Bow and Arrow

Chapter 688: Chapter 686 — The Wars Won By The Battle Of Attrition (3—Last Part)

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The Wars Won By The Battle Of Attrition (3—Last Part)





"Defend yourselves, fucking destroy them!!" - "Fucking kill them all, fuck them all!!" - "Let's ra-" - "No dude, no, stop." - "Let's take their man and breed with them...!" - "..."

As there was a multitude of cries from the side of the enemy forces, The Order silently approached with only less than 20 seconds remaining before impact. At this moment, with Lotto taking out a door shield and positioning it right on the left of his Abysmal Creature Mount Kiki, on his right, a black little beautiful kitten lightly caressed his right cheek and side of his jaw before morphing into a lance that adhered itself to his armor on the right side of his torso.

With the lance on his right seemingly taking life and looking as if an organism was looking to form part of the right side of Lotto's body, behind him, similar occurrences were shown. A few of them, consisting of about a total of 15,000 had lances that were just like his, while the rest had blade weapons be it from short spears to small daggers. But all of them wielded the very same door shield at their left with the centers of the upper and lower extremes being caved in in the middle with such a modification looking as if the shield could be easily used against their users with just a tug of an axe or a halberd.

However, without the slightest of hesitation, in an orderly manner despite the ‘at the last minute move’ that they made, the sight of that alone was making the enemy soldiers turn taciturn and looking at each other despite the golden them around them becoming stronger and stronger.

“For the truth to be exposed!!” - “For the lack of information!!” - “For the truth to come out and for the real criminals to be punished! AAAAAH!!” - “AAAAAAAH!!!” One yell from the enemy force became many, and many suddenly became a loud and thunderous battlecry, the words they heard from the Tri-Allied Forces superiors resurfacing in their heads and keeping them clear just for these moments.

While they were laughable, they rose the feelings of every single soldier to their sides, with even the less doubtful and most determined Godly Journeyers having a harsh time concentrating, some of them even trembling from their hands holding both their weapons and shields. But, compared to their adversary, on the other hand…

FOR THE OOOOOORDEEEEEERRRR!!!!!!!!” …They were nothing, simply nothing; with Lotto leading the charge, the Inhabitant soldiers of The Order expressed their honor, determination and never wavering valiance!


With the last room to breathe before the battle, The Order directly made their last few stomps as their Abysmal Creature Mounts semi-crouched in mid air right after making that last stomp, becoming several times larger, faster and heavy than a cannonball in all possible terms. Lunging themselves at the enemy soldiers, The Order’s frontline suddenly went from that of about 6,000 men and women  in front to 15,000 striking, all at the same time, right into the enemy’s formation!


The Order’s charge on the enemy’s formation wasn’t one to kill as many as possible in the charge and then to push back the enemy; however. Instead, the enemy was directly destroyed to death for a larger number than that of the frontline charging Inhabitant soldiers of The Order by a¡t least 5 times, creating a deep and savage hole in their formation right away.

But they did not stop there, their Abysmal Creature Mounts picked their feet and rose up to keep on galloping as if nothing happened with the aid of their riders’ door shields taking advantage of that heavy and fast push to form a ‘second’ Abysmal Creature Mount bashing at the enemy’s formation and some of them remaining alive after that initial clash, only to be dragged in the air on the other side of those door shields.

Before those Godly Journeyers and Journeyers could react and begin to resist their current predicament, they felt their bodies be crushed by unharmful spears, lances, pikes and arrows along with magic spells and strong, thick shield walls that pushed them onto the door shields of The Order from their backs; all of their backs.

The enemy forces weren’t without a second option, the moment the second clash began, those 15,000 vanguard of The Order pushed the enemy’s lines tens of meters over and over again as if they didn’t have a twinge of a reason to directly fight them. With the Inhabitant soldiers of The Order using their door shield to bash, bash and bash away anyone they saw coming, not even needing to worry about the largest enemy’s weapons, their Spirit Cat Pet Lance on their right side kept on shooting forth on its own and stabbing, killing and making it much easier to keep on advancing for their masters.

Their movement wasn’t done randomly or by a cooldown, it was everytime it was mostly needed, for as the Spirit Cat Pet could do nothing else but to morph into whatever they could, influenced by their master’s power and desire that could give rise to an equipment even capable of rivaling a Resplendent graded item!

With the impossibly perfected synchronization of the Inhabitant soldiers of The Order with their Spirit Pet Cats, the enemy soldiers were once after the other becoming less and less even as each time that The Order’s soldiers advanced, more and more enemy soldiers would fill their ranks and deal with the holes in their formation right away.

The Order maintained such tyrannical advancement for about 12 minutes, advancing for a total of almost 70,000 meters in the middle of the enemy’s formation, among their ranks and beginning to be encircled.

Their soldiers that weren’t in the vanguard had already followed up swiftly and formed an inverted ‘U’ shaped ‘formation’ in the middle of the enemy’s rank, forming an entire formation that was thin but long and spread over 30 kilometers with 3 each Abysmal Creature Mount taking up to a square meter each and with the vanguard of the charging 40,000 men and women still at the frontlines while the rest maintained the formation at the sides and rear.

“He must be their General, kill him fast! FAST!!” - “The others are coming, we gotta kill them fast, let’s gooo!” From the enemy’s side, Journeyers were the most talky, while the Godly Journeyers were deeply concentrated. The moment hundreds of them died in the charging and the subsequent small ‘replicas’ in the second charge movement, they became much more serious as they trapped the Inhabitant soldiers of The Order in their formation.

However, no matter how many nor how badly scary and loud some, lots of them -tried; the Abysmal Creature Mounts were never getting scared of the flashy and loud as heck explosions and terrifying magical sounds some of them made. While they were instead making a number of casualties upon even the Godly Journeyers by the tens each, let alone of Journeyers.

“Chief Warrant Officer! We are starting to get injured, the rear is failing to keep up with the charge!” Master Warrant Officer Gytto yelled out, his left handed short scimitar taking up 17 Journeyers’ lives in a moment with a flash of the same while his Abysmal Creature Mount Kiki killed her 30th Godly Journeyer.

“Keep going then, send 200 of these back there, we’ll resist here!” Shouted back Chief Warrant Officer Lotto, who directly sent out his almost broken door shield that was the very first to be about to break, taking out a dagger and a short sword in right and left hand respectively before beginning to reap lives like he was cutting vegetables and meat alike.

“...Yes, sir!! GRRRWWAAGH~!!” Gytto became silent and had to adjust his glare at Lotto, who was fighting while receiving an injury every dozen of Journeyers he killed or so, his body restraining the use of his ‘skills’ and his stamina still at the fullest. Seeing that, Gytto was silenced and his frown even relaxed totally, he then turned his whole head first around and sent his body slightly flying upwards, his partner Sophie roaring alike and beginning to emanate a terrifying purplish-blue before lunging herself at the enemy Journeyers.

“They are dying, getting desp-” - “Dammit, they’re desperate, kill them now! The leader, the leader!!” - “Kill their generaaaaaaaal!!!” Seeing Gytto suddenly take on thousands of Journeyers and, in a single move, killing a thousand, the Journeyers and Godly Journeyers took him now as the ‘general’ or other ‘general’ that was now targeted by half the Godly Journeyers that Lotto had to deal with.

With such amount of pressure escaping his overall body, and just as Kiki roared her emotions out below Lotto after looking at the latter with her pure eyes showing concern, then becoming awfully furious and completely raging, Lotto himself made a manly but not so loud roar of his before sticking his body closer to Kiki’s upper back and beginning to move left and right, slightly forth and lots of back from his spot - increasing his killing rate and injury rate in the process.

“Chief Warrant Officer, 12 fell on the rear…!” - “Chief Warrant Officer Lotto, a total of 170 casualties in the right wing…!” - “Chief Warrant Officer Lotto, 2,457 have fell in total on our left wing!!” Cries came more and more towards his ear, making Lotto more incensed, but not losing his cool and even becoming much more and more sensitive to his instincts to kill, fight…and survive.

“!!!” Lotto, who had just pushed away a Godly Journeyer after killing 2 with his almost broken greatsword and then used his right handed curved blade to push that new other Godly Journeyer, suddenly jolted backwards with his head as he blocked about 7 swords coming towards him in just 1 second by parrying them all with a short dagger that was just taken out of his Master’s Bag.

“NOWW!! FIIIIIIREE~!!!” Their Chief Warrant Officer Lotto roared, his pure light glow suddenly becoming dull, before in the next instant, it combusted and showered him by a bubble of fire that made even Kiki’s eyes shine with a red full of bloodiness.

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In that very instant, Lotto’s strikes became larger and even somewhat slower, however, his each stroke of his weapons and even of his kicks and that of the bites, claws and tail attacks that his Abysmal Creature Mount partner Kiki did were all leaving trails of lava that remained in the air as if the whole surrounding area around them was dirt or minerals that they could go through except for the Elements…and even the Core Elements!

“For…” In the middle of the fight, of the battle; of this war. The Journeyers that were near the remaining 32,611 Inhabitant soldiers of The Order, were all massacred as soon as they did as much as to graze their shoulders or hair against the traces of Fire Core Element left behind, which would target their armor and body, it didn’t do much damage that wouldn’t be restored with a pot every few tens of seconds in the short run but the pain it inflicted was too severe!

“...THE…” The pain they were suffering from said traces of Core Element were leaving even the Elements Prodigies around totally numb and weirded out, let alone other such classes related to the Fire Core Element as a whole. And when the Generals saw this, they understood that…if this was what every single soldier of The Order was capable of…then they were playing a lost game.

“Maintain your positions! Get your shields up, your shoulders up! Goddammit, get those damn shoulders up, fight for yourseeelves~!!!” The Generals were doing all they could, indeed, but the pain that their Journeyers suffered was too much to hear the simple shouting of ‘keep fighting, why not fight anymore? Fight more, you must!’ that was more than anything annoying them to death. “General there are more soldiers of The Order coming from our north, it’s them!!”

“WHAT?!!” The General looked over where his assisting strategic young junior pointed at, letting him see well enough how the larger portion of The Order’s contingency of their huge army of hundreds of millions was now fully in everybody’s view and not just the Tri-Allied Forces’ scouts. Their pace was just as fast as that of the smaller charging 40,000 from just then.

But, it was also at that time that the prolonged but extremely clear, loud and extended shout from that Corps of The Order was heard out of their leader’s mouth. “...OOOOOOORDEEEEEEEEEER~~!!!!!

The General himself was left aghast when he saw the incoming enemy without any Mythical grade BOSSes Inhabitants to protect them, and when he heard the shout end; his already aghast self became shell shocked as he became paralyzed in just a moment. Meanwhile, the enemy soldiers were now aghast at the realization of the army of The Order arriving at them.

Seeing, taking a good look at their enemy that was the group of Inhabitant soldiers of The Order they successfully ‘trapped’ left them feeling unwilling to let go of a chance to kill at least half of them in total. But seeing the others on their side dying and suffering so vastly from just touching certain little things left in the air left them even more confused and suspicious; hence, afraid.

Becoming aghast, while their Generals became shocked to utter disbelief, completely defeated; deserting began to occur. But only at the rear, for as in the middle of massacring the ‘trapped’ Inhabitant soldiers of The Order and knowing they couldn’t escape death, they began madly and crazedly fighting the ones they could indeed, at the very last try to kill.


By now, as the Inhabitant soldiers of The Order in the middle of the enemy’s couple of million of enemy soldiers heard their Corps General’s shout and call for them to resist the enemy, their morale was instead boosted up, and with their arms becoming stronger, the sides of their bodies numbing at the pain and their hearts beating at the drumming rhythm of their comrades stomping against the ground; they faced the maddened enemy Journeyers and Godly Journeyers left to die with even more ease than they were fighting them with before.

Their armors glowing none other than the Fire Core Element, they wore that with the utmost honor, their beings proud of this act as they protected each other without forgetting a few more hundreds to thousands and even to tens of thousands of enemy Journeyers in the meanwhile too.

“KIIIIIIIILLL!!!”, - “KIILL!!” - “Protect each other, protect your lives, kill theirs!” - “Shorten the formation, feel the ground with your feet, it’s time to kill abreast your partners!!” - “KIIILL!! With Chief Warrant Officer Lotto’s initial shout and common, the Inhabitants under him began killing and shouting in response, as if singing a lullaby with their comrades that they could very well delve into in the future at times of peace!

With the subsequent commands and orders from Lotto, his people, his soldiers, those who died and chose to have died for The Order and Main Kingdom, they all fought tighter together, limiting the casualties on their end and exponentially increasing that of their enemies’ with utter fervor!

They were so engrossed in the slaughtering of their enemy that they didn’t even took into consideration the time that the rest of their brothers and sisters would arrive within, and by the time that the last soldier temporarily under Chief Warrant Officer Lotto calmed down a young Inhabitant soldier from stabbing the neck of an already dead Godly Journeyer beginning to be washed away by the wind in dust; they were mildly surrounded by their brothers and sisters…

“Oh, sorry, Division Gen-I mean, Chief Warrant Officer Lotto.” The young soldier whose helmet was almost beginning to show signs of beginning to be destroyed by its well intended use said, calming himself down instantly at the mere sight of his superior; Lotto. The latter then nodded before shaking his head right after, saying with a tireless tone, “No, it’s okay. Look around you.”

“Ah…” After the young soldier responded, Lotto resumed his walk along with Kiki on his right and with Gytto doing the same just 3 meters behind him - towards the Corps General Serenia who waited for him to deal with the matters of his soldiers, some kneeling and picking their fallen comrades’ lifeless bodies onto their sorrowful partners’ back.

“Corps General.” Lotto called, his eyes both thankful and hurt, not only against Serenia, but also to himself. Corps General Serenia looked down at him atop her Abysmal Creature Mount who took out his tongue and licked clean some of his gum and teeth full of Journeyers’ blood and some flesh, very tasty indeed.

“You’ve done well, Chief Warrant Officer Lotto.” The Corps General said, her look towards him was warm and even praising, as if it was her little nephew who did well. She then looked at Gytto and said with a rather neutral but also praising tone, “Master Warrant Officer Gytto, you’ve done a good job as well, I’m sure Army General Palili would feel glad.”

“Many thanks. Corps General.” Gytto said, remaining behind but also content, nodding at her as the ones who fought beside him looked at him with clear respect which could not be hidden from anyone. Chief Warrant Officer Lotto then stepped forwards and reported, “Reporting to Corps General Serenia, 19,218 casualties from our side, almost half of them were Godly Journeyers.”

“That was a rather good result, don’t fret. I’ll leave some Scouts, a carrier is coming over, those bodies will go back to where they belong, along with some of the injured, now get back to your line and prepare your men.” The Corps General said, her face calm but her eyebrows showing pain, obvious pain. Her face eased up afterwards, and said with her tone being calm yet potent, thundering her men and women, her soldiers’ ears.

“Yes, Corps General Serenia.” Chief Warrant Officer gestured officially, then went up his Abysmal Creature Mount and rode towards his own people looking at him from afar amidst the Corps, while Gytto moved towards the right rear where he would be marching at a slow speed with the rest to wait for their Region units to catch up and then continue.

…This, was of course, not somewhere nor something that only the western side of the Touching Soul Division’s Region units of The Order were facing against, as with each hour passing, dozens and dozens of such fights broke out from all kinds of places. Whereas many enemy Inhabitants that were up to the Mythical grade were taken out by the Commanders or Supreme Commanders of each Region unit.

Meanwhile, the Inhabitant soldiers of the Tri-Allied Forces that didn’t even have any role to lead and would only fight The Order to death began to change in their stance. Especially…because of the reason that the ones who survived the God Devourers level of beings or even the Kingdom’s End level of beings by a ‘bit of luck’ that gave them the chance to storm back to the main campsite.

When those very same Mythical grade or even weaker Inhabitants fighting with the Tri-Allied Forces returned, they were questioned firstly by the Tri-Allied Forces, before being allowed to speak with their Inhabitant comrades. Such things…easily caused an eruption to go off before it could even happen according to the Tri-Allied Forces…it was way too soon…

What was first a few hours of unrest during the first 8 hours of the clash between The Order and the Tri-Allied Forces in such a large, massive scale across all of the Touching Soul Division became a completely disorganized, heated and raising up debate from the Journeyers with the Inhabitants within the Tri-Allied Forces’ rank; Inhabitants were not willing to ‘fight for their whole Region’ with the Tri-Allied Forces anymore. And the former didn’t felt like letting go of such Mythical grade monsters that easily allowed The Order to get caught in so that they could be killed....

Ending killing both sides’ strength and at the same time, which was such a great plan, how could they let go of it?!


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