Bow and Arrow

Chapter 716: Chapter 714 — Journeyers Of The Order, Fight!!!

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Journeyers Of The Order, Fight!!!





“Leader Sylda!!” - “Reporting to Leader Sylda!” - “We’ve arrived, General!” Soldiers coming from behind came, with Fell leading them all and with a Journeyer with the ID of Zolik leading a few more, both of them were Sylda’s right and left hand, and though they were male, somewhat handsome and admired Sylda to no end. Unlike in the writings made by the most insensible people, they weren’t head over heels for her and wanted to steal her away from Yun Beishang as they weren’t brainless puppets of the writers’ hidden desire.

In any case, their eyes shone as they looked at Sylda, waiting for her words and shining just as bright as the soldiers behind had their eyes gleaming all the same. Zolik was holding a huge crossbow on his back, not letting go to his Master’s Bag and his Abysmal Creature Mount didn’t seem to mind or even feel in the slightest despite it being a heavy Spiritual grade crossbow worthy of a Legendary Vanguard Archer.

“Mn.” Sylda nodded, then Fell and Zolik moved their people over to remain behind her, Fell had the Region unit of Journeyers stand at almost 100 meters behind her, while Zolik had a full Legion of Divine Archers, Legendary Vanguard Archers and Masters of the Elements. A full 75,000 man Legion under his name that will answer to any of his commands, directly ‘bred’ from the Imperishable Guild.

Besides that full Legion under his command, there was an extra half a Legion of the same kind of Journeyers soldiers that were put as the Legion’s reserve forces among the full army’s ranks. In a battle, especially of Journeyer vs Journeyer, it was more than obvious that casualties would appear constantly unlike when the strongest and bravest Inhabitants charged against the feeble and low HP ‘mobs’ that are the Journeyers for the Inhabitants.

“Is everyone ready?!!” As Sylda and her whole army saw a bunch of Journeyers riding on Magical grade Borrowed Horses arrive about 50 kilometers in front of them more or less, with the trees covering most of their images but not their feet, heads and weapons of the enemy Journeyer soldiers; she asked with her loud voice alone reaching most of her troops in just a minute’s worth of time!


“...” - “...” - “...” - “...” - “...” Meanwhile, from the side of the Allied Forces, hearing the woman’s shout be responded with a vigor, a volume and a blood-boiling sensation they could never form nor give shape to, naturally lowered their morale a little. Hence, why there was an attempt to correct that mistake before the battle started lest they lose miserably despite their typical numerical advantage for the umpteenth time against The Order.

They didn’t even really have the support of the Inhabitants any longer even, which would give them even less chance to misbehave to let the Inhabitants take care of the messy acts of war.

“Raise your weapons!! For the enemy is there, Journeyers, Inhabitants, fight for the ‘Found-” - “Shut up…” - “Let’s fight until the last of us!!” - “YEAAAAH!!! FIGHT!!” Just as one of the ‘generals’ was trying to incite the crowd with ‘honorable’ words, he was shut up by his very own people, his soldiers; as a random person was the one to instead lead the Journeyers into reminding them how fun it was to die in the losing, tragic side of history.

“...?” - “...” - “...” - “... … … … … … … …” However, from The Order’s side, Sylda looked on at these acts of ‘bravery’ from the Allied Forces’ Journeyers, becoming completely befuddled at the mosquito-like sound that came from there. Looking behind and at her sides, she looked at her ‘1st officials’, who looked back at her with shrugged shoulders and their heads shaking.

On the other hand, when Sylda faced her eyes and relaxed lips to her soldiers, they were all silent and looking to the left and right corners of their retinas, even more helpless than the trio of Generals and Army Generals.

‘Mpsh…oh well.’ Sylda took just a few seconds more to straighten her hunched back, and remembering every single detail she was teached in the Crestfallen Industry, and how she continued to study and learn even after they left with the help of Tornyllia, Ruo Paodan and even Powlniu; she gazed at the enemy with a proud countenance and her neck like a swan, accentuating her chin that would’ve stunned her troops should they have been looking at her; which they didn’t because this was a training regimen they had to go through itself…sigh.

“Attention~~!” Sylda yelled, but not as loud as before from her lips, as she now instead used her emblem to communicate with them. The morale-boost was over, now was the time to set her troops’ feet deeply set on the ground and smoothly floating in the air.

“At your orders, General!!” The soldiers responded, already making the mosquito-voices upfront muffled and instantly shatter.

“The Inhabitants of the Ancient Forest Region are the wises! But also stubborn and old fashioned!” Sylda suddenly said, baffling most of those in the Allied Forces’ side without a doubt. But she gave them no time to think, continuing with her brave, feminine and comforting yell reaching her each and every soldier. “They follow fake kings, fake queens!”

“That’s why, once they see what a king and queen looks like, they will no longer support the fake ones! For the sake of The Order, for the sake of Main Kingdom; its people!!... Fight your enemy to the death!!!” Sylda lowered her right handed raised sword, before dropping it and had its edge aiming at the front, directly where the enemy was standing on information and anticipating The Order’s charge.


“For. THE. ORDEEERR!!!” - “TO TAKE DOWN THE FAKE KINGS AND QUEENS!!!” - “For finding a wife that lets me have more wives!!!” All kinds of shouts were being shouted, indeed, and even the most personal and selective were shouted with fiery passion and conviction; as if only real death could ever depart them from dreaming that big and reaching that far.

As Sylda was the first to unequivocally charge ahead, leaving her troops behind; her troops in return didn’t even take 0.5 seconds before they themselves accompanied her to charge, at full speed, against the enemy in the woods!

Following right behind her, with only Zolik taking a few hundreds of meters of distance between his Legion and the first charging offense while Fell followed right in front of that first vanguard and was constantly moving his hands left and right while glancing to such directions; yelling at the top of his lungs from his emblem to several more and more people in charge of commanding Sylda’s army as per her every single word and dot.

While Fell and the rest worked hard, the soldiers did their damn fucking very best; as they remembered each and ever type of training they’ve gone through almost a whole 2 years before the war could even start. Of how they were more or less approached back then by an Order that was still being malignantly spoken about by just about anyone, and were training under such.

For the Imperishable Guild and the Eviscerate League, they were like the little brother and little sister of The Order, while there was no seniority among each other and rank was just their game, they still ended up becoming so engrossed in this new ‘life’ and caring really a whole damn lot about their current progress.

Naturally, they also expected, and much more, for what the future had in store for them.

“CHARGE!! CHARGE AS WELL!” - “TEACH THESE MOTHERFUCKERS WHAT WE ARE MADE OF!!” The general who failed to boost the morale of his own troops took the soldiers’ stand and began behaving like them, also becoming much more loose at the moment he let himself go and no longer acted like he was important from part of the ‘Founding’ Clans.

And it ended up helping, at least. With his yell being followed by a few that were right behind him, the general that felt left alone as he charged without anyone on his side suddenly felt shadows cross over his body, reaching up to his arms and enveloping his back, nape and the back of his head; he didn’t need to turn his head around…as he already saw many more Magical Borrowed Horses riding abreast to himself!

“AAAAAAAAAAAUUUUAAAAAHHHHHH!!!” A strange cry echoed from the side of the Forced Allies’ army, which even more strangely, gave rise to more and more of such cries as they charged ahead at their full Movement Speed! “AUAAAAAAAAH!!!!” - “AAAAAAAUHAAAAAAAAAHHH!!” - “AAAAAUAAAUAAAAAAAAAH!!!”

STOMP STOMP STOMP, stomp stomp, STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP!!!-... … …weeeing~~...paaang~~...CLAAAAASSSHHHHH!!!!!!

But they didn’t even have much time to charge, just as the Allied Forces noticed the insanely faster speed of the Abysmal Creature Mounts, the general began preparing his soldiers at the fastest possible speed and nimbleness he could for the incoming severe first hit head on against The Order. All of their foothold depended on this one first line of defense that was also acting as a charging vanguard.

When they began to form their Godly Journeyers’ collective energy and passive skills to enhance each other’s defense and protect their bodies from most damage and hit points, The Order was fully covered by pitch black ‘energy’ that was previously thought to be a defensive wall, a great mistake that the charging Allied Forces wouldn’t have the time to ponder upon in the next few instants.

As they had goldish energy surrounding them, The Order had instead pitch black armors covering their bodies, be it their legs, crotch, chest or arms, they were all covered by an extra layer of armor different to any equipment. It was only then that the Godly Journeyers remembered a brutal certain someone with a Legendary Class that could even end countless lives with just the durability that their soldiers could be granted; alone.

But as it entered their hearts, they threw it away. They no longer fought for a cause, but for fun, and they no longer fought for anyone else but themselves, hence why so many less Inhabitants were present in the battlefield, while some other things concerning logistics were kept well inside the Inhabitants’ homes without them even going out of their settlements anymore; waiting for The Order to come and conquer them.

They were just too strong to even bother; mentally or physically anymore…

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The Order had a bunch of double armored Journeyer soldiers charging fast and furiously at the Allied Forces, while the latter was also charging, they were more like trying to sacrifice themselves in order to slow down or even directly stop the advancement from The Order as they embraced themselves to be torn to shit!

However, as energy and energy clashed, as body and body collided and as armor and armor was attacked by more armor or weapons or even a shield or a Pet and even the Mounts themselves; The Order advanced not while the Allied Forces remained still and standing on the ground!!

“GWEEEEEEH!!! WE ARE WINNING, PUSH THEM BACK!” A simple shout was all that was needed, to wake them up, which the general who now understood his people a tiny bit more did very well as the soldiers woke up from the dizzying realization of having fought to a stalemate the ‘The Order’ that they’ve always been losing to and beginning to stand their ground before forcefully pushing forth and forth again!

“God! Dammit!” - “Urrrrrrggghhh!!” - “Dammit~!!!” But as they pushed forth more and more, not only the general, as everyone began to understand that though The Order hadn’t been successful in taking their first line of defense at once, they themselves weren’t able to bring The Order back into their lines and push them back against each other.

“They are heavy, so heavy-AAAAHUUK!!” A Journeyer soldier from the Allied Forces that was pushing with his bare hands and as if tackling a Journeyer soldier, totally underestimating the side of war not being fair, suddenly had his back hurt by a huge boulder-like shield hitting at his back from above from that very same Journeyer soldier of The Order.

It wasn’t a war hammer or a simple boulder, but a shield that was already thick on its own that got covered and layered evenmore by the pitch black energy from Sylda’s Legendary Class; the Imperishable Seven Sins Knight!

“Here she is! General, please order a bombardment over here!!” A Journeyer soldier that was trying hard to push forward suddenly yelled from within the Allied Forces’ ranks, his yell immediately garnering attention from everyone except from the Journeyer soldiers of The Order that were like walls being pushed down by little infants. Cold and wordlessly looking down at them try their very, very best.

“Go and relay my orders!! Hurry!” Hushing around, the general spoke to a soldier behind him, feeling relieved after seeing the soldier leave with a nod and a very serious, natural expression; the general took 1 second late to realize the changing situation right in front of his nose.


An austerely simple, greenish trace of energy began emanating from behind the pitch black energy armor covering the soldier holding his ground right in front of him, and as the general wanted to begin giving new commands to his soldiers who were witnessing the same thing as him after his eyes went wide with terror after realizing from his memories what was happening and what it would mean with the already heavy and unmoving Journeyer soldiers from The Order…

“CHARGE!!!!” One single word, one single and cut clean shouted word came from a female’s mouth as it almost sounded throughout the entire battlefield all at once, reverberating in the ears of the Allied Forces’ Journeyers while all The Order did was to take one step… Just one step forward, pushing, rather easily and at ease, one step backward the Allied Forces’ Journeyer soldiers.


“CHARGE!!!!!” Sylda yelled out once again, and with her eyes glowing, a left eye full of gray and a right eye full of pitch black as an ashy particle flowed among them at the same time, another step was taken forwards for The Order, as another step was taken backwards by the Allied Forces!!


“CHARGE!!!!!!” Sylda shouted yet again, but the Allied Forces who had already been shouted at by her thunderous, potent voice had become somewhat acclimated to it, finding at last a way to endure the stunning from their senses and uttering their utmost strength. Meanwhile, the general constantly thought a few certain words over and over again inside his head. ‘Where is the bombardment? Where are my bombardments,where-’.


-puh~~! Puh- puh- puh- puh puh puh puh puh puh puh puh puh~!!

As if answering to his calls, almost prays, sounds from behind like those of their very own stunned ears being unclogged began to resound from behind, followed by slightly whistling sounds as the Allied Forces began to gain hope with their eyes expectantly and passively observing the Journeyer soldiers of The Order, along their ‘General’, be turned into mincemeat in just a moment.


Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!...

“Step back, let them-AAAH!” - “Fuck, to the ground, to the ground!!” - “Don’t be hit by debris, to the fucking ground!!!”

The Order suddenly found itself being bombarded, while the Allied Forces had their members flying away pitifully by the explosive waves of their artillery weapons, some directly from such explosive waves but most being sent flying due to some large pieces of solid dirt and boulders torn to several chunks by the explosions themselves.


The booming explosions kept on going, for almost 2 whole minutes, the Allied Forces’ Journeyer soldiers became basically collateral but only for the first minute, as the Hard-Dying Vanguards and Seven Sins Knights to protect the army from the front and air, in case any shell got deviated by another.

And such occurrences weren’t that rare in this one battlefield, as more than ten thousands artillery weapons were being shot every second, with there being almost 100,000 of such ready artillery weapons actively shooting whenever they could. In this kind of battlefield, even with the trees standing tall and proud, they were first destroyed with their splinters caring not to who they harmed as they then proceeded on to burn and become flames instead…

To this kind of several and utterly powerful bombardment, though the whole Journeyer army of The Order wasn’t reached due to the small bombarding range each shell could create, hence only targeting the immediate ones closer to their own side, the Allied Forces bombarded for more than 2 minutes like that…

For 2 minutes of that…even The Order would have their chunk of soldiers totally destroyed by the time the smoke settled down and only dropped equipment would remain on the ground. Annihilated and even crippled, The Order would then be much more easy to defeat in this situation…

From the far away images that the Allied Forces Journeyer army in standby could see, The Order’s Journeyer Seven Sins Knights, Hard-Dying Vanguards, Fiend Ancestors, Warmasters, Grand Sword Dao Journeyers, Grand Spear Dao Journeyers and Fallen Archmages and Devil Constitution Journeyers were taking the bombardment of their Allied Forces seriously.

All of them were at the very front and taking care of the explosive waves not reaching the rest of their army all the way until the bombardment finally stopped. Such a sight left the Allied Forces feeling incredibly satisfied with themselves…but then, someone saw that…those were too many defensive Journeyers on their side? Even more than their first line of their offensive?

“...Why are there so many vanguard types of classes still at their back?”

“...!!!!” But just as the soldiers began to getting to the bottom of this realization, the general who was still looking on at the bombardment area with deep longing and a sense of victory looming over up at his heart and over hush head…what left him speechless, with his body going stiff and startled in an annoying demeanor and image…was a pair of gigantic eyes appear right before his arm on Sylda’s previous side of the battlefield.



V8: #1 4/10.

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