Bow and Arrow

Chapter 719: Chapter 717 — All Out War

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All Out War




Ancient Forest Region's center, in the Mother Tree Division, Allied Forces' Headquarters.


"Then send out most of our... send out the little Inhabitants we have as well, those flying fortresses, the new formations, just use them all..." Just as Yun Lao was about to mention the words 'our own people', every single person around him and listening to him were all thinking to themselves: 'what people? If all of our men and women right now are dying for use for a real matter, how can they come into the game and ignore the real world outside?!'.

However, Yun Lao, who was seated on seemingly the only sharp end of the rectangular table with his left leg crossed over his right knee and a cute little elf loli on his lap sitting atop his right thigh, naturally changed his words at that moment and even continued on tranquilly speaking. While the loli on the other hand was having no trouble ignoring the eyes of others and cared even less of their thoughts.

“Eh, sir…” While there were quite a few dozen old and young people alike seated in front of Yun Lao who no longer wore armor nor equipment but simple and mere obscure clothes, this time black-blue that accentuated the cute little elf loli on his lap, a young person who was holding a strange and unknown item to his head vibrated before he then hesitatingly said.

“Sir, the few millions of people coming from the Thousand Words Region, they…gulp.” After seeing Yun Lao’s nod, the young man began talking, but in the middle of his words, he stopped in place out of pure instinct alone and even had such trouble gulping down saliva that he only managed to finish his words almost half a minute later. “They are the Clans under the Peaceful Rain Corporation, they must be a small portion of their private armies, and are right behind the rest of the soldiers which all wear only the emblem of The Order, sir.”

“You are telling us that those Fo-...that the other Clans and even the Peaceful Rain Corporation can allow themselves to spare their numbers and send some of their own here?!” An old person berated, loudly, at the young man who was helpless and could only repeat his words. But after repeating them, his ‘helmet’ vibrated once more which gave him another reason to change his facial expression.

“S-s- sir,” the young man looked at Yun Lao, the crazy as fuck and loose trigger Young Master that suddenly went peaceful out of nowhere and began reporting after once again seeing the latter’s nod. “They are being led by The Order, and at the very front of such are not only the current decision making of the Clans, but Maidens and Ladies too…gulp, a lot of them.”

“Well…” Still dead calm and not caring more than just a bit of what the young man said, Yun Lao teased the loli on his lap by playing with her hair on the left, back side of her head, the loli giggled and looked at Yun Lao with a pouty but also spoiled face, melting anyone’s faces who saw her and easing Yun Lao’s brand new annoyed self that was getting irked by the reports.

“Send a few more then, we cannot let go of our front at the West, just put a limit to fall back once they lose 10 chances, don’t let our soldiers become Useless unless they are fighting with their hearts’ content right here, on our base.” Yun Lao looked at the rest, having talked like he knew the Journeyers’ hearts and his ambitions didn’t matter to interrupt them or force them and then looked at everyone else while caressing the loli’s strand of hair before finishing his words. “They have to play well and we have to let them do so smartly, go on.”

“Yes, Young Master!” - “As you order, Young Master!” - “Young Master, it’s an honor!!” - “Understood, Young Master!” - “Understood…”

“...” - “...” Yun Lao heard more and more still flattering but also…kinda authentic respectful voices go on and on for what could be half an hour or day, looking down at his sweet loli, she looked up at him with some relief and gave him a light but as large smile as she could with her little lips. Yun Lao looked up once again and nodded, before anything else could be interpreted, he stood up and carried his princess in such style before logging off directly.

“... … … … …” Leaving his people completely speechless, though already used to such ‘work’ of their Young Master, and though nobody ever heard moans ever again coming from wherever room that their Young Master was in. The maids and butlers serving him had all turned a tad lighter, while constant giggles and the yelling voice of a little youngish girl resounded every so often within his chambers and any place he had to be alone; joyous and even fanatical about who knows what.

“Well, sigh…let’s get to it.” A middle aged man said, standing up from his chair and looking around, he watched at the incredibly well elaborated and constructed base of operations in their Ancient Forest Region. But though it was incredible indeed and had the most amazing technology they could create within the game and not in the ‘real’ world at all, it was now packed with people and improvised with them not even getting to have a private place to hold their meetings.

Meanwhile, just like the normal people that are suffering from the war, innocent and clueless, the people seated around the rectangle table with only one sharp end prepared for the ‘leader’ were also distracting themselves from the war in their Capitals. Like those ‘common folk’, they were running away not from reality but from the mental torture that they could instead avoid for some hours before the end.

That was, why, there was a kind of ‘at ease’ expression and sensation on and going through everybody’s body and why there wasn’t a type of panic among the Main Kingdom ‘Founding’ Clan’s rule and goals being…basically about to be lost just as much as the ones for New Earth were also already about to ail, at any given moment.

But that wasn’t so for everybody, Yun Wentian for example, his behavior and facial expressions have changed ever after the betrayal from the Sun Clan, he has become a kind of ‘the devil you know’ but in reality being an ‘unnecessary evil’ at the same time. And if it wasn’t because of Yun Lao, who knows how many naked young people without life would be popping out of all sorts of places within the still ‘Founding’ Yun Clan.

Without much further ado, the people seated around the rectangular table began going to their respective tents, watching some of their people boost the morale up of quite a few tens of millions who had died tens of times already and some others taking care of those who had just died that many amounts in just less than 24 hours…

. . .


36 hours after the start of the war, East of the Ancient Forest Region, as night time had once again passed by and the suns of Main Kingdom were beginning to show. Orange Fruit Tree Sub-Division.


Though there was a couple hundred million Journeyer soldiers of The Order fully conquering the most dense, thick and large forest area in all of the Ancient Forest Region and whose shape was even extremely similar to that of a heart, with The Order easily making a bloodshed out of any Journeyer and barely allowing the Allied Forces’ Journeyer soldiers to come back in time via teleportation at the southeast of the Sub-Division…

…at the direct East of the Orange Fruit Tree Sub-Division,  where tons of forest areas were ‘created’ or given ‘birth to’ in lineal shapes that began from the north where a section of the core of the Orange Fruit Tree Sub-Division extended over the north and created a kind of laurel-shaped forest area that then rained down southwards on the east of the Sub-Division.

There were approximately 700 hundred…million people who were directly under the banner of not just The Order and the Associations led by the Clans, but also by the Peaceful Rain Corporation itself that is The Order and ruler of all others in various terms…

Exactly more than that amount was on the side of The Order, they were all standing on their side of the Sub-Division on the East, where barely some of the inner circle of such was already in the hands of The Order and whereas a billion Inhabitant soldiers and just a bit more than just that number were on the west in the Allied Forces’ side.

While these Inhabitants were having fear and led by thousands of Journeyers, none of them showed fear or the feel, need and thought of desertion or even of not fighting. Truth be told, when it was known that there were more than a billion Inhabitants marching their way, and with the procedures reaching even Yun Beishang’s ears, it was first to be talked about not fighting them and letting them free…

…only to be completely denied and refused of any words by the Inhabitants themselves. After just about an hour or so of deliberation, the Headquarters at the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain Regional City made the decision to: ‘okay, let’s fight’. If not, The Order would have even run away from the battlefield and continue on with their operation.

But no, instead, The Order was to fight and if seen even slightly necessary, to annihilate the other party. With the Lord’s confirmation and with their hearts carrying the hope of Main Kingdom; what was more pain and thoughts in their heads? Of course, that was mostly so for Inhabitants, but Journeyers had already known the truth for almost 2 whole years…they felt the pain and sorrow too, and even more so nowadays.

Right now, as the lights of the morning were already illuminating furthermore the shadows behind the backs of the soldiers of The Order, a huge ton of Inhabitants of The Order who could make communication even easier and at a grand scale just as these hundreds of millions’ large army just happened to vastly need, were kneeling cordially in front of a statue.

This statue was none other than Yun Beishang’s; their Lord. And the reason for them praying wasn’t because of something like the time of the day, or night. It was merely because of the next fight about to break loose, and the fact that more of their brethren would unnecessarily die as well as die without fighting really for the cause that helps Main Kingdom.

Even if it seemed to be biased from the side of The Order and its Inhabitants logistics officers and so on…they were just true. After all, The Order has always gotten the Inhabitants in mind, while all the other Journeyers were instead…rather abusive to them in one way or another, always looking to control and have no other possibility in their dealings with themselves.

It took not too long, just about whoever needed enough time to speak to both, their Lord himself through his statue and to Mother, who is always-watching and who is in pain/hurting too, but also encouraging her own children to grow up… In a sense, a cruel ‘less worse’ kind of decision, perhaps; one without escape.

…After a little while more, when every Inhabitant logistics officers was ready and about to see the Journeyers of The Order kick into the battlefield, from the utmost extreme right wing of their formed army lines, The Order had a tall, burly, handsome man with the reckless, psycho but loyal dog guard label deeply imprinted all over his face.

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The tall and defined muscular man then walked for about 100 meters in front of the first line of The Order, once he was very well over that distance, he stopped and looked to the front and saw the more than a billion-big Allied Forces’ enemy army consisting virtually all of Inhabitants from the Ancient Forest Region.

Step! Step- step!

Walking around on the spot, left and right, he watched the enemy’s lines and watched with his naked muscles showing as he had a ferocious but calm and silent expression on his eyes and mouth. While he was looking at the enemy Inhabitants without a single twinge of fear, a small, little figure dashed away from the army, disappearing in a puff towards the back of the loyal dog.

Step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step…

The footsteps of that little figure were fast, damn fast, but also incredible as the little figure only seemed to need to step on the ground once every few meters to advance at their fastest and nimblest of ways possible. While the burly figure saw nothing, the army behind him did, and from the utmost extreme right wing, an old man lowered his head unto his left palm while his left elbow was on his right forearm having been crossed arms just now.

“Aaaghh, just get them all ready, tell the Supreme Commander and Maidens and Ladies we are making the first move, sigh~.” Not becoming angry at all, the old man took out his Abysmal Creature Mount which though it appeared below the Ladies and Maidens of The Order and was not yet ‘over the mortal’s knowledge’ limitation, was already incredibly looking and was small only due to Mounts of Journeyers being as small as possible depending on the type to allow the Journeyer to ride them with ease.

“Heard, Clan Head Palas!!!” Soldiers from behind Tron Palas, that old fogey, yelled out as they began standing in formation in order to charge, Abysmal Creature Mounts neighed nonstop as they appeared, covering their ranks with cosmic-like dust and with a ton of pressure falling under the shoulders of the Allied Forces at the same time.

As the rest of the army of The Order received this little note and the Tron Clan’s Sharpened Vanguard Hall was beginning to prepare the charge already, the little figure arrive just 20 meters before the burly, tall and handsome man before the figure then jumped into the air almost 4 meters high and began gliding over towards the clueless man’s back.

“Yipiiiiiii!” The moment that the burly, shirtless man heard the sound of that almost 15 year old little monster, his body became rigid and his skin numbed in an instant. But he couldn’t get away from this situation by now, so all he had to do now was…to…

“Cousin, bring me there, bring me theeeere! Let’s make the first kill! You help me do it, and I help you be my mount, come on, come ooooonnn!!” The burly man let the young girl get on his back, her stature shorter than even short girls her age, but she was also very lithe and noble, gentle looking. It was a pity that it was all nothing to do with herself, at all.

“Yes, Little Princess Piria.” As the burly man had his left shoulder clawed and taken as reins by the little Tron Piria, he gnashed his teeth without her knowing before letting his torso drop to the ground with his hands already becoming covered by a strange, creepy furred pair of gauntlets. Then, the moment that his palms made contact with the dirt and grass on the ground, his ‘hind legs’ kicked the ground and his whole body was sent dashing forwards with the little young girl on his back screaming loudly. “Wahoooooooooo!!!”


He was an Anima Soul! And with quite the huge piece of gauntlets that…allowed him to become a dog?

As the burly man had his hands become furred by a ravenous, bloodthirsty and bestial, his hind legs turned into those of a thick, muscular but also slightly injured and bloody, putrid-flesh animal. While the rest of his back was becoming larger, thicker and even had his flesh turn a bit brown and black while a rather powerful brown colored fur covered that ugly flesh of putridness, injuries and overly tensed muscles.

“I, Tron Piria!!” On the other hand, the little monster of the Tron Clan began giving her speech as she approached closer and closer to the already in a defensive stance enemy which became befuddled by this stupid, silly sight of The Order facing insubordination. The little girl with brown eyes and hair that looked sweet and adorable - said with a straight, frowning face!

“Declare those bodies before me as mine! Thy lives shall be my reaping rewards and my arrows shall be the hands that tax this world and take you away for my enjoyment! I will purge this place out of your stupid selves and will go even further behind this place to cleanse your putrid souls with my very own haaaaands!”

“....” Tron Palas, who was looking at the little girl’s back and the dog’s butt from behind felt a terrible sense of dismay when she exposed her name, all while galloping towards her at maximum Movement Speed possible and trying to overtake her to not let her die; much less be the first one to die and for their side to have that ‘honor’.


“...will use your hair as oil and your skin as hide for my new trees to feast upon, I will never let even your children remember you when they go plant those trees!” But, in a sense, a weird, unbecoming and even out of the blue - feeling of pride got to him and his heart as he saw this little girl he’s teached for so long be so brave and fearless in the sight of more than a billion soldiers blocking their way. Alright, he could be proud, he could be proud.

‘Hee, hiii! Here I come!’ Little Princess Piria thought to herself as she shut up at last, her little hands and arms taking out a bow, and despite her being better at holding the bow and arrow with her right and left hand respectively, she mimicked someone’s movements with her chest out and upwards and her face going ferocious and calm at the same time.

Pssip! Clank.

The unchanged arrow changed not a bit, and her small bow left a sound in the air as its bowstring went back to normal. But as the soldiers around the one who got poked by a mosquito-like attack and  the soldier himself were laughing and smirking in ridicule, be it high or low, didn’t notice the arrow that fell didn’t break nor disappeared…and instead began to glow a fiery red.

“Combuuushtioon!!” The little young girl called out, and right at that moment, people on the side of the Allied Forces could finally see that she was a Master of the Elements! With her arrow in front of their feet releasing a tiny Fire Core Element affinity, it suddenly began to crack as if it was going to-...


“AARRGGHAAAAGGHH…!!!” - “Watch out, she’s throwing out more and more, AAAAAAHH!!!!” - “Stop her! Kill her!!!”

The left wing of the army of the Allied Forces suddenly became frantic, alarming the higher ups of the same but also not having much time to do anything, to attack a charging enemy that came to deal with one part of their front lines was just asking to be killed off by the enemy itself. And right now, as only one unit of The Order charged against them, they could only trust their aides and own people to prevail…

And while Tron Piria, with her ID being Lil’ Piria, did some huge damage to them, those soldiers were all Inhabitants nonetheless. And the amount of damage she could easily kill dozens of Journeys or even Godly Journeyers not focusing on tankiness was not as big, even if those Inhabitants were ‘grades’ way below those of The Order.

She could only receive notifications of having dealt massive damage in AOE sensations, with those that were the most bodily injured being rescued by their fellow comrades as she and her ‘Mount’ closed in more than ever still!

‘Oww…shiat.’ Dispirited, the cute and sweet Lil’ Piria looked on as the most injured ones were being successfully rescued and she was about to die in her own grave without making any kill. When the sound of stomps suddenly made her feel against time, looking to her sides, it was already late as she saw blurs of Abysmal Creature Mounts dashing forth and about to clash with the enemy!

“Noooooooo! Grandpa, he-euwka?!” Just as Lil’ Piria was going to ask her grandpa to help her do the first kill, she saw a badly, mutilated and almost lifeless body be sent towards her. Feeling ecstatic, confused and thankful but also surprised at the same time, she could only see her dearest Grandpa’s eyes pamper her evermore as the body flew towards her, her hand and little arms acting on their own as she smiled - as sweetly, gently and beautifully pure as ever.

*PING*’ve successfully killed a 1 Star Elite…



V8: #1 7/10.

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