Brewing Storm

Chapter 190: The Appearance Of An Alpha 6

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Versailles's skin prickled.

The powerful pressure Ramose released caught her off guard. But as a fearsome serpentine herself, she quickly adjusted her natural defenses. With her violet eyes swirling with a golden radiance, the overbearing pressure on her body immediately lessened.

She then swept her gaze over the black wolf in the center of the hall.

And just as she expected, her mate's sudden burst of power forced the black wolf to step back with an unsightly grimace.

Heh...the alpha isn't that bad. He was able to withstand Ramose's pressure. However, he still has a lot more to work on.

While Versailles evaluated the black wolf's accomplishment as still needing more work, the Ruling Wolf Pack and King's Pack had an entirely different opinion.

Alpha was the leader of the wolf pack, his strength and might unrivaled by all except another alpha. Seeing Alpha Kulimo only move back a few steps under King Ramose's dwarfing pressure, giant waves surged in the wolves' hearts.

"Alpha Kulimo can actually endure King Ramose's King Pressure."

"Of course, he's an alpha as well. I'd be more surprised if he wasn't able to."

"Does this mean he has a chance in snatching the victory from the Werewolf King?"

The Ruling Wolf Pack members' expressions instantly became complicated. Before learning alpha Kulimo was a banished wolf, they wanted him to win the Wolf King's Trial. His majesty and the promise of a better future for the Werewolf Clan under his guidance shook their unwavering loyalty to the Werewolf King.

But now that they knew the wolf was a banished wolf, no matter what the reason for his banishment was, they didn't feel as exhilarated and excited at the prospect of him occupying the throne as they did before.

Because the Werewolf Clan, being the smallest in size compared to the other five supreme clans, valued their kin more than the Snake Clan valued their serpentine kins. They would never banish an extra strength, a wolf kin of alpha bloodline, without a valid reason.

Kulimo gained control of his limbs and planted his feet on the ground.

"King Ramose, no need to get so serious. Although I'm a banished wolf, I'm still an alpha of the Werewolf Clan."

"Hmph! That'll depend on your behavior. Now stop with the nonsense and announce the reason behind your sudden appearance." Ramose withdrew his domineering aura and leaned back in his seat.

"I'm sure the Ruling Wolf Pack already know this, but that's not the entirety of the Werewolf Clan. There are still other wolves who have as much right to know about what's going on in the Underworld Palace as they do."

Alpha Kulimo snorted and flapped his sleeves. He was tempted to ignore the Werewolf King's command. After all, the two were both black wolves so what gave him the right to order him around?

But when he caught Elder Saros's warning glare, he controlled his emotions and swept his gaze over the gathered wolves.

"I'm sure every wolf here is anticipating the Wolf King's Trial. Just as it happens, the trial this year will be different as I'll also be taking part along with the Werewolf King. The previous King's orders were explicit. He wanted us to fight for the throne and the victorious is to be crowned King."

"What!? The victorious party in the Wolf King's Trial will be crowned King? But isn't this alpha a banished wolf?"

"Yes, but he was also able to enter the Underworld Palace. This means that while he might have been banished, his crimes probably weren't grave enough to warrant the stripping of his shifting ability."

"What sort of a crime would be heavy enough to warrant his banishment but not strip of ability?"

Kulimo smirked. 

Now that the important question he'd been waiting for had risen, his confidence restored and he glanced condescendingly at the Werewolf King and Serpentine Queen.

So what if he was a banished wolf? At the end of the day, this banished wolf will still compete for the throne with the high and mighty Werewolf King.

And once he controlled the King of the Underworld Palace, what could the Queen of the Underworld Palace do?

What's more, he still had a trump card to handle her as well.

He turned his back on the two rulers of the Underworld Palace and faced the wolves.

"Werewolves of the Werewolf Clan, you must all be curious about my banishment and the reason why I still retained my shifting ability after getting ousted from the Werewolf Clan. This matter was concealed by the previous king. But the Betas of his King's Pack were ordered to unveil this secret before the advent of the Wolf King's Trial."

The Beta wolves' eyes narrowed at the mention of the word secret. 

What sort of secret was so great that it needed to be hidden for over a century? So huge to only be exposed on the advent of the Wolf King's Trial?

The members of the Ruling Wolf Pack unaware of the alpha's full story similarly donned perplexed expressions on their faces.

Feeling the burning gazes of the two wolf packs, Kulimo sighed.

"The reason for my banishment that year was due to my weak physique. The previous King was afraid if he kept a weak alpha in the clan, then he'd endanger the Werewolf Clan's status as one of the Six Supreme Clans. To prevent such a scenario, he sent me out of the clan to undergo extreme training. His intention was to either make me into a strong alpha worthy of leading the Werewolf Clan, or erase such a shame from the history of the Alphas."

"The black wolf was banished because of his physical weakness?"

"That explains why he wasn't stripped off his shifting ability. Now that he's back, he must've overcome his weakness."

"Yes, otherwise he wouldn't have survived in the Nar realm on his own."

The members of the Ruling Wolf Pack regained their earlier excitement as they looked at the black alpha. If he was banished for such a reason, then it wasn't impossible for them to accept him. His return proved he'd overcome the reason for his banishment, hence, worthy of sitting on the Werewolf King's throne.

"You see, the reason the black alpha was banished that year couldn't be divulged until he returned to the Underworld Palace. As his Beta, the previous King emphasized the importance of keeping this matter a secret lest the Werewolf Clan fell into chaos." Elder Saros sighed and rubbed his face as if wanting to unload the burden of the past decades in such a manner.

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Elder Helios's face immediately softened upon seeing the exhaustion on the other's face.

"Elder Saros, you've worked hard. I can only imagine how difficult it must've been for you to carry such a burden on your own." He clapped his shoulder.

"As a member of the Werewolf Clan, it's my duty to follow the Wolf King's orders. And since this was the order of the previous King, I had to fulfill it to the end."

"That's fine and all, but why has alpha Kulimo only appeared at this time. If he was able to survive for this long on his own, then his strength should've reached an acceptable range a while ago." Elder Truim's expression, though a bit relaxed now, was still as expressionless as before the alpha spoke.

"You'll get the answer to this soon enough."

Elder Truim scoffed dissatisfiedly and focused back on the black wolf.

"The reason why I'm returning at this specific moment is also due to the previous King's order. To prevent chaos from the presence of two alphas, he didn't want me to return until the reigning Wolf King found his mate and the Wolf King's Trial begins. He wanted the two alphas to exchange blows in the trial. The alpha that came out victorious was to be crowned king. Until then, I was ordered to remain outside." At the end, Kulimo's expression fell, displaying deep regret and sadness in his black orbs.

The spectating wolves fell silent.

They never expected the story behind the alpha's banishment to be the complete opposite of their expectations. Not only was the black wolf kicked out from the Underworld Palace at a young age, but he also had to live and survive on his own.

The Nar realm wasn't a land of great beauty and serenity by any means. On the contrary, it was the exact opposite. Aside from flames, bloodshed, and corpses, there was nothing else. If a beast didn't die in one ice night, it meant he had strength.

But if he did, it only meant the beast was too weak to survive in such a land. Its dying early was a form of release. But even then, no beast, including those of the Six Supreme Clans traversed the flaming lands on their own.

But the alpha standing before them had done just that. From a weakling despised even by the previous King, he'd survived on his own and grew strong enough to return to the clan.

"In the end, an alpha is an alpha. Even if he's born weak, with extreme training and difficult trials, he can still grow strong enough to survive on his own."

"Isn't that the very reason the leaders of the clan are the alphas?"

"But now that there are two alphas competing for the throne, the Underworld Palace will no longer be as peaceful."

The wolves' earlier disdain and scorn for the black wolf completely disappeared. Since the beast hadn't been banished for regicide or crime of equal measure, they saw no reason to guard against him.

Besides, if he was truly a scourge of the Werewolf Clan, then the previous King wouldn't have given him permission to return.

Sensing the amiable auras of the werewolves, Kulimo's lips curved into a slight grin that vanished as quickly as it formed.

He turned back to the Werewolf King and Serpentine Queen with a proud look on his face, bursting with pride and majesty, only to find them engrossed in each other.

Versailles glared at her shameless mate, smoke practically about to blow from her flaring nostrils, as she pinched his waist.

"Ramose, knock it out! There are too many wolves here for such an act." She hissed.

But the Werewolf King's face instantly crumbled on hearing her words.

With sad, pitiful eyes, he looked at his mate with deep grievance.

"Light, why should we care whether there is one or a hundred wolves? We are mates and it isn't a crime for me to love you under public view."

"It isn't but...should you be doing such things under public view?" 

Da**! If he wasn't her mate, Versailles swore she would've already bashed his head in.

"Hmph! What's wrong with what I'm doing? Aren't I just feeling up my mate's body?"

His shameless words were followed by a light grope on her mound. The Serpentine Queen flushed, whether from pleasure or shame was unknown. Her shallow breaths and rapidly undulating chest turned the Wolf King's eyes red.

With the hardening of a certain member, his control was close to snapping.

The Nar! I shouldn't have provoked Light outside of our room. 

She won't allow me to abruptly conclude this wretched meeting without actually arriving at a solution. But admiring her, feeling her, and sniffing her fragrance...I can't help but feel excited!

Now I'm burning and have no way to vent...

The Werewolf King's eyes drifted up to her delicate neck. The snow-white, smooth skin made him even more feverish. An intense desire to bury his face between her mounds, kiss the pulse beneath her sinuous neck and press her on top of him flooded his mind.

Da**! Da**! Da**!

These useless pests have nothing better to do than delay my pleasure.

If I don't teach them a lesson today, then they'll never learn!

His red eyes swept over the irritating beasts, carrying a faint hint of murder before it coincidently fell on the astonished alpha. 

"Alpha Kulimo, because of your affair, my time with my mate has been compromised. Say, what should we do about this?"

A dark smirk spread across the Werewolf King's lips, sending shivers running down the black wolf's back.

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