Bow and Arrow

Chapter 718: Chapter 716 — Western Ancient Forest Region

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Western Ancient Forest Region




For the Protective Fruit Tree Sub-Division, Sylda was the Supreme Commander while Baston, Raoundozia, Kalen, Synfyl and Kay were instead of the same kind but without the ability to decide or have the final say in all decisions being taken for the whole Sub-Division she was in and invading. It was the same with the others, there was the Forbidden Fruit Tree Sub-Division and Star Fruit Tree Sub-Division that were also being invaded.

However, unlike the entire Protective Fruit Tree Sub-Division, whose entirety was being targeted by The Order and going to be conquered. The other 2 Sub-Divisions named were only being targeted for their utmost western side, not really having anything planned for the east.

In the Forbidden Fruit Tree Sub-Division, there is Oco, Maya and Yin Xiong at the north-west of it, they had the most quantity of open field from the western side of the Sub-Division, while also the easiest job to conquer as the lack of forests would just make it harder for the Allied Forces to interrupt or delay The Order at all, it was going to be a kind of flash movement from part of the latter.

Oco was the Supreme Commander this time, given up by Yin Xiong and naturally not wanted by the always taciturn and calm Tong Tao.

With the Protective Fruit Tree having the Imperishable Guild, Eviscerate League and Lacerate Guild, Knights of Raoundozia and the Guerilla Guild, they were naturally at most strongest, powerful Journeyer army to reckon, with their leaders and their experienced people in both games and life-shocking experiences; they were given 1.25 billion Journeyers to invade the entire Sub-Division.

In the same way, the Forbidden Fruit Tree Sub-Division were given 1.25 billions Journeyers; of course, such numbers were an estimate and it definitely overpassed that of a billion and 250,000,000 by not a little bit. However, in simple terms, that was the number of people allocated to the Journeyers armies of these two to invade the Ancient Forest Region’s Sub-Divisions.

Besides Oco, leading the Glorious Gods Sect, and then Maya, leading the Historical Legend League and Yin Xiong, leading the Dark Immortal Sect, the north-west of the Ancient Forest Region was being quickly taken over by The Order, barely spending some time in the settlements without their size and ‘grade’ mattering at all.

A bit more below though, at the west of the Forbidden Fruit Tree-Division, the thickest and densest forest of the Sub-Division was being invaded by Tong Tao who chose not to be the Supreme Commander, leading the Trinity Hall, while the other one was, shockingly, Rilu!

Leading the Hundred Flowers Hall, Rilu Kernti was extraordinarily leading the Region unit directly under his command while making movements and stuff here and there on his own as well. A maid accompanying at all times, not a Maiden of course, but his own maid that has been rather famous by being seen with him at all times.

Though she wasn’t a striking beauty, for what people could see, she very fucking much actually was. Rilu, the woman-abuser that even got his very well known reputation as cherry popper brutalizer was now acting like a good husband, pampering and spoiling the younger maid with all of his heart even when in the middle of a battle, sending ⅔’s of his Summons to take care of her blind spots to not be killed.

And though Tong Tao had obvious concerns about it, since such an obvious weakness would leave him openly as a target in any battle, he still let the boy do his shit, he was doing well after all. In the same manner, who was Tong Tao, a simpleton and virgin poor man to speak to Rilu on how to act with his women around, ah?

Since they were at the densest forest in the Forbidden Fruit Tree Sub-Division, it wasn’t the most extensive like on the east, and it allowed for a lot of maneuver to those who knew the terrain and could flawlessly move around. Which, to the utter horror, and fascination, of the Allied Forces, that experienced side wasn’t on their side but in The Order’s.

Without a doubt, the forests were more like The Order’s turf, instead of even some Inhabitants who died without even blinking an eye as they looked at the strange cats and Abysmal Creatures moving about like fish in the water and even opening their mouths wide to spit acid, energy, Elements or simply to joyously cry out while having so much fun eating and playing around from one side to the other.

They only started having those kinds of ‘new playgrounds’ in Yun Beishang’s White Space a few months ago after all, and the older generation had to even wait to find a large enough forest in Main Kingdom to train on their own while letting the younglings have much more fun than themselves; sigh… Life is so hard.

In any case, with the north-west having an extreme distress call being sent every 5 minutes, the densest forest of the Forbidden Fruit Tree Sub-Division was instead silent, while the Mother Tree Division received tens of millions of their Journeyers back every quarter of an hour or so regularly. From all over the invaded parts of ‘their’ Ancient Forest Region.

The one Sub-Division that The Order sent the most majority of their Journeyers to was the Star Fruit Tree Sub-Division, their number of Journeyer soldiers totaling to a 2.5 billion at the very least, not an exact number but even higher; once again.

Selina, Silha and Jones Selva were the ones who were in charge of conquering this western whole side of the Star Fruit Tree Sub-Division; with Selina having become the Supreme Commander and Yun Beishang’s sweet little girlfriends being sent to different parts of the Star Fruit Tree Sub-Division to do an extremely detailed and synchronized advance towards the whole west of the Sub-Division.

As each marched with their troops, they matched the others’ advancement, conquering and killing enemies almost in the same perfect timing and even having their troops at the same ‘line’ at all times when in times of advancing by their very own step or galloping; alike.

Selina, leading the House Sunbreaker, took the northern part of the Star Fruit Tree Sub-Division as the Supreme Commander, which was one of the densest forests of the Sub-Division, and that was to pose a problem for the Allied Forces instead because of the strange ‘strands’ of roots or like a sun drawn by a kid with its sun rays shooting from it that extended outside the forest’s main body.

Such ‘strands’, roots or tentacles-like extensions allowed for several different enemies to join the forest however they wanted, whenever it was a time of unrest within the Ancient Forest Region, these would be the most defended and most valuable points of defense and offense for both sides respectively.

As the Ancient Forest Region has always been ‘gods’ in the forests, dancing around trees and killing with just air, so as to say, within the forests and with the aid of flora and fauna alike. Their civil wars were the most brutal and bloody, but the less destructive ones from all over Main Kingdom.

Whenever an outsider force invaded, however, those were the places that were the least guarded instead, and only leaving a still okay but not that large contingency was enough to make the enemy’s commanders cry blood and vomit it nonstop; that was even if they managed to go through such points of defense that were vital in civil wars, but easy to use against invasions.

But now, however; it was the Allied Forces and their Inhabitants as their aid that were trampled upon, if their tens of thousands instantly dying at the surprise of The Order moving about and killing anything that hid or showed up to battle wasn’t enough to have them recognize The Order’s overall,global…universal potential; then the ultra fast and efficient advancement from their part was what made the Inhabitants die with terror afterwards and left the enemy Journeyers hopeless against such prepared enemy.

It wasn’t even necessary to say what the Allied Forces Journeyers could do in a forest, the most they’ve been close to nature might be either a river or a man-made park-forest, nothing else. As the true nature, outside the well defended, tight and comfy concrete ‘country’; was outside still waiting for them to discover it.

While the north was taken by Selina and her always willing to die followers, not even caring of how many times they die but of how many dozens and dozens of the other side’s bodies they make disappear was all that mattered in their heads, the East of the Star Fruit Tree Sub-Division was taken by Silha, leading the Frozen Maiden Sect, was easily being ravaged by her forces.

With her army having to run much more due to having one of the ‘leaves’ from the ‘sprout’ shaped forest right behind them, a real flash war was started by them, losing so many casualties right away and needing to rest for a few hours to wait for their numbers to be resupplied, but with their efficiency of conquering their part of a Sub-Division being the fastest across all of the other invaded Sub-Divisions’ western sides.

Her mostly women Frozen Maiden Sect always took the charge, and by the time just a few hours went by, most of her trusted aides had died about 3 times already but they had gone so much farther and faster with such great results faster than even any of the other Inhabitant armies in wars before, they were a simply too amazing army that whenever they stepped on, they marked that tiny spot of land as The Order’s and no one else’s!

On the other hand, Jones Selva, aka Little Duck, led her Forgotten Flask League after being dropped off at the Sub-Divisional borders between the Star Fruit Tree Sub-Division and the Protective Fruit Tree Sub-Division. However, though they sent ¼ of their forces to conquer their part of the Star Fruit Sub-Division, most of their forces moved instead towards the Divisional borders.

Shockingly e-fucking-nough, the Forgotten Flask League that was already being bombarded by the artillery shells at the Mother Tree Division’s borders from how close they flew over to the Divisional borders, began extending their forces all over the Mother Tree Division’s western borders, going from the southernmost at the Star Fruit Tree Sub-Division to the very same Forbidden Fruit Tree Sub-Division.

Unlike any other, Little Duck had to move from Sub-Division to Sub-Division, taking charge of each western border of the Allied Forces while also defending themselves against the latter’s bombardment and harassment, they would also conquer all they could on their way to surround the left of the whole Mother Tree Division.

It was simple, but what it meant to do was simply arduous, and an extremely harsh objective to accomplish. However, not only was Jones Selva willing to do it, she also wanted very damn much to show her big sweet ‘boyfriend’ what her people could do after being trained after so long and with such precision and care.

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She had to give something in return after allowing her people so much to learn and experience for seemingly no reason other than Yun Beishang being biased and pampering towards her. And as such, it was the Forgotten Flask leading the most of that 2.5 billion Journeyers deployed to the Star Fruit Tree Sub-Division to extend The Order’s reach to the entirety of the western Divisional borders while conquering all they could and saw.

Along with their larger number of soldiers in their Journeyer army, they had a huge ton of their cannons that can go up to who knows how long and create so much insanely devastating and destructive damage. Deleting all equipment directly from the Journeyers, or most at the very least; which were used to bombard back the Divisional borders and take down all those annoying flies.

Though the G F-D Spaceship had extremely useful shield barriers surrounding their bodies, once the Journeyer soldiers came out with those cannons, they were left unprotected with the BGA Spaceships not being deployed and only having themselves and those cannons to protect each other and attack the artillery divisions of the Allied Forces respectively.

However, in terms of both sides’ forces dying and respawning over and over again, it was the Allied forces who had it easier, as even with the G F-D not being bombarded successfully, like never. They were still slowed down by some artillery within the Sub-Division and would have to take other slightly detouring routes to focus on delivering more Journeyers to the Divisional borders.

As a result, thousands of such G F-D Spaceships would be seen flying all above the skies of Main Kingdom without a pause, not just because of the Journeyer soldiers falling in battle, but also from the Divisional borders being contested at all times.

For each time that The Order secured a large section of those borders, driving back or killing back those Allied Forces’ Journeyers, they had to leave some of their huge numbers behind to keep it, hoping that the rest of the Allied Forces in the Sub-Divisions wouldn’t come and check their rearguard at least too often.

Meanwhile, the rest would just have to go on, never stopping for anything and dying but even more so killing off the Allied Forces’ artillery divisions. In this manner, hours and hours of hell, dirt flying, rocks and boulders breaking, debris flying and outposts being secured one after another; the most important and dangerous, taxing in the mind-kind of operation was swiftly taken care of by none other but The Order itself.

An activity like this, and in such improbable possibilities of losing all progress while in the middle of completing this objective could mean the whole operation falling, it was The Order and only it and them that could realize such an extreme objective. With it only having been 18 hours since the first strike of The Order against the Ancient Forest Region from the Fate Meeting Region; the Forgotten Flask League, Mistress Little Duck, successfully took all of the Western Divisional borders of the Mother Tree Division!

It was such a huge victory for The Order that the rest of the Sub-Divisions continued on being invaded without a stop!!

The reason? Very simple! Yun Beishang was cheating by giving each of his Journeyer soldiers a type of minimalistic capsule for shitting, drinking and even having a quick plate served to them by the capsule in times of need to eat for 3 minutes before going back into this addictive, brand new and enjoyable experience of participating in a war without putting NPCs’ lives in dangers that never revive and with knowing that no real life of theirs was being traded at all.

Simple. It was fun!!

What made it even better for such a thing to happen, for a whole 5 to 10 billion Journeyers to disappear from the streets and for nobody to care for their jobs or employees, was because of the war!

And even more so recently, as the situation within the Capitals of the ‘enemy’ were now being heavily under fire, bombardment and several dozens of flying weird ‘fighters’ that turned into mechas!

It was incredibly weird, but exciting and even somewhat reassured, as the last bits of the allied ‘Founding’ Clans were no longer moving around in their Regions and still recruiting people, or try to do it at the very least, but only managing to ‘recruit’ some who were ‘lost’ in the streets on their way to being recruited.

In short, the people from those 2 Regions were no longer afraid of having to hide under their very own house, and what’s better, knowing that the Peaceful Rain Corporation was basically a force, an union from having reunited the forces from all over New Earth to lead the bullets straight into the enemies’ faces; they were reassured whenever they saw the missiles, vehicles and soldiers on foot moving towards the Capital, whereas they could only worry about those other people within them but couldn’t know the details from.

Like this, besides there being some type of calm reaching out at the civilians’ hearts and minds, they were even more eager to let out their afraid and doubting selves to welcome in their relaxed and even enjoying ones. Though what some of them were doing was just what they were fearing, with the distraction of their second world occupying their mind, this small self-fooling was leaving them with a way to endure these times.

For as…in times of war, it was the truth that the innocent suffered, the warriors fought and the schemers won; but just that not much in terms of dying, but of very own self being lost amidst the deaths and the terror.

For the people who were living either nearby or directly within the Capitals that suddenly entered into a naturally so obviously decisive battle, raging with flames, explosions and death, escaping to a war that could be used in a comparative to their ‘real’ one was just such an easier way to do it. And letting go of themselves knowing that they were the ones not harming anyone, except for a few young and brainless Inhabitants, of course. There is no absolutes…

Meanwhile, in Main Kingdom, across all of the Western Ancient Forest Region directly as if being separated with a left and right and the middle being left alone; trees were being blown up, destroyed and eviscerated little by little until a huge battlefield was all that was left behind… Behind the footsteps and trails that The Order and only them could march away from.

What was before a luscious, lush and dense forest, suddenly had tons and tons of ‘bald spots’ here and there that made each and every forest look pathetic and dying, only the settlements within them were left alive and untouched. But even as they welcomed in The Order and gratefully became the citizens under it, their tears at seeing their trillions of years old home being destroyed marked their faces with tears for Main Kingdom; for their blood!

…Meanwhile, yet again, at the whole other extreme - other side of the Ancient Forest Region, the Thousand Words Region’s Regional borders that had been silent and didn’t even respond to a few testing artillery bombardments near the fortresses of The Order…suddenly grew obstreperous…

…boom boom, boom, boom, boom…boom, boom…


The Order, which allowed the Allied Forces’ artillery divisions to grow closer and closer in order to ‘scout’ in the most aggressive and offensive way ever possible, began to be turned into nothingness as energy moved through their bodies and made each part and each composition of their bodies not even melt and disappear into sweet nothing.

With them only having a little bit of time to react, as if vengeful spirits, the energy shells of different colors rained upon the Allied Forces and their ‘scouting party’ and some even penetrated the back of a few enemy Journeyers before clashing in the dirt, embedding themselves deep and exploding right away.


Within just a minute, what was once just a calm and peaceful scenery of plains being almost fully infested by forest became a tiny bit less of forest, but now lacked all of the calm and peacefulness from before as two sides began marching full out to meet each other; now on the eastern front of the war and of the Ancient Forest Region.

Both parties moving, both warring sides began marching on to meet each other in the same way that greetings have already occurred on the other side, and things were just starting for both worlds’ final times of war to come.



V8: #1 6/10.

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