Bow and Arrow

Chapter 625: Chapter 623 — Return

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The events of when Journeyers who have heard of the God Race for so long and how they alone went against the whole Universe of Rising Essence and trampled on them, finally forcing them into the most insane lowers times for the whole Universe, could now become the Gods of Main Kingdom themselves; how could they not indeed grow crazy and stupefied by such opportunity?!

And then, previously, once the Regions of Main Kingdom, especially the 3 enemy Regions; learned of the kind of power they would get after becoming Godly Journeyers...the thought of being able to 1v1 any Inhabitant soldier from The Order was finally there without a doubt nor with any hesitation being present in their previously doubting minds.

After all, with the borders of the Thousand Words Region and the Fate Meeting Region having so many soldiers from The Order present at all times, it was rather natural for them, the 3 Regions, to take notice of the level and grades of all of these 'named BOSSes'. Of course, that was before The Order had some weird screen that didn't even allow for the images of The Order's borders to be sent to the other Regional borders, and it was then that the enemy Regions could no longer see the information nor what was going on within the borders of The Order's territory.

On the other hand, there have been many attempts to cross this 'weird screen' which became seemingly stuck in time only revealing the images from long ago when it had only been a few days after the total defeat of the Origin Pertaining Region in resisting The Order's tyranny. Sometimes just a few sneaky hundreds, other times from some to quite a lot of tens of thousands of enemy soldiers would appear to try and do something.

Naturally, they were all bombarded to death by what seemed to be artillery weaponry from the other side of the weird screen, rendering the enemy leaders to give up after just 5 days of trying, oh well. In the same way, they at least managed to understand that The Order had now extremely potent and powerful artillery cannons, weapons-whatever; and that they could no longer plan to ambush the Regional borders from the Regions of The Order.

Such was the unique few times that The Order and the 3 enemy Regions had any contact with each other, besides the typical few who would try to be some kind of paparazzi, news reporter and who knows whatever else. That the Regional Borders between the differently sided Regions came to a peaceful few months, but none of these Regions would of course do nothing while waiting for some kind of inkling to a new war. A war that could be the deciding factor of who will rule and who will not, it all seemed so early…

Within the forums of Rising Essence, many could see, everyone could see the methods, training regimen and some of their ‘toys’ that were pretty much advanced and even magically built artillery that could even recreate some strong explosions that could be seen in New Earth; without a doubt and rather very similar to it.

Meanwhile, The Order not only resisted the curious fuckers who came from the 3 enemy Regions, the few group-less Journeyers were forbid the entry to their training grounds be it for those at the Regional Borders or in the Sub-Divisional Cities and the still being constructed Divisional Cities. Because, indeed, after such an amount of months, the Sub-Divisional Cities of The Order’s Regions were built once again!

It was now that it was understood, the soldiers under the 3 Regions were going to be trained, unlike all those of the Wonder Region, Eternal Silhouette Region and the Origin Pertaining Region, it wasn’t going to be a war that The Order could do as they wished for as the Alliance of the 3 Regions wasn’t something they could just attack if they wanted to!

Besides, so many people had seen how the LV140 Inhabitants whose grade ranged from Lord grade to Enlightened grade were now completely obvious targets for those Godly Journeyers of the 3 Allied enemy Regions which were now around LV165-LV170 and could even easily solo on their own about that of 3 Lord grade LV150 field BOSSes with it only taking them a few tens of minutes to kill.

With such notions also being shown in the social media, and not just the forums of Rising Essence anymore, even more people began seeing the 3 Allied Regions as the stronger party, with the Godly Journeyers of each of them increasing every day by the unimaginable numbers. Before, with months going by and with so many failing at the moment they reached LV150 and even LV160. Only some were capable enough of becoming Godly Journeyers.

On the other hand, during the last 3 weeks, the 3 Allied Regions had the Godly Journeyer who numbered about 700,000,000 Godly Journeyers…to a full 1.3 billion in the first week of the last 3 weeks. 2.8 billion in the second week and around more than 4 billion Godly Journeyers among the ranks.

Most of them, however, were of the lowest ‘ranks’ that one could get as the most low-rewarding benefits according to how many steps they could go far in the ‘quests to Godhood’ given to anyone with enough stats to the Journeyers. Even then, like True Dragon, a few hundred thousand were ‘middle’ rank among the Godly Journeyers, while only lots of hundreds were ‘high’ rank among the Godly Journeyers.

On the other hand, though there could be estimations, nobody could ever know the quantity of ‘low’, ‘middle’ and ‘high’ ranked Godly Journeyers that there could ever be. Even then, with the bit of interaction that the 3 Regions had with the social media of New Earth, not really realizing of their negligence of the Inhabitants right away, they had a lot more of positive support from the mathematics keyboard lords in the internet; basically.

The 3 Regions were getting more and more Godly Journeyers daily, as it was a much simpler notion once one could get to LV160 to LV170 and have their Hidden Stats be that high enough. Meanwhile, the fear of The Order’s strong Inhabitant soldiers was waning so fast and like never before, that The Order which just gained popularity after the events in the Origin Pertaining Region began to subside.

Yet, no one knew that it wasn’t only Journeyers that could get stronger thanks to the ‘unlocking’ of all of Main Kingdom’s potential, natural laws and Laws themselves. But that it was also the Inhabitants who not only could get stronger as time passed with that ‘cultivation’ of their own, but that they could now, furthermore…believe in their Lord to become even stronger!

When it was first discovered, it was barely around the middle of the 2nd month, 2nd year of Main Kingdom, and it was Yun Beishang himself who became immediately flabbergasted at the notion. Yet, instead of stopping it or denying it for some sense of detachment for the ‘caring’ and ‘prayers’ of some people to his image; to his Evil God Statues.

Naturally, the same could be said for the Ladies’ Statues and the Maidens’ Statues of The Order, which instead of being halted or eliminated and of the sort, were promoted by The Order entirely and had been sent over all of the Regions of The Order. It wasn’t only to the Sub-Divisional Cities and the Divisional Cities that were still in construction; however.

For starters, the Sub-Divisional Cities had now been finished being built, including those of the Bright Sunset Region, who took about some time or so more than the Eternal Silhouette Region’s Sub-Divisional Cities for their construction to be started. The Bright Sunset had, however, not begun construction for the Divisional City, as there was the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain Regional City already.

Furthermore, the Sub-Divisional Cities of today were much smaller than the ones from the previous Era of Main Kingdom; though the size wasn’t even x1 times lesser in size, it did have much less territory to cover. Yet, its walls were half as tall as the ones built in the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain City, as for its interior…it had no difference like that of a rich district and the slums.

In fact, it even had it all constructed to look, although not the same, it was yet quite built in a way so that every single building, structure, road and military territory within the Sub-Divisional City could integrate with one another. Besides that, the workers who were in charge of building these enormously gigantic Cities were paid with not only gold coins and Honorary points, but also with land.

In and out of the Sub-Divisional Cities, those workers could now have a place to call their home, their house, as well as a place to either build a farm to any size and evolution of its kind, or any approved business for the future. Meanwhile, those who volunteered to aid with the construction that were yet no specialized personnel from The Order were given the exact same thing, except for gold coins and Honorary points, of course.

These rewards, however, were only granted to Inhabitants. As within a Sub-Divisional City, only the Faction and Association that were stationed there to supervise such Cities could take place within them while all the others could only either camp outside or remain within the close range of the Sub-Divisional City. Yet, unlike before, and unlike the size of a Sub-Divisional City…a Sub-Division’s territory was now to be immensely smaller compared to the previous Era of Main Kingdom.

And all those Castles of either Associations or Factions’ settlements could only, however, be a subsidiary ally of the Sub-Divisional City in which whatever course may happen in the future, be it big bad mobs who come out in stampedes or hordes to even a new enemy that evolved from being a simple organism to a high graded BOSS in the future. But oh well, that was that.

On the other hand, those Factions and Associations who were outside the already established Sub-Divisional Cities could then ‘play together’ in pairs of two, one of them needing to be a Faction and the other an Association. Only then would there be a Sub-Divisional City in the future once it was there either there not being any more who wished to compete for the position as City Governors of said future Sub-Divisional City or that anyone else had been beaten and could no longer fight for it. A passive and active way to determine the two City Governors of a future Sub-Divisional City.

However, those pairs could have strong subsidiary forces under them, each force could have either Journeyers’ Associations or Inhabitants’ Factions as their followers then, which would be the ones to be either the closes or the most solid Factions and Journeyers once the Sub-Divisional City is built.

However, for such a thing to be happening…years had to go from now, as there was still a war to be fought with a couple of rebellious, cute Regions. As such, though the Journeyers and Inhabitants were wishing they could start ‘playing’ with there being certain rules to ensure the safety of Main Kingdom’s people even when at such ‘wars’ for territory, they could only send their hot-bloodedness to the future war that was just about the corner in impatience instead…

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Of course, the thing was, the Sub-Divisional Cities by then would have…much less size in terms of when they are fully completed to the just now built Sub-Divisional Cities, and the Castle that could become a City with the Journeyers’ Association’s system and the Inhabitants’ Faction’s aid and advantages in resourcefulness; could only be of a lower size than those already built Sub-Divisional Cities.

Many could guess why, but…seeing the Divisional Cities on each Region of The Order, which was only smaller than the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain Regional City…one could very well imagine that those Sub-Divisional Cities that were already built, and that were once just that, Sub-Divisional Cities…could very well turn out to be Divisional Cities in the end.

And as for the Divisional Cities that were only seemingly to be smaller than the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain City, they could as well… become Regional Cities instead. A marvel that wasn’t seen even in the most glorious Era of Main Kingdom, and that could only be spoken of back then in a low tone and slowly becoming an actual idea in the forming; yet, if it wasn’t because of that endless war with the God Race…

But, right now, all that the Journeyers who are on the side of The Order could only worry about their Inhabitant soldiers who seem to no longer be as strong as before when dealing with the enemy Journeyers. And that their lives might be unjustly lost in the next, upcoming wars that were brewing silently across the 3 and 4 Regions.

But as for the core circle of The Order…such notions from the Journeyers and the ordinary Inhabitants; could only be described and even discussed as funny, cute things. Aw!

Because, even though there are many powerful Godly Journeyers, be it of a low rank or middle rank, and even high rank. The Inhabitants of The Order, their Pets, Mounts and equipment…how could The Order, who has been in charge of way too many resources from 4 Regions and one of them being the richest of them all—specially in minerals—like the Wonder Region not have any improvements?!

The regular Inhabitant soldiers of The Order? They went from LV140 as the lowest and Lord grade or Enlightened grade as their ‘named BOSSes’ strength to a rounding LV165 as the lowest and their individual strength with the Enlightened grade being the ‘weakest’ and the Heavenly grade being the strongest!

Their official commanders had the same kind of level and power of these regular soldiers, their only distinction being that of their leading position and status. The Official Commanders, however, had their level already as high as LV170, and their grades varying from the Heavenly grade to the Legendary grade!

But that, was, not, all!

With the Official Commanders becoming so powerful and high in level, notoriously thanks to not just their training and cultivating, but also devotedly delivering and laying their hearts out to the Statues of their Lord, Ladies and Maidens! The grades of strength of the Commanders of The Order went from the Legendary grade only to be from the Legendary grade to the Mythical grade!!

If that wasn’t all, then that their levels were up to LV180 was even more terrifyingly impossible to imagine! Not even thinking of what they could do in an army of Journeyers and even Godly Journeyers, they were already almost as scary as the BGA spaceships’ bombardment, let alone them commanding armies of millions of their strong soldier Inhabitants!

And there were still the Supreme Commanders of each Region unit of The Order, the not only Generals but also now Field Marshals of The Order!! Their level, for starters, had reached an invigorating number of LV195! Becoming the real pride of the soldiers that were always training and cultivating under their teachings and supervision.

As for the Generals and Field Marshals’ grade of strength? It was rather simple…but shocking, even for Yun Beishang, who could only be so damn glad that he was him and not some side character with some strength, and that they were all mostly aware that they couldn’t do shit to their Lord and…Evil God of Main Kingdom!

Because, the grades that were now of the Generals and Field Marshals had reached an astounding whole new grade that Main Kingdom hadn’t seen for millions of years; their grades of strength varied from the Mythical grade…to the Kingdom’s End grade!!!

With the weakest being at the Mythical grade, yet being insanely close to the God Devourer grade, the Generals could only look at the strongest Field Marshals with their full Region units and there being 1 to 3 sub-Regions that obeyed their every order even when their Supreme Commander was also a Mythical level of being.

For example, Powlniu, with her undeniable devotion, infatuation and belief in Yun Beishang, has been one of the few to cross over the mortality in terms of strength, becoming a God Devourer Field Marshal!! Meanwhile, Pawya, their daughter, had now…been one of the so few that could reach the Kingdom’s End level of being!!!

With Pawya’s power, even if Yun Beishang was weak, which couldn’t be any more than an unbearable joke, nobody would dare to even look at the Lord of The Order with disdain or tease. Let alone now that he himself was so strong before, whose strength was now unknown after he has been ‘leveling’ up on his own and has been enhancing his Maidens and Ladies’ equipment…besides his own.

It was really a change, and an enormous improvement. It was indeed such a cute and silly sight of those who sided with The Order to be full of worry and preoccupation for the Inhabitants that will be fighting for The Order’s purpose in the future wars!

However…it wasn’t just the soldiers of The Order who had grown. Yun Beishang has also never let go of the research for making these Abysmal Creatures, who have seemingly reached their limit in Main Kingdom since long ago…swiftly yet slowly but surely getting back the power that they might have had once before.

With Cinders wholehearted help in this research, and with even the Spirit Cat bunch ‘helping’ as well with the cross-breeding and further experimentation…the Abysmal Creatures of The Order, along with Zyv’s extremely well understanding and smart, intelligent communications with creatures in general. Breakthroughs came and went nonstop for The Order!

Regular soldiers now had their partners, the Abysmal Creatures that had either followed them into every battle or had been assigned to even live with them during their harsh and impossibly perfectly well done training; had grown quite a lot besides being ‘just’ more powerful.

For the melee soldiers of The Order, be it Inhabitants or all the close-combat Journeyers, had their Abysmal Creatures go from 3.5 meters in length and 2 meters tall to a full 8 meters long and 5 meters tall. As all regular melee Inhabitant soldiers and melee Journeyer soldiers of The Order had their buddies grow so much, they of course became much more invigorated in taking good care of them.

Besides, before, only the official commanders, Official Commanders, Commanders and Supreme Commanders could have their Abysmal Creatures to return to The Order’s Unparalleled Peaceful Rain City in case of accidents were met by these fellows. And though there were millions of such techno-magical devices ready to be used before, to give only some of the soldiers such precious techno-magical devices and some not, that would just be tantamount to stupidity.

Like this, and with the talents of the whole 4 Regions under The Order, even billions of such techno-magical devices were created in just a few months, allowing to all Inhabitant soldiers of The Order to be reassured of their partners being safe even whenever a difficult situation could ever come to be.

Before, in the war against the Wonder Region, Eternal Silhouette Region and the Origin Pertaining Region, tens of thousands of Inhabitant soldiers’ lives were lost, but only some lots of hundreds of Abysmal Creatures were thoroughly lost. Now, however, as there would be much more danger and difficulty in facing a well prepared and trained enemy, such things had to be taken into consideration…

Because even then, it was the Abysmal Creatures that needed much more time to be both bred and and then trained than the soldiers of The Order, and which were also much more difficult to obtain than the soldiers; not that the soldiers mattered less, but were indeed less costly to manage.


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