Bow and Arrow

Chapter 690: Chapter 688 — Uprooting The Thousand Words Region’s Tri-Allied Forces

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Uprooting The Thousand Words Region's Tri-Allied Forces




*PING* Global System Announcement: The Fate Meeting Region's 'Inhabitants' have surrendered their diplomacy to the Gold and Silver Guild, the Fate Meeting Region is now under the command of the Gold and Silver Guild's Founder Gold Shoulder.

*PING* Global System Announcement: The war of the Bright Sunset Region, the Wonder Region, the Eternal Silhouette Region and the Origin Pertaining Region against the Fate Meeting Region has finished, resulting in the victory of The Order!! The Fate Meeting Region and the Bright Sunset Region, the Wonder Region and the Eternal Silhouette Region and the Origin Pertaining Region now share the same territory, all Journeyers, Inhabitants and other creatures will now be capable of sharing their home between Regions freely and coexist together!

"That cannot be!" - "It's impossible!!!" - "That Sun Zhao, that Sun Zhao!!!" Everyone was incensed to say the least, the young girl on Yun Lao's right thigh awoke from their disorder and thunderous roars, raging and fumbling about in disdain and hatred from this - such humiliation they would have never had to face in their entire lives!

"Everyone," Yun Lao spoke in a low volume, as he saw the young elf girl wake up with a bad, awful frown on her face that made his emotions directly worse and ten millions of times more annoyed than just now. His tone right now was very low and quite light too, but his next words were roared out by him while his two palms covered the young elf girl's ears. "Shut the hll up right now!! We've lost but we still gotta fight, now shut up and place your asses where I can't see them!!!!"

“... … … … … … …” Everyone shut the hell up at last, their eyes all drawn to their young master who had his ugly ferocious face become calm and relaxed just the next moment after yelling that damn loud; the young elf girl looked at him as soon as he shouted, her big eyes blinking and blinking at him as she kept on staring without saying a word nor giving out her thoughts through her facial expressions.

“Now, where are the true Generals?” Yun Lao let go of the young girl’s ears who then knelt straight up at the right of his leg, but kept observing him with hidden delight. From the crowd of now seated and civilized people, a pair of old men stood back up, saluting and paying respects to the young master.

“You,” Yun Lao pointed at the old man on his left before pointing at the one on his right, “take another 3 under you and take charge of the troops on our western side; all our left wing. And you, take the right wing for yourself, you won’t need that much help nor assistants for you aren’t facing the most experienced Inhabitant armies of The Order, go on!”


Standing up from his seat without waiting for the Generals’ bows and salutes to finish, Yun Lao took the young girl’s waist, propped her up to her feeht and then took her right hand with his left hand. As they were walking to the back of the tent where its main entrance was on the whole opposite end, a flurry of steps made their way towards the main tent.

“Tssss~.” While everyone thought that their young master Yun Lao would be enraged once more; yet again, he instead revealed a calm countenance while turning around with the young elf girl hugging the end of his shirt from behind, her face almost stuck to his body. “Informant Han here to report, may I enter.”

“Go ahead,” after the informant presented himself formally, Yun Lao spoke with a slightly hoarse voice at him as soon as possible, leaving everyone in the room speechless for a short moment. The informant then stepped into the main tent and was about to get close to the young master when the latter indicated for him to stop before bluntly saying, “Just say it out loud, speak.”

“Ah-...ah! Yes, Young Master!” The informant was taken aback, but capable enough of recomposing himself quickly too, he then cleared his throat before beginning. “Hem-hem, Young Master, the F- the Sun Clan and the Region under them had declared themselves as part of the Peaceful Rain Corporation. They’ve begun invading the Iron Will Region and began to send messengers to their south and north, to the Silent Vanity Region and the Cloud Gates Region in the hopes that they will cede their power to the Peaceful Rain Corporation and…sigh, and peacefully surrender to become ‘another one’ under them.”

“Mmh…” Yun Lao wasn’t surprised, and to be honest, even the previously uncivilized chimpanzees in the main tent from just before weren’t that surprised as well. Only that the Sun Clan was now doing more than expected and that their actions were pretty fast too…it must’ve been planned and researched from long ago…such plans…only the growing Founding Yun Clan of the past were capable of it along with the Founding Asami Clan at their beck and call; more or less.

“Well, I’ll leave you all to it, I’ll be going back first. Come, let’s go.” Yun Lao’s voice was…normal, as if it was an usual talk with his subordinates on what he wanted to eat today and not the discussion about their whole damn lives and their power being threatened by a…great—unwillingly admitting to it—and stronger force than their own.

“Y-y- yes…Y-Y-Y- Young Master…” The pair of Generals from the ‘Founding’ Yun Clan and the other people within the room bid farewell to their young master, their tired and with a slightly hunched back young master whose voice became actually…soft when he directed his words at the young Journeyer playing as an Elf instead.

“Are you coming with me?” Yun Lao asked as he hunched his back even more, his neck extended as his head was about 10 cm above the young girl’s as she lifted it up to face him. Her clear, pure and always—naturally—big eyes gazing at him unwaveringly before nodding, her tiny voice heard for the third time by those in the tent. “Mn! Yes, of course I am, always?”

“Mn, thank you.” Yun Lao said, right before—seemingly; and practically—soundlessly logging out of the game, the young girl disappearing at the exact same time as he did and as if she was one the moment Yun Lao logged out of the game directly. From which, since this place would be all gone once he went back, he and she would return to their true headquarters with a ‘ghost’ kill added to their name where they could become Useless were they to die another 14 times or so.

Which, for Yun Lao, was a lesser number, since he had been killed by Yun Beishang before…

“Tewff! She really got him to take her, huh?” - “That weirdo has him all over her, indeed.” - “At least she…is kinda taming him? Haha, how tight must that-” - “Enough, they are going to charge at us at any given moment, prepare for it and shut the hell up!!” - “You’re not allowed to leave, these are just procedures, see if you do.”

With the Generals shutting the mouths and brains of some in the tent…or all of them by mistake, they went out of the tent and gave their backs to those within the tent, while those within the tent could only sigh out shortly in return. Their hands supporting their cheeks and foreheads, they waited for the sounds of battle and battle cries to begin.

And they won’t have to wait long…

. . .


9:36 pm. On the side of The Order’s armies.


The Order, compared to the Tri-Allied Forces, may have a ‘measly’ 500,000,000+ soldiers on each side of the battlefield, be pitiful in the face of 1,500,000,000+ soldiers guarding north, west and south of the Tri-Allied Forces’ main camp and so-called ‘headquarters’ in the Thousand Words Region. All in all, their main strength in the Thousand Words Region.


Go.” Each soldier in the first line of the 4 sides of the battlefield received an order from the very same voice, all and at the same time. With each of them hearing the command, they began marching alongside their Abysmal Creature Mounts in a slow manner.

For all of the formations and lines in The Order’s side, there were 3 huge, gigantic lines on the north, west and south, while the eastern side had a total of 7 lines that spanned over such a huge terrain; and even more so with their huge, stronger now - Abysmal Creature Mounts at their side and marching with them.

STEP, Stomp, STEP, Stomp, STEP, Stomp, STEP, stomp, STEP, Stomp, STEP, Stomp, STEP, Stomp…~!

“Hey, hey, they’re coming…I think.” - “Yeah yeah, let’s tell the-” - “PREPARE YOURSELVES, GET IN FORMATION!! DON’T FUCKING FORGET YOUR PLACE, NOW GET IN FORMATION~!!” - “...” - “...” - “Yah, nevermind that.” - “Yeah, yeah…”

Pom, pom, pom, pom, pom-... AHUU!!

The Tri-Allied Forces began making their own movement as well, though they’ve been in formation, fully formed and solid, since almost an hour ago, they had become rather loose and unguarded as well as distracted by the also always so real cold of this damn game. Realistic to the utmost, maybe, it was only now that they understood the downsides of ‘realism’ in a game…

Now, however, they were back at their strongest and in their best form to fight their enemy: the undeniably strongest force of the game - The Order. Though they were cold, they were…mostly, having fun, while they were also feeling like heroes, heroines and somewhat of a badass when contemplating their numerical advantage over their enemies and the different purpose of each side in this one final battle; a ‘final stand’.

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“Charge, charge, charge!” Suddenly, the loudest of shouts was heard from probably around just 100 meters or so, it naturally came from The Order and…naturally, from their soldiers who were for sure right in front of the Tri-Allied Forces’ soldiers!

Taking them a few seconds to process fully and prepare, the Tri-Allied Forces’ soldiers tensed their arms for those who were in the very first row and that held at the very least one shield in their hands and a weapon in the other to even two shields. While the Godly Journeyers, which were in the 3 billions from their entire Journeyer army, began glowing a goldish glow that spread through the entire Tri-Allied Forces’ army defending their own lives!

“HUAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!” The soldiers of The Order, independently of their status as a Journeyer or Inhabitant soldier of The Order, yelled to their hearts’ content with the whole lot of the first lines directly clashing against the Tri-Allied Forces, their sounding, thunder-like footsteps were even muffled by their own throats and wrinkling noses.

“!!” - “!!!” - “!!” Hearing the loudest shout they had ever heard in their entire lives even when considering the stupid shit in the internet, the Tri-Allied Forces’ Journeyers became stunned on their own for a second or two with the goldish glow surrounding their bodies and their whole army not being able to do anything to avoid it.

“Hold your lines, goddammit hold your lines, hold it together!” - “HOLD IT TOGETHER!!” - Hold it together, everyone!!” With the Tri-Allied Forces’ soldiers becoming oriented once more with the shouts of the strongest among them, as the Godly Journeyers themselves never imagined the way that millions of powerful people yelling could do to any of them were naturally also affected.

Picking up each other as The Order had already closed in, the goldish glow surrounding them made them feel more awakened the more they were being shouted at back to reality, and finally…it came to be.


A monstrous sound that reverberated the entire main campside/headquarters of the Tri-Allied Force in the middle to almost start having everyone get a seizure from it alone, the sound of metal-like material clashing with metal-like material and much more resounded, leaving even those acting as the second line of defense in the Tri-Allied Forces’ vanguard deafened for a minute or so.

But, even while they were deafened, not only did their fellow comrades kept on fighting the soldiers of The Order, getting killed and respawning directly in the same headquarters one after the other, even they themselves in the second line of defense had to soon be sent into battle in that very same minute of deafness.

With their ears basically useless, the Journeyers and Inhabitants alike had to rely on the goldish glow around their bodies to suffer but survive as many hits and lethal strikes as possible, while they could only have their eyes and sensation on their skin to dodge, block and defend against any incoming attack, barely being able to even complete half an attacking move from their part.

On the other hand, the Journeyers and Inhabitants raising their blades at them were having it much easier as they had tens of arrows, several magic spells supporting them from behind and even being healed and buffed for each of those soldiers charging up at them and trying to push them backwards.

With such a massive amount of support from ranged classes and magic classes, the first line of defense of the Tri-Allied Forces were totally broken over, while the soldiers from The Order managed to step forth about 270 meters by the end of the minute whereas the whole first line of defense was totally broken and, naturally, decimated.

When the second line of defense marched forwards to stop the advancement of The Order, they were met with almost ¼ of their total numbers being crushed by The Order, but right after began to stand firmly and stubbornly over their ground and allowed not for any other soldier of The Order to take any other step any further into their headquarters.

The Order was now bearing injuries left and right all over the north, south and west of the battlefield, while the east was already beginning to take down the entire second line of defense seemingly without problems.

“It’s time, get them to be ready at my command for any possibility, we must crush them…crush them all!!” With viciousness, the General in charge of the eastern side of the battlefield commanded one of the assistants nearby, the latter nodding without saying anything and running straight away towards the back which was much more behind the rear of the last line of defense.

Step, step, step, step, step, step, step!!

Several minutes later, the assistant returned, and within his hands were a pair of kind of flare guns, with a huge ‘cartridge’ that might as well be considered a shell artillery ammunition of its own. On the other hand, the General was watching as the first line charging at his troops were now retreating at high speeds while the line behind them seemed to be starting to get ready for…something.

“CHAAAAAAAAARGGGEEEEE!!!” From the side of The Order, just as the Tri-Allied Forces chased them to retreat even faster, the second line of The Order behind the first one that was still retreating, another set of shouts sounded from The Order’s side, but this time, from the second line of The Order’s armies.

As soon as the Generals of the Tri-Allied Forces heard them, they were wide eyed and somewhat agape from their mouths as they watched how hundreds hundreds of million from all over the battlefield began a second charge towards their already feeble and small second line of defense…but this time, they were riding on their Abysmal Creature Mounts.

Chaaaaaaarrgeeeeeee~!!!!” - “Charge, CHAAARGE!” - “Charge, stomp the enemy, kill for our Lord!!” - “Kill! For our Lord!!” - “Kill for our Lord!!!” Multiple, loud and blood-boiling yells, battlecries and roars echoed over the entire battlefield. The only bad thing about such valiant shouting was that the Tri-Allied Forces’ second line of defense was being totally annihilated by the charging mix of actual cavalry and mounted archers!

With The Order no longer using their melee experts only as the vanguard, the Tri-Allies Forces’ second line of defense destroyed and the third line of defense a bit disorganized due to the chase from the former, the soldiers of The Order rushed towards the enemy as one throughout the entire battlefield; as one!!

“Shit! I’ve never seen…not even in the far past, what is this power?!” The eastern General said, his hands automatically being raised with his left arm holding a red flare gun-ish in his hand, shooting it to the air as soon as it was perfectly aimed to the top of the sky, the ceiling of this darkness and whereas the moon that always reigns supreme during the night had hidden itself.


…vrrrrb-trck tck! Tukuh tukuh tukuh tukuh tu-kuh!

From the far behind, rear of where the last line of defense of the Tri-Allied Forces were located, sounds of extreme, large and powerful-sounding machinery echoed all the way up to where the second line of The Order was annihilating the third line of defense of the Tri-Allied Forces. When those sounds arrived, the official commanders and Official Commanders looked up, while their subordinates kept on fighting.

One had the 2 jobs of fighting and following their superior, the other had the 3 jobs of fighting, following their superior and taking care and notice of the battlefield’s development at all times. Right now, as they all did their own part, those who looked up…saw a large-seized settlement flying fortress float into the air and close in on their soldiers.

The official commanders and Official Commanders of The Order instantly knew of the danger every single one of themselves were in, but before they could call on their soldiers to guard up against the flying fortresses; the fortresses themselves shot at them!


These large sized settlement-flying fortresses had cannons that were as huge as a regular house in terms of wide, while their length was about 1,000 to 2,000 meters long, looking like a ton of bricks were used to be built and with their walls being basically nonexistent as the cannons all around the flying fortresses numbered in the dozens.

When they shot their cannons at the soldiers of The Order below, they let out smoke, not just from the mouths of the cannons but that followed whatever was shot from them and followed up like a sick maggot in the look for food and nutrients.


The closest flying fortress shot its three cannons pointing at the eastern south soldiers of The Order who were battling the Tri-Allied Forces’ third line of defense in an one sided manslaughter fashion. In an instant, just as the ‘shell’ covered by a weird pink-white-gray smoke touched the ground, the official commanders and Official Commanders of each unit of The Order raised their arms and had their subordinates covered by a blue, green, red or yellowish-gray barrier.

Meanwhile, the explosions from the cannons on the ground didn’t lift much dirt nor rock, as they were directly sparse to the sides with the shell diving into the ground and making a sort of sinking trap that both their soldiers and those of The Order fell in. Those soldiers from The Order had to stop fighting and remain in a defensive formation while their superiors protected them; but some of the latter didn’t manage to run up to them and make their shield with themselves among their subordinates…ending up choosing to save them than to save themselves and being hit directly by it.

Right after, the soldiers of The Order whose several barriers were placed all around them to protect them began to falter one or two from the directly impacting explosive waves of the unknown shells. While as they began falling into the pit created by those unknown, harmful shells, flames of pink-white-gray began to lunge at them as if snakes that were playing with prey; biting at the barriers protecting them over and over again in a playful but savage demeanor.


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