Bow and Arrow

Chapter 672: Chapter 670 — And Peace Breaks Loose

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And Peace Breaks Loose




Cloud Gates Region, Southern Heaven City, 'Founding' Yun Clan's territory, within the most important meeting room of them all.


Step, step, step, step...

Right before the entrance, where there were no cameras activated nor sensorial systems in order to avoid all kinds and types of cyber attacks and infiltration from formidable enemies, especially recent ones emerging from already existing formidable forces. A maid with skimpy, slutty an with 'grab me and hit me wherever and whenever you see me' written all over her kind of 'uniform' that yet looked somehow decent; was right in front of the tightly shut and secured entrance leading to the most important meeting room in all of the 'Founding' Yun Clan territory.

The maid herself had a small breast size of a B cup, ordinary looking indeed and with her skirt not making any efforts to hide anything at all, her large, juicy bottom was for many to see a lot of the lower sections of her asscheeks, really giving everyone the sensation that anyone can have her and do whichever of whatever they wanted to play or do with her and not suffer any consequences of what could happen whatsoever.

'Come on, Londa, hafhh. You can do it, can do this, this... even if you fail. You'll be fine, just don't be too stupid, please!!' The curly, jet black short haired maid with black irises and dark brown pupils lifted her head, letting her creamy white skin show as well as letting her 18, almost 19 year old face look as young as it did even 3 years ago. Maybe, her current unsure fate despite the momentary and flash training that she needed to survive after meeting her new 'backer', was all due to that decision of wanting to get more money and remain younger for more time.

"Phfuuh~." Letting out an exhausted sigh, from her mental energy, Londa then stepped forwards and allowed her body to be unknowingly scanned by a sensor from within the room that could even go up to 25 kilometers all for the sake of safekeeping the people within the room and every source as well as accumulation of data through its entire existence.

Sweep, sweep.

As she felt her body being visualized, and naked at that, Londa saw the doors opened with her face turning unsightly and even about to vomit from just the thought. Seeing it opened, she resumed a gullible and totally ‘you can take advantage of me because I’m stupid’ face as well as body language. But just as she entered, she saw every man in the room give her a look as if to ‘compare’.

“Mm, not bad, exactly as it says…” - “Eh, let’s go back, Young Master will have the final ans…” - “He may get a whole bunch of those from before turning the borders of too many Regions in danger, is not safe at all, we-...”

Once they looked away and went back to normal, to what they were doing just now, she scanned the room and then finally noticed something as she saw behind herself. Immediately, she let out a loud as hell gasping ‘ah’ in her mind, as she saw her body imprinted on a tactile screen right in front of where the doors would slid open and close.

The images not only showed her whole body naked from all angles, even close up images of each of her breasts and vagina were clearly detailed with even little details such as ‘extremely sensitive girlfriend-maid’ and ‘most extremely sensitive here-and-there’ and so on. Instead of feeling disgusted, however, she merely thought. ‘What the fuck?! Who would even-?!’.

Her face within her mind was frowning and asking the world who in the fuck many times in a row, but her face ‘flushed’ with excitement as she ogled everyone around with eternal disgust and disdain in her heart, wanting nothing more but to see them all turn to bits by her new ‘backer’. She then walked up to her stop with some toy boys and sluts that- no, maids and attendants that had their backs right against a wall without any tactile devices nor information plastered around on it while waiting for their ‘masters’ ’ orders.

“Hey, Little One, are you free for 5 mins?” A slightly old, slightly obese man said, closing in on Londa as he talked strangely at the last word. His hands in his pockets, doing who knows what as everyone else looked at the scene, and after seeing that it was Londa being picked up first, they mostly twisted their necks and made ‘ewie’ faces before looking away back to work.

“No sir, I’m waiting for my Young Master, hehehe. But if my Young Master lets me be ‘free use’ for anyone else, then I can suck sir for the whole remaining hours of the night until noon, teehee!” Putting on a great, amazing act; Londa placed her right index finger between her teeth and in front of them after closing them to play with her fingertip using her semi-dry and semi-wet lips.

The man appeared obviously aroused, his face went wholly ‘:0’ as he nodded and nodded, about to walk away in satisfaction to being promised a slave after today’s events. But then, he came back once again, a greediness always seen in these men all over his face as he suddenly came even closer and held Londa’s left wrist that was in her top maid outfit’s pocket.

“That’s of no importance, I’m gonna impregnate you today or in a few hours, so it doesn’t matter if your Young Master gives you to me now or later, come suck me off right now!” His words slightly hushed but only for the sake of the moment, heaty and impatient moment, the slightly old and obese man’s words reached the other playthings’ ears without a single intonation missing.

“No, sir, you might get hurt! I want sir to do me without any trouble, sir, please wait.” Londa said, her shaking eyes from anger showing instead all about embarrassment and awkwardness, but it only managed to make the slightly of everything - man pause for a moment before resuming his doing of ‘fuck now, doesn’t matter anyways’.

Step, step.

“Lanykha, what are you doing? Is this your brothel or something? Get to work!!” Suddenly, amidst steps, Yun Lao’s voice sounded as it widened Londa’s eyes and terrified ‘Lanykha’s’. Letting go of the juicy maid with juicy buttocks, the man wanted to pat them since their skin was so visible already, but failed as Londa edged her waist towards Yun Lao’s direction a little bit.

In his left hand, Yun Lao held some papers, while his right hand was freed. He was also dressing handsomely in his uniform, walking about a meter and 20 centimeters away from where Londa was almost groped at. Such a notion of Londa evading his touch entered his eye, which made Lanykha run away right after failing his attempt, his eyes venomously staring into Londa’s for a moment.

“...!” Yun Lao stopped walking for a few seconds, tilted his head to the right and in front of his chest as his neck twisted. Looking at Londa, he recognized her from a few days ago, but he merely looked at her before resuming his walk. All these couple of seconds, Londa’s hands were tightly holding the slimy and slightly dark olympic blue colored uniform shaped object in the pockets of her whore of a maid’s outfit.

‘Ah!’ Fearing that she held it too strongly and badly, from the situation turning awry, Londa wanted to hurriedly take the device out and take a look at it, but she stopped herself from being stupid as she instantly devised another plan. Her sweat suddenly showing coming down the sides of her head from her hair, her veins popped at her hidden tummy as she exerted an extremely bizarre technique.

“Phew.” Then, raising her right hand to scratch her forehead as she was already scratching her upper back and nape with her left hand, she brought the slightly dark olympic blue device with her right hand and checked it with her eyes while they were covered from sight by the back of her right hand. Seeing the device perfectly fine, she mentally sighed in relief before returning to stand there like a doll.


Londa felt a palm patting her right shoulder, finding a young male attendant tapping her shoulder with a reassuring but wry smile on his lips, before returning back to his ‘station’ and waiting for the meeting to end. Returning the device to its position according to her incredibly evolved memory, Londa then aimed it at the whole bunch of men of several different ages beginning their discussion.

“Young Master, that is Yun Beishang! It’s been confirmed, that snarky little devil is just out in the OPEN. We can do anything, send a few armies, a few weapons or a few decapitation strikes against the other Fou- err, no; the other Clans as well. Bringing their people under us as we become their masters would be the best course of action to plan for the future.”

“That’s right, Young Master, taking Little Yun Yun back would be easy right now, let’s do everything, anything!”

Yun Lao remained calm and composed, not even planning on speaking right away, with his eyes going left and right with scrutiny. After analyzing in his mind for a bit, he stood straight up, which made everyone else have their backs finally get a break from supporting their bodies on top of the meeting room’s table with their palms.

Then, looking at everyone in a casual manner and with light but flexible movements, he began speaking his own mind out at last with a slightly commanding tone of obviously putting on a front. “Everyone, not many of you knew, directly in person, what that monster was capable of at that time. He was just a crippled retard a year before that even happened.”

“What, do you think he would masturbate all day without doing anything his remaining time that his Peaceful Rain Corporation suddenly took over the world with those stupid Crestfallens’ support? No! Maybe you were, some of you, spending your days like that since not 3 years ago, but decades or even centuries!”

“Now is not the time to do so, nor to think like before. This Yun Beishang, how scared were all of you of him when he was just born and looked at all of you with indifference even when giving him some milk from her slut of a mother’s breast to drink? Gaining the parents’ favor but not of the child’s? Do you think that evil baby suddenly felt like getting lazy after assailing all of the Founding. Yun. Clan. On his own?!!”

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“Send them all, I want all of our available nuclear, biological, semi-energy- ALL of your fucking weapons that our Founding Clan has financed for so long, to be sent right now!!” Slapping his hands on the table but failing to make any great noise at all, Yun Lao looked at a certain group with their scientist robes on because they were deeply afraid of not being recognized.

“Ye-y-y-ye-yes, Young Master, immediately!” The leading, old man and with large, round glasses scientist dressed like one would think a scientist would, said as he nodded repeatedly while the others in the room looked with some graveness in their eyes at them. Usually, the Clan Head or Clan Heads were the first to give the decisive order for such matters, it wouldn’t matter who refused it.

Second to them were the scientists themselves, which the leading scientist would give their decision on the matter, while the last ones to choose were everyone within the room. But the scientist had already been in orders of treating the soon new Clan Head of the Founding Clan as such, while the others in the room only realized about it once the scientist had left the room for over a minute.

“Hm…” After the scientists left, Yun Lao and the others remained in order to keep on discussing the next things to do; it was going on rather smoothly and simple at the same time, everyone was clearly in good moods. Just then and amidst the debate ending, with Yun Beishang surviving simply giving them a war and with him dying, winning it, Yun Lao grasped and rubbed his chin with his middle, ring fingers and thumb.

Looking behind himself, he wanted to look for the piece of meat he just gained a better light of after ignoring any females for so long due to studying. Yet, when he looked at where Londa had just been, and after looking around for almost 3 minutes with his subordinates realizing of his behavior. Yun Lao could only say with a much baffled expression, “Where is Londa?”

“YOUNG MASTER, YOOUUNG MASTEEER!!” From the door, a young boy’s voice was heard from outside as soon as the doors were seen being opened, the tactile screen didn’t show his body this time, thankfully. A 15 year old boy entered the room with his formal cap covering his childish hair, he had an overly scared, already crying and horrified expression on his face.

“The news, internet, even on paper, YOUNG MASTER~!!!” Snot running down his mouth with his teary face, Yun Lao frowned with calm at the boy, but before he could finish his own next words, he was interrupted by more and more frantic voices behind himself. “Hey, ey! Calm down already! Where the hell do you think you are? Calm down, tell me wha-”

“It’s us!!” - “... … …it is us! It’s the meeting room, everywhere, everything!!” - “Oh no…” - “What the hell is going on?” - “How coul- how did was her!” - “Goddammit, goddammit!” - “Young master, the scientists, tell them to stop, please hurry! Pleasure, HURRY!!”


From the whole lotta people within the most important meeting room of the ‘Founding’ Yun Clan, they all went outside the meeting room and rushed over to base of operations underground the main building, intending to stop what could be solved and place it as propaganda effect, disruption of real facts; whatever!!

However, as they began nearing the entrance to the ‘basement section’ of the main building, they saw a scientist of a rather high ‘rank’ among scientist coming out of the basement section’s entrance with his right hand beginning to take out a phone; no one was to use one in the basement for so many reasons.

Then, the scientist noticed Yun Lao and the huge highest ranked elders and leaders of the Founding Yun Clan entourage, giving him a surprise but not that much, as he was a scientist. He only opened his eyes wide for a long time, before speaking with a mildly elevated tone. “Oh, Young Master, the babies had been sent to their mother, aha, it’s all done well, Young Master.”

“No!!!” Yun Lao grabbed the scientist and began dragging him back to the basement, he also started speaking in not a commanding tone, but a panicked and terrified tone even; only to be interrupted once again… ”You will need to tell them to stop it all, do not send any more! Come with me already, this needs to be dea-”

“Y-Y-Y-Young Master, but that is impossible, they-th-th- they’ve all been fired already, just 4 minutes ago, I came up to report. I’m sorry, Young Master, but it’s already too late!” The scientist yelled in response to his YOung Master, sounding a bit arrogant even as well as haughty as having so much power over their boss and being able to ‘it’s already done and it can’t be reversed’ at them.

“YOU IDIOT!!!!” Yun Lao held the scientist’s arms, then upper shoulders, before shouting out loudly. Without needing to take out a gun, a raging leading figure of the ‘Founding’ Yun Clan passed his over to Yun Lao amidst the terrified, momentarily deafened scientist of mildly a high rank and shot him dead almost 23 times in a row. There was no more racing against time after all.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang…

“Let’s go.” Free of fury, full of coldness, terror and anxiousness; Yun Lao led his entourage into the basement, looking and planning to see just what was of the other scientists. But, just as he got down, he saw barely most of the entire basement being that of for scientific purposes, while the whole rest…were enslaved bodies of dying men and women, raped, played with and with other types of tortures such as eating their own flesh, bones and even those of their families for those who had families without their age, genre and condition mattering at all.

With wide eyes, the usually uncaring leaders of the ‘Founding’ Yun Clan and the Young Master Yun Lao walked on and on slowly around the lab while seeing all of what they’ve done…well, not them? But it was them that allowed for such things to happen, and without their knowledge at that…But it wasn’t them that wanted such things, didn’t they?

As their hearts, minds and souls were already on a rollercoaster, they appeased their minds and embraced themselves with the realization that there was something else occupying their minds and attention at the moment, letting their old and well experienced minds calm down to the sight of what was visible at all around themselves…while still thinking upon their acts.

Many wondered if this was a ‘thing’. After all, not everyone here was from the ‘Founding’ Yun Clan, but from their allies as well, and very important ones. Those that had the closest relations with the ‘Founding’ Yun Clan and have been getting their scientist meeting and getting to know each other in order for better communication and deals to be agreed between their ‘Founding’ Clans.

They wondered if…this was, really, just a ‘thing’ among their scientists?

“Bluuuuuerrgh… …!” - “UFGHWHAAH!!” - “It’s that… a maid I lost a few weeks ago? My people said it was the Black Lo-something…why…” Several people of different ‘Founding’ Clans would exclaim, some recognizing the people, barely; while they would all speak with their normal voices at the beginning, their intonation would become soundless, lifeless and spiritless right after a short pause.

“Oooohhh, Little Shank, is it you already? Running away to see how it end-HUGGHKK~!!!” Right then, crossing over a certain ‘corner’ that unbeknownst to Yun Lao and his entourage, was a cubicle filled with human meat and with most of that meat having their faces attached to legs, arms and torsos; but the latter in the most wrong of ways… A voice met them languidly and without a care, before the owner of that voice was visible to Yun Lao’s entourage, and them to him, turning him deadly pale and choking for words.

Swish! THUD!

The scientist's neck was grabbed by a Specialist leading figure of the ‘Founding’ Yun Clan, rather new and young even, only about 200 years old and almost as powerful as the now deceased ‘Grand Elders’ from the past of the ‘Founding’ Yun Clan. But just as the Specialist grabbed at the scientist’s neck, he heard his group vomiting, throwing up, disgorging…

Just as he turned his head, he himself began tearing from his eyes what could very well be acid as he began vomiting extreme amounts of every nutriment inside his body; no matter what or where they were. But there was no rest, and right away, Yun Lao was spoken to after a couple of minutes and with the scientist having already escaped the shit away for his dear life.

“Y-You- Young Master, there are more new, more- ah eh- ahehuk! There are more cameras and, looking by the way they were set up,” the person talking to Yun Lao looked behind them, pointing at a blue, spherical-like tiny thing the size of a third of a young, little lady’s thumb, rotating in place as it was elevated maybe 1 or 2 centimeters above the floor. Then, the person talking offered his Insoma to the Young Master Yun Lao to take a look.

“They were in our shoes, I don’t know when, but we were ‘infected’ by these small devices and they’ve been placed one after another from each of us who were at the furthest back so that nobody would notice, not even my Agility Specialist!” The man talked as he saw Yun Lao lift his foot, whereas such a device was written and the soles of his extremely expensive shoes even had a few brand new words on it!

‘For Little Lao Lao'er, from L and YB.’.

“...!!!!” Raging from it all, especially since he began considering that maid Londa as his for sure to get concubine that could shake her hips and tighten her pussy to rise her way up to a wife position in his future harem, Yun Lao’s veins throbbed all around in and out of his body, and not in the kind ways that Yun Beishang would ‘suffer’ from his own women; at all.

“Go!!! Get Londa!!” His vicious, vengeful and tired voice from being in this basement base of operations rang out, signaling the soldiers to where to plunder and rape in order to calm down their savagery, stupid emotions and thoughts.


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