Bow and Arrow

Chapter 632: Chapter 630 — Origins

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"They are here, you know..." The man on Yun Beishang's right said, his tone strong and clear, his face quite handsome and lady-killer, anyone who would look at him would feel like never letting the opportunity to bang him, be it women or gay fellows. However, his words also ended rapidly and with some choking by the time that 'know' was spoken out of his mouth, involuntarily on his own.

"I know, I just haven't gotten the time." Yun Beishang responded, his eyes were still looking at the other man, and with his darkest, gray broken-glass eyes not leaving the other man's face even while tilting his own head, the other man finally couldn't endure and after trembling badly for a few seconds; he relaxed out with cold sweat coming down all over his skin of all of his body and said in a feeble, whispering tone.

"How is Little Yun? She- she is with you so I know she is perfect, but she is also my...Little sister." Yun Lei spoke at last with his heart, his tone comforted when speaking of Yun Yun and him very well knowing that she would obviously be ecstatic and feeling alive—at last—when alongside this other little sibling of his. And even though Yun Lei himself was already about 30 years old, to the 25 year old Yun Beishang, the latter now looked like a younger brother rather than little, even with Yun Lei being 2.27 meters tall and Yun Beishang only about 1.89 meters tall.

"Mn, we're married, now." Yun Beishang crossed his arms and turned his body slightly towards his older brother, his breath evened out as he then added with the tone of his voice being neutral yet pacifying at the same time. "But not that it wouldn't happen if there was someone, anyone, to deny it or that some wouldn't be able to see it with their own eyes. We have our own family, now."

"I see, I understand...I should have had seen it, it is only your right to." Yun Beishang didn't interrupt Yun Lei, as he let him continue on just a bit more. "I'm glad you are both together now, then, I'm sure the other would've been too. And I'm sure that our grandparents will be too, in a while when they see you both."

"Mm, ah yeah, by the way." Yun Beishang suddenly said, garnering all of Yun Lei's attention as his already lowered head lifted itself slightly and met his little brother's gaze. Yun Beishang then said while sending his left palm to pat Yun Lei's right shoulder and arm. "Aren't you magma boy or something? You know, the one that saved a lot of the previous Sub-Divisional Cities in that event that the Demons invaded them."

"...Yes." Yun Lei was shocked indeed, he only allowed himself to be seen after his Legendary Class had morphed his body fully into battle mode, but yet here was his little brother quickly realizing—perhaps?—of it and 'exposing' his older brother right away. Yet, this was indeed his little brother that was born and treated like he was born to be a god; unbeknownst to himself that his little brother was much more since birth.

Yun Beishang looked at this older brother of his whom he once ‘quarreled’ with a dummy Ellie that didn’t know how to successfully attract his attention, and whom he was utterly wrathful to no matter what, even for the smallest disagreements. Then suddenly, as if thinking of something, Yun Beishang patted his shoulder again by facing his older brother with his right palm this time before ambiguously saying.

“You know, those two slutsters from before, the ones that I think got into addiction and were thrown away a few months ago by the Yun Clan’s servants to the streets, they were never worthy of a brother of mine. Mn, I know of a few who are lonely, do well in matters of life and bed and…are as I just said, single. Would you like me to introduce them to you? One or two, and then let life go on.”

“...” Yun Lei looked at this little brother of his, not knowing that Yun Beishang had either tasted them already or not, because though some of them were up to letting their Leader have their bodies, chose not to be with him afterwards; leaving Yun Beishang ‘used’ and ‘sad’. Of course not, but that were still wholeheartedly loyal and subservient to himself, and those were none other than some new personnel of his Peaceful Rain Corporation and his Black Lotus.

Meanwhile, however, there were others that did think of or almost got into bed with him, Yun Beishang, their Leader and/or Chief, but either refused from the beginning or backed away with cold feet at the last moment. None of them, however, were because of distaste as Yun Beishang was way too charming and perfect, of course, but because they simply chose not to; sincerely.

Yet, to all those types of women he encountered this almost whole 2 years—still less than 6 months for 3 years though—, Yun Beishang took into consideration and was even proactive in looking to find them a partner, besides obviously managing well the work that was best for them and also making sure that his Peaceful Rain Corporation’s livelihood, emotional and intelligent, were on par with the Peaceful Rain Corporation’s standards so as to not impoverish their lives and work.

“Yea…sure.” Yun Lei, after looking at this little brother and thinking somewhat that his little brother isn’t the kind to pass around his friends, noticed the seriousness and sincerity of his little brother and hence ended up agreeing; almost fully sincerely as he didn’t think anyone would go for him. Typical men in the modern era, ostracized by evil women.

“Mmm, good.” Feeling tired of sooo damn many words being spoken by himself, Yun Beishang nodded and then walked away, his feet moving with tranquility while Yun Lei heard them more and more distanced away. Then, just as Yun Lei began stepping forth and about to no longer hear Yun Beishang’s steps, he heard a few words from his back…”...and Yun Lei, sorry.”

Drip, drip…splash.

. . .


09:30 pm, within a bedroom that was just 2 bedrooms away from where Krayeke Crestfallen was lonely sitting and waiting for Yun Beishang to come.


However, within that bedroom, after making sure that everything was in order and that the 2 old people bedridden in their sickbeds were comfortable with their new pair of ‘visitors’, the nurses who were sobbing silently with their cheeks reddened and puffy eyes slowly departed from the bedroom with the loads and loads of trolleys and high-intensive medical supplies.

Leaving inside the bedroom a pair of cloud-like white haired old people whose hair wasn’t even falling off anymore and with their hair looking like glued to their heads with little to no flexibility. As if the act of their bodies alone of their hair falling off would take way too much energy. Both old people were tugged comfortably in a single sickbed of their own, and the bedroom itself was now spacious without many things inside of it.

With a width of about 20 meters and a length of 7 meters, this rectangular bedroom had a male old person at the left from the entrance and an old female person at the right from the entrance to the bedroom as well. Yet, in the middle of the wall where both their heads had their sickbeds’ headboard against, a kind of mechanism was visible while the sickbeds themselves were attached to that long line that went from the left to the right of the wall at a height of half a meter.

The ‘mechanism’ itself was to drag the beds and either place them together or distances away from each other and could even somehow change their angle a bit as well. Right now, as the bedroom was emptied, only the pair of beds were visible with a distance of over 18 meters away from each other, which Yun Beishang and Yun Yun began closing in slowly.

Both the old persons in the room had marks around the bridge of their noses, the center of their cheeks, below their eyes and around their chin and under chin. They were clearly from oxygen masks that weren’t necessarily for oxygen, but medical supplies and even one of the gaseous medical elixirs for restoring one’s already failing vital organs.

Right now, however, instead of looking afraid without their masks on, covering their mouth and nose area overall, the old people looked at both siblings silently and slowly adjoining their beds to one another. The old male person looked at Yun Yun, as she silently  tugged at the sickbed’s footboard and with some tears falling off her puffing cheeks from restrained sobbing at certain intervals.

The old female person, on  the other hand, was exchanging her gaze in between Yun Beishang’s and Yun Yun’s faces with a large, but oh so weak and barely noticeable smile on her almost invisible lips. Then, just as they were—the old people—going to be once again brought to each other’s company, they both glanced at the pair of married siblings.

Yun Beishang had Yun Yun’s right arm going under his left arm at his waist level while his right hand held his sister’s right hand that was a bit cold and trembling. With this image, and seeing no ring on their ring fingers whatsoever, the old people were still aware of the young ones’ endless bliss of being adamantly together with each other; and forever.

“Grandpa, you’re here…why didn’t you come with us back then? Why didn’t you wait?!” Though Yun Yun sobbingly said, her face was contorting out in grief but also relievedly at seeing them…for one last time at the very least. While on the other hand, Yun Beishang was much more calm even as he also hadn’t seen them for more than a decade.

“Oh…heh heh heh, but if we went away from New-cough! Earth…who would’ve let you young ones have a closer tie-tie, eugh…with the other old fellow? COUGH! That- err, that…Tron Palas, then wouldn’t you have to, cough, speak more to him?” Yun Gaotian, their grandfather, said while painstakingly turning his head to gaze at Yun Beishang, seemingly pampering the little child he once took great care of…for a very small amount of time.

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“Oh you, always so wordless, yet doing so many things for those around you-ehehehe.” Yun Shi then said while pointing with her skeletal right index small finger, their grandmother, while pointing at Yun Beishang and then Yun Yun before tiringly letting her right hand rest with a plop on the mattress. “Don’t think that-th-that, I didn’t know of those boys you sent to the hospital when just a little brat, and how many of your distant cousins and curious cousins you really scared shsh-shitless! Haha!”

Yun Shi, whose name was taken as Yun Beishang’s first son, had her voice be high pitched but very slow and even strangely deep, while Yun Gaotian’s voice was cracked and full of ‘holes’ in his tone whereas he could barely talk a few words without coughing a dozen times in a row.

“Grandfather, grandmother…I know, we know, it’s okay…This other pain, your dep-...’departure’, we can also take. Don’t speak too much, you’ve already seen my family, my children…some of my wives and even those big bellied little lasses, right?” Yun Beishang spoke while gripping harder at his sister’s right hand, which was just now beginning to tremble badly once again but was immediately calmed down thanks to his warming, but also trembling; right hand.

“Oh…child, you were always like this…maybe not willing to show how smart you are, but always…stupidly too caring, hahaha. Such a good grandson, sigh, I’m sure you’ll have done something with your life to make sure your wives are content, right?” Yun Gaotian said with slight rebuking and enormous praise from the bottom of his wrinkled and dying heart.

“Er, yes?” Yun Beishang could only answer like such, his face becoming quite embarrassed and his lips forming a blushing smile of sorts. But then, Yun Shi interjected with her right tired hand smacking her husband’s left shoulder, an almost inaudible ‘piu’ being heard as her arm fell powerlessly on that shoulder. “Oh you!! Presumptuous old man, I knew that you wouldn’t let me see you train Lei’er because you would speak bad things, but even now…hmph!”

“Hahahahahahaha,. Hahahahahaha…hahahaha…hahaha…” Yun Gaotian went into a fit of laughter, he couldn’t stop himself as it went on and on, all while Yun Shi’s breaths began to slow down and to become more and more cut off than before even as they were already way too short and almost hyperventilating.

“Zyv.” Calling out behind himself at the door frame, Yun Beishang was a bit appalled as a small head poked from the outside into the bedroom, and with Zyv seeing his…actual pained face and sensing someone’s life slipping away, she meekly and shyly entered the room as Yun Gaotian and Yun Shi gathered their last bout of strength to look at the young girl enter their bedroom.

Standing behind both Yun Yun and Yun Beishang, Zyv was called out by Yun Shi whose voice one could only hear when placing their ears right in front of her mouth. “You, little lady, young one, come here…closer.”

Placing herself between Yun Beishang and Yun Yun, she looked at the pair of dying old man and woman, before silently tearing a couple of times while harshly gripping Yun Beishang’s shirt and Yun Yun’s sleeve. Yun Shi spoke, maybe for the last time. “Are you then…our adopted granddaughter? Heheh, good…good…good. You will be such a powerful mother in the future, I’m so…glad, aaah…”

“Hahahaha, haha…hahaha…hahahaha…hahahahaha…” Yun Gaotian, who had suddenly stopped laughing, went once more into a seemingly unstoppable fit of laughter, his voice not as cracked and full of holes as he laughed and laughed unrestrainedly. At this moment, Zyv, Yun Yun and Yun Beishang turned to look at the right arm of Yun Shi that was on Yun Gaotian’s left shoulder; slowly falling on its own towards his left chest…

“Hahahahaha…hahahaha…hahabwawaha…” Yun Gaotian, who was in the middle of his fit of laughter still, slowly came to close his eyes with more wrinkles forming at his face, his left hand quickly catching that right hand on his chest before gripping at it as tightly as possible. The more time passed, and the more he laughed, the more he slowly subsided as his stomach simply stopped rambling on with his already feeble lungs barely making any movement anymore.

“Hahahaha, haha…haha…haha…haha…ha…ha…heh…heh…heh…………”

“...” Yun Beishang, who had his head tilted to the right and a bit forwards, sucked in a low amount of air into his mouth, throat and then lungs, those which were more than healthy and instantaneous to respond to his every molecule. But it was still heard quite loudly amidst the utterly silent bedroom with not a single other sound being heard besides Yun Beishang’s sucking air into his mouth.

‘Goodbye, grandpa…grandma…’ Yun Beishang slowly recited within his mind, making sure that their gone souls would be sure of understanding such. And looking towards Zyv and Yun Yun, such notions could be also seen being done by them amidst the silence. After a little bit more of time, Yun Beishang saw Yun Yun slowly step forth and sit down in-between both sickbeds with her back hunching a little.

Zyv, who was with puffed eyes yet not crying, or at least doing her best to not cry, hesitated for some moment before reaching out to Yun Yun from behind. Once she was close to Yun Yun, the latter then slowly hugged Zyv and began sobbing with calm but without restraint at the same time, Yun Beishang slowly closed in as well to the backs of them after a bit of contemplation and…mourning.

“Oh…Brother!” - “Big Brother…” Yun Yun drifted a little bit apart from Zyv, before lunging her arms and head at Yun Beishang’s torso without abandon, Zyv then slowly embraced him gently from his left side, placing her arms and hands above where Yun Yun was resting her head.

At these moments, Yun Yun felt lethargic at finally being able to see her grandparents but losing them just as fast as she met with them; while Yun Beishang could understand her feelings and head perfectly well, he didn’t feel lethargic like her. Rather, Yun Beishang had a need to lay down and breathe in and out, in and out…all while feeling whole and supported with his dear family.

“There, there, dear…come on. We must move them now.” Yun Beishang needed not remind them anymore, only to guide them out of the room as they were very well aware how weak and…’detached’ can such an old body become after losing their life out of mere age; as if expired.

Not long after, Yun Yun and Zyv rubbed their eyes with each other’s fingers, looked at each other with heavy resilience before standing up and exiting the bedroom. With Yun Beishang alone in the room, as if sensing something, his glabella flashed a cauldron's image on his right section of it, but to which he directly dissipated the next moment.

Afterwards, he stood as well but instead of exiting the room, he began moving their bodies and carefully pick up the small stretcher that was on top of their sickbeds, before lifting them each with both his hands and preparing them to be sent out after placing them on top of a cart with 80 inches in depth. Once he was done placing them safely in such carts, he closed them with a lift that was placed below the cart, and then left the room without saying anymore and without giving any other glance anywhere else.

His footsteps heavy, the light footsteps of nurses and personnel coming from afar, Yun Beishang left the front of the bedroom’s door with Zyv and Yun Yun and went deeper into the residential section of the Crestfallen Industry Headquarters. He wasn’t in the mood to directly meet Krayeke Crestfallen right now, he would do it a bit later, once he and his family were…feeling better.

. . .


11:51 pm, inside the bedroom that was two doors away from Yun Beishang’s grandparents’ bedroom on their sickbeds.


Krayeke Crestfallen was seated in front of Yun Beishang and in a black, metallic chair with a small low square shaped table in between each other. Yun Beishang was naturally seated on the same kind of chair with that distance of merely 70 centimeters separating each other. He was silent, heavy and still hurting; but a bit more composed than the rest of his family.

Krayeke, on the other hand, was silent but noncommittal, and his gaze at Yun Beishang—for whenever Krayeke did look at him—was even more unreadable. Yet, before Krayeke Crestfallen could speak on his own, it was Yun Beishang who spoke first.

“Yun Yun’s Bloodline and mine are different, why? We are completely blood-related and are siblings, fully fledged siblings. But why is her Bloodline so different from mine? And why did her body seem to give herself fully to me in our first intercourse? If it wasn’t because I then already knew how to handle my own Bloodline, as instinctively as I could…how can our Bloodlines differ so much?”

His tone, accusatory, his reasons, more than acceptable. And Krayeke Crestfallen could never refute him nor deny him, if Krayeke wanted to, which was of course not the case as he directly nodded at Yun Beishang and then took his time to breathe in for about 3 seconds’ worth of time before then finally tightening his throat to begin talking.


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