Candy Land | Various! Yandere x Fem! Reader

Chapter 2: 02: A Jolly (Rancher) Maid

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You back up, hands in the air to let Min know you don't want any blood to be shed.

        "Um, hello?? Of course I am??" You frown when Min's glare deepens even more. 

        "You lied about being a traveler, didn't you?" His cold words cut through your flimsy lie from earlier. Feeling like you shouldn't dig yourself any deeper, you confess. 

        "Fine, yeah! I lied about being a traveler! But I was being 100% honest when I said I woke up here out of nowhere, remembering nothing aside my name." You cringe when Min's sword gets lifted inches from your neck. 

        "Now now Min..." Mayor Twix quickly cuts in before Min can cut you. "Miss [Name] is obviously defenseless compared to a knight like you. You should take it easy, hmm~?" His honey-like voice relaxes you, and almost makes you forget you're being threatened by some guy named Mint, I mean Min. 

        "But sir..." He starts. "She could be a spy sent by Queen Frost." Queen Froyo-who-now? Despite his words, he eventually lowers his sword and you breathe one gigantic breath of fresh air. Phew! Crisis averted.

        "Remember Min, I checked her earlier. She wasn't lying about having amnesia." Mayor Twix says. "I have a hunch she's like those humans who arrived in the past, only to leave later on." He pauses,

        "...I should ask my father about this matter." 

The white-haired knight's eyes widen. "Is. . .your father doing better these days?" Contrary to his threatening voice before, Min sounds hesitant - as if he's talking about a delicate subject. Mayor Twix's sad smile afterwards confirms that it is one. 

        "Ever since mother left...he's never truly been the same." 

        "My liege, you shouldn't address that woman by that title. She doesn't deserve it." Min says bitterly. After awkwardly looking back and forth, you definitely have a grasp of the situation.

Looks like Mayor Twiddledee-, uh, Twix, has got some daddy and mommy issues. Best to stay out of this or change the topic.

You fake cough, drawing both of their attention. "Soooo....wait. I'm not the first human who's been here?" 

        Mayor Twix nods at your words. "That's correct Miss [Name]. You're not the first. A century ago, the first human arrived in Candy Land before disappearing months later. To this day, it's still a mystery to the residents of Candy Land." 

        "Hold up, disappeared? I think...maybe that person went back to their, well, our, homeland - Earth." You reply. "By any chance, do you know how they disappeared? It would help me, like A LOThaha. No pressure or anything though!" You chirp and you could've swore Min glared at you out of the corner of your eyes.

        "I'm afraid even I don't know." Twix replies dejectedly. "I apologize Miss [Name]. This type of information is extremely secretive and is withhold from everyone except royalty. Even I'm not able to get my hands on it." 

        "Oh. Well that's ight."

No, in reality it was not 'ight'. In order to get back to Earth and see all your potential friends(?) and family again, you needed to know how that person just disappeared. "Have there been any other humans...?"

        "The last one arrived over fifty years ago." Min abruptly states. "You're the first one in decades."

        "Ah." Well, that's just lovely! Desperate to ignore your over-looming anxiety that'll seemingly dropkick you any second, you quickly ask something else. "So, what now then?"

Mayor Twix looks up at the night sky. "It's already so dark and most Candy Land residents are asleep at this hour. We should also get some shut-eye for tomorrow." He gives you a polite smile. "There's a guest room waiting for you back at my residence, Miss [Name]." 

        "...Oh, thanks! But I guess you're right, I am feeling pretty tired." You stretch your arms up and sigh. "Ngl, that dungeon wall wasn't very comfy." 

        "Once again I apologize for that. I'm sure you'll find the room to your liking though, Miss [Name]~" Mayor Twix chirps. "Please meet me for breakfast tomorrow and we can continue this discussion~"




        "Gawddamn." Twix wasn't kidding when he said you'd like it. This guest room was like, the size of a fancy apartment! 

You glance around, in awe at what rich people can afford - jealousy tingling in your chest. Quickly putting your hands into a prayer, you pray to be the only child in a rich asf family in your next life. Once you're done, you plop on the bed - bouncing up a few times before landing down. Holy, this bed felt like it was made out of marshmallows! 

Actually, you wouldn't be surprised if it was. You hoped that wasn't the case though, you wanted an ant-free bed at least once in your life.

        "Man...if only this was all a dream." You mumble to yourself, eye lids continuously getting ever so heavy. "...I never even got to try the ghost pepper challenge..." 

With that, your body loses all its tension and you fall into a peaceful slumber.


"Please wake up, Lady [Name]." A sweet feminine voice calls out to you. Despite that, you toss and turn and mutter out the cliche phrase:

        "Five more minutes!" 

You hear faint chuckling from your left side when suddenly the covers are pulled off of you. 

        "WHA-" Sitting up abruptly, your eyes make contact with kind turquoise ones. A woman with two, low blue wavy ponytails, pale porcelain skin, glossy pink lips, and a fancy looking smiles at you. She has on long, white socks and a pair of pearl-colored slip-ons with a light blue ribbon on them. Bamboozled by how pretty she is, you stare at her a little too long before comprehending the situation.

        "Um...hi? Who are you exactly?" 

        "Good morning, my lady~" She gives you a quick bow, the scent of blue raspberry hitting your nose. "My name is Joy. I'm the maid that's been assigned to you by the mayor!" 

You look her up and down in confusion, before remembering that Twix is loaded. It would've been incredibly easy for him to clap and boom, now you have a maid attending to your every need. 

        "Okay, um, well hi Joy." Your eyes fall to the sunlight pouring through the window. "I'm guessing you woke me up for breakfast?" 

        "That's correct, my lady!" 

        "Alright then. Lead the way?" Joy suddenly giggles and you raise an eyebrow. "What's so funny?" 

        "My lady, I'm afraid you'll have to change out of your current clothes to new ones first~" With a snap of her fingers, a folded f/c dress appears in her arms, a pair of buttercream-colored heels laying on top. You don't know how the clothes magically appeared but sweat glands form on your forehead just from looking at the heels.

Unfortunately, even with amnesia, your brain doesn't let you die down that one time you wore heels to your uncle's wedding and ended up tripping right into the 20-tier cake.

And after tipping the cake over, it landed on your uncle and his bride.

Safe to say, you were never your uncle's favorite niece. But hey, who orders a 20-tier cake anyways??

        "What's wrong with my current ones?" You ask, before quickly looking down and realizing you were in a t-shirt and PJs all this time. Heat flies to your cheeks as you hear Joy laugh. 

        "Pfft~" She lowers her hand from her mouth. "While you do look beautiful, my lady, I'm afraid proper meals require formal clothes." 

You feel your cheeks grow hotter at her compliment. There was no way you looked charming in those sesame street themed PJ pants, but you still appreciated her words. 

        "Hah, you have a point." 

As Joy helps you put on the pretty dress and way too many accessories (that you would have to pay for with your life if you lost), you take a good look at the light reflecting off of her hair. Out of nowhere, your hand moves on its own and reaches for her left ponytail.


        "?" Joy pauses, in the middle of putting the buttercream-colored shoes on your feet. "My lady...?" 

        "Wow, for some reason I thought your hair would be, er, solid." You run your other hand through and marvel at how soft it is. Wait, how exactly does it reflect light then??? Also, if this is Candy Land, and all the residents here are candies. . .

        what would Joy be then? 

        You furrow your brows, focusing on all the different possibilities. It's obvious the appearances of Mayor Twix were made to resemble the Twix candy bar, while Min is suppose to represent, well, a peppermint

And judging from her natural(?) blue raspberry scent, she obviously has to be a hard candy. A lollipop maybe? Naw, that doesn't seem right.

Your eyes fall down to her ponytail in your hands, when suddenly, an idea pops into your head.

        Jolly Rancher. . .was Joy the humanized version of the blue raspberry jolly rancher? It would also explain why her name was close to 'Jolly'.

        " lady?" A shy voice snaps you out of your thoughts and you just realized you just pulled a Mayor Twix. Immediately letting go, you back up in embarrassment. 

        "Shoot! SorryyourhairjustlookedreallyprettyandIwascurioushowitfelt!" You practically choke on your own saliva after saying the fastest sentence of your life. "Sorry for not asking for consent!!!" That one rapper, M&M, whatever he was called, had nothing on you. 

Meanwhile, Joy stares in awe at you before bursting into laughter for the 69th time. 

        "Haha-!" she beams, "My lady, it's fine. I don't mind that you touched my hair, hehe. I'd just like a little warning first next time." Your heart melts at how understanding she is.

        "O-of course!" Standing there awkwardly for a second, you clear your throat - trying to think of a different subject. "Um, Joy, I have a few questions. Do you think you could answer them?" 

        "How can I be of service, my lady?" 

        "Did...Mayor Twix tell you about my situation?" 

Joy's eyes widen for a second before nodding her head. 

        "Yes, the Mayor did inform me that you have amnesia." She states, standing up. "He didn't say anything else though~"

        "Oh." You glance to the side. "Wait, does that mean you know...?" Pausing, you're not sure if telling her you're not a candy person is the smartest thing to do. However, Joy has no problem blurting it out.

        "That you're human, my lady?" Your eyes widen in surprise. "Don't worry, these walls aren't very thin." She smiles.

        "Wait so you know? Also is it really that obvious? I mean I know my hair isn't the shiniest but still..." 

        Joy laughs. "Pfft! It's not that my lady. I realized when I was helping you put on your formal attire~"


That made sense. Unlike the rest of the Candy Land gang, your skin actually felt soft, not smooth. There's was a pretty drastic difference between the two you'd say. 

        "Does that answer all your questions, my lady?" Joy asks, staring at you innocently. You think for a second.

        "Well, asking you if you know anyway to get me back to Earth would be useless since the mayor doesn't know himself...oh, wait!" Remembering how Min held his blade to your throat, another question pops in your mind. "Um, soooo, do the people here hate humans or what?" 

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Joy blinks and shakes her head. "Of course not my lady! What ever made you think that?" She frowns, similar to a sad puppy. 

        "Ummmm, it's just that there's this guy called Mint- I mean Min, and he despises me...I think?" You grin, shrugging. "I didn't really do anything though so I don't know why he has such a fat stick up his a-" You quickly stop yourself before you can taint Joy's vocabulary with some colorful words.

        "Oh! Sir Min?" Joy pauses. "Please don't mind him, my lady. He may seem a bit brash at times, but I can say for sure that he's a good person." 

You wonder if that's true because all he's done is throw you into a jail cell with Mickey Mouse, been an A-class asshole to you this entire time, and almost sliced your neck open. Yup, definitelyyyy a good person!

        ". . Sure!" You examine yourself one last time in the mirror before smiling. "Let's not make the mayor wait any longer now! Plus I'm starving, kinda in the mood to eat a horse." 

Joy giggles and holds out her hand to you, which you quickly take. "The meat of the horses in Candy Land might be too sweet for your liking, my lady." 

        "Well in that case, gross. Never mind then." You shudder at the thought of sweet horse meat.

        "Lady [Name] has arrived~" Joy announces your arrival to Mayor Twix, Min, and a few other servants in the room. Upon seeing you, the chocolate-colored haired man beams. On the other hand, Min's face seems to sour. What a bit-

        "Miss [Name]!" He beams as his golden eyes look you up and down. "That dress suits you very well! How'd you sleep last night?" He's sitting at the very end of the same table that had a million plates of diabe- sweets yesterday. "Marsh is one of the softest and expensive materials in Candy Land because it's extremely difficult to grow!"

        Marsh? You raised an eyebrow. As in marshmellowWere you actually correct about it being made out of marshmellows?!

        "Umm, is that so. But it was really soft actually! Made me want to sleep in forever, hah." You chuckle, taking a seat at the other end of the table. "Sooo what's for breakfast? Eggs and bacon? Crepes? Frosted flakes-"

With one clap, all the servants immediately lift the silver trays up to reveal. . .

. . .a feast that would kill a diabetic with just one sniff. If the amount of sweets from yesterday wasn't enough, there were even more today.

        "You know, maybe I should've said yes to horse meat." You mumble. Joy, who's been standing next to you this entire time, stifles a laugh. You think you see Min looking at her out of the corner of your eye, but maybe you're hallucinating from how hungry you are.

        "Hmm? What was that Miss [Name]?" Mayor Twix calls out from the other end. The table is so lengthy that it doesn't surprise you that he couldn't hear you properly.

        "Oh- nothing! But Mayor, I think you've forgotten that I'm human. . .? It doesn't matter how many sweets I eat, I'll eventually pass out from a sugar rush later in the evening." 

        "Don't worry~! I took that in account and requested a shipment of vegetables and cattle yesterday! They should be arriving in about..." He lowers a few fingers. "...four days!" 

        "F-four days?! I kinda need them now if you don't mind." You stutter, cringing at the thought of eating nothing but sugar for half a week. Min suddenly cuts in with a rude snort. 

        "You'll be able to survive for four more days. Don't complain about getting free meals. Would you rather we let you starve?"

        Joy's eyes widen at his statement. "Sir Min-! Please take that back, it was very rude of you to say that to Lady [Name]." You give her a small smile as a thanks for her support. However, Min's eyes widen and he just looks away - embarrassed. You roll your eyes and turn to the mayor who's frowning at Min. 

        "Well if I pass out from all this sugar later, please catch me." 

        His frown quickly turns into a smile. "Will do, Miss [Name]~" 

        After stuffing yourself with a few donuts, girl scout cookies, and a glass of milk (thank god they had one thing here that wasn't sugary), you follow Min and Joy to the town's library. After such a sugary breakfast, you were already feeling the side effects.

        "I would've loved to join you, but I'll have to take a quick trip to my father." Mayor Twix shouts, standing in front of a carriage covered in diamonds and gold. The horses on it seem a lot glossier than your average horse. Must be the candy ones Joy mentioned. "Sir Min will escort you to the library in the meantime. I'll be back before sundown~"

With that, he gives you a pretty smile and a wave before getting inside his carriage that seems to flaunt "I'm rich". Do all mayors have a carriage as fancy as that?

After waving Twix off, the peppermint-scented man next to you gave you a glance before sighing exasperatedly. "Follow me."

You look at Joy as if to say "I told you so" and she smiles sheepishly.

On the way to the library, you take another peek around this candy-themed town. Besides the bright colors and overwhelming sweet smell, it really seemed like any other normal village. Like, the sunlight definitely gave all the candy people a little bit of extra shine, but it wasn't to the point that it would blind you. 

        "You're not gonna catch meh!" a little boy says. On his head is a poorly made cardboard crown, or at least you think its cardboard. At this point it could've been chocolate and you wouldn't be surprised.

        Right behind him is his friend, who's chasing after him with a wooden (or chocolate) sword. "I will! I swear I'll take the head of the traitorous Queen Frost!!" You chuckle at his words. It's hard to take him seriously with his squeaky, prepubescent voice.

        But this is the second time you've heard of this 'Queen Frost'. Who the heck was she? From what you've gathered, she definitely doesn't seem to be the Queen of Candy Land. 

        You and your two brain cells try their hardest to remember what the Candy Land board looked like, and thanks to your still recovering memory, you remembered you only ever played it once in your life. But you were sure there was a wintery section on the board. One with mountains and frozen lakes. Was that where Queen Frost resided? Maybe it's better to ask a Candy Land resident instead of trying to figure it out.

        "Hey Joy." You call out. Min glances back the moment you say her name. Weird?

        "Yes my lady?" She immediately replies. 

Ah, I love her. It was great to have Joy as your companion while you dealt with the peppermint-scented guy next to you. Yeah, you were still petty that Min held a sword to your neck.

        "Do you know who 'Queen Frost' is? I've been hearing that name a lot for the one and a half days I've been here." 

Out of nowhere, Joy stops midtrack. You stop too, worried that you asked a taboo question. Yikes, second day here and you were already ruining your reputation? Kinda reminded you of high school.

        "Umm, was that too sensitive of a topic-?" For a second, she seems nervous before shaking her head. 

        "Oh, not at all! My apologies for the abrupt stop. I...was just thinking of where to start." Sir Min raises an eyebrow at you. 

        "Why ask her when you could read about it instead? There's bound to be a bunch of books on that wicked woman." He states. You were about to get annoyed but suddenly, a thought intrigued you.

Wicked woman?

Your hunch told you that this 'Queen Frost' was an important character, probably a villainess of some sort.

        "I guess you're right." You thought Min might've just disliked every woman, but after seeing him being in the same room as Joy, you thought otherwise. It was pretty clear he was interested in her, which made you annoyed because you also wanted to get to know her better.

 But before you could say anything else, the white-haired male halted in front of a huge . 

        "We've arrived." However, you're distracted by how fancy it was. It was no where as big as Mayor Twix's mansion, but still ginormous. Like the size of two Barnes and Nobles meshed together. Amazed, you walk in as Min begrudgingly holds the door for you as Joy follows suit.

        "Gawddamn...just how much tax money went into this!" You shout, socks completely blown off. Your voice echos in the library and you hope you didn't bother anyone studying for their midterm exams. Do they even have school in this world? 

You were never much of a bookworm in your old world, yet this library made you want to spend the rest of your life in it. It was just mind-blowing to say the least.

        "Actually, pretty miss, King Kandy himself purchased this library for the town~" You get jump scared by a voice to the side. You thought it was Min at first trying to prove you wrong, but the voice was way kinder than he could ever sound. Also, he would never call you pretty or miss.

 Turning around, you make eye-contact with the charming at the counter.

        "Greetings! My name is Hershe, I'm in charge of the official Candy Land library. I recognize two familiar faces and one. .new one." His brown eyes seem to sparkle in glee. "Who might you be, miss?"

While this total hottie makes your knees weak, you fight to keep your composure, both from fainting from his appearance and laughing at his name. After all, it was pretty obvious he was based off the Hershey's bar. 

        "Yo, uh, I'm [Name]." You wave at him, not really sure what to say. Looks like losing your memory also made you lose your social skills. Unless you never had any to begin with.

        "Hello Miss [Name]~ I've heard rumors of a new traveler appearing in this town but I'd never imagine it'd be a human." 

        "!" You, Joy, and Min all become surprised at his statement. At this point the whole world might as well know you're not a candy person. 

Almost immediately, the blue-haired maid steps forward to shield you. ". . .Master Hershe, how did you find out that Lady [Name] was human?" Joy asks, frowning. Her usually kind demeanor is replaced with a suspicious and almost protective expression. 

        "Hmm~ a magician never reveals his secrets, correct?" You raise an eyebrow at his cryptic-ness. "But Mayor Twix told me beforehand." He grins.

        "Whatever, this makes it a lot easier then." Min cuts in. "Hershe, we're looking for any books on humans." 

        "Eh? Why would you need that when you could ask the pretty miss right here for answers?" Hershe stares at you, making your cheeks heat up a little. 

        "Um, we're not trying to learn about humans, Master Hershe. We're trying to get Lady [Name] back to Earth, her original world." Joy discloses. "Plus, she unfortunately has a case of amnesia." 

Upon hearing that, Hershe goes silent for a few seconds. He taps the wooden(?) desk with his black nails. Who knew the black nail polish trend was also a thing in Candy Land?

        "...I'm afraid I can't help you three without proper authority from the King first." You widen your eyes.

        "Wait, why?" 

        "I have nothing against you, Miss [Name]. But the human section in this library requires permission of the highest status. I don't make the rules, sadly." Hershe leans against his palm, looking at you. Despite his mischievous demeanor, you can tell he's sincerely apologetic. 

        "Ight, but how am I gonna get perms from the King then?" You ask, raising an eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure he lives in that giant castle that's like what - 500 miles away? But will he even speak to me once I get there?" 

        "I don't think that'll be a problem." Min suddenly states, pointing to a familiar Mayor who coincidentally just walked in.

Waving, Twix smiles and stops right in front of you, his golden eyes peering into yours.

        "Miss [Name], how'd you like it if we took a quick visit to the King of Candy Land?" 

        "Wait what? I know you're the mayor and all, but can we really just waltz in through the gates and demand an audience??"

Twix blinks before chuckling. "Why not? I'm his son after all." 

        ". . .Sorry?"


I'm having sm fun writing this shit LOL sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes tho, I'm always high while writing this story

Anyways, this is like my third time writing a yandere fic so mb if it seems too slow (I specialize in and LOVE slow burn js so yk) because those stories were charas are infatuated with the reader right off the bat seem a lil strange to me

I'm also planning on this to be a silly, short story so expect ~20 chaps at most haha

Thanks for all the hearts and comments on this crackfic <3

You can find story with these keywords: Candy Land | Various! Yandere x Fem! Reader, Read Candy Land | Various! Yandere x Fem! Reader, Candy Land | Various! Yandere x Fem! Reader novel, Candy Land | Various! Yandere x Fem! Reader book, Candy Land | Various! Yandere x Fem! Reader story, Candy Land | Various! Yandere x Fem! Reader full, Candy Land | Various! Yandere x Fem! Reader Latest Chapter

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