Bow and Arrow

Chapter 629: Chapter 627 — Bad! Too Bad News!

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Bad! Too Bad News!




"AHEM!" The red-short haired middle aged woman harrumphed only once, but the sounds that were coming from the excited, nervous and clamoring staff behind the cameras were finally silenced, and even the voice from before that was languid and even a bit annoyed yet annoying at the same time disappeared altogether, leaving everyone watching this one channel a bit of comic relief from the sudden change in the channel.

Then, as the silence became the hegemon of the room, the news reporter then began speaking as he made half a turn of her body to her right while she herself was on the right side of the screen. As she began speaking, images behind herself appeared as a live video with its 'live' mark on the top left corner of the screen naturally showcased as such.

"As you can see, from so high up in the sky..." Though the female news reporter made a pause with her right hand gesturing to the images behind her with her palm skywards, nothing else to say was needed for a few seconds as anyone who would see it would be able to understand its implications. A huge, colossal and unknown yet 'familiar' object began showing itself from so high up in the sky it was crazy.

"...that's right! More than a year ago, we were sadly struck with the news of an error from part of the Southern Heaven City in the Cloud Gates Region from a few batches of missile-weapons, weapons that ended up ending the lives of...way too many. This armament that was supposed to strike against the battle with the 'monsters' outside our safe and peaceful territory on New Earth."

"Yet, it did not only ended with way too many lives that it became a day of grieving and mourning, but also drove away the one who made such catastrophic 'mistake' to be just enough of a counteractive effect by the Peaceful Rain Corporation, who sacrificed their very own homes just so that more people wouldn't be...reached by this catastrophic tragedy, ending up saving many more lives than what it could have been."

"It could have been...indeed, but it was also them, the Peaceful Rain Corporation who are the creators and distributors of the holy and heavenly medicine, the Basic All-Mending Misery ointment/cream about a year and a half, and from which just months later, they presented the Completely Formed All-Mending Misery!"

“They, who had to run away from their homes as fast as possible, had to go up to space to experience and investigate the future of our people…and of our planet!” The female news reporter looked at the camera and even though she wasn’t naturally charming, she did look to be quite charming at these moments like a 16 year old schoolgirl tempting brave, innocent adult men.

“As you can see, these ‘objects’, are nothing else but them! The Peaceful Rain Corporation who, after so long, more than a year since their departure; had finally decided to come down from space with just their mothership called the KATARINA-1 and with some other transportation spaceships! That’s right, spaceships! Could you believe it?!”

“Right at these moments, you can even get out of your houses, look through your windows or even just watch from your phones, Insomas and computers; the social media where many more are already out and looking up into the sky! Right now, unlike what you’re seeing on the screen behind me, you can only at most see a tiny dot that is slowly revealing its true body without any special equipment…”

“But if you look closely at it with advanced technology…” As the female news reporter spoke, a grin full of playfulness appeared on her face as the screen suddenly began zooming in, clarifying the image and then repeating, over and over again until the image of KATARINA-1 was visible at last yet without being able to tell if the shown images were from where the ‘pilots’ ‘ cabin was.

“ can tell that this is the same ‘object’ that appeared long ago! Compared to these images, where only its ‘posterior’ part is visible as it is ascending up into space, we can tell that it is the same design and even colors from back then!” While the female news reporter explained, there were a few additional images here and there of the previous time where KATARINA-1 was shown to everybody.

“From the streets, we can see many people already coming out of their houses to look at the sky…” A new section on the screen opened up a new camera’s angle as a bunch of people were coming out of their houses from condominiums, with the images changing to several different locations as many citizens could be seen closing their doors while stupidly looking up in wonderment.

“...maybe even ‘you’, who was watching this channel just now, is now looking up above outside of your house or working place! Well then, if you’ll excuse me, I also want to see.” Saying that, the female news reporter who was pointing her right index finger directly at the camera made some ‘comical’ gestures of herself about to run out of the building, as the camera slowly turned dark and a timer as well as a notifying letter appeared on the then darkening screen.

The notifying letter was, ‘Soon! As the Peaceful Rain Corporation meets with the Crestfallen Industry CEO, a brand new notice and changes for New Earth will be released to the public, please stay tuned.’. And below the notice was a timer with the ‘01:30:00’ in it already going down to ‘01:29:59’...



Below on New Earth, all around the Nascent Herb City, center of the territories of the human civilization of New Earth.


Within all of the Fosk Clan’s Region, the Free Living Region with the capital of the Crescent Soul City in the Central North of New Earth. The Ross Clan’s Region, the Iron Will Region with the capital of the Fearless Progress City in the Central West of New Earth. The Jones Clan’s Region, the Progress Value Region with the capital of the Ancient Investor City in the Central East of New Earth.

And also within the Tarn Clan’s Region, the All-Healing Region with the capital of the Care and Worry City in the Central South of New Earth. These were the Regions of New Earth that had almost most of their citizens bending their necks backwards and looking at the sky with undivided attention as they were crazed and excited of what this meant.

For starters, many thought of this seemingly ‘angelical’ Peaceful Rain Corporation to come back in 10 to even 30 years only, as they would of course not have simply gone so high up into space like no other citizen of New Earth had ever done before; just for nothing. So, with the fact that they, the Peaceful Rain Corporation, were now finally returning to New Earth, how could they not think and become even more excited as they thought of all those damned possibilities?!

It’s been almost 10,000 years since the time that their civilization reached the ‘modern era’ age, and after having gone through so many unknown dangers and confusing conflicts world-wide as well as having faced so much corruption and filth both in humanity itself and in the world; whether done by the world naturally or by humanity itself.

After so much has happened, and with the Crestfallen Industry having taken so much power away from previou arousing conflicts, especially in the first 200 hundred years of New Earth’s history and even in the half a millennium that humanity had to stay in space so back then until New Earth was habitable once more for humanity.

The fact that they and the seemingly angelic Peaceful Rain Corporation were working together gave all of the citizens, especially of the Regions surrounding the Nascent Herb City-Region to become cheerful many times more than those in the middle between Central New Earth and the faraway South, North, East and West of New Earth.

Talks and talks could be heard and even seen in a way by the ‘men and women’ in power that still remained in their high buildings of those Regions, watching the population exalted and with their hot blood boiling even further; as even the old and sick were more than feeling like humanity was taking a space further into the unimaginable, a new frontier that would allow them…to explore more.

Then, as those people in power raised their heads again, some with much difficulty and only doing so after reluctantly allowing themselves to; every single one of them, all they saw was a much farther away dot in the sky that was making its way to the Nascent Herb City’s center and right where the Crestfallen Industry HQ were to be expecting them. The Peaceful Rain Corporation, with their arms wide open and smiles on their powerful faces.

“Look, look! Those motherfuckers were the one that saved my daughter, ahahaha! Look, look!” A man, who was holding his daughter on the back of his neck and shoulders, shouted and pointed with his left hand while his right hand held her healthy and completely ordinary daughter of about 4-5 years old. Yet, as some nodded and looked at him with stupefied, glad and open mouths, the tender voice from above his head girlishly complained. “Paa! No bad words, mom said that only in be-”

“Ahem, look, look. Ahem, look daughter, I’m sure that you will someday be capable of boarding one of those and make your whole ancestors, parents and descendants happy!” The daughter fell silent after her papa took his left hand away from her naughty mouth, but still remained pouting as many similar cheers and reactions by the crowd went on and on nonstop.

“Gala, look! See one of those?! All buy 3 for you, your family and another for when we want to run away from our future kids!” A young man said, his face dead serious but his tone deadly comical, a young woman held by his right arm laughed out softly and called out. “You can’t even buy condoms and you are promising me these? Or is it because you can already tell…”

“Ah…” Then the young man fell into silence and became a statue, he could do nothing else as he heard the twinkling bells of his partner’s laughter come and go, becoming an embarrassing young man among the crowd.

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“...” In another part of the world, if there was a group that was even more concerned but also excited, hopeful and with their old, drying up blood boiling even more intensely as their hearts thumped as hard as they could’ve had thumped decades or even for some; centuries ago. Then that group would definitely be the old, and even the ones who weren’t that old, who looked up into the sky without caring about the pain in the neck for tomorrow, they had Basic All-Mending Misery after all.

“Look, Little Chis, isn’t that what you like? Um-hemhem…” An old granny was looking into the sky while on top of the roof of a 7-story tall building, she feebly pointed at the sky with her right hand, which was all wrinkled and even though it still had meat, looked rather weak and immensely about to fall out of lack of strength. On her left arm, which was resting on her armchair, a baby was well covered by mantles, while she herself was also warm and not that affected as there wasn’t even that much wind around thanks to current technology supporting the building.

“Garg-yiyiya~...” The baby, not even knowing if to shit right now or later was a good moment, called out as she saw the dot where her old, old granny was pointing, frowning his barely growing eyebrows. Making the granny laugh with this, she said while the door behind was heard being opened. “Ahahaha, Little Chis, look, like your toy here, see? Hahaha, oh child.”

“Mother, here’s your plate, please wait a bit more, Little Chis’s baby sister in his other mother’s belly is still being helped up.” Saying that, a middle aged man who seemed to be just about 30 years old, but was in truth around 200 years old, departed after giving his mother a plate with easy to digest and bite food as well as a couple of tiny feeding bottles.

The mother of the ‘middle aged’ man nodded and placed the plate on Little Chis’s belly, the latter laughing at being used cruelly by this monster, as he then saw with his eyes widening the large and yummy yummy food right in front of the granny’s stomach, laying on the mantle with warmth and a goddamn nice scent coming out of them.

“Want? Here, hehe, eat then, eat.” Granny took a feeding bottle with her right hand, giving it to the tiny shit on her left arm. And to the surprise of an ordinary person, Little Chis managed to take a hold of the feeding bottle with just his tiny arms and drink from it without any problem and even with expertise. Allowing granny to retract her tired old right arm and begin feeding herself.

Like this, both granny and tiny shit of a baby began eating from the other’s tummy, a plate placed on one’s tummy while another tiny feeding bottle was still in front of the tummy of the other. As the granny looked at the face of the feeding baby, whose eyes would constantly move to look at the tiny dot in the distance in the ‘upper blue, darkening ceiling’; while the granny would adore those eyes.

Slowly, and finally,  another sound of the door opening sounded out along with the careful footstep of others as well as some kind of heavy object being dragged but without too much noise. From all over New Earth, scenes like these, whether as ordinary and unsophisticated like the lot of people on the streets and in their backyards to those with some technology to look further beyond the strong sky of New Earth using tools and instruments from their rooftops.

All of this was all for the sole event of Yun Beishang’s Peaceful Rain Corporation’s KATARINA-1 and some transportation spaceships moving from space down onto New Earth’s Nascent Herb City. A return that surprised him of so many people coming to congratulate and even be glad of its return; and one that he would make a hell of a shock in the oh so near future.

. . .


New Earth, Nascent Herb City, within the hangar of the Crestfallen Industry Headquarters. Where tens of thousands of already prepared guards and personnel in the waiting were just silently there for what was next to come.


It was past 7 PM and the sky had already turned quite silent, with some moons beginning to appear all over New Earth and allowing for there to be moonlight even in the darkest wilderness of New Earth. It was also close to 8 PM, which was rather close to the time where two renown public figures known for both their magnanimity, knowledge and technology and more than anything; the fact that it wasn’t kept to themselves and was instead delivered to all humanity and its civilization.

At this moment, just as the guards and personnel were ready for moving the insanely large amount of products within both the transportation ships and the KATARINA-1 itself, smoke and steam came out from the entrances and exits of those spaceship and mothership, especially the huge and ohmyfuckinggod large KATARINA-1’s cargo hatch which had to even be placed underneath but that thanks to the gravitational systems, everything inside could still walk perfectly normal and not upside down.

“Attention! Start moving, security, make sure to protect the rest as they move the cargo. Go,go!” A voice suddenly spoke, very damn loudly, at the thousands and thousands of people around, causing them to not stand in attention but to move already even as the cargo hatches were still not even beginning to open fully.

Step, step, step step step step step step step step step.

It only took a few moments for the entire personnel and guards wearing an exceptionally dark green chromatic uniform, semi-armor, with their helmet of a perfect light weight and size, who were also ready to pull out hidden blade within their full suit in case anything happened, from accidents to robbery or…basically any situation at close quarters.

Meanwhile, the personnel running in order and great precision were confidently moving forwards, each batch that moved towards several different transportation spaceships taking an already premeditated spot that would allow for the cargo hatch to fall down and for the people taking the product out of the cargo over and over without pausing nor slowing down the long line that has already been prepared.

Psh-beep, beep!

With an additional bout of steam and smoke coming out from inside, each cargo hatch in the Crestfallen Industry’s Headquarters opened up and fell down on the ground with speed but without slamming the floor, instead, having some auxiliary ‘legs’ to support the large, thick and wide cargo hatches no matter how heavy and constant the flow of transport could be.


And what the personnel and guards outside the spaceships and mothership saw, were a bunch of uniformed who directly nodded at them while sending out a transporting cart with about a tonne of ‘All-Mending Misery’ labeled huge bag containing a lot of well protected small boxes, coming straight out of the cargo hatches and then being held from the sides by the personnel.

“Go, go, go!! Don’t waste our CEO’s efforts, I want to see all of these babies at their desired location! Or I’ll have our secretaries spank yer asses!” Another voice came out, but wasn’t really needed other than reminding these people of the importance of their work, as the personnel who held the sides of the transportation cart from before left the area and the ones behind them in the line took their place; only to find that another transportation cart was already slipping away from their hands.

With that sight, and reminding the voice’s orders and threat, the personnel that was still a few batches of All-Mending Misery away from it being their turn became worried and woke themselves up at 200% while those who almost failed to grab their transportation cart felt panic flow from their brains to their panicky eyes running over to catch their own batch of All-Mending Misery.

Like that, just a few seconds were needed for about a couple hundred of tonnes consisting of All-Mending Misery to come out, with many, many more still waiting to be carried out of the transportation spaceships and mothership’s cargo. And their work would probably last for around that of 1 to 2 weeks.

After all, previously, Yun Beishang and his Peaceful Rain Corporation could make about more than 1,000,000 tonnes of such in a year, and that was when Yun Beishang was a newbie of Hidden Stats and hadn’t recovered any of his previous Godly stages’ power, as he could now make, along with his Peaceful Rain Corporation, about ten times that amount and even for the most ‘advanced’ version of the All-Mending Misery.

But oh well, that was the work for several different tens of thousands of personnel and guards over the course of maybe half a month at most. Right now, from the KATARINA-1 mothership’s one of many entrances/exits, Yun Beishang came out with Ellie, Cinders and Nora at his sides when a waiting and a bit nervous Krayeke Crestfallen was waiting for them right below the exit’s stairs.

With the father-in-law looking up at him, or rather, at his daughter while examining her tummy, abdomen and blood flow to see if she had any kind of distinctive change. To which Yun Beishang and the other girls caught up on as Krayeke used both his naked eyesight and senses, Yun Beishang finally chose to speak up for his innocence and…out of this awkwardness, to relieve his poor wives away from.


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