn’t even need to tell a Master if he could join in on the fun or not…without even experiencing such Godhoods and God Paths…compared to his Evil God and his very own Godhood since his birthing as an existence…how could he now know they didn’t compare, ah?

Of course, there was this other matter…the Maidens, Ladies and all women of Yun Beishang who talk about life with him on a ‘daily’ basis—basically everyone inside his harem, ah—…had their own Godhood and the Evil God’s Godhood…


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