Bow and Arrow

Chapter 687: Chapter 685 — The Wars Won By The War Of Attrition (2)

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The Wars Won By The Battle Of Attrition (2)




Within the main, grand and luxurious but most important tent of the Tri-Allied Forces within the previous Divisional City, 4:15 am.


"Young Master Yun! Does The Order think they can still fight us without our numerical advantage? They've proven to not be that strong anymore! We can just walk right in on them and make all of their 'precious' Inhabitant soldiers into corpses, dragged by the game!" - "The Inhabitant soldiers can be strong, but they die and then can't help anymore, we should employ several tactics for our dying Journeyers to go back into battle for about 5 times each! That will be enough before becoming mentally drained, or for that to start happening even."

"Young Master, where are the Ross?" Amidst the heated debate, a middle aged man that had the insignia of the Gold and Silver Guild of the 'Founding' Sun Clan, his face was restrained but the unknown, worrying doubts on his face were obviously showing, He approached a young man after 'dancing' through the heavy, heated and distracted crowd in their own words and strange delusions at using this 'immortal' army that any tyrant dreams with to the best of its capabilities; seemingly not taking into consideration the downs from just using such a 'tactic'...if it could even be called that.

“The Ross…” The entire crowd silenced, slowly but as if turning a button like a wheel to take the whole volume down, taking a few moments for everything to fully silence itself down. They were surprised someone actually dared to ask it, and it was just the same for the Young Master Yun Lao himself with baggy eyes, heavy and pursed lips who was looking midway to the floor with his head slightly lowered; an ever so obvious sign of becoming tired to no end.

“The Ross have too much to care for them to enter a game and oversee some of their ‘fans’ who have joined them, right now, they are having important troubles in real life that cannot compare to these trifles with that Yun Beishang.” Yun Lao responded, his eyes side glancing at the middle aged man from the ‘Founding’ Sun Clan’s Gold and Silver Guild for a moment before continuing on.

“But they aren’t cowardly, lost in their focus nor obsessed with the use of our own men and women from the real world like some moronic fast gain, ‘slowly incoming demise’ kind of action, cause and result.” Yun Lao looked at everyone in the crowd before standing up, his body needing about 2 seconds to do just that despite not even being in his thirties quite there yet.

“That’s right! Young Master, please forgive us.” - “Young Master is right, instead of ‘making’ our young and able men and women, we should give them an ‘inspiring’ speech. The NPC-Inhabitants of the failed ‘Vanguard of Main Kingdom’ did just that, and it was more than enough to arouse them. It’s not like they’ll die for real in this war, unlike their fear outside of this game.” - “...” - “...”

“Thank you, sir, the Founding Sun Clan seems to always have a clearer mind, this Young Master won’t forget your entire contributions to even…just myself.” Yun Lao who was just now sweating out a response before he started to speak, ‘turned to look at the ‘Founding’ Sun Clan member and gave him a nod, one that wasn’t blatant nor too obvious but clear for all to see, and understand his intentions.

“Oh, it’s of no problem at all, Young Master.” The middle aged man seemed surprised and became embarrassed, after giving a light bow and 2 nods in return to his Young Master, he then expressed honest words and feelings without being unnecessarily humble and much less arrogant, a simple balance in between just like how an ordinary person would face their daily life.

“Mn,” Yun Lao agreed with his lips closed and another nod of his head, one that made him remember very well what sleep would feel like right at these instants, saying nothing more and watched the rest of his people debating more orderly but just as fashionably ‘old villain’ mode. Talking of ‘inspiring’ their young ones while rewarding them a whole lot so that the old ones don’t make too much trouble, from which the ‘exposing’ of their actions and their purposes won’t have that much effect on them when the time comes.

All of them were heeding to his orders, his, Young Lao’s, direct and clear orders. They would listen, act and respond to his words in the manner they were ‘supposed to’, and they would be doing it without thinking twice, even if it was about selling their daughters to him and if the 'sold' party themselves agreed; their wives as well.

But…for some reason, with the lack of feeling of satisfaction, pleasure and gloat, as if having achieved what he’s been expecting to blatantly be shown everyday since more than a decade ago; it was Yun Lao himself who felt that thrill from ‘being in charge’ no more and that his body right now wanted to just lie on the bed, a sofa…or even the ground and then doze off.

‘Heh.’ At this moment, and without anyone realizing about it, Yun Lao made a self-derisive smirk on his face by opening wide the left corner of his mouth. The thought of wanting to lie just beside someone entered his head, and the image of Londa came right through from the very darkness of his mind, where a bed was also suddenly in there waiting for him to lay on.

‘These idiots, if they only knew…’ Yun Lao, who had been reprimanded by his father for exposing the undergoing underground base to the public which was okay, but then, from ‘shooing’ away all the doctors, scientists and masters away just because of it and was even hit a couple of times with slaps… Thought to himself as he watched his carefree men and women discuss, their heads filled with the thought that now that they’ve chased away the ‘real evil’, they were doing good.

‘Hmm, they even forgot about the 4 Regions under The Order, as if those don’t have any Inhabitants, tsk.’ Feeling as if he was fighting this war alone, commanding and leading a huge army that he could never even dare to imagine back on New Earth, Yun Lao almost tsked out loud in the world outside his mind as he motioned over for a young looking 13 year old female elf Journeyer maid to come over.

“Yes, Young Master?” The maid was terrified but extremely talented, her actions showing not even an iota of fear nor of the sense of impending dismay overly clouding her whole senses and mind. “Is there any news from the Fate Meeting Region’s danger or any invasion in the Ancient Forest Region?”

“Mm- no, no!” The cute young girl of an elfin maid said with her face going through lots of information, responding cutely in a tone that was honest and not hiding anything, even from the bottom of her heart. “There’s nothing.”

“Mn,” Yun Lao nodded, and after doing so, he motioned for the 13 year old maid to leave and get back to stand a few meters behind him, the eyes of some present men and women having never left her body until Yun Lao performed such a notion. His eyes, after taking a glass of some wine-whatever of magic from the game were full of relish, but became full of clear warning when lifting them up to see a few pairs of eyes here and there…

. . .


Main Kingdom, western side of the Touching Soul Division, where almost 400 million troops were riding and galloping with impossible order and discipline, not even needing to be given orders at all so that some accidents that may happen won’t happen. That good; 4:40 am.


“Colonel General, there are 7 Mythical level of beings Inhabitants ahead, one of our Scouts…didn’t make it!” Some Scouts that came right after leaving the front went over to their Commander, directly saying with their indignation showing strongly, their fists clenched and their memories afloat, making the soldiers besides them and their partners narrow their eyes and seriously wish they could ride forwards faster.

“I’ll go,” Colonel General Katalyia said as she turned her body to the back, where she could see a ginormous Abysmal Creature Mount riding in the same direction as the entire army, but appearing to be much slower, yet effortlessly keeping up with at the semi-rear of the same. From it, when Colonel General Katalyia saw her Field Marshall’s head nod, she looked back at the Scout who reported and said. “I’m more than enough, but those will have their own Journeyers to play with, pick a few from my official commanders and an Official Commander and bring them to battle, they must not delay us!!”

“Yes, Colonel General!!!” The Scout shouted as he saluted, his right fist almost striking at his heart with an incoming injury as he did, causing one of the nearby Scouts to close in on him awkwardly and say, “Hey, don’t be too rough on yourself, for Danny, you need to stay alive and then watch them all die. We can die afterwards if you want.”

Then, as older troops and Scouts gave out their laughter, the touched Scout became embarrassed as he went on to select a few official commanders and an Official Commander. By the time that he and the group he selected were dashing towards the place where they saw the enemy, Colonel General Katalyia had already placed 3 'corpseless' heads on the ground looking at the incoming Scouts and a Corps with their Corps General were dashing from.

…Katalyia was standing with her legs spread and her feet denting the ground a bit, she didn’t had any aura nor powerful showy lights around her, but she was giving the sensation of capable of taking from the very ground itself a mountain-sized boulder—Main Kingdom’s measures—and to throw it around like she was an adult throwing a chair; that deadly.

“Surrender, or die.” Katalyia spoke, her words weren’t valiant, her words weren’t powerful and much less large in numbers; barely completing a sentence. But her celestial, natural chestnut eyes became that of a bloody, terrifying beast that would devour anyone who didn’t dare speak the words such a beast could only know about!

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“Now! Go kill her! Kill her!!” One of the 6 remaining Mythical level of being enemy Inhabitants said, her light robes making a shining light that illuminated the sky behind her, but only behind her while ‘blinding’ those who looked at it from the front. Immediately after, lots and lots of energies fluctuated from the surroundings, showing a ‘surprising’ ambush that all sent their skills, weapons and ammunition towards her.

“Now!” - “Decimate her!” - “Whoever lowers her HP the most gets to have her first!” - “Play with her, play with her, play with her! HAHAAHA!!” - “...” - “Yeah, some crazy mofos around here…”


In just a few moments, as a spiritual barrier with a sky color and starry celeste ‘tainting’ the barrier appeared all around her, her eyes were clear and unafraid as she looked at what was 2 to 2 and a half million Journeyers who suddenly came out of their lazy hiding over some Profound Dreamers and Elements Prodigies’ cooperation in  the making of this illusory barrier to hide them all.

It was many times weaker and less efficient than the methods that The Order had employed before. And as it looked like they were being taught their very same medicine, they were doing just about nothing at all to the female monsterly Inhabitant that was just walking forward with even more ease and approaching their Mythical grade Inhabitants.

These Mythical grade Inhabitants of theirs that were capable of directly overturning the entire Tri-Allied Forces’ foundations, but were instead cooperating with the latter as this was their ‘hometown’, where they lived and decided to die whatsoever the situation. Now, since they were tricked efficiently by the Tri-Allied Forces and most of them refused to leave, they were naturally willing to even die right here and now for the sake of delaying and exhausting the enemy’s forces.

The Order doesn’t even have 2 billion soldiers, what the hell could they do when it came to besieging a Division with almost ten times that number which they haven’t even reached? It was more than clear that however strong they were, it wasn’t going to be any easy war from now on and that to delay it was going to be for the best of their capabilities.

As for provisions that the Inhabitants need, even if they are surrounded and their portals are just too damn weak for getting them out of here by now, those weaker Inhabitants had Journeyers all around them to create food for them, even Useless grade food was like a luxury as some would give them certain states or effects that was amply incredible for all Inhabitant soldiers of the Tri-Allied Forces.

But, the barrier that the Tri-Allied Forces wasn’t anywhere like the Symbiosis Mind-Sensory Spatial Barriers of The Order, and even some weak Heavenly grade and Legendary grade Inhabitant soldiers of the Tri-Allied Forces could see through it if focusing hard on their surroundings, let alone the Mythical grade few on their side and even more so the stronger monster right in front of such.

“Shit! Generals, there’s nothing, we can’t do anything to her, she’s too strong!” - “Fucking corny…” - “Do not panic, that barrier will wear off, she’ll be dead by then!” - “How much HP does she have after that barrier is broken?” - “...” - “Fuck, there are more, more!! There~!” - “Fuck, just ignore her, they are less, Godly Journeyers should go in front!”

Just as they were enjoying their time spamming their quick skillset, the Scouts leading a whole full Corps of 150,000 Inhabitant soldiers came to the view of the Tri-Allied Forces, with the monstrous female Beast Race before them already killing off the fifth Mythical grade on their side who remained on the spot as if scared silly and waited for her to come to them and snap their necks as if doing it to a chicken; separating their heads and skulls from their spine just as effortlessly and sending it to accompany the others acting as tribute for the deceased Scout that - did their job.

“In formation!” - “Ready!” - “Ready!” - “Ready!” - “Ready!” - “Ready!” - “READY!” - “READY!” Just like it was heard from before, the reminder of the use of the Godly Journeyers allowed most to calm down, and with their hearts easing up more and more, they treated the tiny group of Inhabitant soldiers of The Order as their pray.

With some gold-armored Godly Journeyers dispersed in cone shape formations but with only their perimeters being drawn within the Journeyers, and not full, complete lines being formed at that. The Tri-Allied Forces took just 2 minutes and 10 seconds to prepare for the incoming Inhabitant soldiers of The Order riding towards them.

“Sir, she’s finished all of our Mythical grade BOSSEs!!” A young voice said, not calling the leading Godly Journeyer a General and annoying him to death, but before the ‘sir’ could react like such and berate to concentrate or be punished by law and bla bla; he turned his head to see the female Beast Race having finished off the last, ninth Mythical grade on the spot.

“Goddammit, she’s the devil! Just focus on yourselves, she won’t attack us, they are fucking underestimating us! And they will all pay!” - “They’ll pay!” - “They’ll pay!!” - “THEY’LL PAY THEY’LL PAY!” With the General using this chance to furthermore accentuate the bravery in his soldiers, he kept looking at the female Beast Race with shaky, fidgety eyes and away from the battlefield from time to time.

“...” At this time, Colonel General Katalyia had her arms crossed, looking at the bunch of Journeyers and some Inhabitants that she could devastate with just her fist clenching and her arm sending out that fist into the air. How pretty would it be to see all that pixelated flesh and blood run amok in the air while they thought nothing of her…

But then, as she thought of something, she looked to her left, and not having any intention to warn or command this little army, she looked on as a doting smile appeared on her pretty lips under her helmet. “...”

“...Corps General Serenia, Chief Warrant Officer Lotto here, what are your orders?” Chief Warrant Officer rode his sweet Kiki upfront and met with the Corps General, the latter was a beauty beyond comprehension who looked back at him and nodded before saying out loud yet lightly. “You’re here, Powlniu would like to see you go at it, so show her if you can advance in your military life before seeing any marital life with your wife, take 40,000 of my soldiers and charge at the enemy ahead!”

Hearing her command, even with his embarrassment and the ‘son-in-law’ kind of connection he had with Field Marshall Pownliu, Chief Warrant Officer Lotto could directly understand the kind of importance did this act had on the incoming ‘skirmish’ and in the war overall. Knowing how important every little setback is in this long march, the Chief Warrant Officer immediately conveyed his understanding with a salute.

But before he could continue on his way to meet the temporarily his 40,000 soldiers to charge with, Corps General Serenia said, “Master Warrant Officer Gytto will be your temporary adjutant, Palili’s generosity to her adopted sister is really nice, do well in learning, alright? You’re not bad, but you are still weak, young man.”

“Aha…yes, thank you, Corps General Serenia!” Lotto said, ran away with his partner Kiki and met Gytto on his way to meet his 40,000 soldiers. Before long, once Lotto and Gytto greeted each other and with Master Warrant Officer Gytto, being famous now for his incredible power and combat presence, introducing Chief Warrant Officer to everyone, it was easier for Lotto to have them all follow on his every order from the get go.

With that out of the ‘to do’ list in a little race against time, 40,000 Inhabitant men and women rode out of the tight formation of their Corps and charged full out towards the Tri-Allied Forces’ soldiers of mostly Journeyers—barely any Inhabitants around—that were still tens of thousands of kilometers away and caused stomping noises that reverberated for ten times that amount of distance.

“They’re coming, prepare, Godly Journeyers, begin!!” When everyone on the Tri-Allied Forces saw the Inhabitant soldiers of The Order come, they all tensed up as their Generals spoke and directed their soldiers with urgency and power at the same time, not allowing anyone to make any mistake.


As the sounds of those monstrous Abysmal Creature Mounts drew closer and closer, the hearts of the Tri-Allied Forces beat harder and faster; fear, excitement, unknown feelings - whatever they were feeling was increased many, many folds of what they initially thought and felt. With the thought that they’d have to repeat this for a couple more times even after dying here.

“Now!!” - “Go!!” - “Now, now now!”  The enemy Generals yelled, the Godly Journeyers then began to have their armors shine as their weapons and everyone surrounding them began to be somewhat infested by a goldish light. With every single person in that 2 to 2.5 million enemy soldiers, The Order also didn’t just charge up brainlessly to an already formed and prepared enemy this dryly.

“...” Without even giving orders or directions, Chief Warrant Officer Lotto had his armor glow a pure light on it, while his weapon was also covered by it, their pure light glow had a sense of fierceness to it that made it seem as if it could become a glow of the deepest fire in just a moment but still didn’t.

Right now, as his armor glowed that Core Element in specific, the soldiers behind him began to do just the same, almost instinctively and as if by pure act of nature. Their stomping grew heavier the closer the Abysmal Creatures came to the enemy, and their differently colored eyes of clear and obscure blue, black, violet, purple and combinations of the same became more and more fiery as well.


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