Brewing Storm

Chapter 189: The Appearance Of An Alpha 5

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"The Werewolf King adores the Serpentine Queen. On her welcome banquet, he..."

"And when the Ruling Wolf Pack raised objections to him freeing the slaves..."

"There was also that one time where the Serpentine Queen was going somewhere. The Werewolf King followed behind her like a timid beast. When..."

"Sigh, just recently, the Serpentine Queen was spotted wearing a garland of flower jewels. The slaves that delivered the flowers claim that the Wolf King personally picked and adored the jewels on his mate."

Queen Nakee had a complex expression on her face as she listened to the slave recount the Serpentine Queen and the Werewolf King's tale.

She wasn't surprised when she heard how the Wolf King treasured his mate. After all, the fact that the Werewolf King loved and adored his mate wasn't hidden from any beast in the Nar realm.

She was, however, surprised to find out that she'd underestimated the wolf's affection for her best friend.

For her, not only did he release slave-bond beasts, but he also went against the leading members of his own Clan.

"He personally adored the flower jewels on her?" But of all the outrageous things he'd done for her, she found this point the most difficult to accept.

The King of the Underworld Palace and the most powerful beast in the entire Nar realm, actually adored flowers on his mate? A ferocious, ruthless, and domineering beast had the ability to treat his mate with such tenderness and caution?

She recalled her few interactions with her own mate. Kulimo, though fervent and proactive in the matters of mating, had never offered her anything but a bloody, wild beast for a meal.

But the Werewolf King offered his mate a pristine, white dress made out of pure white flower petals? He adored her in the brightest and most beautiful of flower jewels? How was such a matter even possible?

"It's hard to believe, isn't it? For a male to treat a female so...devotedly? But I'm telling the truth. You can stop any servant or slave in the palace to question and they'd tell you the same tale." 

The female slave's anxious expression faded and a bitter smile appeared on her face.

Her fate wasn't as beautiful or wonderful as the Serpentine Queen.

Because, unlike the Serpentine Queen, it wasn't a dashing Werewolf King who adored and treasured her that mated with her.

It was the male servants who needed to vent that wrecked her body.

"At times, I wish I had a werewolf as a mate. At least then, as his soulmate, I'd receive his affection." The beast wistfully said.

A werewolf mate? 

Queen Nakee's eyes flickered and a bright light appeared in her green orbs.

That's right! She also had a black werewolf as a mate!

Although he didn't treat her the way the Werewolf King treated the Serpentine Queen, he still fed her. And now that they were in the Underworld Palace, it was only a matter of time before he began showering her with delicate flowers and flower petals.

With them in the Underworld Palace, he'd no longer have to personally hunt for her. As such, he'll have more time to pick flowers and make her garlands of flower jewels!

Imagining an enviable future, a wide grin stretched across the Snake Queen's face.

"Let me know when my mate finishes his meeting with the Werewolf King." With the bright smile still on her face, she turned and went to take a nap.

She'd rushed with Kulimo from the Snake Clan to the Flaming Cave. She felt drained and was in desperate need of rest.


Back in the Crystalline Hall, the moment Kulimo's angry retort rang out, the silent whispers immediately vanished.

The Ruling Wolf Pack members sight swiveled to their Wolf King, curious to know how he'd respond to such an obvious provocation.

Elder Saros took advantage of the lull to regain his composer and address Elder Truim and Helios.

"Elders, the matter isn't as you think. If alpha Kulimo was anything like the banished wolves of previous, then would the previous Wolf King allow him to leave without stripping him of his ability? He left word to let the two alphas compete in the Wolf King Trial. This should be enough reason to give him a chance."

Elder Truim and Helios didn't respond, their expressions as ugly as before.

On the other hand, alert and in full protective mode, the Betas wolves bristled in silent anger at the audacity of the black wolf. 

"King Ramose said it well. He is just a banished wolf. So how dare he talk to our King like that!?" Olsen's fists made cracking sounds, his knuckles turning stark white under his tight clench.

"Just because he is a black wolf, an alpha, does he think he's on equal footing with King Ramose?" As the calmest of the King's Pack, Hugar's anger was more restrained. 

However, the Betas around him could feel his scorching anger from the dark aura waving off his figure.

"We should keep our calm. Our King is more than enough to deal with this alpha." 

"Lium, what do think his chances of coming out victorious in the King's Trial is?" Julian curiously asked.

"He survived on his own outside of the Underworld Palace. We all know the rules of the Nar realm. For him to survive, it only means he's no easy opponent."

The Betas fell silent, their expressions turning grim.

Although they had full faith in their King's ability, they knew nothing about this new alpha.

To survive up to this point, who knew what sorts of nightmares he'd gone through, what sorts of treacherous methods he'd picked up...

Versailles's eyes sharpened.

The da** wolf dared to speak with her mate like that?

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It hasn't even been one ice night since the beast's appearance, and yet, he was behaving as if he'd raised her mate.

Who did he think he was?

"Heh...You expected more from my mate? Alpha Kulimo, you're truly hilarious. Before today, you were but a nonexistent beast. From the highest Wolf King to the lowest Omega, no wolf in the Underworld knows who you are. You appeared out of nowhere, and yet, stand here and comment on the Werewolf King's character as if you were an estranged relative. Quite a face you've got."

If he wasn't Ramose's blood relative, she would've scorched him to ashes!

The wolves were waiting for their King's retort. Instead, it was the Queen of the Underworld they heard. Their eyes widened in disbelief and astonishment.

The protective tone in the Serpentine Queen's voice caught them off guard.

Even Master Ouyang, who saw Versailles as nothing but a venomous and ominous serpentine was stumped by her fierce defensiveness.

Ramose's heart pounded in his chest and he turned his gaze to his mate.

His mate was protecting him...

Even though he was strong enough to confront any opponent and come out victorious, his mate's protection brought back some fond memories.

Memories of blood and death.

Memories of warmth and a deep sense of security.

The day he'd first met her, she'd protected him with the same ferocity and ruthlessness.

Ramose tightened his grip on the delicate hand, his heart filled with happiness to have her by his side.

"Light, don't dirty your mouth by speaking with such a creature. Your mate hasn't become so weak that he can't defend himself."

Versailles turned her head and disdainfully sneered.

"Who said I'm defending you because you're weak? I'm defending you because you're my mate. Aside from me, who dares to scold, lecture, or judge you in my presence?"

Ramose obediently nodded. "Um! No one dares to scold me in your presence. Because only you have the right to do so." 

"...Well...of course..." Versailles's rage immediately deflated. She was rendered speechless by her mate's lack of backbone.

Was this still the Werewolf King? When did he begin accepting the protection of a female?

Versailles leaned back in her seat and held her chin thoughtfully. She wondered if she'd tamed the wolf from their previous mating...

Da**! Did King Ramose bring his mate with him to pierce their eyes and burn their ears with their affectionate words?

Was he rubbing their old age in their faces? 

Ramose ignored the burning stares of the Ruling Wolf Pack. His dark gaze went past the door to the beasts outside.

Though there were only the Ruling Wolf Pack and King's Pack in the Crystalline Palace, slaves, servants, and other wolves crowded outside the Hall.

He knew they felt unsettled and restless, afraid of the great waves a new alpha would bring to the Underworld Palace.

Compared to a black wolf they knew nothing about, they felt more comfortable with their current Wolf King.

And unlike the Ruling Wolf Pack members, the wolves spectating outside the Crystallin Hall and beyond the Crimson Palace felt wary of the new alpha.

Therefore, they hoped King Ramose would remain as their Werewolf King.

Right from the start, Ramose didn't consider the black wolf worthy of his attention, dismissing him as another annoying beast.

As a member of the Werewolf Clan, he was willing to offer the alpha shelter. But if unrest spread in the Underworld Palace because of the black wolf, then he'd have no choice but to confront the annoying pest and show him his place.

His wolves needed reassurance, and as their Werewolf King, it was his responsibility to rest their worries and fears.

Ramose retracted his sight from the door and focused on the black wolf.

"Alpha Kulimo, what are you to satisfy my ego? Heh...and what makes you think I care about your expectations? If you ask me, I think you have a great misconception about yourself. I don't see you as an opponent but you think I'll feel satisfied in shaming you? You are a banished wolf, and as such, should remain within your limits until you overstay your welcome. This isn't me shaming you. It's me warning you. Because if you cross your limits as a guest, then..."

An overbearing might erupted from his body as Ramose's expression hardened.

The hall buzzed with a faint hum of power that caused the wolves nearest to the throne, to drawback in confusion and trepidation.

Such majestic and domineering aura...they'd never felt before.

"Where...where is this crushing force coming from?"

"I don't know! I've never felt anything like it before!"

"But I feel like it's coming from the platform..."

The light whisper caused the wolves to raise their heads and look in their King's direction.

"If you cross your limits, then don't blame me for being ruthless, Uncle."

It was only at this time, when they saw his black hair floating above his shoulders and his black eyes glowing with a mystical light, that they realized the source of the mystical power was their King himself....

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