Bow and Arrow

Chapter 630: Chapter 628 — Too Many News

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Too Many News




"Ah! Father-in-law~! How glad it is to se-" Yun Beishang tried, alright? He cannot be blamed as he even felt Ellie holding the corners of his shirt from behind as she darted her eyes left and right in a fidgety demeanor out of nervousness, yet, the evil father-in-law stopped Yun Beishang with a shout. "Stop right there, you brat! Don't you even dare speak before I do so with my daughter!"

"Now, Ellie, my daughter, please..." Then, Krayeke Crestfallen looked at Ellie at Yun Beishang's right who was not willing to see him eye to eye, to which Krayeke kept trying as his face turned  a bit pained. "Ellie, come one...not even sending me a message. All this the longest that we've not seen or communicated to each other in more than a year that isn't from when you were in seclusion. Ellie!"

"Err, dad. Look, my belly, see it?" Ellie braved herself after gripping Yun Beishang's right hand harder once before letting go, she then protruded her flawlessly unchanged belly and surrounded it with her forearms left and right to form a circle. "There is no one in here...right now, so you don't have to worry, alright?"

"..." Krayeke Crestfallen saw her belly, knowing already very well that his daughter was indeed now clear of any bad Yun Beishangs or Ellies inside, but he remained his face to be expressionlessly dumbfounded as Ellie played with her tummy. She even went as far as to play with it, talking with her tummy and rubbing her belly over her clothes, saying things like 'aaah, who's gonna be good grandsons and granddaughters? Aaaah...' and 'daddy and mommy will let you see grandpa if he doesn't run away, but he will love you still, don't worry, aaah...'.

Fortunately, as she was playing with her tummy, by the time she became bored, Yun Beishang and the rest arrived before the father-in-law with Ellie none the wiser as she was dragged along as well down the ramp-stairs. Then, as they stood before Krayeke Crestfallen, the latter looked at Yun Beishang for a bit with his face impossible to read but with a pair of eyes that were inspecting and then approving of.

"Ah, Little Nor, how have you been doing? Congratulations." Then, looking at Nora Béart, Krayeke took a step forward and placed his right hand on Nora's left shoulder while holding her right wrist with his left hand; making Nora who was being ignored up to now become embarrassed as she could only flawlessly smile at her uncle and said in return. "Thanks...Uncle... it is all thanks to my husband's...Yun Beishang, efforts. Teheheh-hee."

Not willing to make this little girl too shy, Krayeke smiled like a father to her before sweeping his gaze towards a shorter lady among themselves, the now halfway there to become an 18 year old, young woman. "Cindy, you thing. How were your research and new studies up above? Is there no eggs inside here, or something? Hmm, I think not, good. You're too young, alri-oh, don't give me that face."

"Ehehehe, noo~, Uncle!" Cindy was much more pampered, and with Krayeke talking of her 'studies' being practically about creating more space stuff, like spaceships, weaponry, shields, modules, mechas...and so on. She then became both proud and shy at the same time as she blushed a bit, leaning her body over to Yun Beishang on her right to share her uncontrollable joy.

"Well, well. Your grandpa Kleus is waiting for you inside, it's been a long time since he's seen you in person. Hmm, looking at you, knowing that you aren't being 'unattended' by your husband will make him feel accomplished in having brought you here, indeed..." Just as Krayeke finished speaking, and as he was looking deep into the horizon with a pair of reminiscing eyes, he didn't notice a now 'abundant there' Cindy who used Yun Beishang as a pillow to hug her shy 'abundant' sisters.

"Oh well, ahem, let's go. The people are already putting those things in place, so let's get prepared. Yun Beishang." Finishing his introductions, Krayeke cruelly separated Ellie and Yun Beishang and took place in between them to Yun Beishang's right, making a pouty Ellie to remain ignoring her father during their entire welcoming back to the Crestfallen Industry's Central Headquarters.

. . .


Some dozens of minutes went by, and the time for the breaking news to be released to the public arrived. At currently 8:35 pm, Yun Beishang and his Peaceful Rain Corporation were accompanied by Krayeke Crestfallen on a 45 meters wide and about 40 meters long stage.


“...and it is as such, that I would like to give the Peaceful Rain Corporation, the opportunity to amaze you one more time with their newest product. Please!” Krayeke was at the front of the stage, which had a lot of people calmly standing and listening to him separated by an iron railing that was 2.5 meters tall but made so that those close to it wouldn’t get hurt.

However, it was immobile, as even when there was cheering from before when Krayeke Crestfallen appeared on the stage as the first person to come up and waving at the crowd of almost about 200,000 people, it remained on the spot with those at the very front jumping and unknowingly pushing pressure onto the railing as they cheered on and on all so loudly.

But then, as he stayed on the stage with his arms crossed in front of his body, everyone subtly calmed down, allowing for the new ‘guests’, which were some leading figures of the Peaceful Rain Corporation, to appear and present their images and auras to the crowd. As for the crowd itself, though there were that many and on the mere streets in front of the Crestfallen Industry, they had been already well positioned and with measures for any accident or incident that could occur were already taken.

The Crestfallen Industry are, after all, well known for always caring for the well being of any person. Be it in their own ranks or outsiders who simply buy and enjoy their products, as well as those that are for public service. And now, as he finished his praising of the Peaceful Rain Corporation and its previous product, the Basic and Completely Formed versions of the All-Mending Misery; the crowd welcomed the exciting news of probably another such All-Mending Misery version but more advanced!

“WUUUH-WOAAAAAAH~~!!!” - “Let’s go!! Peaceful Rain!! WOOOHH~~~~!!!”

With his right hand extending over behind and to his right, Krayeke then passed over the mic for the Peaceful Rain Corporation, from which a young woman stepped forth and along with another young woman following her, they bowed at Krayeke before taking their spot at the front of the stage and slowly waited for the clamoring to stop.

They weren’t wearing skirts nor delicate clothing, but looked extremely feminine with the one in front being younger than the one at the back and yet having her body shaped in such an intricate way that it was hard to notice yet easy to understand how much of a beauty she was. Meanwhile, the older young woman at the former’s back was a much more ordinary beauty, without even looking astonishing and with a modest body as well. Yet, with irradiating a confidence and calm splendor that only she could warmly give out from within herself.

“Hello, citizens of the Nascent Herb City…” The young woman spoke to the mic, leaning over it a little before taking the mic itself as she looked at the crowd, before looking at the 3 cameras to her sides and in the middle on the opposite side of the stage. “And to all citizens of New Earth’s human civilization.”

“Today, as the spokesperson of the Peaceful Rain Corporation, I, Rayl, would like to thank everyone for their support and for giving the Peaceful Rain Corporation all of the time and resources needed to continue its operations.” Her black almond long hair brightened itself with the lights amidst the night sky, conquering any pair of eyes that heard her simple and ordinary voice while the one behind Rayl smirked proudly as Rayl continued.

“The All-Mending Misery has been a product that our Chief, Yun Beishang, had developed along with the united knowledge and cooperation of individuals who had made names for themselves previously, that despite their age is very small they could still become teachers that even travel from city to city of New Earth.”

“Now, as you all might know, the All-Mending Misery; its Basic and Completely Formed version, both are a great use for the common people and even the poor, as it is so cheap it helps even those few who don’t even have a home outside of our cities. Because as long as one can get 10 credits in their pockets, or 15 credits at most, they would be able to get their hands on a bit of All-Mending Misery.”

“Now, though everyone has learned of the stories where some of those unfortunate homeless people outside our cities made a person or animal in danger come back to life with their selflessness, and to which the Peaceful Rain Corporation is glad that its product was capable of doing…so much. We now want to present to you, as a matter of big, industrial proportions and dedication…the brand new version of the All-Mending Misery!!”

“WOOOOOOHH!!!” - “It’s yet another version, holy-!!” - “Miss Rayl, could it be that with your words, you are telling us that this new version will not be accessible for the ordinary, common people of the cities and outside of them? What do yo-” - “Let’s gooo!! I want to join the Peaceful Rain Corporation, get a girlfriend and travel throughout the entire world!” - “Is the Peaceful Rain Corporation letting the common people down now? What is the meaning of these…”

As soon as Rayl finished speaking, and just as she expected, all the crowd in front of her blasted into a commotion as most were supportive of there being more and more versions for this miraculous medicine that anyone can, as said just now, get into their homes with barely any cast and without worrying about not eating just for getting some of it!

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“Well, allow me to explain.” With the crowd slowly becoming silent, the reporters that were trying to question the Peaceful Rain Corporation’s intentions became more clear as Rayl slowly allowed all reporters to speak until most important questions were asked, then responded slowly. “The Peaceful Rain Corporation is indeed going to release to the public, all the public, this new version of the All-Mending Misery.”

“WOOH, YEAH!!!!”

“-However,” Rayl cut off the initial clamoring yet again, with some guards below the stage lightly asking for calming down and letting the spokesperson speak. Rayl then continued, her voice as simple as before, yet sounding godly to the crowd’s ears. “This new version of the All-Mending Misery will be focused on those business companies, enterprises, organizations and even…to promote the power of the Peaceful Rain Corporation itself!”

“... … …” Though many were now understanding that, after those 2 versions of the All-Mending Misery were really a great help to the common people of New Earth’s human civilization, the Peaceful Rain Corporation was now looking forward to enhance the work performance and any circumstances like emergencies and natural disasters within the workplaces of many; the final phrase spoken from Rayl’s mouth left them a bit weirded out…why even?

Taking advantage of the cluelessness and dumbfoundedness of the crowd and reporters alike, Rayl smiled craftily before continuing all the same. “Now, please allow me to present to you…the newest version of the All-Mending Misery, the Perfected All-Mending Misery!”

“Perfected?” - “Does this All-Mending Misery version’s name mean that there will be no more?” - “How is this ‘Perfected’ version different from the rest, Miss Rayl?”

“Though I can’t know whether or not this will be the last All-Mending Misery released to the public, I do can assure you that it is much more competent that you have ever seen before.” Rayl quieted down the crowd before it could go on becoming strong on their voices, then continued on her own. “Next, I will be elaborating on this new version of the All-Mending Misery products.”

“The Perfected All-Mending Misery will be costing a total of 50 credits per kilogram, and its initial difference to that of the previous Completely Formed All-Mending Misery’s aesthetic is its pale-golden color that is totally unlike the latter’s light blue color.” Rayl said without needing to look at any documents nor at the opened small box on top of her right palm.

“This Perfect version has the same qualities and features of the previous versions and it aids perfectly well in any single use of the All-Mending Misery, except for a few touches here and there whose quality has been…enhanced beyond belief!” Rayl then, with her left hand taking some of the pale-golden cream with lights coming off from the substance of the same color, her ring finger and pinky finger were smeared with it, while her index, middle fingers and thumb took a hold of a knife directly from under her suit.

While still holding the knife in a reverse 3-fingers grip, she revealed her wonderfully looking skin even amidst the night by retracting her suit’s right sleeve, then immediately cut with the sharpest edge of the small knife’s blade a long line from below to up and with her right wrist skywards. The cut wasn’t deep but neither was it superficial, instantly making blood gush out of her long wound to the clamors and exclaims of both disgust, heartache and scare of the crowd.

“Its healing properties have been enhanced so much, that it is now possible to see with the naked eye alone, how it heals back up.” Making sure that the blood of her right wrist didn’t fall down too much on the floor, safekeeping the knife and taking back the microphone once again with her left hand, Rayl continued her speech and exposition without a single frown out of pain or fear.

“Though the process is very, very slow, it is still able to heal my recently cut wound when using a very thin blade.” And indeed, her wound that was still bleeding so much that it formed some sort of pools on top of her wrist soon began to bleed less and less and the wound from below to up was also closing itself down…as for how that was possible from afar with all that blood?

“As you can see, it is not just its healing abilities that have improved, as it is even the blood itself that is slowly being regressed back into my body and entering it back even when my flesh is closed. Is because, like this, the Perfected version can use my own lost blood that hasn’t detached away from my body to heal and close even faster and without secondary effects; this thin blade’s wound I’ve just made to my body.”

“WOH!” - “GAAASP…” - “Oh my good, honey, are you seeing this?” - “Mom, mom, it works…it works, look!” - “Dear…fucking hell!” - “Is this for real? This is…happening…wow!”

Everyone slowly came to see how the wound on Rayl’s right wrist had its blood retracting from the back of her arm facing the floor to where the wound that was skywards closed in. And then, as the remaining, almost translucent, streams of blood arrived on top of the wound. It was already semi-closed, which ended up being closed after even the dried up blood integrated back into her body through her very own skin!

“But, that is not all.” Once her wound was closed and her arm didn’t had any other tiny bit of blood, Rayl said after rearranging her sleeve, then looked at the crowd with the small box being passed down to a guard who then passed it around for a little before letting it pose on top of a podium where a camera pointed at it.

A huge screen a few meters behind the stage then showed the glowy, pale-golden Perfected All-Mending Misery, Rayl didn’t give it any care as she clapped the imaginary dust out of her hands. “This Perfected version can also satiate one’s hunger and thirst…for about a whole month. Don’t worry about this, however, as there will be prohibitions on the use of this for ‘meager’ purposes.”

“Hooh…” - “Interesting…” - “Interesting my balls, some of the companies and whatnot would’ve surely used this Perfected version to enslave us, those pieces of shit!! If it wasn’t for Miss Rayl…”

“A single small box of this is not a full kilogram, so everyone here can understand what kind of power this could have. As such, 50 credits will be its final cost, while those who buy it individually can enjoy it without any repercussions and to be documented as long as they only buy 1 of them. For those businesses who look forward to buying this for their own employees, they will have to  sign many contracts and should reevaluate if they really want to spend their money for this Perfected version. Everyone!! This is but a brief introduction to the brand new version of the Peaceful Rain Corporation’s All-Mending Misery, thank you for listening!!”

“Thank YOU Miss Rayl, wuuuuhooo!” - “Thank you, Peaceful Rain, you saved my husband from a tragic accident…” - “Yeah, thank you, you saved my husband who also had an accidental heart attack when he caught me with his brother, wuhuuu!! I love him so much, my husband I meant, weeee!”

Rayl could only grin at seeing the people’s response, and even the lewd ones that weren’t targeted at her, since dying in those ways would…woh, better not, better not. Of course, the lewd ones that were targeted at her were swiftly noticed by Yun Beishang who smiled evilly at them, already being in the sight of his Black Lotus members that had already returned to New Earth as well; obviously.

“WUUUUUUUUUUUH!!!” - “FATHER OF NEW EARTH, HERE WE GOOOOD!” - “Mr Crestfallen, pound my pus…” - “I LOVE YOU, DADDY CRESTYYYY~!!!WUUH????????!!”

At this moment, however, as Krayeke came back to the front of the stage and greeted warmly the pair of maids that had gained a good spot at Yun Beishang’s left and right and whom they hugged the arms of; the cheers below the stage deafened even those watching these happenings by television or streaming.

With the insane receiving back of the Crestfallen ‘father’ of New Earth, everyone clamored down after only a minute or so with Krayeke smiling and waving at everyone without a worry, as if he was going to always be there for them…

“Ladies and gentlemen.” Krayeke Crestfallen spoke, and the moment it happened, everyone silenced. With Rayl almost being capable of doing just the same, but still lacking that much respect and the hearts of the people—though she is just a newbie too; at that—, Crestfallen then proceeded to gaze from the far left to the far right, the hearts of everyone thumping at his moving eyes.

“...It has been a long time ever since the Crestfallen name had…reached the ears and hearts, especially hearts; of the people in this world. I thank you all, everyone. For the first time in the…history of humanity on Earth and ‘New’ Earth, I want to also congratulate everyone for reaching up to this point. As if without the people, you, there would be nothing to strive to protect for us; Crestfallen.”

“Everyone!!” His voice, though always as imposing but passive as always, and as enigmatic yet warm since forever, became a fatal hit to the crowd’s hearts as Crestfallen looked at them proudly. “In 20 days, I and the rest of both my Crestfallen Industry and Crestfallen Clan…will leave New Earth to undertake space exploration for the first time in our human civilization’s history.”


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