Bow and Arrow

Chapter 691: Chapter 689 — The Prowess Of A Variable ‘Aircraft’

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The Prowess Of A Variable 'Aircraft'




"Dammit, they're getting trapped." A soldier far away from the cannons, from the flying fortress above that was almost reaching up to 3,000 meters in the air and still rising, as its cannons that were used to shoot right now seemed to spout smoke and whatnot, but that with just the spin of the flying fortress about which took about 2 minutes to rotate such a huge thing; another bombardment was near.

"Ease it down, soldier," an Official Commander that was looking up said, returning the soldier back to hold his position while the enemy Tri-Allied Forces' soldier backtracked in order not to get blown away. Right now, just as some soldiers looked up, their superiors commanded order and everyone could only see their brave vanguard fellows be in such awful danger from The Order's side...


'They're here.' What what they all thought, their heads immediately feeling the same kind of breathing that they trained for and started to tense up their legs, first their feet by deeply planting them against the ground, then their shins and calves as they produced even more heavy but stable weight on their feet and with their waist and tailbone not becoming fully straight but becoming fully solid as if becoming a wall instead.

And just as they tensed up, the Tri-Allied Forces’ soldiers and Generals were instead somewhat in shock-trauma, as they instinctively remembered the sounds that came right before the first showcase of power from those BGA. so-called ‘bombers’ that destroyed more than a billion soldiers and enemies of The Order in just a few seconds without really there being many minutes to speak of.

“That is not fair! Yun Beishang! You were not supposed to break the system’s contract, suffer the conseq-” From the side of the Tri-Allied Forces, a chubby old man was pointing his finger towards some of the army of The Order, not really daring to say it in front of them outside his campsite’s main tent but outrageously shouted anyways and towards them.

“Yiar, enough! We haven’t received any notifications from the system nor did the system’s contract show up…” An old lady said, grabbing the extended and lifted arm of that chubby man before saying, making those who wanted to outrage and those who were silently pondering to close their eyes from even just a moment in acceptance; they’ve been placed, ah, bad at that.

And, indeed, nobody received a notification of the system’s contract not being signed. The only thing that was happening now was that, according to the system, what was ‘flying’ over to them wasn’t a BGA Spaceship nor anything similar that or that used its weapons…it was a totally different new Spaceship, and the higher ups in the main tent wondered if it was that one carrier that seemed to have found the way to meddle with space itself…a legendary feat.

“What the hell is th-” But then, as the ‘pew’ sound of the air breaking, which totally confused most of the knowledgeable people around, was heard and many could more or less tell where it came from despite it already being so dark in the sky. A series of several, dozens and dozens of smaller spaceships was shown to the world, for the first time; again.

PEW!- KRAKKK~~! Kuta kuta kuta kuta kuta!

But, just as one of them spoke, and just as they were going to finish their sentence at the very least… One of  those much smaller but still ‘long’ brand new spaceships didn’t even shot at the enemy’s forces and instead, directly stamped themselves against the flying fortress that was closest to the soldiers of The Order while a few others of them went down to directly hit against the dull pink-white-gray flames on the ground.

Yet, just as they stamped themselves against the flying fortress and some on the ground with those ‘ultra powerful’ flames of destruction as they liked to call it, those with expressions of schadenfreude at the enemy being the dumbest and vile idiots ever possible to be, suddenly reacted in pig-like terror as they saw multiple humanoid robot-like figures slowly but surely destroy the entire flying fortress with its cannons already hanging loose over their attachment to their installation within the flying fortress and the people inside it being massacred over just a couple of seconds.

As for how? It was terribly simple, both in terms of the ‘method’ and ‘technique’ being employed as well as in the simplicity that they were all carried about; the manslaughter of the Tri-Allied Forces by the M-C F Spaceships - the Mantis-Cicada Fighter Spaceships.

They moved the fastest when flying through air or when their limbs were attached to their ground, whereas the legs could become the arms and the arms could become the legs. But each limb of theirs, without there being a head to speak of since it goes to the center of the ‘mecha’s’ torso or back and can then freely rotate or change its side; was equipped with long and wide blades that would become thinner and less wider the more extended they were.

They were capable of easily destroying the cannons’ material, the flying fortress’ walls, buildings and core of the very same, which made sense in order to ‘clarify’ why did just some dozens of such spaceships took so little to take down such most powerful and impregnable technological monster with some meager magic on it in just some seconds while every single Tri-Allied Forces’ member looked on with dumb amazament.


Just as they were futilely watching how their most incredible trump card began to fall down from the air, its direction being more than influenced by the mechas around it which were using some kind of jet pack ‘tool’ to aid them in either planning or a very short time of flight in the air, while in space it would be much easier instead.

“Move away, move away! It’s no longer in our side, it’s been destroyed, we’ll all fucking d-”


Just as one of the Generals woke the about to die Journeyers and even more importantly, about to die Inhabitants who were looking up in both amazement and dumbstruckness, more, more, more, more and even more sounds of the very same kind began to emerge from behind all of lines of The Order, which were all around the entire remaining strength and manpower of the Tri-Allied Force.

From all around them, the soldiers, both Inhabitants and Journeyers of the Tri-Allied Force finally felt that something was missing in their overall strategy and tactics. Their total alienation with the Inhabitants and how they could only obey order, for example, and how they were the least armed despite there being enough for all the Journeyers and Godly Journeyers who did got their full set of Magical grade to Formidable grade equipment but were weaker than most Inhabitants on their side even.

But all of that was for some reflection of later, right now, they could only see as the flying spaceships kilometers above their heads targeted all the flying fortresses whose cannons weren’t even ready and were even aimed at the ground as if having become flaccid. Their few dozens of flying fortresses were totally overwhelmed by the thousands or so of flying M-C F Spaceships to their obliviousness.


“Stop shooting, stop shooting, STOOOP SHOOOTIIIIIIIING!!!” The eastern General who was witnessing all of it then saw some of the flying fortresses beginning to shoot at each other to clear the infestation out of themselves, relying completely on the friendly fire function to be completely, and more than; fine~.

However, even if they could not kill each other like this…the power from those cannons and its unknown shell were too powerful for the flying fortresses themselves to be able to defend against them. The moment one flying fortress did it, another more followed its steps and began clearing each other of those insects and ants or whatever.

“CHARGE! Chaaarge!!!” It was at this moment that, just as their Tri-Allied Force operating those flying fortresses began to see how those pinkish flames began attacking all of their flying fortresses and making zero damage to the intruders but which was obviously more than late by now, that The Order issued a cry that totally demoralized the entire Tri-Allied Forces a bunch more as an extra.


The soldiers who had taken their partners with them and became protected by their still alive superiors were finally let out of the cage, the beasts were released! And with their furious, punishing and feral steps sinking the earth like never before, they mounted their partner with extreme precision on the run and without neither of them slowing down.

Like this, more than just a hundred million soldiers of The Order rode on their Abysmal Creature Mounts and with their target being that of completely crushing, stamping on and slaughtering the rest of the ones responsible for their comrades’ death over, and over, and over, and over again until they were satisfied!!

“DEFEND! Defend! Yours- defend yourselves, the enemy is-... comi…ng…” The eastern and western General, both, became tired after a little while, for as they all received the notification that they no longer held any ‘starting point’ to return to after dying, and that once the Journeyers died again, or for their first time from now on, they were all going back to the Ancient Forest Region directly.

Tired, misunderstood and trying to give orders to so many people all on their own; the Generals met their limits worse than life giving them reality checks. And as if they could see themselves, they nodded, as if to each other, before taking out their respective weapons - one a sword and a shield and another a small sniper rifle; before taking their place and joining the fight without even bothering to make themselves notice.

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Their respawning point was going was gone, their Young Master was already prepared to lose this Region more than ever since before, and as the General asked themselves if giving them so many people to command these billions of unruly and not that well trained people was to show them what’s up through all of New Earth and Main Kingdom.

But at the same time, simply watching at one’s back from those of the Tri-Allied Forces, seeing the rare mecha-spaceships tearing apart the entire campsite and some hundreds of those already beginning to take place in the main battlefield itself and massacring everyone that wasn’t them but quickly making their way towards themselves…

Even when they saw their Generals joining them in the fight, it was not enough at all to boost up their morale even for a moment. If anything, the Journeyers maintained themselves afloat by having their fun of struggling until the bitter end…before going at it again once the Ancient Fortress Region was the next to be conq-no, targeted. It would be too embarrassing if they lost it all time after time…

“They’re charging’ raise your shieeelds!!” A certain someone said from the side of the Tri-Allied Forces’ armies, everyone in the first 1 to 2 lines of remaining defensive lines of the same raised their shields or weapons as much and as powerfully as they could… When they saw the incoming soldiers of The Order galloping with an earthly and vigorous green surrounding their bodies wholly.


Their hearts faltering at the sound itself, the sound of millions of them being trampled upon, pushed apart already destroyed in smaller pieces of meat, some with bones, some with organs and some with bones and organs at the same time. All of them could heard it first, right before feeling it themselves as they couldn’t even see anything right after as they were directly sent to the Ancient Forest Region.

Of course, that was for the Journeyers, as for the Inhabitants of the Tri-Allied Forces…besides dying and losing their entire awareness right away after being even just lightly touched by the Abysmal Creature Mounts or just by one of them; they would just die. That’s how it is, and that’s how it continued on and on and on… All the way until the last few hundreds of thousands of Inhabitants didn’t have any other Journeyer around on their same side…and could hence choose to give up on their own at last.

. . .


10:54 pm, all around the previously known as the campsite of the Tri-Allied Force.


“Huff, huff…haaaa~.” One of the many, many Inhabitant soldiers who were walking around, their shoulders slumped and their legs barely able to move, was trailing left and right in staggering steps through the corpses of the enemy Inhabitants and those of his own brothers and sisters. As he watched through every single one of them, he finally stopped in place as if stagnant in time, before letting out 2 hurried breaths and then bemoaning as he felt to his knees.

Thud thud.

His left hand letting go of the personalized, sinister black-blue gray-metallic sword being carried around with exhaustion and dragging its tip on the dirt, his right hand was right between his knees with the left one following right after, both fingertips from the 2 different sets of fingers touching each other for a bit as his legs were a bit spread.

Right in front of the back of his almost adjoined hands, a pair of hands were intertwined with each other, the one on his left belonging to a woman and the one on the right belonging to a man. The man’s wrist was cut through over and over again, as if someone had tried to cut off his hand to let the already then dead woman hold onto a corpseless hand instead.

But failed, the dead man’s right limb was carved through and carved through by some blade all over his right arm, hand, wrist, forearm and even elbow. But his right hand was left intact, though their lives were not. Meanwhile, the woman on the left of the soldier had a peaceful but already pale countenance, her brown curly hair had already become dark from blood drying out while the man had several liters of blood dried out on the ground, some passing to become part of itself.

“Ghuhawww~!” Bemoaning, yet again, the soldier held both their hands after bringing his hands to his face and cupping his own cheeks from the sight. As his face teared, the others around him cleaning the corpses of their comrades and of the enemy Inhabitants looked to his side for some seconds before continuing with their job; their hands were cold and tired, exhausted and mood-less, too…

“Hggrrurgh~…” The soldier let go of the woman and man’s hands, softly and gently letting them fall onto the ground with their hands still intertwined in-between their left and right thigh respectively. Then, with a moan from his nostrils that sounded more like a beast’s groan, he looked at the nearby place where some enemy Inhabitants were imprisoned…and made a run for it.


“...” His steps were pretty much deafening in the now totally quiet battlefield and in the night of the entire world, as he ran faster and faster, his sword disappeared and went back to his Master’s Bag. And as soon as that happened, he summoned it back into his left hand, the blue and black sword seemed to share its owner’s feelings and wishes as it gleamed more than necessary and stronger than ever.

“HAAH!!” While everyone kept silent, they didn’t do anything to stop the soldier, even the nearby Official Commanders still around taking care of things being put into place as trained and regulated only watched with his or her face becoming inexplicable. They were all looking as the soldier raised his sword with his right hand holding tight his left one holding onto the sword.

“...Ah, hah… augh!” The soldier had his left handed sword in front and over his right shoulder, his pose perfect for not a decapitation but a rather casual and light stroke of his sword’s edge and whole body blade to cross the trembling, cold and fearful but understanding enemy Inhabitant kneeling on the ground.

But he couldn’t do it; the soldier looked not at the eyes of the enemy Inhabitants but at the place where he was going to cut the prisoner, but he couldn’t do it after all. Once he realized this, the soldier lowered his right arm, slowly, his right hand taking the sword’s handle from his left as the sword never stopped gleaming once nor did it dimmed for a tiny bit all the time until he stored it back into his Master’s Bag.

“Thank you for not doing that.”  A sudden voice that startled and surprised everyone’s ears sounded behind the ones from the now swordless soldier, the latter turned around and saw an unknown old geezer with beggar-like clothes and a long gray, dark gray and spotless white color all over it; his head’s hair length and color being just about the same but reaching all the way down his waist.

“Kneel!” Before the soldier could even begin speaking the words of ‘who are you?’ As his calmed down body began surging with fury once again and the thought of his left hand holding how sword once again emerged in his head, a female but furious and raging voice came from behind without even the wind sounding nor the earth trembling at her arrival. For as everyone could eel the vibrations of her voice as her feet were on the ground - directed towards the old geezer.

“Field Marshall Powlniu, it’s an honor to meet you. I’m the leader of the Inhabitant Faction of the Thousand Words Region who had gone to the Fate Meeting Region to aid the Fat-”

I…said…KNEEEL!!!” Powlniu roared, at last, making the whole Thousand Words Region surge in shaking and overwhelming prowess at her mere roaring word!

“I…h- uhk-...” The old geezer who was acting polite and clapped his hands in a greeting and was in the middle of bowing towards Field Marshall Powlniu was already shaken by the latter’s facial expression of furrowed eyebrows and wrinkled nose without a care for personal beauty, appearing so much worse than the soldier did just now.

Now, he became terrified as he felt his knees shake, his legs becoming weak as he felt his knees being sliced through and broken right away. The moment he realized that, he knew a chance was lost even though it seemed like a little misunderstanding and he was just a bit slow to react. But as he knelt forcefully to Field Marshall Powlniu’s word, he looked up at her with natural terror.

“Your lot will pay for these sins, will pay for the stupidity and the pain you’ve caused to this whole Region…” Field Marshall Powlniu was 8 meters away from the old geezer as the soldier in between was just 4 meters in front of the geezer and Field Marshall Powlniu was right behind the soldier. She then added, as an ultimate, with her body bending over towards the old geezer’s direction as her face was impossibly charming with all that fury within her whole self; twisting her facial expression too damn much.

“...for this pain inflicted upon Main Kingdom and Mother!”


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