Bow and Arrow

Chapter 671: Chapter 669 — Wolf Fight

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Wolf Fight




Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht~!!

As Yun Beishang had been pushing with the top of his head at Sylerius's stomach for a few seconds already, he suddenly felt the sensations of his back being completely removed of skin from a lot of the middle of such, with his bones such as his spine already becoming weakened by the force making very easily gnashes at it and turning his muscles all around into mashed meat, grinded a few times, raw and without any cleanliness.

As his back was hurting, being mutilated and devoid of any images proper to being a body belonging to a human being's, Yun Beishang body began boiling thanks to his blood, while claws going left and right on his body became stronger and sharper than ever. At this moment, Yun Beishang heard a voice calling out to him with their feelings rising and their situation being the most concerned one about Yun Beishang; after the beauties of his family of course.


But Yun Beishang only ignored it, giving the poor Void Jumping Star the cold shoulder as he didn't want to take them out, he didn't want to do such a thing and much less in his own natal world. Besides... looking at Sylerius with that overly ferocious image, how fur seemed to be taking shape from within his body out to his skin all over the latter's body while attacking himself; Yun Beishang's eyes narrowed while in pain as he calmly narrated to both his Essential Armament.

'He is not worthy.'

With such words, the usually battle lusted and vengeful pair of Bow Essence and Arrow Essence calmed down, listening to their ‘father’ as the father in question began having images come into his head. With his very own back being the one getting destroyed, mutilated and made mere pieces of torn flesh along with bones and whatever else; if he wasn’t as stupidly ‘special’ as he is right now, Yun Beishang would’ve been long doomed from this battle.

While making a harsh move on himself and his Godly senses, Yun Beishang sent the whole little box containing still about ⅘ of Godly All-Mending Misery and from one of the cuts that penetrated his whole torso from behind, he ‘injected’ himself the whole little box as it fell off shortly after its contents reached Yun Beishang’s inside body and began permeating all around it.

…Bvreee-Vwlsht! Bvreee-Vwlsht~! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl~!...

As Yun Beishang’s back never once did it ever stop being hurt, the sight of his body beginning to glow a powerful orange, golden glow escaped most of everyone’s eyes, senses and strikes of realization. By the time it was Cinders the first to realize about it thanks for being the one to play with Lioness from the group of girls currently alone, pointed at Yun Beishang and was about to say something on the matter to ‘wake up’ everyone else from the stupor…it happened.

FWIP! FWIP! Kk-creeeeeeeeeeeee~~!! Bvreee-Vwl- Bvreee-Vwl- Pfruiyl!

With a mere and simple tug of his left hand, Yun Beishang suddenly brandished a hand covered in verdant gloom, a gloom so much akin to a swamp’s in terms of things that have at least a name and do exist in any world, but it was from a verdant color, glow and domineering splendor that could have never seen before, that was one of its own and only self-mutual destruction-seeking would follow to all who wished to replicate it or mimic it in any possible way.

From the verdant gloom color, many ‘petals’ were formed with each of them having a something to ‘do’ with the way they glowed with two different violet colors. Besides those petals imprinted, all over his arms from the back of his hand all the way to his back at his shoulder blades and even reaching down to his tailbone; nothing like before where it reached only up to his shoulder blades before.

Leaves’ patterns, true and genuine roots covering his left arm instead of veins and blood or even bones, his flesh most likely gone as he only had his whole Evil God Metamorphosis occurring from within him and on his very own world and - not Rising Essence’s!

Imprinting in Sylerius’s mind the image of the most powerful arm he could ever have seen, even when having seen the existences of his family show their hand a couple of times over the tens of thousands of years in several different matters. Be it physical exertion or energy utilization, any of both, they were all being overwritten and reinvented by this mere human who had nothing more but a mere descendancy from such a thoughtless and backward world.

The sight of Yun Beishang’s left arm was enough, and as it formed a claw on its own with the owner’s left hand, that claw irradiated elegance, dignity, royalty and an imperious feeling to it that he, himself, Sylerius, could not deny!!

Yet, just as he saw, with but all of his amazement and worship for as small as it could be revealed from the genuine amount of such; a whole other such ‘claw’ that changed everything not only him and his whole Eternal Silver Clan, but even the entire world knew about!

This time, however, the claw was of a totally different color, of a totally different sensation, energy…Essence! With its metallic-gray luster all around it, the nails and some spots all around his right hand and arm that would even go from his nails to his shoulders and then from his upper back all the way down to his tailbone, forming an ever so never before seen beauty of imperious colors that no one could do anything about.

Covering his whole back, Yun Beishang had verdant gloom and a metallic-gray overly domineering colors making a piece of art on his back, his right handed nails of a pitch-black, dark-like abyss nails and spots around his arm and back were coming off and into existence constantly; his right hand forming that claw made Sylerius feel worse than facing any of those existences from his Eternal Silver Clan.

At such a stopped in time-like moment, Yun Beishang’s back could be seen glowing a starry purple, one that was more than obvious to him and everyone else around him but was completely and utterly unknown to Sylerius yet as he could very well determine what it was. It then all came to motion once again as if time was given ‘play’ again and Sylerius couldn’t, once again, respond in time even with his body wanting to do so since before even seeing those claws fully forming themselves in less than an instant.

Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht~! Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Pfruiyl!

From his right, Sylerius had an elegant and gracious claw gush out his extremely formidable flesh, break and then send his bones flying about all within his body, occasioning him pain and inner injuries only he, Sylerius, could deal with in the middle of a battle and without having to worry about a thing like bleeding to death or falling unconscious.

Bvreee-Vwlsht Pfruiyl! Bvreee-Vwlsht~! Bvreee-Vwlsht~! Bvreee-Vwlsht~! Bvreee-Vwlsht~!

While on the other hand, the right claw with nails of pure thinly, large and slim with a curve and a not so clear sharp ending like those boat-shaped verdant, gloomy nails at his left hand with their bigger width and completely clear and sharp ending being rather obvious of their capabilities. Also came over to meet Sylerius’s flesh, bones and even organs!

Though the left elegant claw full of decency went through Sylerius’s lower right abdomen and a little to the right side of his body without leaving room for Sylerius to either tighten his muscles like Yun Beishang has had done in the past, they went right in, while the right aggressive and feral, ruthless and unruly claw went right through his left ribs instead.

With just the perfect middle of his left ribs being totally penetrated by Yun Beishang’s seemingly lightly incoming aggressive and feral claw, since it was sent to his body just an instant after the left elegant and decent claw, Sylerius could at least put on a defensive front of sorts with his bones becoming strengthened by his very own Bloodline and keep him safe.

However, the moment the right aggressive and feral claw arrived and met nails to skin, Sylerius was met with extreme, potent pain and delusions of wanting death rather than feeling such - this pain ever again, just like back when he was a rather normal Eternal Silver young infant and was training everywhere around against the risk of his life, just like he has done for the sake of his branch family ever since!

His skin ripped apart and seemingly disappeared, but were fully devoured by the right aggressive and feral gray-metallic hand and pitch-black, dark-like abyss the moment those immensely scary nails touched his body. Almost a whole 30 centimeters circle of ripped skin and mashed flesh was left with just Yun Beishang’s nails meeting his skin, leaving even Zyv and Nora shaking once in goosebumps at the sight.

With the kind of fight they were having, having so many parts of their clothes ripped, torn and completely wasted was happening with them even doing as much as moving around at a speed this world could not hold them with its laws. Yet, as Yun Beishang merely touched the over 2 meters, even around 2.4 meters tall Sylerius, his skin and flesh was made a mess out of as if in art by him!

With the ribcage wide open and vulnerable for the exterior, all Yun Beishang had to do was to thrust his right limb in and Sylerius’s body would finally be threatened for his life, forcing him to become much more cautious and no longer dare to let Yun Beishang do as he pleased. Or go completely crazed and go life and death against the latter instantly after.

But instead, Yun Beishang’s right arm moved lazily and comfortably, as if he was admiring the piece of art that he had just made, his left elegant and decent claw was still deeply penetrated into his lower abdomen and right side of Sylerius’s body, looking for something to grab to. While his right aggressive and feral claw had the remaining mushy flesh with holes all over and with the center of Sylerius’s left side of his ribcage showing bones and organs along with destroyed flesh alike.

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Blood spurted out, naturally, with Sylerius’s eyes reddening as his veins became horrendously more and more vehement which couldn’t be any more normal considering he was suffering the pain he had delusions of wanting death for instead of it; over and over again as if there would never be an end to it. Slowly, silvery blood came running down his face from his eyes’ lacrimals.


The right aggressive and feral claw played around for a few seconds as they flew around, Sylerius being in a pain so unimaginable that he could barely move about, only letting his Bloodline take care of this awkward lock in his body and mind as he manipulated over it. Just as the right claw was nearing his lungs and heart, Yun Beishang had it hold hard and ruthlessly at Sylerius’s spine!

“GRHWHAAAAAAH!!” Along with the left handed elegant and decent claw, its verdant gloom began showing off its glow at the back of Sylerius’s back as a pair of larger hands than Yun Beishang’s usual hand size making a bulge with even their nails being so utterly powerful and dangerous that they slowly torn the flesh and skin surrounding them as they held on to Sylerius’s spine 40 cm right below where his nape began.

“Y-Yo-YOU!!” Sylerius, with his pair of eyes turning to that of an effervescent silver, looked down at Yun Beishang as he said with his lips forming a savage visage and a deformed smile of sorts that was 3 parts twisted in utter terror from the pain and 7 parts smiling in rage and battlelusted. “You actshally have FOUR Essences, HAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH, HEIAHIEHAHEIAHAHAHAAHAAA!!”

With blood coming out of his mouth, nostrils and ears not because of his injuries but because of his over extension with the use of his Bloodline at full motion along with those injuries on him and that lock that even seemed to…shake his very own Eternal Silver Bloodline in fear?!

Sylerius then began glowing more and more, a silvery color that wasn’t as majestic and beautiful nor grand as Zyv’s, but one that was still incredibly unseen and unheard of as it shined in the night and more importantly, dangerously in Yun Beishang’s eyes. Though its glow became increasingly stronger, with Yun Beishang’s mind dividing some more of his Godly senses in order to pipe down that surge so that he could do just the same but in different forms and ways than Sylerius!

“GRRRRRRRHHHHSHHH!!!” Yun Beishang gritted his teeth, his face turning so ferocious that it made Sylerius himself, the feral beast even in his Human Form, to turn paused for a moment before laughing it out loud outrageously while making his silvery glow more and more frenetic while shaking his head and neck about as if to tease the hands brutally holding his spine.

“AGRAAAARRRFFFGGGSH!” With time, Sylerius had his own glow consumed so much that the pain became stronger and stronger, his heart beating faster and faster as Sylerius began feeling what he hadn’t in almost 100,000 years; tired from his very own heart just at the act of it beating and beating more; and faster!

With both of them turning so serious, Yun Beishang’s flight speed finally began to come to a decline, his strength by inertia from his teleportation from before was finally receding as it gave Sylerius the thoughts to start a fight he knew Yun Beishang won’t win and begin turning the tables around even before completing his summoning of his Bloodline’s capabilities.

Yun Beishang began headbutting the shit out of Sylerius’s sternum and chin, since he was already slowing down in his advances, might as well stop even faster to the unprepared enemy of his by being so unexpected towards the fight instead of making the most out of such grand and efficient move/attack.

Whoosh Whoosh!

But as if saying back ‘nevermind’ to Sylerius’s thoughts, Yun Beishang’s upper back had the starry purple line out, draw, highlight and then fully condense about 15 ‘feathers’ on his back and on his verdant gloomy and gray-metallic colored back and armor-like body. With those feathers finally being condensed, a pair of wings materialized themselves to the utterly dilating pupils of Sylerius, who seemed to have entered yet again into that weird and unexpected slowed-time ‘space’. With Yun Beishang no longer feeling that same eye from before, feeling terribly sorrowful about it and not even knowing why as he frowned rather deeply.

But to Sylerius’s eyes, however, that frown and that current image of Yun Beishang with his back being breathtakingly shined upon by the starry purple immense pair of wings with a wingspan of 15 meters and their width of 7 meters. With Yun Beishang’s frontal body being mostly overshadowed by the starry purple light with his arms still hidden within his own body, made Sylerius’s eyes and mind see the part of Yun Beishang that he wasn’t able to read before…or just one of them.

Twing-ttww-tw-tw-twyyying! … …TZYYYYYIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNGGGG~~!!!

But just as Sylerius had an even more frenetic smile form at his lips that made his eyes become much more feral and battle lusted yet again; he, his little sister and Yun Beishang’s other women around her with even Yun Beishang himself… Would become completely baffled, shell shocked to outside of this world and Universe with the next image!!

Right now, right then, and right as Yun Beishang was in the use of his right handed aggressive and feral claw as well as he used his claws to pin down the glow of Sylerius’s Bloodline increasingly growing potent and fearful while his head was still with the momentum and inertia of before. Yun Beishang couldn’t help but enter into some kind of realization, as he himself felt that he was slowly becoming complete.

But Yun Beishang could only put it away on his own volition when he saw the changes of the battle that were finally arriving, yet, right as he was unfolding his wings with a sensation of the deepest kind of honor and glory… He felt the completion connect to his heart, his being…and his other Essences!

All he could do, was to ceremonially give it a name as he saw the all, everything and each stop in time, space and reality.

‘I’ll name you… Death Star!!!’


Just as Yun Beishang did such, named and gave birth to such a powerful, potent and unique Essence that could only either be inferior, or rivaled by Pure’s Essence.

The moment it happened, on Yun Beishang’s right, as an enormously beautiful, kindest, purest, most tender of whites formed and condensed from light and energy to completely real and authentic living being made out of feathers; forming what could be a third of a longer but nowhere as wide wing as his Undeniable Projections, just as it was in the middle of condensing more and more as if it was a carpet rolling on the ground or air to unfold itself but in a vertical-lateral position at Yun Beishang’s right and exactly below his right Undeniable Projection…

From the left, in a matter of an iota of a moment, as if it could arrive at an instant and without there even being life, hence no death; nor light, hence no darkness. A gray-platinum, bright-metallic wing that was 22.5 meters, no less and not any more than that, as well as 3 meters at the beginning of its body with the widest being right at Yun Beishang’s left; came out to view and presented, showed itself for the first time in any planet, Kingdom or Universe!

With the right wing only taking a couple of seconds to seemingly materialize itself while Yun Beishang’s left wing did so in an iota of a moment, with the sound akin to that all of what is known breaking and becoming utter lies. The right wing of his Pure’s Essence was formed, giving sight to a 22.5 meters long and 3 meters at its widest.

Pure’s Essence right wing below his Destructive Essence’s right wing at Yun Beishang’s shoulder blade had feathers that were tick, fat and quite wide, but they still seemed so small and endless as they made such a beautiful scenery for all to see and for Yun Beishang even more to witness as he could feel each feather and connection of one another of such towards himself; just like his first two other wings from his Destructive Essence.

His left wing, created purely from his Death Star Essence, had thinner, longer and ever so slightly curved feathers instead. While Pure’s Essence wing looked soft, flexible and as delicate as possible in terms of how it looked alone, Death Star Essence wing looked instead extremely resistant and made out of durable metallic materials that are yet completely unknown to the world.

Yet, in truth, both of these wings shared the other’s extreme, perfected, flawless and unique properties altogether.

Having shown themselves up at last, accompanying the starry purple wings and giving them a yet much more striking, powerful image while the brand new ones appeared docile and yet undeniably ever-existent from hereon, time came back to normal with Yun Beishang’s speed suddenly going over what not even the current Human Form of Sylerius could even catch a glimpse of a blur from.



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