Brewing Storm

Chapter 188: The Appearance Of An Alpha 4

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"You're the black wolf?" Ramose curiously scrutinized the black wolf majestically standing in the middle of the hall.

Tall and lean, the black hair and eyes were the only similarity between them.

While Ramose was tall and lean, he possessed a masculine frame that couldn't be overlooked.

The other...was as thin as a vampire.

Kulimo scanned Werewolf King with the same curiosity the other did. Up close, he also noticed the obvious differences between them as well, but in a different way.

While Kulimo radiated a more ferocious, wild aura hidden under a flimsy display of majesty, the Wolf King radiated a silent majesty that failed to cover his natural ferocity. 

Calm and collected, his every gesture portrayed his immense power.

Is this due to the different environments we grew?

Before seeing the Wolf King, Kulimo had always believed he possessed looks no female could guard against. With a single glance or a slight gesture, he could get any female he desired and mate with her to his heart's content.

However, it was only now that he realized what irresistible charm really was. 

"Yes, Werewolf King. I'm alpha Kulimo and your uncle, the elder brother of your father."

Ramose amusedly leaned back in his seat and took his mate's hand. He raised the small hand to his mouth, publicly kissing her knuckles before turning back to the wolf. His eyes swirled with a strange emotion before he loudly sighed and declared.

"No, not my uncle. Just alpha Kulimo. Since 18 years ago, I no longer have a family member aside from my mate."

Versailles felt embarrassed at her mate's public display of affection.

Didn't he know any restrain? They were sitting before the leaders of the Werewolf Clan! Flustered, she attempted to withdraw her hand, but the wolf tightened his grip and refused to let go.

Da**! He wasn't planning on holding her hand for the entire meeting, was he?

If so, whatever little face she had will be completely lost!

Sighing dejectedly, she slunk back in her seat.

But...uncle? The black wolf was Ramose's uncle?

This was the first time she'd heard of such a matter.

Her gaze swiveled to the tall man. Aside from his black hair and eyes, nothing about him resembled her mate.

"Oh?" The black wolf's eyes flickered with interest as his gaze fell on their linked hands.

The wolf's unrestrained display of affection surprised him as well. He thought the declaration of her continued presence in the Crystalline Hall would be the last he'd see of the Werewolf King's adoration for her.

But it seems he underestimated his deep affection for the Serpentine Queen.

Only family? Did this mean he didn't consider the werewolves as families?

Kulimo's lips twitched. Before the Ruling Wolf Pack and King's Pack, this wolf actually dared to proclaim an outsider female as his only family.

His sight swept to the right. And sure enough, the faces of the Ruling Wolf Pack members were either red with anger or dark with displeasure.

Heh...interesting. "Alright. I'm Alpha Kulimo and you must already know why I appeared at this specific time." Neither servile nor overbearing, the alpha's bearing made the King's Pack throw him a second glance.

A calculating light flashed through their grey eyes and they exchanged silent glances.

"We should be wary of this alpha. He doesn't appear an easy opponent."

"Olsen, he returned at this time. Is he...?" Julian's voice ended in a worried whisper.

"He is. He's here for the King's trial."

In an instant, their faces turned grim and their eyes sharpened. The Betas' eyes towards the black wolf changed from curiosity to cold anger. At that moment, their grey orbs held nothing but chill as they glared at the wolf.

Any beast that desired to take over their King's throne was deemed as their enemy.

Kulimo felt his skin prickle. 

He turned his head to the side and met the frosty gazes of the Betas.

They were no match for him, but as the Betas of the reigning Wolf King, Kulimo had no doubt that if they were anywhere else, the wolves would've charged at him for proving to be a threat to their king.

This thought sent a twinge of envy in his heart.

To be so devotedly protected was something he'd never experienced before.

"Elder Saros informed me that you'd be here for the King's Trial. But even if you came with other intentions, I don't really care. As long as you stay out of my way and don't test my limits, you're a welcome guest."

"Heh...should I thank you, then? For treating me like a guest when I'm as much a member of the Werewolf Clan as you are? When I have as much claim to the throne as you do?" Kulimo coldly sneered.

"You should, considering the fact that you're a banished wolf." Ramose's tone was even colder than the alpha's.

The moment Ramose's words dropped, the hall fell in stunned silence. 

Kulimo's expression froze. 

The Wolf King exposed his greatest weakness...

He felt his stomach drop as a strange tension permeated the atmosphere.

In the silent hall, the wolves that were originally spectating the two alphas exchange in silent enjoyment paled in horror the moment they registered the implication of their King's words.

Immediately, frantic shuffling sounds resounded and the werewolves gathered together in groups, whispering in hushed tones.

"B...banished wolf? The Alpha is a banished wolf!?"

"That's what King Ramose said. The Nar! No wonder he could enter the Underworld Palace but none of us recognized his scent. He must've been banished by the previous Wolf King."

"Did any of you notice? Since the alpha made his appearance, King Ramose's expression didn't change even once. Now I understand why. He probably doesn't place the banished wolf in his eyes."

Under the mocking and ridiculing whispers of the wolves, Kulimo's previous majestic bearing crumbled. 

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" did he know?" He was certain that the elders supporting him wouldn't reveal this secret to the wolf. Because doing so would be equivalent to ruining their own scheme.

But if not them, then who was it?

Unbeknownst to him, the one to inadvertently slip the secret was none other than his greatest supporter.

At this moment, Elder Saros's face was as pale as a corpse.

Not even in his greatest nightmare had he ever imagined the secret he'd slipped by mistake would be brought to the open in such a manner.

"Is this the reason the Wolf King was unruffled? He didn't place a banished wolf in his eyes?"

Indeed. A banished wolf was nothing to fear. Their status and position in the Werewolf Clan was lower than that of a slave.

If it was the usual, the black wolf wouldn't even be present in the Underworld Palace. But since Kulimo retained his shifting ability, he was able to enter the place where no banished wolf had ever been able to return.

"Is this the alpha you want us to support, Elder Saros? A banished wolf?" Elder Truim's eyes held disgust and disdain.

He might be dissatisfied with the Werewolf King. But compared to a banished wolf, the King of the Underworld Palace was still a hundred times better.

Because in the history of the Werewolf Clan, a wolf was only ever banished when he committed the crime of slaughtering his kin and his clanmates.

For Kulimo to be banished from the Werewolf Clan, his deeds were certainly not small. 

"I agree, Elder Saros. Of all the wolves you could've found, you just had to find a banished wolf? Do you seriously expect us to support such a character?" Elder Helios preferred to stir clear from trouble.

But thanks to Elder Saros's instigation, for the first time in his life, he thought about rebelling.

However, before they could even take action, such a secret came out in the open.

He couldn't help but have second thoughts.

In the history of the Werewolf Clan, a case of Ruling Wolf Pack members rebelling against their King has never occurred. 

To take such a step because of a slight disagreement, will we end up getting banished from the clan when King Ramose discovers our intention?

After all, he did find out about the banishment of this alpha wolf as well...

"I thought he was something great. In the end, he's nothing but the scourge of the Werewolf Clan." Not sure whether she felt relieved or disappointed by the sudden revelation of the black wolf's identity, Luciana crossed her arms and scoffed under her breath.

With the identity of a banished wolf stamped on his forehead, no matter what havoc the alpha brought about, his waves wouldn't be strong enough to cause a storm.

"I thought the Werewolf King and Serpentine Queen would be too occupied by this matter to pay me any attention. I wanted to use this opportunity to connect with the slaves in the palace. But it seems, that won't be possible anymore."

Sighing dejectedly, she turned and left.

Since she didn't have much time, she'll make use of this period to at least make some arrangements.

"King Ramose's position isn't in danger." Master Ouyang didn't even realize he was sweating until a cold breeze swept by and made him shiver. But his unwavering gaze remained fixed on the Werewolf King.

Even though he felt disappointed and disheartened by the Wolf King's recent actions, Master Ouyang had never stopped caring about the black wolf he'd personally raised.

"As soon as he sees the serpentine's true face, he'll return to his original self." That was his hope and his greatest wish.

Versailles's violet eyes flashed with surprise.

She didn't expect Ramose's only blood relative to be a banished wolf.

What sort of a crime did the alpha wolf commit to get banished from the Werewolf Clan by his own blood?

The curiosity in her eyes was caught by Ramose. He smiled and gently tugged her towards him.

"You!...what are you planning to do? There are others here!" By this point, Versailles had long since abandoned the hope of her mate knowing shame and not daring to do anything in public view.

The word shameless and unscrupulous fell too short to describe the wolf.

If Ramose wanted, he'd even kiss her before a mass of spectators.

"Haha...Light what do you want me to do...hmm?" The Werewolf King didn't even flinch as he swept his fingers over the bulge on his mate's front side.

Versailles's eyes widened in disbelief.

Did he just feel her in front of the leaders of the Werewolf Clan?

She furtively peeked at the two groups of wolves. Seeing them still huddled and whispering, she released the breath she'd been holding.

The next instant, her violet eyes burned with furious anger. Her nostrils flared as she turned and glowered at her incorrigible mate.

Under his mate's reproachful gaze, Ramose guiltily scratched his nose and blinked innocently.

What did he do? 

Inside the bedroom, they had already done things far more open and hotter than feeling her mounds.

Was sweeping his fingers on the side of her chest such a bad thing?

He had only been rejoicing in the feeling of having his mate sitting beside him. 

But it seems he'd inadvertently angered her.

"Light, you're curious about how the alpha got banished, aren't you? If you don't get mad at me, I will find out for you and satisfy your curiosity. What do you think...hmm?" To placate her, he could only lower his head.

"Oh, you'll find out for me?" Versailles was tempted to relent under the coercion of her curiosity and his pitiful eyes.

Besides, he'd only touched the side of her chest...even though publicly...he did it outside of their sights.

"Um! If you want, I can find out anything for you." Seeing her melt, why would he hesitate in showering her with more sweet words?

"Light, if you let me feel you a bit more, I..."

Just as Versailles's eyes darkened, the silent black wolf lifted his head.

"Wolf King, to shame me so openly, is your ego satisfied? As the King of the Underworld Palace, I expected more from you."

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