Bow and Arrow

Chapter 686: Chapter 684 — The Wars Won By The Battle Of Attrition (1)

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The Wars Won By The Battle Of Attrition (1)




Whistle~ whistle~ whistle~ whistle~ whistle~ whistle~ whistle~ whistle~ whistle~ whistle~ whistle~ whistle~ whistle~ whistle~ whistle~...

"Incom-" A Journeyer who looked to be rather old and that was being unwillingly followed around by a group of young men and women and of also of simple men and women age, yelled out with all his strength but all that he could do was yell and not even fully for that matter, what he could do instead was to see how the people appointed to him by his Young Master to train and recruit were now looking right above and behind himself in shocking horror.

Like the world had stopped, he could see their green and flashing red colored faces over their helmets, skin and even some of their neck-armor. They all, without a fault, looked above with only their eyes from how shocking the image they were witnessing was, only capable of getting their eyeballs to roll and their heads to stiffen.

In this place, far away from the direct frontlining borders of the northern Touching Soul Division, this group of young ones who were up to finding the enemy’s ambush, soaring their cold weapons and yelling their names before starting their hero murderous massacre of the Inhabitants of this game; were quite a bit shocked in seeing this tiny energy shell about to rock their both minds in the game and in the real world.

Thinking that they would’ve been safe and that the galloping of the enemy’s Mounts would give them enough time to react, that they wouldn’t be like the others because ‘they’ were the first ones, the ignorants and the ones to underestimate the enemy, that they wouldn’t be caught so stupidly and could even deliver a few blows to kill the Inhabitant soldiers of The Order.


Never did they imagined however, that their journey to their Division’s borders would be so short as they didn’t even manage to reach them completely, and as their dead asses heard the sounding explosion of the energy, cylindrical shell explode while their bodies were more than disintegrated and their awareness near where their corpses should’ve been was sent away faster than ever experienced before; all they saw was a huge aore of explosion rise in green with some red flashing around as the ground sank for way too much to even be believable at all.

Not even the artillery guns that were designed from the real ones on New Earth that were yet by now much stronger than that were capable of doing even one third of the damage that these energy shells were doing to the hardest, most durable and potent ground that was only possible to hurt—and in the slightest at that—with the use of artillery or most explosive, ‘definite’ skill from the Godly skills or/and Godly Journeyers!

As they saw such revelation, when going back and appearing with new clothes back to their respawning point along with tens of thousands of others that were flowing the respawning point of the Touching Soul Division, they forgot to even report such amazing sights and discoveries to their superiors—whether that wasn’t already known or not and whether it would even help at all—and directly logged off to lay on bed or on a sofa and think about life…before proceeding to post and share it in the Rising Essence forums.

In just a few shorts breaths’ worth of time, tons of people left the game one after another, with the majority being the young ones who didn’t even had the time to run away before the sounds of whistling air suddenly became explosions that directly disintegrated their whole equipment and turned all of the playerbase in the game’s attention back to the game from the real world’s Civil Region War.

Right now, as there was the advancement towards the center of the Iron Will Region, where its Capital, the Fearless Progress City, was being closed in by the forces of the Peaceful Rain Corporation. And as there was quite the plethora of sightings from it, the attention it grabbed since just about a week and a few more days since its beginning, Rising Essence’s sudden harsh bombardment in the Touching Soul Division attracted the citizens’ attention.

With what could possibly be victory or loss to any side, whereas the outcome was just as unknown as the future will always be, they couldn’t tell whether at the end of this ‘fight’, things would be even good anymore. Let alone better or worse, as long as it wasn’t terribly wrong, as long as it was just as always…but such thoughts were just too heavy the more they were existent.

Now, however, with Rising Essence’s ‘content’ that was just as heavy as that of back on New Earth, the mind would naturally choose the one that looks as the ‘lesser’ of the two and stick with it. Now, Rising Essence was receiving much more attention than it originally would have should everyone in the ‘real world’ not have such troubles weighing in their minds.

With the first bombardment that lasted approximately 7 minutes, over almost 100,000 kilometers were covered with just energy blasting all around, exploding and making a mess out of the natural order, making it appear like the land itself was becoming drier and weaker but was in truth - not.

In fact, were it not for the fact that Yun Beishang knew that Main Kingdom wasn’t just simply ‘growing strong’ and ‘healing back up’, but strengthening its vital points, force and importance all around the Kingdom, he would’ve opted more for the manslaughtering that a war would always bring without the method or enemy that one faced ; killing and dying would never change in those matters. It could never.

Instead, totally destroying the land was obviously making it even easier for Mother and the whole Main Kingdom to reestablish itself, not becoming as powerful as before right away nor soon, but indeed gaining a power that was very well beyond anything that the common people from New Earth could know, and from what the Inhabitants of Main Kingdom could imagine.

North, south, east, west; as these were the places that the Touching Soul Division was being fully rained upon by the hundreds of thousands of energy shells per bombardment, the soldiers of The Order were awaiting for the moment in which they could rush forwards with their partners accompanying them; their Abysmal Creature Mount and their Spiritual Cat Pet.

For as once the bombardments were over with, the Inhabitant soldiers whose hearts were beating harshly for the incoming, massive and tormentingly heavy days-long that their bodies could endure, and asked for! In the name of their hopes, family, blood and homeworld!

. . .


From one of the many nearby territories to the borders of the Touching Soul Division, on the side of the Tri-Allied Forces, where the land hasn’t been yet ‘tortured’ by the abominable weapons of The Order.


“Retreat, a farther retreat, let’s go, move on!!” A group of hundreds that was rushing towards the bombardment zones on their Mounts towards another group that was rushing the exact opposite way and up at them had their leader yell at the fleeing group, moving his arms and neck and head around to demonstrate his desperation to the situation.

“What?! We are just getting here!!” The leader from the fleeing group yelled out, pointing at the Castle nearest to them right in front of himself before yelling with obvious uncare for the ‘superior’ right in front of his group. “Our Mounts have been running for 2 hours, we can’t run anymore, can’t run anymore! We are too slow!!”


“I don’t care! More will come, and this place is already in the following 10,000th kilometers mark of their bombardment, if we stay, it means we’ll die along with the castle and everything else!” The leader of the other group roared out, his face a bit enraged, which was normal; considering it was his castle that was going to be reduced to ashes.

“Let’s get to the settlements then! See if they fucking shoot at them, those faggots!” Hearing this from the feeling group’s leader, the other leader forehead-palmed with his head shaking a bit low, “If that True Dragon didn’t sign up that system’s contract, we all would’ve done that, we can’t- WAIT, do you- dod-dod…GULP, did you just FUCKING HEAR THAT?!”

Stomp… Stomp, stomp… Stomp Stomp Stomp… Stomp Stomp Stomp… STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP…!!!!

“Fuck, fuuuuuuuuuuuckkk!!! They are coming, well then, very well!” The fleeing group’s leader yelled out, knowing no one could run away from those monsters. He turned around, and with his visage shown to his tired people, he made them all sit straight up on their tired as fuck Common Borrowed Horses before he even started sternly shouting. “Turn around, those motherfuckers are coming for us, but we are waiting for them!! Who is with me?!”

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With that, the feeling group, now brave group’s leader began galloping to the rear of his group, which would now be the vanguard instead. Without even looking back at the other group’s leader, seemingly without even planning to have, anymore, the Tri-Allied Forces in his mind and simply fight to his and his people’s heart’s content.

Seeing such bravery, such a soul and comparing himself with that man, the group leader didn’t even say anything to his own people before starting to gallop at a slow speed towards the brave group, whose members had already turned around, some dismounting, and began taking formation.

As the group leader’s horse galloped and galloped until it became as fast as possible, the members of his group began following right after, beginning to take position with the brave group members and backing up their leader. Even then, even if those were Magical Borrowed Horses, all of their galloping together would be muffled even as those iconic stomping sounds from The Order were still so far away.

“They’re coming!!!” The brave group shouted, all of his group and the newly added group into their ranks standing 110% in attention as they looked at their front, where an endless line of darkness began to appear from the far, extreme and unseeable left, to the far, extreme and unseeable right.

At his left side, the other man had now collected himself and with his horse to the left of the brave group’s leader, he looked at the front at the Inhabitant soldiers of The Order much prior than those at behind them. Taking in a deep breath of air, he looked at the brave leader and then calmed his nerves down upon seeing the kinda self-laughing expression on him. “Huuu…”


“Those are…they might be in the millions, right?” The group leader lightly said out loud, with the brave leader saying in return with a deep but slightly informative voice, “Hundreds of millions…these are just some of the entire army of The Order.”

“...!” The group leader reacted silently, and then looked at the front with ease, the very same self-deprecating smiley expression appearing on his face as he watched the hundreds of millions fast-as-fuck canter towards them. When the sound, a sound he will remember for life and that would inspire his own for his future achievements, was heard at last.

“In the name of The Order!! In the name of Main Kingdom!! For the world, for Mother, for our Kingdom, for our blood, and for our lives!! In the name of The Order, KIIIIIIIIILLLL!!!!!!!”

HUA!!!!” - “HUA!!!!” - “HUAAAAA!!!!!!!!”


…Flashes went by, but only those of the obscure metallic-gray were present by the end of a large end charge at a smallish amount of enemy forces, whereas even the blood of said smallish enemy force became trampled and made into dirt by the totally uncountable number of armors, bodies and weapons and armor colliding with it as well as with the air becoming of a bloody scent…one that would only go back to the most possible normality after Main Kingdom began to ‘heal’ itself after a few minutes.

Not long passed, before another batch of commonly equipped Journeyers appeared at the respawning point, and after being asked of anything and then responding about it  without hiding anything, they then moved out of everyone’s eyes despite the shout of some people around the respawning point to get back to the battlefield.

With a calm face, with determined demeanor but their facial expressions at ease, a small contingency of a small army went out of the ruined Divisional City on their own and directly unaffiliated themselves from the Tri-Allied Forces as a whole right then and there.

While they were then fully, totally ignored right after as The Order was no longer prioritizing the settlements that they passed by, despite not shooting at anything within an approximate 100 km radius of each settlement, be it smallish and/or supreme sized, they were all avoided from any kind of accidents or ‘friendly fire’.

However, though they weren't a priority, it didn’t mean that they were to be let alone and ignored for whatever reason, that would be really stupid now. Instead, as the Inhabitant soldiers of The Order galloped at their maximum Movement Speed, their bodies shining an impossibly shiny gray-metallic and white or black with their Spiritual Pet Cats becoming the wings they needed, some sneaky Journeyers of The Order would remain at the back and proceed with the ‘as always’ routine.

But nobody needed to know that, just like they didn’t need to know that Yun Beishang has been overly destructive due to the ‘aiding Mother for Main Kingdom to grow stronger’ matter that only Commanders and Supreme Commanders were aware of because of both their own powerful senses and their clearance level when it comes to the intel of The Order.

But that alone, having almost 2 billion strong, most powerful army consisting of Inhabitant soldiers dashing towards the Tri-Allied Forces on their Abysmal Creature Mounts was more than sufficient for the Tri-Allied Forces to not care anymore about the ordinary Inhabitants; they could only mobilize their troops and receive reports from their fastest and nimblest of scouts.

From which, even their most skilled scouts were killed over and over again, not just by the Inhabitant soldiers of The Order but from more and more energy shells that kept on bombarding their territory as if the entire Touching Soul Division had bombs very well hidden planted underground. Which was unfortunately not the case, as Yun Beishang would never be so meticulous even if he had that much time.

It was simply and forthright - the insanely, unbelievable and unrealistic range that each cannon had over the entire Touching Soul Division the reason why there were bombardments going on for so many millions of kilometers, all being cleared up of even dirt itself as long as it was not near any Inhabitant settlement.

However, the real shock from these bombardments was that even as they received reports from the less than 2 billion Inhabitant armies of The Order were rushing towards the center, the bombardments of those energy shells hadn’t stopped!

Just as many of the scouts had sent their messages through their own pets to one another Journeyer, or through skills from Godly Journeyers, they would be utterly and painfully killed by the bombardments, some not even being able to send the intel back to ‘headquarters’ of the Tri-Allied Forces before directly disintegrating.

Even then, the Inhabitant armies of The Order still galloped on and on, not stopping even once, and if that wasn’t enough then… If they knew how many minutes the shells from the cannons on the fortresses lasted in the air, going over even a hundred thousand kilometers up in an arch before finally starting to dive down into enemy territory, now THAT would definitely leave them brainless for a few hours.

That was that; however, as the entire Inhabitant army of The Order kept advancing and advancing, hours passed by and they quickly arrived at the section where the outer ring of the Touching Soul Division was closer to the inner ring. By the time that such a thing happened, light was beginning to form and seep into the lands, tallest buildings, trees and mountains of the Thousand Words Region.

At specifically 4:00 am, with more than 4 hours to prepare since the state of emergency that the Tri-Allied Forces have been in, they had mobilized their whole troops that were all stationed in the utmost center of the entire Region, of the Main Division and that was the best defended location in all of Main Kingdom for the time being.

News traveled back and forth from scouts to their respective armies, and though the Tri-Allied Forces took 3 hours to know the exact number of Inhabitant soldiers of The Order that were dashing towards the Tri-Allied Forces’ Headquarters in the Thousand Words Region, The Order had that number the moment the Tender Passion Sub-Division fell into their hands and once more when the Tri-Allied Forces were forced to let some of their Inhabitants go in peace.

From the side of the Tri-Allied Forces, exactly 18 billion men and women, Inhabitant and Journeyer were ready and willing to do battle and die for no reason whatsoever other than ‘defending their home’ and to fight a most large scale war in which each of them could participate and kill or die with their own skill; unlike back when the first expansion of Rising Essence, Warmonger - was released.

A total of 18,101,910,075 men and women both Inhabitants and Journeyers as well as Godly Journeyers included. While The Order, on the other hand, had a measly 1,907,740,328 as their Inhabitant army.

Most of the army from the Tri-Allied Forces’ side consisted of Inhabitants however, and that, alone…was a great morale boost for them all.


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