Call Of The Devil’s Daughter

Chapter 10: Chapter Ten- Saving A Little Girl From Slavery

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Chapter Ten- Saving A Little Girl From Slavery

After arriving at the small village, Elsie and Jack split for a while and went about gathering information, still, Jack was dubious at the whole idea of allowing Elsie to ask around for information, And, he was correct about his worry. Elsie had completely forgotten about gathering information, and per usual dazed off on her little adventure.

While walking, Elsie bought many things, such as new clothes, boots, and, jewelry, all of which she had got changed into.

Her appearance was one of a country girl, this new style fitted her extremely well as if she was designed to wear such average clothes.

Yet one thing hadn’t changed. Spending a luxurious amount of money for the princesses was as easy a task as eating food, and if she was known for one thing, the chef who usually cooked for her would say her enormous appetite, she could eat mountains of food without getting full.

While walking down a desolate street admiring the new things she was coming across, Elsie walked past an alley, she stopped and pondered for a moment before ignoring it, Although she was a rouge-type girl, she would rather not go to dodgy places, nor would she want to get dirty, Nonetheless, while she was leisurely walking away, she heard a scream.

(Who was that?) Elsie stopped and turned around. The voice had come from the alley, and what’s more, the voice of the scream belonged to a young child, one who was in pain.

Ignoring her previous judgment, Elsie rushed into the alley and was greeted by an unsightly experience.

There was a little furry-eared young girl locked in a cage! The view of her in ragged brown clothing, aswell as her hair which looked as if it had been glued together by some sort of black tar. just who would do such a thing? Who would let such a young girl, who looked no older than ten years of age get herself into this position? Was this truly the outside world? What sort of person was responsible for this?

Yet, the questions which stirred in Elsie’s head were answered when she looked to the front of the cage, a man holding a battered blood-stained whip in his hand began to shout at the young dirtied furry-eared girl. “Damn rat, know your place, shut up!” he then lifted his arm, the whip with it. Did he intend to punish the girl even more? The scores of blood could be seen trickling down her face and back, such a cruel sight. Who could bear witness?

The little girl had been crying. “Mommy!” she was scared, had the world forsaken her? Why did she have to go through such pain? Where was her mother? The young girl didn’t know the questions to these answers.

Ignoring the girl’s cries. The man snorted.

The belt slashed down, a violent sound lashed out, But, the little girl was not the one who was hit.

“Ouch” Elsie let out a cry, acting before the man, she had intentionally gotten in the way of the whip. How could she let this happen? She had been educated well enough to know that this man was a slave trader! And a horrible one at that…

He looked like a ruffian, someone with no emotions in his eyes, his clothes were dirty, and his face was covered in uneven patches of stubble.

“Just what are you thinking young miss? That’s my slave! I can treat her how I want, move before I get you arrested!” Shocked at first, However calming down after seeing Elsie, a different light shined in his eyes.

The young girl who was crying just before, lifted her hands which were covering her face and looked at Elsie, teary-eyed.

(Such a cute little thing!) Elsie adored cute things, her entire room was filled with stuffed animals. What’s more? This was a cute little girl! She couldn’t wait to get the girl cleaned up and into some nice clothes, aswell as get some proper food into her.

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She looked at the little girl, then towards the man, who was standing there aloof.

“Young miss, I can forgive-“ Though the man was cut short.

“How much?” Elsie stated.

The man gritty-looking man became clueless for a little before a grin appeared on his mouth.

“One thousand treckles.” (treckles being the currency of the underworld, one treckle being worth one dollar/pound)

“Still, miss you might not be able to afford-“ He was yet again cut short when Elsie tapped her diamond ring, a pouch landed in her hand, and the sounds of coins mixing and clashing together could be heard coming from it. She tossed the heavy pouch towards the man.

“There, One Thousand Treckle, now release her, I own her now.” Said coldly.

A little flabbergasted, the man’s face became stiff. Just who was able to take one thousand trickles out of thin air? One must have to own a space ring! Just who was this young girl? She was extremely rich. His previous intentions now evaporated, and the gritty man’s attitude also changed. The young daughter of some important rich official was not someone he could get involved with, his original idea of making her a slave seemed almost impossible now, he sighed.

He quickly deposited the pouch of money into one of his jacket pockets before putting his hands together and allowing his unpleasant smile to show once again. “But of course, miss, But, now that you own this beast.” He dared to call such an innocent little girl a beast, Elsie wanted to kick the living shit out of him right here. Yet she restrained herself. “You will have to put a mark on her, once it is on, she will not be able to disobey you, otherwise she will be killed.” The man said.

Elsie hadn’t even given it a singular thought before responding. “No, there is no need, just get her out of that cage.” With such a firm tone, The man quickly obeyed and let the little girl out before she ran toward Elsie. Looking at her once more, Elsie’s heart ached, the little girl was malnourished and was trembling, were these the only clothes she had been given? Looking at the girl’s ragged clothes, which were exposing the girl’s skin, Elsie took off her jumper and put it on the girl, it practically covered the girl entirely, dripping down to her knees. An indescribable feeling of warmth and security fell over the little girl

The little girl looked at Elsie who was smiling at her before squeezing Elsie’s leg with a hug.

At this moment, this was the only appreciation the little girl could give to the big sister who had saved her, she didn’t know much, but with the big sister’s scent, she could tell that the big sister wasn’t a bad person. A bad person wouldn’t have declined a slave mark, but this big sister had! How could she not be a good person?

Although it was hard for her to speak in her state, she courageously managed to let out a few grateful words.

“B-big s-sister, thank you.” She trembled. Such a cute little girl, just how did she end up like this? Elsie’s wanted to cry, however, how could she? She held back the tears and patted the little girl warmly on the head.

Without even saying another word to the slave dealer, leaving him in some disappointment, he had probably wanted to drain a few more Treckle out of her, Elsie set off with the little girl to the nearest doctor, and with some medical exams, fortunately, the only thing that had happened to the girl were a few serious bruises and scratches, she still had her innocence. Elsie relaxed, if that had not been the case, then she would have gone back to the slave owner and smashed his skull in!

Just how did Elsie’s day end up like this? She pondered to herself, yet seeing the young girl who had such a cute face, relaxed. She smiled. Letting the girl experience the feeling of safety was Elsie’s main priority as of now. And so Elsie swore to herself, that she would look after this little girl. For as long as she had to.

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