Bow and Arrow

Chapter 731: Chapter 729 — New Earth And Main Kingdom

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New Earth And Main Kingdom




And it was like that, that Yun Beishang got the crowd all pumped up but also ready to just listen and do nothing more. Seeing the whole lot of people becoming excited, having their blood boil independent of their age, he then said while gesturing to his right with a confident little smile. "For these last few words, Elizaveta, the 'teacher of the two worlds' will be explaining a few little times to finish here."

Step- tap tap.

With Yun Beishang then stepping backwards and to his left, leaving Elizaveta on her own to step forward with her Blueblood Race chosen Race and look back at Yun Beishang like he was forcing her to marry him and share parenthood with his daughter; but was merely salty that he called ehr such embarrassing title and then let her on her own to deal with the public, a kind and quantity that made her dizzy and a bit crazy - to say the least.

“...F-f- first of all; I would like to thank everyone for coming here. I know some were just now working to finish the last few touches to complete the Sub-Divisional Cities, Divisional Cities or your very own settlements. It’s a long way from those, being here means way too much for me.” Elizaveta was straightforward, but soft at the same time, and when she was in the middle of finishing her words, tears and a choking mature young woman couldn’t help but have trouble speaking and showing her face.

“Journeyers! I would like to have a word with you all,” but it was only for a moment, as the person who created, along with her late husband, the most distinguished, powerful and capable Academies in all of New Earth was standing in the podium that the ‘hero’ of two worlds had just stood on and spoke of matters for the future of both worlds though merely a hint for the ‘real’ one.

Right now, as she looked at the whole bunch of little kids and old— to what would have been n the medieval, ancient and so on periods of New Earth —‘peasants’, a strong current of emotions overwhelmed her clear-green, bright aquamarine eyes that just made her dark blue skin in-game the more sensual yet full of wisdom; a sight to remember forever in legendary.

Her heart was giving in to her wildest dreams, reaching out with her hands that she could no longer move with the man who always supported her and was now gone across all over New Earth’s Human Civilization. And even better, across two actual worlds! One of them being much larger than the other, yet being the one with the whole planet having parts of her heart and her late husband’s dreams as well.

Ba-dump, ba-dump! Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump!

“Through these years, I never thought that the reason I could ‘rise’ again would be thanks to the person I never would have thought it would be…holding me up in my most lost moments of my life.” Elizaveta turned around a little, gazing at Yun Beishang in the middle of a trio of beauties who held onto him behind cameras with tenderness. After blinking several times, she gave a soft smile and let the people’s mind blank while comments revealed her actual identity to freshen the Journeyers’ memories at once.

“But now I know, that in this life of mine, I really treat this second world as a living one.” Leaving her words which only a tiny proportion of the population of New Earth could ever comprehend, she continued with that tiny smile on her face blooming wonderfully. “The people of Main Kingdom have such beauty within their hearts, and they just need to embrace it without being afraid of a beating, unlike before.”

“Things…certain things that, even after 3 years, no Journeyer would actually be able to experience and go through that can change one’s perception and rock one’s reality and world; I have seen them. And those are things that no Journeyer is really blessed enough to experience just because it’s there…because it’s true.”

“I long for the day that this truth comes to light and envelops a marvelous time for humanity and the future of Universal knowledge.” Elizaveta finished her words with these, leaving Journeyers and Inhabitants feeling glad but confused at the same time, but no further elaboration of it was made.

“I would now like to tell everyone,” Elizaveta mimicked someone’s voice, giving Yun Beishang a bad pair of eyes that let him ‘gasping’ mentally and thinking of injustice and the need for some discipline! Lovely, tender, and if possibly with many more already disciplined kittens around - discipline.

“The Academies that have been built all over Main Kingdom will be what our world will be granted, just like that, in this world as well.” Elizaveta said shortly, her words making quite the amount of Journeyers all over Main Kingdom talk and question, slightly, out loud. She then continued nonetheless, “While that will be for the Inhabitants, Journeyers can send their kids there too to either complete already assigned homework or to attend extra courses, fighting practices and even just to listen to theoretical knowledge and demonstrations from more difficult subjects and grades.”

“What does she mean?” - “Is this good…or bad?” - “For our children…for everyone…” - “As expected from the Teacher of New Earth, she is now going to be the Teacher of two worlds! Two - fucking - worlds!”

“Ahem,” Elizaveta the nerd then took her head out of her beautiful paradise of knowledge zone and resumed her composed self, making sure that she didn’t trail off for too long. “Now, to end this time-wasting event from building your homes and those for the newly incoming generation of Main Kingdom, allow me to present to you a final piece of utterly amazing news and people.”

“With the incoming battle, one that will be the start and end of the war with the God Race alongside Main Kingdom,” Elizaveta suddenly became rather stern and wore a face full of actual shit going on-kind of face. “What is needed the most isn’t just equipment, power and knowledge about them. But real combat experience with them, the next things that I’m about to say concern the ‘lore’ of this world, and for the Inhabitants; some truths about the distant past of our world indeed.”

“A long time ago, the Lord of The Order managed to ‘trigger’ what could be the initiation of this world facing off against the God Race, which is… The rescue of the Ancient One!” Elizaveta then proceeded to simply yet extensively, but briefly, describe what Yun Beishang experienced in the Mysterious Hidden Grounds, a story she became exhausted of hearing him tell their daughter to bed already.

Especially talking about who he found, and where they come from; the Fallen Summoners that were half actual Fallen from the previous Leader of Main Kingdom and half forced Fallen from the God Race. Of how  Yun Beishang found himself in the middle of an army of Fallen soldiers, and how he finished them off only to meet a precious being such as Rosey, before being assaulted, attempted to be tricked and successfully saving Rosey.

“No way!” - “Wait, this sounds a lot like…” - “If this is what Chief Yun Beishang experienced…then no wonder he is the fucking goat!” - “Wow…if only I could be saved like that, mmm, I’m sure that ‘Rosey’ Pet of his isn’t just a Pet in name, tehee.” - “...This is serious…” While Elizaveta gave the people to converse with each other for a while, letting them digest the information properly.

Naturally, there was the usual type of people who had so many thoughts in their hearts that it was a bit scary sometimes, it was only now that Elizaveta understood Yun Beishang’s pressure. She must keep her brand new and only-forever hubby safe from these harlots and young evil beings with bodies that put hers to shame!


“Now, I will introduce to you these people,” from the skies and as Elizaveta went on, a few extra hundreds of G F-D Spaceships descended right to the sides and behind the stage where The Order was presenting the news to all. At the same time, a pair of figures ‘materialized’ to the right of Elizaveta, right where she stood before when Yun Beishang was speaking.

“These are the oldest and most experienced as well as powerful Teachers and Instructors of The Order, you might have seen them before, maybe even fought the previous few wars under their command.” Elizaveta pointed at the slightly robust middle aged man and the beautiful beyond comprehension pitch black, short haired young woman.

“Gleria Dirrn and Zaloduvik.” Presenting them both, Elizaveta then heard the crowd gasp, sometimes cheering but mostly respectfully maintaining silence for them both. And as the G F-D began unloading the ground with even more soldiers of The Order, these had a blue ethereal energy around them that whenever it went over their bodies, their bodies seemed to have become translucent.

But it was only to their bodies, as the grass, dirt and rocks on the ground were left alone with just a bit of ‘swish swish’ sounding out before calming down. On the other hand, Zaloduvik was all okay with what he was currently seeing, dizzy and overwhelmed by the number of pairs of eyes set and fixed in his way but still able to hold himself up.

“...!” On the other hand, Gleria who had never seen so many people abreast each other in this magnitude even for the largest scale wars she commanded and ended up fully exterminating, was rather…’touched’ as she looked back at those pairs of eyes and silently trembled a few times from within her body; her heart shuddering and her sense of honor flaring up inexplicably.

“...” But after just a few seconds, Gleria suddenly felt a whoosh of wind on her back, her nape felt affected by it and became ultra warm from it before her right shoulder was shared of the same warmth. As she stood straight up, she sent her hands to the lower back of her behind and lifted her chin, her eyes traveling towards Yun Beishang and a soft little smile appearing before returning to face the crowd.

“Everyone must already know that our fight against those Gods and Goddesses aren’t the same as fighting each other here on Main Kingdom, well, for that matter, let me also introduce you to a small portion of the Fallen army that will be instructing and teaching us the way to fight these Gods and Goddesses in the not so far future!”

While Elizaveta was talking and introducing Gleria and Zaloduvik to the public before, formally in the name of The Order, the G F-D Spaceships that had come down as extra had already gone back up to the black blurry basketballs high above, while a few million of those soldiers who were the so-called ‘Fallen’ were all unarmed and deadly seriously looking at the crowd.

“WOOOO!!” A kid yelled out, an Inhabitant whose future was basically set in stone with how The Order was painting it for them to just take it, but that seemingly out-of-excitement and sincere shout was all that was needed for a hell of a loud crowd to burst out right after Elizaveta finished speaking.

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“Saviors of Main Kingdom!!” - “Teachers of Main Kingdom, we will kill back all those Gods and Goddesses who dared believe themselves as overlords of this Universe!” - “To hell with those fake kings and gods! Kill them all and recuperate our world!!” - “For Main Kingdom!” - “FOR MAIN KINGDOM!!” - “For The Order!” - “FOR THE ORDER!!” - “For love and justice!” - “FOR THE DEMON RACE!!!”

As the people yelled and cheered, to a volume that was already scary for most of the children around and that it slowly quelled down exactly because of it, Elizaveta had already stepped down with her head low but her face full of excitement. Running over to Yun Beishang’s side, Ellie made a little space for the nice milfy lady, Elizaveta was semi-hugged by those mountainous prides of heaven and Yun Beishang’s right arm as she lifted her face at Yun Beishang and even rubber her flawless young mature face on his tuxedo made by Irllytia.

“Let’s go.” Yun Beishang whispered onto her face, the other three Universe-destroying beauties nodding before starting to walk away with him, some people saw them and wanted to shout for injustice and the pain in their chests or something. While some others saw that Gleria had disappeared out of nowhere, and finally; some others saw a fifth beauty accompanying Yun Beishang to walk away…

“...Now that I think about it, Irllytia likes you a lot, I wonder why…” Yun Beishang’s voice could be heard by only his beauties as he had already teleported everyone back to a portal whereas they were now moving between them, it wasn’t the ‘public’ ones as the ones they took only them were around and taking them. Core circle of The Order benefits or so.

“Err…she said something about my chosen in-game Race giving her something about, err…familiarity?”

“Hmm…” Hearing her response, all Yun Beishang did was to hum a little, his face pensive but his hands hard at work already as he held a pair of buttocks with each palm and made them squirm and twist with just a ‘mere flick of his finger’. Sure enough, Yun Beishang became lost in thoughts as he slowly made Lady after Lady explode due to his insensitive hands…



New Earth, 29th of the 12th month and 2nd year since Rising Essence’s release. At 05:23 am, within one of the many small living rooms in the Peaceful Rain Corporation Headquarters.


Shock, slllurrrp, mwwhaaaaahh~~????, glu- gulp, gulp, gulp- glu glu glu~~????~~!

As Yun Beishang had his hands behind his head, his legs were widely spread white both his Dragon Balls and further below was exposed to the air, but this seemingly vulnerable position was giving him full wifely-package services from three of his wives. Nora was on his right, far left of the trio giving him head, Cindy was in the middle and Ellie was on his left, far right of the trio once again.

As the three of them fell in love with his phallus, the scent from his most natural and manly meat attracting them like bees towards the most delicious and abundant-pollen flower that will ever exist. Their lips were like flowers as they went back and forth with their heads bobbing in the air to kiss his Pleased Dragon, giving Yun Beishang tons of pleasant sensations akin to being deep within one of his maids while being licked off here and there.

With this seemingly dumb act of theirs taking all of their brain juice and being overly enslaved by the deliciousness of repeating worse than an OCD case, the trio of beauties were swiftly about to get their umpteenth load of joy and bliss; of love.

At this time, Cinders grabbed the cylinder that made hundreds of thousands of females crazy and face it her all as her tongue fattened as wide as possible and went from way below to his sack, then Pleased Dragon once more and then gave the Dragon’s Head a huge quick hug with teasing suction that made the Pleased Dragon spit out all of its warm lava.

“Oooh! More to enjoy!” - “Wow, good job Cinds, it’s even more than before…hmm…” - “Guess I’ll have to train more for that skill…” Ellie and Nora spoke while Ellie herself was a bit envious of Cinders, Cindy was all silent as she and her fellow sisters, co.wives, began being bathed all over their mouths and faces by his sperm. Her face was lifted a little while her tongue was enjoying his Dragon’s Balls like there was no tomorrow yet slowly at the same time when Nora whispered temptingly.

“That’s because she’s our husband’s whore.” Cinders had her eyes roll to the back of her head, trembling and shaky as the rolls wasn’t fully completed even once, she had a pair of balls and dick to look at lovingly and addictively to after all, and her heart thumped in dismay every time she didn’t ate them all out and showed her love to them.

“I am his whore; he can rape me, impregnate me and fuck me whenever he wants - wherever he wants.” Cinders responded after those few seconds, her starry filled eyes with greenish and saddest blue colors locked perpetually into Yun Beishang’s eyes as her mouth suckled in another Dragon Ball and her face was beginning to be cleaned off by the other two.

With his body being more than ready after exploding right on their faces after the umpteenth time, and hearing their sweet conversation of affection among co-wives, Yun Beishang began standing up, making the beauties widen their eyes as excitement glimmered in them and their heads were asking only one thing: ‘is it fuckey fuckey time?!’.

Seeing Yun Beishang stand up with his legs straight and holding each of their cheeks one after the other, their heads could only confirm one thing: ‘it is time to talk about life!’. Cinders directly put the whole still harder than even the hardest material and raised Soaring Dragon into her small mouth, filling her full of it before even half was in, mostly due to the volume of meat that forced her to inhale and inhale his smell and sperm until she lost her senses once again.

Plah- plop!

And then, Cindy let the huge behemoth come out of her mouth, her eyes flashing and with the silence of the other two allowing her the first time, she prepared to stand up and get her little coochie banged by this monster of a husband and his thick virile member. Yet, just as she crouched on the floor instead of knelt like an obedient little wife like the other two…


The sound of another meaty pair of lips eating up a huge amount of a bread stick sounded as the Soaring Dragon disappeared into a goddamn seductive pair of cheeks, the flower winking down at Cindy sending her into a daze; speechless.

“AAAaa-ssshhh- ahahhh~...” Helrra, with her eyes moving downwards to look at the young beauties behind and below her who were looking up at her in return as she suddenly appeared and straddled Yun Beishang’s body in the air and vertically, her snatch having already snatched away the first-time of the day-banging and even began jumping on him. She spoke towards Cinders with an unconcealed hint of pride.

“Not bad, sweetheart, but in the face of other females, you must take the initiative to be plowed by your alpha. Otherwise, words will be useless unless the female puts herself first, you are not alone, if you were, you could talk all you want of how much of a trio-whore for your husband you girls are. Now…serve me too!!”

Watching the bigger lioness mate with their lion, the little lionesses that were attentive hearing and taking notes of Helrra’s insights nodded at their teacher, with Nora being first as she bit her aunt’s left buttcheek before going for her meaty winking hole; so little but so naughty already!

Cinders instead went over to Helrra’s back and hugged her from behind, their lips connecting and more often than not, a tri-way kiss would unfold up above. Meanwhile, Ellie had free movement to swap between destroying Cinders or Nora’s sensitivity or even rub her gigantic teats on and in them as much as she could, making them feel full in the lack of their husband’s dick with her breasts or giving them a sensation second only to their husband’s love.

At the same time, she was being served by them all as they all enjoyed the biggest breasted person in the room and this reverse bukkake, giving Yun Beishang a paradise sensation even when she went on her knees and behind himself…

In the end, Yun Beishang had to activate his space which he was able to effortlessly spend a week in every day to spend a couple of days with them in there. Where forming his Forms was not as helpful as in real-time for some reason, and where only sexual activities of all kinds were helpful, which he confirmed after ‘testing’ it with his lovely sister.


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