Bow and Arrow

Chapter 740: Chapter 738 — The First World Domination, Kingdom Leader Of The New Era!

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The First World Domination, Kingdom Leader Of The New Era!




Rising Essence, Main Kingdom's Bright Sunset Region, Myriad Beasts Division. It was the 18th of the 7th month of the 3rd year since Rising Essence's release. 7 PM.



Kilometers above in the air, Yun Beishang was sitting on top of the hill that the Core Elemental Throne brought with itself, right before the stairs began from above to below and a few tens of meters in front of the entrance of the same. Watching in the far distance, was the scene of a Responsive Dragon's Unhindered Shadow, a God Devoured grade BOSS that had already killed millions of Godly Journeyers.

Though they were all losing HP, the Associations were fighting with fervor and not even bothering about the possibility of even dropping about 20 levels, no longer being available to participate in the main event. It wasn't as if they could enter it with money, as there was no paywall to speak of, only one's capabilities and even achievements were all that mattered.

Right now, as he was watching the hundreds of millions of Journeyers all perfectly orderly waiting their time to attack, as they created lines and formations of their own and even patiently waited for their time which wouldn’t be long at all; Yun Beishang had a cute little blackberry haired Zi Fei on his lip while he saw his bum on the floor outside the Core Elemental Throne’s room.

At this very moment, the Responsive Dragon’s Unhindered Shadow had been tied down into the earth and had most of its ‘upper’ body collapsed, trapped under the mighty Soul Bridge Godly Journeyers, Otherworldly Elementalists, Elements Prodigies, Fallen Archmages and Auxiliar Dreamcasters; but only after about 52 seconds, it broke off and caused a few million of casualties with just its movements alone.

Then, with its mouth opening wide and terrifyingly a whole damn lot, a laser beam exploded from its mouth towards a concentrated part where some slightly impatient Godly Journeyer armies were closing in, becoming pixelated equipment dropped on the ground with their bodies completely gone and nonexistent anymore.

With not much destruction of the land, the laser beam from the Responsive Dragon’s shadow was just targeted to kill, and useful for that same matter, while it was also being controlled by Yun Beishang whenever he wanted it to do something or make a certain few decisions to fuck up the entire formation of the Godly Journeyers.

It was already like a living being, not an Enlightened meager BOSS or so, but one that had even transcended the Mythical grade in the ‘game’, it was more than capable of easily getting rid of these little boys and girls trying to poke at his body. The level of the Responsive Dragon’s shadow was LV200 and a God Devourer, so whoever killed it would end up giving their entire Association a whole damn lot of levels even if they die 20 times. Possibly even directly reaching LV195 for that matter.

“Master, who do you think will win this 3rd one?” Zi Fei said, her curious light violet irises and dark purple pupils looking back at him, turning her head around and unconsciously— or maybe not —twisting her bum harder towards his legs.

“Probably Little Duck or Selina, they’ve gone all out in this one, don’t you see?” Yun Beishang asked back, his meaning very obvious, as even if Zi Fei was so curious about it, she could simply get to understand these easy, simple things. Smiling a little at his words, the 18 year old young beauty wiggled that bad bum on his crotch, saying with her words becoming a bit gentle. “When is it my turn?”

“Cough!” Yun Beishang reacted right away, but that cough made his Soldier Dragon stand in attention for some seconds, which elicited a light yelp from Zi Fei, followed by little ‘ann, mmf…ahahh’ that made Yun Beishang go crazy. Little by little, he began molesting her almost table body except for that extremely perky, bountiful bottom that made a number over all of his being.

Rustle, rustle~, rustle~~.

Unclothing the young woman, which Zi Fei ended up becoming without gaining any more centimeters and from which she still had such a small body frame that was always for Yun Beishang’s eating and ravishing, as her body slowly made even more intoxicating, new noises that she probably heard from some extremely sensitive maids when he bedded them; the pair of hubby and wifey began slapping their thighs, bum and pelvis against on another in the reverse cowgirl position with Yun Beishang embracing her from behind as he remained sat up.

“Husband~.” Zi Fei called out softly, her body already eating back down and up his Soldier Dragon invading her whole after the third cream explosion within her kitty’s throat, and her body moving on its own as her waist was held by Yun Beishang, her legs moving and her back straight, sometimes bending and twisting to bulge her stomach or even slightly her back.

Because, with his girth, it was extremely easy for Yun Beishang to fully clog all of his women’s cavity, be it the most ‘natural’ or the most primitive, it was all covered up by just one of his two Dragons. Let alone when it was time to be bad and ruthless and he used both for the same passage, that was hell in pleasure, dying from the sensation of their husband’s love.


Meanwhile, while Yun Beishang’s Soldier Dragon destroyed Zi Fei’s contently eating and spurting out saliva as well as mixed saliva between both animals; the Responsive Dragon's shadow was destroyer by the combination of a few hundreds of thousands of assaulter going melee and a bunch of incredibly heavy armored ‘paladins’ which were battle-healers, being constantly healed by those at the far back of the assailing parties.

Without fearing for their deaths, the melee heroes went over, swinging, brandishing and swiping their polearms, heavy weighting weapons and blades, sending skills flying, their bodies following and some igniting, surrounded and protected by light, energy and even dirt, gales, water, flames and weapons or shapes made from energy as well.

Without fearing for the Responsive Dragon’s shadow targeting them, the insane- all out and MP- eating bombardment of healing skills that the Dimensional Architects, Grand Shamans and Ancient Alchemist Ancestors sent to the melee assailants continued on healing and reviving their allies with their extremely long CD reviving skills in battle.

At last, the Responsive Dragon’s shadow fell under the half a day worth of time of being assailed from all sides, with traps that were being built from the moment the battle started and not before, where the Godly Journeyers revived very close to the battlefield thanks to The Order building an ‘outpost’ where it held a respawn.

As for how Yun Beishang did it, he had the daddy of the Region, the actual Responsive Dragon, give him ‘permission’ to not just buid such a ‘respawn point’ but he also had to give the structures the ‘it’ that allowed for Journeyers to revive nearby. It was only in that way that so many Godly Journeyers were even willing to get killed in order to save time and not waste a few days like the first 2 Responsive Dragon’s shadows took the previous 2 Godly Journeyer armies.

Now, with the time that it took the 3rd Responsive Dragon’s shadow being less than a quarter of any of the previous 2, the last hit was made by a battle-healer from the Forgotten Flask League, giving Little Duck and her people LV195 right away, granting them each a bunch of gold coins and even several equipment which was almost enough to exchange for 4 sets from The Order’s shop even though they already had 10,000,000 as a Tyrant League.

In any case, after the Responsive Dragon’s shadow was killed, the Forgotten Flask began to share a few of those almost 50,000,000 sets worth of The Order’s shop, which was only about a bit more than 10,000,000 pieces of equipment or even weapons, the latter being much more precious than even accessory equipment.

While the Forgotten Flask League would each keep 1 for themselves, they would share the remaining loot to the rest of the contributors, especially Selina’s House Sunbreaker which was a much needed aid in this raid and that was only beaten by a few hits and seconds by the Forgotten Flask League.

Of course, only equipment was shared, gold coins and skill books as well as other Special items and Valuable items and Precious items were all Forgotten Flask League’s. Because, even though racing to LV195 was already getting hard for most people, be it ordinary or Godly Journeyers, unless one was an elite, they would have to spend a lot of time finding the correct parties anywhere to level up fast and not die.

The mobs, normal ones, that were already about LV195 to LV200 were so hard to deal with, almost like dealing with Star Elites at lower levels like LV60 to LV100. As for the Star Elites of LV195 to LV200, those were already pretty hard for most Godly Journeyers, and soloing them would take a long ass time, they had too much HP and barely did actual decent damage to even squishy classes.

But, at the very least, there was now the sight of many sets that were beyond the Mortal’s Lethal grade, each of them having a unique aesthetic property that made it easy to distinguish. Nowadays, it was easy to gain a full set of Formidable grade equipment, the only concerning matter being  the type of set’s stats and effects they would have. Only those from The Order were the best still, no matter what.

On the other hand, The Order had already begun to even produce Spiritual grade full set equipment to their people, not just Vassals, the latter could already have Mortal’s Lethal grade full set equipment. As for The Order creating some of those full set equipment above the Mortal’s Lethal grade for others to war the God Race, it was said that it might be possible, but that was it.

Now, at these moments that the Godly Journeyers were spending their little time to rest and get some loot distributed to all, all depending on the casualties taken that weren’t damn stupid and Associations that were the most efficient being the most rewarded, they took almost a third of a day to distribute it all before being able to go ‘back home’ and bring the glory to their Regions, Sub-Divisions and Divisions.

On the other hand, Zi Fei ended up tiring herself out, her legs trembling for who knew how many times before she finally collapsed on Yun Beishang’s body, her body fully impaled still with some 2 extra bombardments of her lands invaded by his Soldier Dragon. She could only breathe in and out for some time before being hugged and brought out of the game, only to continue being tortured back on New earth without mercy.

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Her cries invited several more passing maids besides the ones cleaning his room at that moment, a kind of ‘celebration’ for the third and second last Responsive Dragon’s shadow that was destroyed by the Godly Journeyer army once again.

Time passed by really fast while everyone was getting ready, even those outside of Main Kingdom.

. . .


Main Kingdom, Unparalleled Peaceful Rain City, 3rd day of the 8th month of the 3rd year of Rising Essence. At around 9:24 pm, on a dark night.



‘There they go.’ Just as Yun Beishang was reading the system’s interface and checking hsi current progress over a certain matter, the ongoing sounds of supposedly the Gods and Goddesses barraging, bombarding and whatnot against the barrier started once more. Lifting his head to look a bit into the sky, despite his naked eye only seeing a ceiling, Yun Beishang who was in his ‘office’ within his Lord Residence spent some time hearing the sounds from above before lowering his head once more and directly confirming his request. The next instant…

*PING* Global System Announcement: Attention to all, the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain Regional City of Main Kingdom, situated in the Bright Sunset Region, has achieved enough requirements to become the World Domination of Main Kingdom! From now on, Main Kingdom is under the rule of the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain World Domination’s City, hence, the League of The Order has become the ruler of Main Kingdom, accepted by the hidden spirit of Main Kingdom and its ruler, Tongqiu, has now become Main Kingdom’s Leader!

*PING* Global System Announcement: Attention to all, the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain Regional City of Main Kingdom, situated in the Bright Sunset Region, has achieved…

*PING* Global System Announcement: Attention to all, the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain Regional City of Main Kingdom…

*PING* Global System Announcement: Attention…

*PING* Global System Announcement: Attention…

*PING* Global System Announcement: Attention…

The sudden outburst of system announcements got the people of Main Kingdom— Inhabitants and Journeyers alike —surprised, since there wasn’t any other Responsive Dragon’s Unhindered Shadow event going on this week and it would’ve been until the next one that it would finally end. So everyone suddenly felt even more baffled when they heard that there was even a next level to that of a Regional City? Tha hell?!

In any case, just as many people were guessing what kind of change the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain City would have at becoming a so-called ‘World Domination’, the response of such revealed itself, on its own, in the most natural and magical ways possible.

Before, the playerbase would constantly hear the Masters talk about ‘Mother’, and also when in times of war before, the Inhabitant soldiers of The Order constantly shouted for Mother, sent off their deceased to Mother and prayed for Mother’s embrace in the most terrible times while praying for Yun Beishang in the times of need for strength and willpower.

In any case, all that the Godly Journeyers could think of such a thing was how New Earth itself used to have religions too, but after a long time of seeing the Inhabitants being so devoted, and even more after the 3 wars after the war where the Ancient Forest Region’s forest were burned to nothingness; curiosity took over the matter from the Godly Journeyers’ part and, right now, they only needed a ‘sign’ and they might as well believe in ‘Mother’ too.

And it just happened, just 3 seconds or so after the global system announcements went off, repeating each other and becoming quite obvious and even alarming/attractive to anyone who could hear them - Main Kingdom itself began to glow!

It began from the very center of the Divisions of each Region, where only such people living within the Divisions could see immediately amidst the night, and where those who were outside the Division’s territory could slowly begin to see a growing light coming from the far distance.

However, before the growing light could reach far up into the skies, the surrounding Sub-Divisional territories all lit up in the same manner that the Divisions did; while the Divisions lighted up on their own without their settlements accompanying to become fairies or something, the moment the Sub-Divisional Cities began to follow the Divisional Cities’ example - ALL of the settlements began to glow as well with the same intensity but at a much slower speed as the Sub-Divisional and Divisional Cities!

Like a dark night in the jungle, where magic suddenly became real and phosphorescent flora and water itself began to light up under the trees in a very bright but limited manner that allowed for only the ground and everywhere that had flora attached to it to be illuminated exquisitely.

The center of villages, without walls and humble houses, while people from such smallish to small settlements were still active and cheerful, spending some of the night talking or dining in harmony, peace or quiet; the center of their village suddenly lighting up evoked strong reactions from everybody.

Coming out of their houses, or walking over to have a better look, in company or alone, they saw a light; a light that spoke to them as if from heart to heart: ‘I am here…’.

While their hearts began taking a difficult to follow increasing heartbeat which came from their very own blood, their minds told them of what a great opportunity and moment of their lives this was; the glow continued.

From the center of each settlement, not just villages or fortresses, the Inhabitants who were silently gazing, now softly, at the growing light were suddenly aware that their surroundings began glowing too. With the light appearing from within their homes, on roofs and walls of their houses, buildings and even Statues of the Lord and the Ladies and Maidens; gently doing so for the latter…

“Wow…” - “She is here…” - “ with us again.”

The Inhabitants who might’ve become really scared shitless any other day and before the arrival of the Journeyers, were now overly affected by the sight of so much light surrounding them in a large scale and in an invasive manner. Hell, some were already tearing up, slightly warm water flowing down their faces and purifying the dirt that they stepped on, from which more light was given birth to in the forms and shapes of teardrops or simply droplets of liquid.

From the point of view of several thousands of kilometers above in the sky, the sight of not just the largest, Divisional and Sub-Divisional Cities and settlements began to glow, intensely and faster and faster altogether; but the paths created that connected each Region’s settlements, Sub-Division’s settlements and Division’s settlements in that order to each other also lit up.

In a wonderful evolution from a simple white-silvery glow that began emanating from the center of each settlement and City’s heart, to everywhere; it had now become a very spiritual glow rising into the air but with a variety of colors that made it look like a rainbow. It was very subtle, and had those colors flashing but remaining constant and not flickering out or disappearing into the spiritual glow still increasing.

Instead, the rainbow followed the grow in increasing spiritual glow, and by the time that each Region was slowly forming together a series of roots that went from all over the Region towards the core and very center of such, a small little trunk was slowly becoming an insanely tall ‘path’ that was making its way up into the sky with several twirls and crooked juts being formed - just like a growing tree with rather unique shape…all the way into the sky…where the previous Mother Tree  of Main Kingdom could reach but this time; in all of the Regions.


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