Broken bed: New world worse than everything

Chapter 4: prophecy

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Chapter Four: Prophecy.

 The sound of the radio touched Paul's ears as he stood in front of the door of his apartment, its door was metal in an old and cheap building, the wall was not thick so it would be easy for any sound from inside to come out for everyone to hear.

 The radio was scrambled with a woman talking, it wasn't clear what she was saying because of the confusion.

 He took the key out of his pocket, then opened the door and entered. He took off his wet shoes because of the puddles of water in front of the apartments, and then went forward, still hearing the noise, but that woman's voice became clearer.

 "And as you said, Mr. Dave, that the ozone hole will be closed?" said the woman on the radio, which was apparently a newscast.

 "Yes, of course, the machines and materials are almost ready and with full funding from celebrities, investors, merchants, and even from many countries." A man's voice came out.

 "Hmm, well that question is not here but take it from me.. you just learned out of curiosity."

 "Sure, and how will I refuse the question in front of these eyes." His manner of speaking was a bit bold.

 The announcer replied in a happy voice with a slight laugh, "Uh, umm, Mr. Dave, will everything be safe? I mean, are there risks from this big step?"

 "I really liked the question aa.. the risks for this project will be zero. Experiments for seven years have allowed us to know errors and correct them with complete accuracy, um.. and another point that was not raised by you is the date for the start of implementation, I think it will take a long time to finish, but As for what we have come to, I am really satisfied, but well in the beginning it was like aaaah.. almost like a revelation so it is.. "

 'Paul' was walking after he closed the door and he heard, he heard everything but he didn't pay any attention except for one thing.

 "What happened?" The voice came out of him as he looked in front of him. There was an old man sitting on a small metal chair, while he was raising the radio away from his ears, his head was graying, his back was humped, and his eyes were narrow because of wrinkles.

 His hands were holding the radio and shaking a little, he didn't hear Paul calling him.

 Paul came close to him and then grabbed the radio and turned it off by the little button in the back.

 Paul's voice came out angrily, "How many times have I told you not to touch him so you don't lose hesitation."

 The old man was looking at the radio and then said in his old voice, "It was.. the sound was low.. for.. so I turned that circle.. then it became annoying."

 'Paul' raised the radio, he wanted to throw it, but he stopped for a few seconds and tilted his head down while taking a deep breath, but he felt uncontrollable anger.. He threw him so hard on the ground that he broke into many parts.

 Think for a moment that this would be the best way to get rid of some anger.

 “I only asked you to sit down..just sit. Is that hard? You don’t even know what’s going on with me, uh.” He grabbed his temple and looked at his old father, then began to turn his body and head to the ceiling and then to the ground.

 He was feeling a very strange feeling, it was like a feeling of heartbreak or more clearly like holding back tears before they came out.

 "Dad.. I.. I'm sorry. I will.. ah.. I'll get a new one, okay?"

 His father replied, "Huh?" As he lengthened it a little, he didn't hear what his son said last thing, so he just looked at him.

 "no thing." He was trying to avoid looking at his father as he took a sigh of relief and looked to the right, he let out a short gasp, and then all his mind was thinking at that moment was, "Why didn't you hear me?"

 He opened his eyes hard and then put his index finger on his right eye and the thumb in his left eye, then he imagined himself smashing his eyes and screaming hard.

 He looked to his left side, after rubbing his eyes until they were red, staring silently at the parts of the smashed radio.

 He stared for a while.. he could feel her moving and speaking in front of him, nothing was intelligible. It was like words that never existed "#**&$, $&**# ¿*$&."

 (Paul Elgert - finished)



 Silence.. quiet.. very frightening calm.

 Then only the sound of rain came out, it was a very strange sound with that pitch black, he felt cold drops touching his bare skin and coming down to the ankles of his feet, they were caressing his body with their strange texture.

 For a moment, he felt as if his heart had suddenly stopped.

 He was coughing fiercely and without stopping, after his naked body was surrounded by a faint and warm light, he could see all those drops that were falling in the opposite direction, as if the rain was falling in the opposite direction, the water re-rises from the ankles of his feet and then flies away without a trace.

 Everything is reversed, everything comes back, everything was as if it had a second chance.

 He felt tightness in his chest again, he gasped as he opened his mouth wide and his head was trembling severely, his body was mortal and he felt those drops caressing him again, but despite that, his body refused to move.

 He was able to move his right hand at last, but what he thought at the time was just covering his nakedness for some reason, his hand moved and covered his entire private part, then the teeth of his lower jaw began to fall one by one until they fell in groups.

 He was just looking at everything as he groaned.. groaned in a strange and very loud voice, like a mute trying to speak.

 Leon opened his eyes, lying next to the door, he was very calm, he didn't do anything he just raised his body and leaned his back against the dusty wall, calm for a few seconds.

 Until he started crying silently without making any sound, he just wanted no one to come and see him like this, he just wanted a few moments to cry alone.

 (Leon Stone - finished)



 Josh was sitting alone in his room, it was an extremely ordinary room, a simple bed, a bookshelf, a study table, and a small wardrobe.

 He had a nervous look on his face as he muttered softly, "Don't do it... you can... just don't."

 He felt that the only thing that would help him was that strange movement of his hand.

 He formed with his index finger and thumb a circle together, then he tightened his finger as if he wanted to hit something, he raised his thumb and moved his index finger towards his middle finger and made a strange sound, then he started repeating this movement several times.

 "It was a weird feeling like being lost, I don't know what I want, hmm.. I just want to masturbate now.. But, I don't know what my future will be like."

 "I'm just walking in black footsteps in a dark road, I don't see anything from it, I feel an emptiness inside, as if my feelings are being cut off for no reason."

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 "I think if I would continue my life like this, who would I marry?, Will she be satisfied with me?, Or not.. The harshest feeling is to be satisfied with me, I really feel that I am a selfish and despicable person other than what people see."

 "It's like I'm fooling everyone with a character I don't want to be, shit I collect advice and give it to someone like that without doing it for me, how stupid should I not think of myself first?"

 The last thing Josh has in mind is, "Why do I exist? Why do I feel like my life is wasted doing things that don't satisfy anyone?"

 And with a night that will shine with a sun that everyone feels the warmth of its wavy rays in the air, a day will come upon everyone when everything will be fine, the moments of patience will be like jokes told from the mouths of others, it will be a happy morning unless you are afraid.

 Then he did it...

 (Josh Berlin - END)



 She was quietly writhing in the blanket, fully awake, but laziness prevented her from taking a single step out of her bed, in the cold air.

 She slowly opened her eyes and then closed them as she turned her body to the other side.

 Suddenly she felt that there was a strange burning in her nose, one of her eyes started to let out a tear that fell on her cheek and then on the pillow, it was a really annoying feeling.

 She closed her eyes tightly and opened her mouth little by little, then took a sneeze, followed by another quickly.

 While sneezing, she felt that feeling below, and began to moan with noticeable discomfort as she raised her voice, "Why today.. uh.. not the time to prick, wait a little."

 She moved and propped herself up on the bed, still a little drowsy, though as she got up quickly from the bed she began to dizzy, which she usually had from this hasty movement.

 She staggered a little while trying to stand up straight without moving until this dizziness went away. She groaned a little, then a few seconds passed before everything returned to normal.

 Opening her dresser of five drawers only, she searched for something for a while but couldn't find it, "Out of it..huh."

 Drowsiness nearly overpowered her, she began to walk to the door, clutching her stomach, which at every step pricked her.

 She opened the door.. She walked until she reached the stone staircase and went down from it, step by step, until a sweet smell smelt her nose, but she completely ignored her.

 I heard that her father was flirting with her mother in the kitchen, she made a sound before reaching them to stop doing these late romances until she reached them, she acted as she coughed several times.

 Then silence fell, I went to the kitchen door, which was only the wooden frame for it and not the door, so her father took it to maintain and polish it.

 She tilted her head, slightly embarrassed, "Um...Mom?" Her face was very clear on him that she was embarrassed.

 Her mother replied, "You have finally woken up! .. Breakfast will be ready. Eat it before you go."

 She raised her hand as if to call her and then said in a low voice, "Come here."

 Her mother came towards her and was surprised on her face, "What is it? Come on, the bread is in the oven and I don't want it to burn."

 Her daughter whispered in her ear, "I'm out of sanitary pads. Do you have one?"

 She smiled, "Oh, well, yes, it's in the closet of the room above my clothes. You'll find it there."

 She turned and moved, her mother looked at her and said, "Lia, wash your clothes, there's a stain."

 'Lia' nodded and then went to the room behind the stairs.

 "What did she want?" Lesia's father asked her mother.

 "Don't worry, she just wanted a towel."

 She overheard their conversation, and her face turned red, and she closed her eyes tightly. She raised her head, then lowered it, and continued on her way.

 after minutes..

 She was bathing under the water shower and the white smoke made her not see anything, for some reason she felt the urge to take a deep breath to experience the feeling of the smoke inside her chest.

 She opened her mouth and could hardly complete herself, except to cough several times, washed her face under the water and thought a little about her family as she muttered to herself in a low voice.

 "I don't hate my father..but why does my mind think that I hate him, for Sia..your father is doing all this for your own good and for the sake of the whole family, but.. his actions really piss me off..." She said to herself as she looked at the doorknob without moving her head or any part of her body. Just look and think.

 "I know that making money is not easy.. well I don't know very well but at least I know a little bit, but does working in a taxi make a good amount of money?"

 "Oh.. I'm going to hate myself like this. I really feel like.. hey. Just one point to justify what I'm saying. Is letting your daughter walk to her friend and you go tell someone else is the right thing to do?"

 "I mean that day I was with him to drop me off when someone signaled to him, he asked me to get off all of a sudden after he stopped the car and made that person ride.. I really felt worthless, I asked myself that person's family gave him money to go in a taxi.. but in return my father He gave me nothing and made me late and dropped me in the middle of the road."

 "I don't want to be selfish, but, my father is really a nation...a materialistic person, I mean with all his talk, he should mention what he bought for the car or food and mention with it every price that annoyed me, or rather made me feel some guilt for a reason I don't know."

 "Sometimes my mother can only find some things to cook while he disappears for half the day from morning until night and when he comes back sometimes he talks to us about what he ate of meat restaurants."

 "But at the same time.. he is a really good person and not once in my life has he hit me even when I was young, well let's take family problems separately, they happen to everyone and..." her mother interrupted her.

 "Lia..are you ok? Hurry up, the water meter for the heater will be pointing to zero soon, and I want to take a shower too."

 "Okay," Lisa replied nervously.

 Your thoughts may be completely different from someone's thoughts. The person you find laughing may be smiling at you while he talks to you about some of his things that bother him.. Someone who is indifferent or a superficial person.

 It is possible that this person is facing things that no one knows about, things he has hidden behind a fake laugh.

 You will always feel that this person will move away from you and will keep moving away without realizing, but everyone has a problem that preoccupies his mind and he will always try to solve it in the simplest way that comes to his mind, which is either surrender or death.

 But if this person is attached to something, he will do everything he has just to banish those thoughts.

 (Lcia Hope - finished)

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