Candy Land | Various! Yandere x Fem! Reader

Chapter 4: 04: A Blessing from the Potato Gods

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        Your eyes skim through the book you're grasping onto. The scent of paper relaxes you as you lean back in the wooden chair, careful to not add enough pressure to fall back and shatter your skull.

You are currently in the Candy Land library, trying to find any information that'll be useful to yeet- getting you back to Earth. It's been a full day since your audience with the king, and you decided to go back to the library in hopes of learning more about this world.

In the meanwhile, Twix and Min are busy gathering ingredients for the hot chocolate. Joy also said she would check up on the carriers so you wouldn't have immense diarrhea again after eating nothing but sugar for the past three days. In addition, the chocolate-scented librarian, Hershe, decided to ditch his work and join you in reading the human section of the library. You wonder how he didn't get fired yet, but barely anyone came into the library so it was okay—probably.

Though often times, he would pull you out of your reading and ask a question or two about the text. 

        "Say [Name], do you know who Richard and Maurice Mcdonald are?" Hershe leans over to show you his magazine. "This whole page is dedicated on info about them." Your eyes widen in shock from the familiar name. 

        "Umm—I guess? They're the founders of this fast food chain called Mcdonald's back in my world. Wait a sec, why is that even in the book?" you lower your head to look at the cover. 

Famous American Food Franchises Through the Years


You decide to not question why a magazine like this was in the Candy Land library. Maybe someone from Earth had this stuffed in their pockets when they also spawned here? After spending days in this world, you decided to adapt the motto of 'it is what it is' and 'live and let live'. It was really the only thing that kept your sanity going. So after placing that thought to the back of your head, you pick up your text to resume reading, feeling the stare of a certain librarian on you.

        "[Name]...I'll be honest, I'm quite envious of you." 

        "Wait, what?" you almost choke on your saliva, whipping your head around in surprise. Well that was a shock. Your eyes scan his absolutely attractive face up and down. "Why though???"

Hershe smiles, flipping another page over in Famous American Food Franchises Through the Years. 

        "You have so many amazing things back in your world. Like, for example, these metal detector sandals! You can walk and find potential treasures at the same time?! How fascinating!" 

        "I've never heard of metal detector sandals in my life. Seriously, what's even in that magazine?" you quirk an eyebrow. It wasn’t even an American food franchise. "But I guess compared to Candy Land, Earth is pretty cool."

Actually, was it? There were literal humanized talking candies here. Plus, you were 80% sure everything in this world was made out of chocolate. Your eyes flicker to the table you and and Hershe are sitting at. Maybe just a bite couldn't would either confirm or refute your theory about everything being edible! 

Unfortunately, Hershe's words stop you before you can take a bite of the library table.

        "That's an understatement!" he chuckles. "Man, it would be wonderful if I could visit your homeland one day. I think I would pass out from how excited I would be.”

        "Wellll, if Queen Frost ends up telling me about a portal to Earth, I wouldn't mind letting you come with me." Hershe's eyes immediately start sparkling out of control once you say that. "I-I mean, just as a tourist though. You would have to go back to Candy Land afterwards, y'know?" 

        "Thank you [Name]! I'd love that!" he goes back to flipping through the magazine, only this time with a wide smile on his face. You chuckle at his expression. Hershe's company was always pretty entertaining. At first, you thought he was a cut out from one of those cliche playboy tropes, so imagine your surprise when he was different from the other candies you've known thus far. Twix was a mayor-prince so he always spoke formally and had mountains of work to do. Min was a brat, but you could tell he was slowly getting used to your presence. He no longer rolled his eyes every time you passed by him! Joy was super sweet, but she was your maid so you couldn't really have any random convos like this. Or maybe you could. You did want to get to know her better after all. But Hershe was really the only one you could freely rant to about Earth. It was refreshing, needless to say.

All of a sudden, a familiar maid bursts into the library. Speak about the devil. Or an angel, actually. 

        "My lady-!" she shouts, scanning the tables for your face. You and Hershe perk up from the sudden jump scare.

        "Wazzup Joy?" you lazily say. Today was kinda a chillax day for you. After taking in so much info yesterday, you just wanted to give your brain a break. However, the turquoise-haired maid that was gasping for air in front of you definitely had news that would disrupt your peace. "Is it something urgent? Oh-oh! I know, did you spot a UFO in the sky? Are the aliens finally here to take me back to Earth? Took 'em long enough." You beam. Okay, maybe your brain was more than just a little deep-fried from staying in this world.

        "H-huh? Umm, not quite...!" she pants, puzzled at your lunatic words. Hershe stares at you, very amused. "The carriers have arrived, my lady!"

Upon hearing that, you stand up abruptly. Your wooden(?) chair hits the ground with a loud thud. You would taste test that later. Right now, tears well up in your eyes as you stand there, shocked. 

        "Are you serious?!" you slam your hands onto the library table, making Hershe flinch in the process. "I-I don't have to eat sweets anymore?!" your face was already breaking out from injecting pure sugar into your veins every day.

Joy gives you a smile, tears also appearing in her eyes. She wipes some of them away. "Yes...!" 

You hop over the table and run into her arms, surprising Joy. She immediately returns the hug and beams.

        "Let's go, my lady!" 

        "Ight!" you turn around and wave to the librarian. "Bye Hershe! See ya!" 

The brunet stares at you, utterly dumbfounded, before cracking up at your spontaneousness. 

        "Pfft-! Bye [Name]! It was nice talking to you! Visit the library again soon!"

        "Onions, cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes, garlic, potatoes, grapes..." you tear up as you name all the items inside the crates. "...apples, bananas, oranges, RICE?! And oh-my-gosh, meat!" Tears fall onto the ribeye steak as you hug it with all your might, squishing it in the process, but you don't care. You never thought you would be so happy to see rice or meat until you had to survive on junk food for three days. "Thank you so much candy gods-! I promise I'll offer some instant noodles to you once I get back to Earth!"

Joy stands behind you, watching you with great amusement in her twinkling eyes. She holds up a white gloved hand, giggling at your expression of pure joy.  

        "I'm excited to see what Earth food is like, Lady [Name]! The residents of Candy Land have consumed sweets, and only sweets, for as long as I can remember." She crouches down, holding up a carrot. "Truth be told, fruits, veggies, and other non-sugary foods don't really have any effect on us. But maybe that's because we've never tried making a proper dish with it." 

        "So you guys have been consuming junk food since the first sunrise?" On your first day here, you questioned whether it would count as cannibalism or not for literal candy people to be eating sweets. And if it did count, it would certainly give you even more of a headache than you already had. Therefore you immediately decided to chuck that thought off a cliff before you could lose all your remaining sanity.

        "Haha, indeed my lady." Joy smiles at you. "But I would be more than happy to try your cooking-! If...." her cheeks turn pink "'ll share some of it with me, of course..." 

Your heart gets a direct attack from her cuteness and you quickly nod. 

        "Of course, Joy! You're my friend, I'm totally gonna let you try my food!" you pause. "But tbh, I'm not exactly the greatest chef on the planet." You still remember that one time you burnt rice after putting it in the rice cooker. It literally came out as a solid, black brick of shit. Even your mom was flabbergasted at how one could burn rice. Everything after that was a blur though, partly because your memory was still recovering and your mom hit your head with a literal stick. Man, that woman sure was meticulous about her rice. You didn't know where she got that stick from though. Maybe from that banana tree in your backyard.

The blue-raspberry scented maid smiles at you. "If it's from you, my lady, I wouldn't mind swallowing poison itself!" 

You laugh. "Please don't, Joy. Though if you're trying one of my dishes, I guess you can't really avoid that..."

Since you were a VIP guest at Twix's mansion, you were allowed to go anywhere in the mansion aside from his office and bedroom (not that you were planning on going there anyways). And one of those rooms included the very fancy kitchen all the sweets were made in!

Opening the kitchen doors, you catch a whiff of literally every sugary food that's ever existed. Immediately, you falter back from a sugar overdose. 

        "Ah- help!" you lose your balance, but a hand grips your arm and stops you from boinking your head on the porcelain floor. Phew. Hooray! You're not gonna lose your two brain cells after all! 

        "Got'cha, miss! Watch your step next time!" a boyish voice says. Immediately, you thank the gods for not letting you fall and getting, er, twice the memory loss?

Your heart leaps in excitement. What type of candy would this guy be? As you steady yourself, your e/c eyes glance up to see—Mayor Twix?

Oh wait. Never mind. It's not Twix. You confused yourself since this guy also has brown hair and yellow eyes, but he was definitely not the mayor. 

        "Erm- thanks!" you say, inspecting his face. With short chocolate-colored hair and caramel eyes, he had skin the color of nougat. The man wore a full body chef uniform, a white apron around his waist. In his other hand was a piping bag filled with buttercream. You look behind him and see a cake on the counter, the icing still a work in-progress. Hmm, this guy definitely seemed to work here. 

He releases his grip on your arm, giving you a smile. "Don't mention it~" looking you up and down, he suddenly snaps his fingers. "Oh-! I know you, lady! You're my cousin's special guest!" 


        "Yeah! He's also the current mayor of Candy Land~" your eyes widen. 

        "Mayor Twix is your cousin?!" you blink in surprise. So that's why you almost mistook him for Twix! They were related! "Wait, wait, wait...doesn't that make you a noble then? Excuse me if this is rude, but why are you working as a chef?" 

        "Hehe, naw, don't worry. No offense taken!" the man energetically says, walking back to the cake. He immediately resumes icing it. "Ever since I was little, I've had a passion for making pastries. So when the mayor offered me a job here, I couldn't say no! Now I have a blast perfecting my skills!~" you walk over to his side and inspect the cake. 

        "Did you make this by yourself?"

        "Yep!" Even though it was still being worked on, you could tell someone with a high level of skill made it. Your eyes inspect him again. Judging from his appearance, he couldn't have been older than Twix, nonetheless over twenty. Were you talking to a chef prodigy right now? 

        "Excuse me, but what's your name?" you ask. Following the rule where people in this world are named after candies, if he was related to Twix, this guy had to be the humanized version of a chocolate bar. But the question was which one? Hershey's was already crossed off the list. 


You blink. Hooooold up, that didn't sound right. Weren't all the Candy Land residents supposed to follow a name pattern? Or at least sound similar to the candy they're based off?

        "Umm..." your eyes dart from side to side. "Nice to meet you, Sam? I'm [Name]. This might sound weird, but do you go by any other name besides Sam?" 

He chuckles, "Is this some sort of new pick-up line, miss?"

        "What no-!" the male laughs at your redden face. 

        "Just kidding! To answer your random question though, apparently my birth certificate says 'Snickers'. But I never liked the name so my parents started calling me 'Sam' instead. Now that's a name I totally dig."

Your eyes sparkle. So that was it! This guy was the human version of the chocolate bar, Snickers! A Twix and Snickers bar were definitely similar in more ways than one, so it made sense Mayor Twix and Sam were related. You understood why Sam didn't want to be called that though. Twix wasn't too much of a weird name, but imagine being called Snickers...

Sam finishes icing the cake and you marvel at the design. 


        "Yep. It's what my client ordered!" you raise a brow. 

        "Client? Wait, do you also own a bakery or something?" he laughs.

        "Nope! Not yet anyways. I plan on opening one someday~" a dreamy expression engulfs his face. "I'll call it 'Sam's Sweets', has a nice ring to it, don'cha think?" you blink.

        "Mmm, wait you're right! It rolls off the tongue." Sam chuckles at your praise. 

        "Thanks [Name]~" he suddenly pauses. "Wait. What are you doing in the kitchen in the first place? If you were hungry, you could just tell a servant and they'd relay the message to me! After all, you're not you when you're hungry!" you stare at him, trying not to laugh from his signature line. Yeah, that definitely confirmed whether or not this man was a humanized Snickers bar. 

        "Um, I was actually thinking of cooking something." Suddenly, Sam gasps and clasps his hands over yours.

        "Cook something?! Name any pastry you want and I'll make it lickety-split!" you stare dumbfounded into his sparkling, caramel eyes.

        "Uh, you sure? I don't know if you can even make it." 

        "Don't be shy! Even if it's a thirty-tier cake, I love myself a good challenge~" you smile at his words, before trying to wiggle out of his grasp. Sam notices and quickly lets go, backing up. He scratches his head, looking away while pink dusts his cheeks. "Ah- sorry [Name]! I just get really excited when it comes to baking in general." 

You smile before shaking your head. "No worries. It's just that what I want to make isn't, ummm, how to say this, a pastry?"

Your eyes glance behind to a servant carrying a crate of veggies inside the kitchen. Once he plops it on the floor and walks back out, you quickly dash over and pick up a potato. Then you book it back in front of Sam - who's been staring at you this whole time with curious eyes. You hand him the potato and smile. "I want to make French fries." 

After Hershe showed you that one magazine page with the Mcdonalds brothers, your mind instantly went to Mcdonald's French fries. Gosh they were so good. With the right amount of crispiness and salt sprinkled on, each bite was pure bliss. Your mouth salivated from just thinking about it! And yeah, sure, French fries were technically still junk food. But they were salty not sweet. You would rather dump your tongue in a barrel full of salt than endure another week of eating pure sugar. 

Sam's eyes are glued on the potato for a good ten seconds before making contact with your eyes. 

        "F-french fries?!" Instead of giving up like you thought he would, his face breaks into a enormous grin. "I've never stumbled upon a dish called that! Tell me miss, how does one make French fries? Do we use the potato you handed me? Oh, I'm beyond ecstatic right now!" Sam was about to shit rainbows from your words.

        "Well, uh, yeah!" you sweat at his sudden enthusiasm and quickly glance around, spotting a couple of fryers lined in a row. "But first, you don't mind me using your kitchen right?"

        "Of course not! If anything, please go ahead!" he puts his hand over his chest. "I don't know why, [Name], but my heart started pounding the moment you said the name of that exotic dish! Something in me, maybe the chef blood, is saying that I need to make this." 

You laugh from Sam's words. The thought of someone thinking French fries were exotic absolutely cracked you up. But right now, you were desperate for some human food. And some salt. So if some hot-shot genius chef was by your side, you were definitely gonna take advantage of that.

        "Alright. I'd like to request your help then, Sam!" 

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His cheeks flush in excitement. "My pleasure, [Name]. Operation French Fries is a go!"



Twix's golden irises dart up for a second before he resumes looking through the paperwork. 

        "Come in." He promptly says. The door opens to reveal a familiar minty knight. Min bows his head before walking up to the mayor. 


        "Ah, greetings Min. How's the harvesting going? Have they gathered all the ingredients we need?" Twix asks, placing down his papers. 

        "We're still in the process of mining the golden sugar, my lord. Besides that, we've collected everything else." Min pauses. "My liege, could I ask for your opinion on something?" the mayor's eyes sparkle in curiosity. 

        "What is it?" the knight hesitates for a moment before opening his mouth.

        "...What do you think of [Name]?" 

Twix's expression turns into one of surprise. 

        "I thought you didn't like her, Min? Why so curious?”

He coughs into his palm, looking away with a frown. 

        "I don't. But you know, that woman is the first human here in decades. It'd be strange if I wasn't intrigued by her. In addition, news of [Name] has already spiraled through town. People are cautious yet excited about the fact that she's here. They're curious how she suddenly appeared." Min blinks. "Sire, when should we make that public?"

        " we're working on a cure for my mother?" Twix asks, earning a nod from the red-eyed male. "That's—well...I would like it if we informed the people after the remedy is finished." He pauses, bitterness engulfing his face for a split second. Then, his face turns neutral again. "I wouldn't want to give any false hope to our people."

Min stares at him, not sure what to say. When it came to Queen Frost, his emotions were always conflicted. On one hand, he despised her with all his being. She took away his family in the blink of an eye, even his brother, who was barely older than him. If it wasn't for Mayor Twix, he would've died a long time ago. 

Why did his savior have to be her son, though? Min knew he wasn't the only one who suffered. Ever since the queen was pushed into Snowflake Lake, the mayor's life had turned for the worse. Now, at the age of 25, Twix had so much pressure on him. He had a father with a cracked heart and a mother who fled from home. The knight felt sorry for his beloved master, the man who took care of him at his lowest. Yet the thought of Queen Frost supposedly reverting back to normal once she drank the hot cocoa made him feel twisted emotions. How was it fair that she would be forgiven for all her sins? How was it fair that Min could never see his family again? How was it fair that the queen abandoned her people, even her own husband and son? And after all this, she would be forgiven as if nothing happened?

        "—in, are you there? Are you okay? Min?" Twix snapped his fingers, bringing him back to reality. He hazily looked around.. Oh right. He was still in the mayor's office.

        "Ah. I apologize my liege. I got too caught up with my thoughts." He hung his head low, praying that Twix wouldn't pry any further. If he told the mayor that he didn't really want the queen to be cured...Min wouldn't be able to stand his expression afterwards. 

        "It's alright." Yet, his soothing tone eased the knight's heart. Min slowly looked up and was met with Twix's gentle smile. "You asked what I think about Miss [Name]? Well, it's hard to say. For one, I believe I'll be indebted to her once we finish making the cure. I plan on giving her anything she requests for, and I'm sure father would be more than happy to comply. But secondly, Miss [Name] is...." he grins. "...definitely interesting. If it weren't for my workload, I would love to learn more about her world."

Min stays quiet. Then he quickly perks up.

        "Ah, that reminds me sir. One of the maids informed me that she's in the kitchen with the chef at the moment. I also heard that the food suppliers arrived just an hour ago. Do you think...?"

        "Pfft, I wouldn't be surprised if [Name] was cooking right now. I'm sure she misses Earth's food very much." Twix's eyes glows with mischief. "Perhaps I should pay her a visit later, don't you agree?"

The knight simply sighs. "That woman might give us a headache, sir." Twix chuckles at his words,

        "I admit her way of talking confuses me at times, yet I think it's a fair price for being around such an interesting individual." He stands up, shuffling the papers together. "Shall we go then, Min?"

        "To check up on her and your cousin?"


Min sighs once again. "As you wish, my lord. Hopefully the kitchen isn't engulfed in flames once we get there."

        "Holy shit, these look so good! They look exactly like Mcdonald's fries!" you exclaim, stars in your eyes as you peer down at the fries. Sam pulls out the last patch out from the fryer and carefully dumps them on the paper towels. He grins at his latest masterpiece.

        "We gotta add the finishing touch though!" Sam replicates Salt Bae's iconic pose and sprinkles the seasoning over the crispy, heavenly, fries. The salt gives an extra sparkle to the fries and you collapse on your knees from sheer excitement. Finally! You get to devour some human food! "Aaaaand, it's done [Name]!" he says, looking down at you with a grin. You immediately jump up - eyes sparkling at him.

        "Can I....?" Sam laughs

        "Knock yourself out~"

Upon hearing that, you almost literally knock yourself out with how fast you're shoving the fries down your throat. Sam's entertained expression turns to one of horror once you start choking, fighting desperately for your life. 

        "ACK-!" you screech like a dying pterodactyl. With wide eyes, Sam immediately bangs his fist against your back, probably shattering your spine in the process. You let out a cry of pain before he quickly shouts a "Sorry!" and performs the Heimlich maneuver on you, hugging your stomach so tight that your eyes bulge out. "HNGGH-" a fry falls out of your mouth and hits the porcelain floor. You immediately fall to the floor and gasp for air on all fours, panting like a dog.

        "Y-you okay, [Name]?!" Sam shouts, crouching down next to you. He rubs your back roughly and you sigh in relief.

        "Y-yeah....the potato gods almost tried to kill me, but I survived! Thanks Sam!" you exhale and inhale, shook to the core that you almost died from choking on a French fry. If any of your ancestors were watching you from heaven (or hell, you didn't judge), they were sure laughing their asses off.

This situation was almost enough to make you lose your appetite. Key word, almost. You immediately go back to scarfing the fries down your throat but at a much slower pace. This time, the potato gods don't try to kill you. Sam grins and also tries a French fry, immediately becoming the happiest man in the world. You laugh at his expression.


        "MMPH!" his muffled response only makes you laugh harder.

        "Miss [Name]!" Twix suddenly walks in through the kitchen doors. Min follows behind him. "How's-" he pauses once he catches sight of you and Sam stuffing your faces with fries, salt and crumbs all over your faces. Twix freezes while Min turns away, stifling his laugh. The mayor soon recovers though, giving you two a smile. 

        "Greetings Sam. I see you two have been up to quite the scheme~" he says, patting his cousin's head. 

       "MMPHM!" the male answers, cheeks full of potatoes. Min snickers even harder in the background. Sam quickly gulps down his food, grinning wide. "It's delicious! I've never had anything like it! You gotta try it Twix! You too Min! She's an absolute genius!" he hands them both a crispy fry. Your heart feels warm at his praise, though you hope Richard and Maurice Mcdonald weren't cussing at you from potato heaven for not giving them credit.

Min stares at it before hesitantly putting it in his mouth, eyes immediately lighting up. Twix does the same, his eyes wide at the taste.

        "Wow...." he breathily says, "Sam's right, this is absolutely delicious! H-how on Candy Land did you two make this?" the mayor asks, cheeks flushed and eyes shining a little too much. You laugh.

        "We cut some potatoes into thin slices and fried them! Then we sprinkled salt over them. Super simple really." You smirk at Min who grumpily looks away. "Man, if something as small as this is able to excite you guys, imagine your faces when I pull out more recipes from my ass."

        "Uhh, that's pretty gross [Name]. Not sanitary at all." Sam looks at you in disgust before beaming. "But you have MORE recipes?! I don't care if they're covered in doodoo or not, please, please, PLEASE share them with me!" he falls to his knees and grips your hands tightly. Twix frowns at your linked hands before clearing his throat. 

        "Calm down, Sam. I understand you're excited but you shouldn't burden Miss [Name]." He says, walking over to pull a way too ecstatic Sam off of you. "Are you alright? I apologize for that. My cousin can't control himself when it comes to cooking." 

        "Oh, no worries! I had a lot of fun making these with Sam!" you grin, staring at the fries. "I definitely don't mind sharing more recipes from Earth!"

The overjoyed male wraps his arms around you as Twix stares in the background, an uneasy feeling gripping his heart as he looks at you two. That's weird...

He couldn't have been jealous, could he? The mayor only knew you for three days, yet he felt a twinge of disappointment. The fact that more people were getting to know you and your entertaining antics annoyed him for some reason. 

Twix quickly shook of these thoughts and smiled at you, a bit desperate to get Sam off of you. 

        "Miss [Name], may I suggest that you go on a walk throughout town? Ever since you've arrived here, the people have been curious about you. I've gotten countless letters asking if they could meet with you actually, haha. I would love to escort you but I'm afraid I have to get back to my work. I've taken too long of a break visiting you two." His eyes darts to his knight. "Min, would you go with her for protection?"

The male stares at him in shock, and for a second, you think he was gonna flat out refuse. Yet surprisingly, the ruby eyed knight nods his head.

        "As you wish."

You blink. Were your charms finally melting Min’s icy heart? But come to think of it, you hadn't really gotten a proper look around town. If you were going to be here for at least another month, you should at least familiarize yourself with the surroundings. With that thought in mind, you smile at the man who's still hugging you.

        "Thanks for today Sam! I was able to get a taste of home because of you. I promise I'll stop by later, maybe tomorrow, so we can make even more dishes~" you grin. "Sound good?"

His cheeks turn a light pink.

        "Yes!!!" Sam finally lets go and waves you off. "Bye [Name]! In the meantime, I hope you don't mind if I finish the rest of the fries~"

You chuckle "Just don't choke on it like I did, ight?" 

        "Noted!" As you leave the kitchen with Twix and Min, you hear the sound of Sam ferociously devouring the remaining fries in the background. What a savage.

        "My lady?" Joy calls out, walking into the kitchen. "I swear I just heard her here...where could she have gone?" the maid catches sight of Sam, who's lying on the floor, completely passed out. Joy gasps and frantically runs over. She crouches down and shakes him awake. "C-Chef?! Wh-what’s wrong?! Are you hurt?!"

He squints his eyes open, blinking a few times. Then Sam smiles at her. 

        "Huh? Oh...hey Joy! What'cha doing here?" Sam groggily asks, trying to sit up. However, he immediately falls back down due to his stomach bulging out, making it look like he was one of those pregnant fetish drawings on Deviantart. Talk about a major case of a food baby. "Maybe it wasn't a good idea to eat all of the remaining fries....I must've passed out since I'm not used to the salt.” He mutters. Joy blinks.

        "Fries? What's that? Did you come up with a new pastry, Chef?"

        "It's a dish made out of potatoes from [Name]'s world...! You know, the human everyone's been talking about? Oh wait, of course you know. Aren't you like her personal maid?" her eyes widen.

        "W-what? You got to try my lady's cooking?" Joy asks, her heart sinking in disappointment. If only if she got here sooner. Right after the carriers had arrived, Joy had to run off to write and send a letter back home. It took longer than expected since so many things had happened recently, the main thing being [Name]'s sudden arrival to Candy Land. So by the time she finished, [Name] had already disappeared from the mansion. "Do you know where she is now?"

        "My cousin said [Name] should walk around town since she's a bit of a celebrity now, lolz." Sam dazedly says, still sprawled out on the floor. "The townsfolk are dying to see a human in person."

        "Oh, I see. Thank you, chef! Will you be okay lying on the floor like that?" Joy asks, concern in her turquoise eyes. The chef gives her a thumbs up before reentering his food coma. She blinks, processing what just happened.

Then, slowly standing up, Joy decides to go after her lady. Yet her feet immediately halt in place once her eyes catch sight of a shining, golden treasure.

It was the last fry.

Joy's eyes peer down at the plate in surprise. What were the chances that Sam had left behind one last fry? She gingerly picked it up, examining it. This came from a regular, old potato? She wondered if her lady was a witch, to be able to transform a potato into, well, this.

        "...Thank you for the food." Joy whispered, looking at the sleeping chef on the floor before plopping into her mouth. It broke apart almost instantly. The maid chewed slowly, engraining the taste of the fry into her mind. Incredibly salty...yet fluffy and delicious. This came from her lady's world? Earth sure was strange beyond words.

 Yet Joy's cheeks turned an adorable raspberry red. She smiled, imagining [Name] working in the kitchen, drooling in excitement as she chopped the potatoes. Giggling, Joy turned around, heels clicking as she made her way to the door. It might've been out of place, but she found herself becoming increasingly interested in the lady she served the more time she spent with her. Considering her position, she knew it was impossible for any wishful thinking, yet she felt something change in her heart. Her eyes widened. Could it be?

        "No...that's impossible. I must be hallucinating." Joy muttered, shaking her head. As she was about to go off in pursuit of [Name], an idea suddenly came to mind.

Maybe she could visit the library and ask to see books talking about humans and 'Earth'! A proper maid must be well informed on her master after all. Plus, maybe she could even start a convo with [Name] about the things she learns, thus growing closer!

Joy quickly made her way over to the library, ecstatic at the idea. She was so excited that she missed the feeling of warmth in her chest; one Joy hadn’t felt in a very long time.


aaaaa my fingers sure do hurt after writing this ???? this story is so fun to write tho hnnngh

anyways heres the introduction of best boy snickers, or should i say sam! i want to turn as many candies as i can into humans for this story so expect some new characters next chap as well ❤️ also can u tell each chap is getting more n more chaotic?

but hope u enjoyed this chap! please tell me ur thoughts in the comments, those are literally my life fuel LOL

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