Bow and Arrow

Chapter 717: Chapter 715 — Godly Legendary Class Journeyer

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Godly Legendary Class Journeyer




Within the fog and smoke that had risen up from their artillery weapons, the general saw that pair of eyes of a gray resemblance that were just as large as almost an ordinary house and a half. They were not fully open, and though they weren't gazing at him from within the settling dust, it felt as if he was completely defenseless and seen at all times from then on.

Swwwiishh~!! Vwang~! Whoosh, whoosh!

But just as those gigantic gray eyes were about to be discovered by more and more Journeyer soldiers of the Allied Forces, their owner made a move on their own by brandishing what appeared to be a sword and their shield, their sword swinging to the owner of those eye’s left before suddenly swinging to the right while striking the ground with the blade while the shield directly struck the ground and formed powerful enough quakes to create earthquake and earthquakes nonstop in this ‘small’ area that is the battlefield they were on.


The shield striking the ground wasn’t all that it did, as right after it did and like waves forming together and creating a much and much larger wave in the middle of the ocean, dirt itself became mobile as it began pushing back even more the already retreated Allied Forces after the bombardment had finished.

“AAAAAAHHHH~~~!!!!” - “I got fucking dirt on my backho-” - “Fuuuck, that’s Sylda, ruu-.gwwhwah…!!” Cries of simple but obvious confusion and even slightly, kinda like terror; began spreading through the ranks of the Allied Forces while they weren’t even able to see themselves with all the dirt storming their way and bashing them backwards more and more.

As such, they were able to see how the left handed shield flying around and not even having an actual physical form and of a gray energy and the sword that swiped to the right with momentum seemed to be connected, and at the moment that those movements were finished altogether; Sylda’s voice resounded one last time to lead her soldiers into the battle they’ve desired.


“HUAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” - “HUAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!” Hundreds of thousands of squishy and of delicate HP Journeyers came from under the pitch black energy sword and the gray energy shield, like locusts finding a feasting image, the Journeyer soldiers of The Order began charging at a charging demeanor towards the distracted and unprepared Allied Forces, the dust settling…

“...!!” As the general’s eyes became used to the dust around themselves only, which was already thick and of large amounts to not allow them to see each other’s fellow Journeyer soldier that was right in front of them, all he could see was how where Sylda was; a gigantic energy ‘lifeform’ took place with her at its center and with its body seemingly deconstructed.

All around himself, the general could see a multitude of Journeyers with heavy armor but performing skills and attacks that only the main DPS of the game could do at this time in the game, and only after so much time has passed. Bullets covered in magical and amazing properties flew and had their selective targets taken down, some attacking at limbs like legs, arms, crotch and even neck; while some others were to the chest or extremely fast and powerful aiming at the heads of the Allied Forces.

Magic spells went from the side of The Order as they charged themselves towards the Allied Forces, their faces fearless as they created Elemental disasters for the latter, healed those around and buffed them over and over again. Each of them were acting on their own, but in the middle of the charge and in the army, they instead seemed to act as a large group widespread all around The Order’s ranks, easily maintaining the charging Journeyers of The Order at full condition.

And what is to say of the rockets whose bodies would separate and form tiny little pieces of itself to target more small areas of the Allied Forces’ numbers, explosives having a chain reaction and projectiles flying their way as they were pushed back and down into the ground before disappearing into pixels the next few moments.

But what was the most impressive about The Order’s methods were not just this, the use of Sylda’s Imperishable ‘linkable’ skill that allowed her to get even the most squishy boys and girls of their army to become as tanky as a Legendary grade BOSS; letting these classes take the vanguard and do the most damage before dying at the cost of too much wasted time from the Allied Forces.

It was the fact that, for them to survive the artillery bombardment, they had to have some kind of extra protection, something that directly avoided the bombardment from just now to at least directly hit the Journeyer army of The Order. And that was exactly the reason why the general was now with his eyes concentrated on the rear of the charging Journeyers of The Order.

While Sylda’s unique and iconic skill was already showing up, it looked nothing like it had done before, its armor was practically gone and only pitch black energy remained around her, surrounding her; while the other ‘gone’ pieces of her skill’s armor were all over the battlefield atop the heads where the Journeyers of The Order had been standing on during the bombardment.

‘So that’s how…’ Just as the general was coming to his senses, he saw a shaky Sylda who took the rear, advancing step by step with ease but with her legs trembling. Even if it was slightly, her demeanor was too obvious for most players that have been playing since the release of Rising Essence, but there was something else.

Unlike other Godly Journeyers who only get to show their Godhood chosen as well as their ‘defining color’, Sylda didn’t need to use a Godly skill granted by any of the Masters, instead, she was already exuding both an aura of Godliness that surrounded her like a golden hue shining all around her; outlining her body and beauty yet even more.

Beside that, a kind of transparent, purest and wonderful lightest blue color ever emanated from her eyes with each step she took and with each mountainous surge of pitch black energy she sent to kill his own soldiers. Her swords, shields and pure form of her own energy being sent, each of them having a bit of that light blue color glowing from it in some tiny part of said attack.

‘Celestial!’ As the general recognized her Godhood, her God Path was still unknown but, that seemed rather useless now that Sylda was fine even as the previous use of her skill seemed taxing to her mind like how other newly Godly Journeyers wanted to try and do what Baston and Raoundozia ‘almost’ defeated Tongqiu in the first Global Tournament.

They would all faint and some even needed medical attention in the ‘real world’, making the Allied Forces’ experiments to go slower and even halt at times, for fear that it would go out and many people would not even want to play ‘on their side’ even; anymore. Right now, as the general saw Sylda not exhibit any weakness as her body continued on moving forwards, killing Journeyer after Journeyer like it was nothing with her helmet being they very same morion helmet that everyone else wore from part of The Order…the ‘armor’ behind Sylda suddenly grew much larger.


The blade on the right suddenly had its tip changed towards aiming at the left once again after remaining idle for a little, the body of the ‘armor’  surrounded Sylda as it began regaining those pieces of its body…slowly but surely transforming into a magnificent being that took form, shape and power in the middle of the battle; acting like a ramming siege weapon being magically constructed in the middle of a battle with soldiers dying and disappearing into pixelated dust one after another.

But it was not a siege weapon, nor was it a weapon, it was Sylda herself, and it was going to reap the every single little life of the Allied Forces here even if they were to be many more times their number!


“Sir, our rear is being attacked, s…” The general was shouted at from behind, with the general and those around him still doing their cute very best to stop the beasts that came ramming against their bodies and killing their own comrades like grass being cut over and over again. And while he fought off hardly as shit to defend himself against a Journeyer soldier of The Order; he looked back, only to have his pupils constrict for the fourth time in this battlefield in just a few minutes’ worth of time.

The pitch black energy sword, as gigantic as possibly more than a hundred meters long and about 10 meters wide and 1 or 2 meters thick went over ‘magically’ to attack the second line of defense from the Allied Forces, creating an insanely sight of his soldiers being seemingly electrocuted as they were gaining wounds one after another in mere instants after being even slightly traced by that blade or even being remotely close to it on the ground.

Dying, the Allied Forces’ second line of defense could only pitifully become dusty pixels and disappear right away, while the general couldn’t even utter a sentence as he saw all of this in slow motion. And in the same demeanor, he saw what appeared to be a small contingency of The Order suddenly enter into that brand new and opportunistic gap in their ranks.

“FOR THE ORDER!!!!!” The leader holding a large crossbow and introducing 2 bolts into the flight groove, shouted at the top of his lungs, drawing an even more deafening battle cry of from the ones following him as they took their compact, short and long bows out and their arrows in their hands, prepared to take the Allied Forces back to their ‘home’.


Whistle! Whistle! Whistle! Whistle! Whistle! Whistle! Whistle! Whistle! Whistle! Whistle! Whistle! Whistle! Whistle! Whistle!- Pak! Pak! Puka! Pohk! Pak! Pak! Pak! Pak! BOOM K-BOOOOM…!!

Colorful, normal, steel-glowing and even explosive arrows that acted in chain reactions to other archers’ arrows rained upon the third line of defense of the Allied Forces, creating not just havoc among their rear but leaving the first line of defense that acted, once upon a time, as a charging vanguard completely free to be destroyed.

‘This battle is lot, this…war…is lost as well.’ The general thought, as not even Sylda bothered to come over and ‘bury him’ herself, an ordinary Journeyer soldier of The Order, a Dimensional Architect, the ultimate healer of the game, embedded his crosier’s lower end into the chest of the general; ending his life as fast as possible and leaving the rest of the Allied Forces’ Journeyer army to retreat slowly.

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Slowly, as if, in terms of how it began. Because at the moment that the general died and they received such notification from being in the same battlefield when it happened, the third line of defense of the Allied Forces suddenly felt more and more vulnerable, only to realize that they were being abandoned shamelessly by their own fellas.

But since this wasn’t life or death for themselves, they could only cry out ‘run for your lives!’ and other things such as ‘we’ll stop them for you, now go! Leave us behind!’ and feel better about themselves, die and probably post it on social media for fun. Still, it felt shitty since it was an unwritten rule to not abandon a battle like this, but it was understandable as The Order was ruthless when it came to Journeyers.

Inhabitants? May be spared or not, Journeyers, though? Nuh-uh, kill and kill were the only words The Order knew for those people, if it wasn’t because The Order was like this, they might have gotten much more ready Journeyers ready to battle before the Thousand Words Region’s Touching Soul Division was even beginning to be invaded by them.

‘Phew, a victory.’ Sylda thought to herself after the last man of the ‘charging vanguard’ from the Allied Forces was returned back home with some bullying and teasing from part of its killers, making sure to let out their dissatisfaction from people joining such others like the criminal scum of the fake kings. Meanwhile, Sylda patted her own chest mentally, ‘Foster Father, I will do even better than you and Kay, see if I cannot get pregnant in just a few years, hmph!’.

“...” Shaking her head a little bit after thinking of how silly her mentally spoken words were just now and remembering her, Kay and her Foster Father’s little bet the day before, Sylda then summoned her precious Abysmal Creature and began moving towards the direct head of her army, her troops.

“Follow me!! Whoever kills the most fleeing enemies will get the first Mortal’s Lethal grade weapon for themselves!” Sylda didn’t even need to command her men and women to kill all of the fleeing ants, it was more than an obvious thing they would do. Though The Order was brave enough to face the shit they always faced, it didn’t mean they didn’t mind it.

To be ganged upon by double your number and with the other side trying to kill you knowing they are many more and feeling confident, the faces the Journeyer and Inhabitant soldiers of The Order alike had to see were just one of the reasons no enemy Journeyer was ever left alive. And also the reason why only 5 billion-ish Journeyers are fighting the war and not the entire Journeyer number under The Order and its Regions.


“For The Order!” - “For the Mortal’s Lethal grade relic! For the beauties!” - “For the juicy dicks!” - “Why!”

It didn’t took long for the soldiers of The Order to mount their partners and ride towards the fleeing Allied Forces Journeyers, their poor Magical Borrowed Mounts not able to be summoned back again after having entered combat, and simply going farther away wasn’t enough to get out of the ‘in battle’ or ‘combative’ state. Let alone that their poor horses were extra slow.

Their shouts, following Sylda’s encouraging shout, were heard from time to time as they didn’t go full Movement Speed % but instead, ‘took their time’ to celebrate the already achieved victory and the ‘feat’ they were about to indulge in. They could already tell, even if the were second in kills or 1,000th and even 10,000th, that number of kills alone for them would be enough to gain a coupe hundred thousand Honorary points or so for their store to purchase a Lethal Mortal’s grade weapon.

Of course, some shouts attracted all the attention of those who were even at the other extreme of the galloping Journeyers of The Order. As everyone turned their heads to look at the sluts of their group, oh my, they were raping them with their eyes alright; but they were enjoying them all! Oh well, the thing is, even now in this ‘contest’ of gaining points and kills; The Order was so damn naturally harmonious it was incredible.

Ssip! Ssip! Siip! Sip!

As The Order drew close to the enemy, running and moving their legs like idiots at fleeing, some of the Journeyers of The Order chose to throw throwable items at them while mounted. Most chose a javelin and threw it to the running bunch of idiots, some others rained flying daggers upon the Allied Forces and some others even threw needles, shurikens and bombs that were only good for sending them into the air and for the archers around to have fun with the target; turning them into a beehive.

Just another hour later, as The Order and the fleeing Allied Forces were having the same route so coincidentally as if The Order perfectly these forests like their own backyard that is 1x1 meters big in a small apartment, the Allied Forces were extinguished with the last Journeyer being a dude that got tired of being bullied by the teases and Abysmal Creature Mounts neighing at him curiously while passing around him over and over again.

Just as he wanted to end his own life, a javelin came from behind and impaled him against the ground with his back and spine being pierced worse than tomatoes being roasted slowly above the grill.

. . .


Protective Fruit Tree Sub-Division, North.


Kay, Baston and Raoundozia were sent to the same Sub-Division of the Supreme Commander of their 5 billion-large army, indeed. While on the South of the same, Kalen and Synfyl were the big bosses of another tens of millions of players. Naturally, Synfyl didn’t had total command even of his own army, which he had to let Kalen know of and then be approved by the latter in case of any situation.

Right now, as the north was having many more battles, Kay was the one at the front with Baston and Raoundozia taking the rear on the left and right respectively, their aim was a forest that had the shape of a sprouting little herb or even tree. Kay would go into that forest through the middle of the sprout while the other 2 would each take a growing leaf and go through them while protecting Kay’s Region unit from left and right.

Kay had to make a larger run for it while Baston and Raoundozia were already in their own ‘leaf’ section of the forest, and without being obstructed at all by the terrain, they were almost leaving Kay in the dust when they encountered more and more outposts from the Allied Forces while Kay had an easy time catching up.

Right now, however, Kay had gone through 2 battles in less than 3 hours and she was already beginning to lose quite a few of her soldiers. Being forced to come to a stop after just a few more hours due to their numbers going lower than even 7 million, which was already the lower she could go according to procedures in this offensive; Kay could only wait until her people were carried back to her and rejoined her army.

While waiting for them, Baston and Raoundozia also had this chance to resupply their numbers that were almost as low as Kay’s but with much less ‘kill points’, as what the faced was not just Allied Forces Journeyers but they were on their own Fortresses and even had some Inhabitants able to take charge of the flora around to attack and delay The Order, also resisting them much more than on the plains.

Peeeeeeeeeeewwww~!!! FWOOMMP!

After waiting for almost half a day, Kay, Baston and Raoundozia received their soldiers back, a few thousands of G F-D Spaceships  dropping on the forest and letting their Journeyers come down from it without any harm, easily dispatching the Journeyers who died once in just a few hours with most of the time taken being because of the arranging and organizing of such.

They were still rather close to the Regional borders of the Ancient Forest Region after all.

On the other hand, Kalen and Synfyl had a much more ease travel through the south the forest they entered had a much larger density at the most southern side of the Protective Fruit Tree Sub-Division, but they rushed from the west to the east and directly entered a much thinner and lineal section of the forest that connected with the core of the Sub-Division instead.

After entering the forest, they practically went on to a race against time and the Allied Forces who were waiting for them at the denser part of the connected forest between the southern Protective Fruit Tree Sub-Division and the Sub-Divisional City; or where it once was.



V8: #1 5/10.

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