Bow and Arrow

Chapter 631: Chapter 629 — Chat With The In-Law

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Chat With The In-Law




"WHAT?!?!?" - "IMPOSSIBLE!!!" - "Mr Crestfallen, Mr Crestfallen!! Is that true, is what you said-just now...true?!" - "Please everyone, stop pushing! People could get hurt, please...!" - "No way, no way no way no way- NO FUCKING WAY!" - "Sir please, don't leave us!!" - "Shut up! The Crestfallens are doing this for our sake, for our sake!! Don't you get it?!" - "Please sir!! Not now, do not let us suffer under those Foun-"

"Everyone!!!" It was a not rare, but instead, totally new and never before seen loud and even anguished tone in which Krayeke Crestfallen, who was seen all around the world like a father and protector of humanity in and out, gave to the crowds that were becoming so chaotic that people began to tumble down onto the floor.

"... ... ... ... ..." Silence, for sure, ensured as the entire couple hundred thousands of people were silenced at once. And surely enough, there would be people watching this from their homes or while walking, and even hearing it while driving, which might have caused some damage to public property. But even then, the hundreds of thousands in front of the Crestfallen Industry Headquarters were the most affected; as they couldn't believe their leader and hero to be this... pained and 'sinful', feeling like he was trying themselves.

"It's been a long time since the Crestfallen Clan had been capable of building spaceships, since we mastered the spacecraft which all of our race, civilization and history of humanity had been longing for; for so long." Krayeke Crestfallen spoke as his forehead slowly faced them instead of his eyes, and instead of his nose 'aiming' at them, it was the upper bridge of his nose.

"It was a long journey for us, indeed, a path that we went through without hesitating even once. But in the end, we achieved it. Everyone! I want to tell you all, that this young man, who is right behind me and surrounded by strong, beautiful women; is not a man that can be taken lightly. Since his birth, he was but the sharpest and most shining star in this world, in our world."

"However, things happened, things that cannot be clearly retold just like many of you had suffered over the last century like New Earth has never suffered again ever since the stabilization of our Regions. Betrayal, filth, degeneracy... this young man faced them all, and even though he went through every single one of them, he is still here and has even accomplished in just 25 years what humanity hasn't been able to in almost 10,000 years."

“If there is that much pain from my sudden departure, then take this young man inside your hearts, for he…” Crestfallen looked back at Yun Beishang, his eyes not being fake nor acting, as it is with his half-lies and half-genuine words; deceptive. But instead, they were full of wisdom, which reflected well in his very own eyes, and there was even a kind of…familiar warm affection within them.

“Is going to be responsible for leading New Earth’s human race to not only space, but to take back our old home that has been plagued with danger and death from all corners of it. And even then, without affecting the ecosystem of this new world of us, he will be able to place a part of humanity all over New Earth, possibly even allowing those confused creatures out there who are fighting out of fear for our expansion; those whom some call ‘monsters’.”

“But the monsters aren’t out there, ladies and gentlemen, I know it’s going to hurt and you would rather still choose to ignore it defiantly to your own reasoning.” Krayeke Crestfallen then said with a change of tone, turning strict and even…defiant himself. “But the real monsters are here, living not with you, but up!!”

Gasp…can’t be!” - “, no… no no no…no, please, tell-no…” - “... … …” Though there were many in doubt still, it was only so in a manner of forced self-doubt in reality as no one was really that dumb anymore. And even more were the obvious changes that those who had drunk lifespan elixirs could be even more sure of, would of course be lying if they were to say that they never really thought of their civilization going back to the ‘old ways’.

“But here, this important event is the one that will bring the future of New Earth’s human race forward, and those matters that happened in the past and…not too long ago, are not important. I’ve seen many ordinary, normal and humble people who worked up to a high pay and even founded corporations that benefited both those in and outside of cities…slowly collapse to the pretense that only by following a Founding Clan can they remain in the business.”

“And this is only a vague description of the truth in terms of…the horrors of New Earth. Even now, I am very sure that there are still hundreds of disappearances daily, and that the suicide rate in our ‘beloved’ civilization have been raising by single percentages every…month. And even if that can be hidden, it cannot be made as if to not exist for others.”

“Whether personally or hearing it from others outside of your houses, because in all the social media it is impossible…you’ve realized it, haven’t you? Even though we are billions, there were a couple of days where…there was only decaying and not any rising of population. This, for our new civilization, is…way too unforgiving.”

“But the Crestfallen Clan once made a vow to never harm nor take anything from our beloved human race, as well as from the world that allows us to inhabit Her. And is hence not going to break it, if we did, what would be the use of us being the same Crestfallen from before? Wouldn’t we just then turn into those Founding Clans as well?”

“Everyone.” Krayeke Crestfallen called out to them, but his next same word wasn’t for the same purpose. “Everyone sins, everyone makes mistakes…but there are some who think that they are okay, or that they are not as such. People who are like that and then…keep on hurting and harming people, that is not humane. And even though it is still as inhumane as them, for other kinds of people to terminate the former, it is at least done with a purpose that isn’t only themselves standing at the top and raising even higher at the cost of the rest falling lower.”

“And that, in fact, the kind of people that want to terminate the selfish, greedy and cowardly wicked…may even want to grant every, single, one, of you…a chance to pick up yourselves, and take back what is called peace into your families and your surroundings!!” With his last phrase breaking the silence, Krayeke Crestfallen, who elevated his volume a few notches, flung his right fist up and down towards the comforted crowd who were still hesitant about this piece of news.

“... …For-for our peace!!” - “For our lives!” - “For the life of every single person, animal and idea to prosper!!” - “For New Earth!!” - “For the Crestfallens’ belief and support in us, humanity!!” - “For..for…for the Peaceful Rain Corporation!!!” Suddenly, there was a strange reason for it, but one of the yelling people among the hundreds of thousands was heard more than the rest, even when he started hesitating on whether or not to yell it out loud.

“... … … … …… … … … … … … … … …” There was then a long, long, long and oh so very damn long silence that was accompanied by the necks turning and wide eyes staring that all seemingly moved in unison but in different ‘batches’ of people among the crowd and of those on the stage as well. Krayeke, and everyone else, were gazing at a 17 year old boy with his face turning crimson red but with his fists clenched, as his chest was still stuck out and seemingly without thinking about backing down.

“I…I…lost my family, I…lost my will, but…when the Crestfallen Industry released Rising Essence to the public…I found a way and…when I saw Y-Y-Y-...Yun Beishang, in the game…I felt my body come alive again, and when I first received that, A-A-All-Mending Misery cream…I understood.” The young boy gulped down several times, and the people surrounding and hearing him from right next to him or from the cameras had already understood his meaning and where he was going.

“I don’t know-sniff…about anyone else, but I…I’ve had enough!!” The young boy looked up at Krayeke Crestfallen, with some ‘are you my daddy?’ syndrome but still manageable, as he then looked at those on the stage and especially at Yun Beishang before turning around and yelling to the people with newfound valiant determination. “I’ve had enough of suffering, and seeing those suffer from the same kind of people, and in the same way that I did!!!”

“ hell with the ‘Founding’ Clans!” There wasn’t that much silence anymore, however, as the young boy with endless tears coming down his eyes and his left fist unknowingly already lifted into the air, forming a fist extended up into the sky that it even made his image look handsome and domineering in the eyes of other young girls around him.

“Those Founding Clans have failed us! Those Founding Clans are always hurting us!!” - “They don’t care about us, they don’t even see those outside the cities as people!” - “Let them fall down, let them fucking fall down!!” - “For New Earth…for the Peaceful Rain Corporation!!” - “For ourselves, for our rights to live peacefully, goddammit!”

“...” Yun Beishang was speechless at this seemingly ‘pass of the throne’ from Krayeke Crestfallen to himself, and as the cheering crowd who were just now devastated and lunging forward to trap their ‘father’s’ legs and trap him here on New Earth, then became deafening as he could only look back at Krayeke Crestfallen who looked at him amidst the crowd’s loudness.

With a pair of eyes that mysteriously looked at him, Krayeke Crestfallen turned his head around, giving Yun Beishang the image of his back as the latter could only tilt his head to the left. Meanwhile, the crowd began to calm down seeing that ‘Mr Crestfallen’ wanted to keep going, and so, the entire stage was shrouded in silence after a few minutes.

“Now, I'd like for everyone present here  to take some gifts from the Peaceful Rain Corporation, as a souvenir for having attended this trifling presentation of their new version for their All-Mending Misery…and the news that they would be glad to share with you all.” At the end of his words, he began walking away with the sadness in the crowds’ eyes and demeanor, but from which they quickly recuperated as they saw a bunch of huge ‘bags’ holding small boxes inside of it; very similar to the one that Miss Rayl had in exposition even now.

“Look! There are, oh! These are the Perfected All-Mending Misery?!” - “My lord! Look, there are 2,500 small boxes in each bag, and there are dozens of them still coming from the back! My god!” - “These are for us? Are these for us?!” - “Can we take them, can we really?” Following Krayeke Crestfallen’s silent and abrupt departure, just like the news of his Crestfallen Clan and crestfallen Industry, the Peaceful Rain Corporation sent someone to the microphone to answer their worries and expectations.

“In response to your doubts, yes, you will indeed be given one small box from the bags. There is more than enough for all of you to get one, but please don’t cheat so as to allow everyone to get their own small box of Perfected All-Mending Misery as soon as possible.” This time, it was the turn of the older young woman maid that accompanied Miss Rayl before, as she smiled at the crowd and said with a comforting tone.

Then, once the crowd cheered for the umpteenth time in this lively and buoyant atmosphere that was quickly healing up from the previous disheartening news, the maid spoke again while presenting herself. “Hello, I’m Merila and I will be telling you all about the next movements of the Peaceful Rain Corporation which we hope will put you at ease once you hear them.”

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“Hey, Miss Merila, thank you!” - “We love you Miss, we love you, woohoooo!!” - “Miss Merila, can I also work for the Peaceful Rain Corporation and hug that big brother over there?! Pleeeasse~!”

“Mhm, now everyone, please listen.” After being welcomed by them, Miss Merila then smiled once again and gave the crowd a plea for silence; once the crowd calmed down for the umpteenth time, she then said with her voice turning soft yet vibrant. Her long light, soft brown colored long hair and sparkling black and brown eyes turned mesmerizing despite not being a considerable great beauty.

“The Peaceful Rain Corporation, after the attack from more than a year ago which ended with tens of thousands of lives, had been having cooperative and successful attempts at negotiating with certain ‘Founding’ Clans. Over the course of a few months, there are over 5 ‘Founding’ Clans who are now looking to be integrated into the Peaceful Rain Corporation and make amends for all the pain that they’ve either voluntarily or involuntarily brought to New Earth’s citizens over the last 2 centuries.”

“What?” - “So it…it is really-” There was a growing commotion among the crowd, but just as it was becoming a bit loud, Miss Merila interjected by simply continuing. “The Jones Clan, one of the closest allies of the Crestfallen Industry, has already been confirmed to be dissolved and became the subordinates of the Peaceful Rain Corporation as a whole.”

“The Tarn Clan, which has gone quite a ‘bit’ astray from their initial vows and ideals from the beginning of their All-Healing Region, had also been confirmed to have joined the Peaceful Rain Corporation after dissolving and has been made sure to start preparing for an enormous ‘healing of New Earth and its citizens’ protocol starting from tomorrow at 4 AM.”

“The Fosk Clan, which has somewhat gone into hiding ever since more than a decade ago, has decided to come off clean as they will retell the people of the chaos and brazen absurdities that they’ve experienced and…not acted upon; contrary as per the vows and code that they once built their Free Living Region on and with.”

“The Xie Clan, that is the number one ‘merchant’ family in the entire world and which holds the most amount of money that flow through all over New Earth’s human civilization every day, has also chosen the Peaceful Rain Corporation’s Chief, Yun Beishang, as their leader to follow and had decided to voluntarily integrate themselves into the family of the Peaceful Rain Household.”

“The Flick Clan, after diverse discussions and debating, had finally officially become part of the Peaceful Rain Corporation after having seen through their past mistakes and sins. They’ve dissolved their unity as a ‘Founding’ Clan and had allowed themselves to become the Peaceful Rain Corporation’s personnel; which the Peaceful Rain Corporation welcomed not too long ago.”

“At last, the Asami Clan, that has been dissolved along with the Xie Clan since more than a year ago and had chosen our Peaceful Rain Corporation’s Chief, Yun Beishang, as their leader as well with the idea that they will be protecting the Peaceful Rain Corporation’s people from any possible offensive led by any kind of group on New Earth.”

“Last but not least, we have a new organization to announce, it is directly and only under the command of Yun Beishang, Chief of the Peaceful Rain Corporation, and they count with precise and agile tactics and experience for counter assassination as well as gathering of information; which will become indispensable for the reforming of our rapidly corrupting and already hurting world.”

“Please welcome the Black Lotus that has been finally brought to light after almost 2 years of cooperation with them, and allowing for many other such ‘disasters’ to befall on the Chief of the Peaceful Rain Corporation and his loved ones.”

“Yet again, I must say, that last but not least once more; I and the entire Peaceful Rain Corporation are very glad to be able to announce possible discussions for an alliance with the following Clans as well. The Tron Clan, the Sol Clan and the Maya Clan. These Clans that had become much less active than the other ‘Founding’ Clans of New Earth, and whose intentions are being slowly clarified to a better future by the Peaceful Rain Corporation…”

“... … … … …” As if it was a ceremony for mourning, the lot of the crowds were now utterly silent, not even managing to create a commotion due to the gulping noises of tens of thousands of them doing so at more or less the same time. And when Miss Merila continued on, the distribution of Perfected All-Mending Misery continued on and on as well.

If before, the people all around New Earth were attentively watching this even as they showered, fornicated, having dinner with their close ones, exercising and playing Rising Essence; did not understand what kind of power the Peaceful Rain Corporation could hold and what degree of influence it had. Then knowing that it had not only made an alliance with the said 5 previously ‘Founding’ Clans but even made them dissolve the Founding off their title, then that they were still in the middle of negotiations with another 3 of them- left them completely taken aback.

With this inkling of what kind of speech this one was, everyone could already imagine the type of reaction that those who were not present to this ‘new incoming change’ would be like. Especially those living in the Regions from whom the Allied Clans were not mentioned, because for some reason, people felt the strength of the Peaceful Rain Corporation be many more times that of 4 of the mightiest ‘Founding’ Clans in New Earth and they truly feared what the Peaceful Rain Corporation could do and make out of them instead!

By the end of the Peaceful Rain Corporation’s speech, Miss Merila left them even more flabbergasted and preoccupied—to some—with the words of ‘...and for those living in the Iron Will Region, Soundless Vision Region, Vanity of Life Region and the Cloud Gates Region; please remain within your houses after making sure to provision yourselves enough for some time until our forces can reach up to aid you in times of need’.

Be it as ambiguous and mysterious as that message could get, that definitely evoked the ‘not joking’ type of feeling that was also definitely not of ‘just as a warning’; as this message didn’t even contain any hidden warning and was a straight up declaration against the ‘unmoved’ ‘Founding’ Clans who weren’t willing to provide their support without sparing any effort!

And…that itself was one of the reasons why the Peaceful Rain Corporation, though receiving a ton of criticizing from anyone on the social media right away, also had the majority of the hearts of the people with them even when barely having done anything…and right away declaring the worst part of humanity’s civilization; war.

. . .


At 9:18 pm, within the Crestfallen Industry Headquarters.


Step, step, step, step, step…

Within the corridors of the Crestfallen Industry Headquarters Yun Beishang was walking alone moving towards the huge VIP residential section of the Headquarters that are almost always completely empty, and are only occupied a tiny bit when in special circumstances. Yet, they were now fully taken by thousands of personnel from the Peaceful Rain Corporation and by a few dozens of maids of Yun Beishang.

Right now, however, as Yun Beishang was going over to meet Krayeke Crestfallen after dispatching away the ‘envoys’ from the Allied Clans to follow certain…instructions, he suddenly stopped on his tracks as he stood shoulder to shoulder with another person. One that had already stopped a minute ago before Yun Beishang reached up to stand beside him.



Slowly, time passed but before anything else could happen, Yun Beishang turned his head to his right while the other man turned his head to the right as well in reflection but with some shame and embarrassing demeanor back at Yun Beishang. Their similar eyes met each other, except for Yun Beishang’s that were utterly broken beyond redemption. Like pieces of glass but still adjoined with each other.


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