Capture The Blue-Eyed CEO

Chapter 277: Report

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With her phone in her hand, she automatically snapped a photo of her food. As she sat down on the chair, she opened her chat message to Noah. The first message she sent hasn't been read. 

It was already late over there. She shouldn't wonder why he didn't read her message at all. But that fact didn't stop her shoulder from being slumped with disappointment as she forked a piece of pear. She was chewing the juicy fruit when she decided to send him the photo of her food. 

She no longer cares if he doesn't read her message as early as he usually would. She sent two photos for today. She kept up with her promise to send photo updates for him. It's up to him if he replies to them or not. 

She put down her phone and ate slowly.. Every now and then, she would throw a glance on her phone next to her plate. 'You are pathetic, Jessica Joy.' She thought to herself, shaking her head and ate quickly. She wanted to go back to Dr. Sison's office and finish her reading. She wanted to know what happened to the study that Nicole and Noah did together. 

She wondered if it would be a good idea to work on research with Noah as her partner. She laughed at her stupidity. How in the world Noah would work in the laboratory again. His goal was to get the CEO position of the company. He has been extremely busy with work and on top of that, Lucille is currently staying with him.

It must be the reason why he wasn't able to call her today or why he didn't read her message as soon as she sent them.

He has to adjust his schedule and lifestyle to fit with his child. And one of those was probably his sleeping hours. He could no longer stay up late working when he had a kid that would wake up early. 

As soon as she finished her late lunch, she stood up from her chair, carrying her tray with the empty dishes. Even when she wasn't that hungry, she finished everything. 

She returned to Dr. Sison's office and didn't stop working until her phone rang at 7 in the evening. It was Noah!

She blinked her eyes, trying to orient herself. She got so immersed in her reading that when she heard her phone ringing, she was confused for a moment. She glanced at the lower right corner of her laptop's screen and saw the time. 

She hasn't eaten anything since her late lunch. But she's not feeling hungry. 

She clicked on the green button on her phone and said, "Hello." 

"Hello, baby. How are you? Sorry, I couldn't reply to your messages and wasn't able to call yesterday. I took Lucille to her new school." 

"You already enrolled her? Where?" 

"She hasn't enrolled yet. We went to three schools yesterday, and she will decide today on where she wants to enroll." 

"Oh, I see." She started gathering her things as she talked. She suddenly felt tired and sleepy. She wanted to go home now. It would be nice to have Aadir chicken soup for dinner. 

"Are you still at the office?" 

He must have heard the noise she has been making. "Yes. I'm just fixing my stuff, then I'll go home now." 

An awkward silence ensued between them and Jess had a feeling about what it was about. Thus, she decided to ask him first because it was clear that Noah had no plan to tell her what it was or explain himself. 

"Why do I have more access to the study you had worked with Nicole?" 

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"I promise myself that I will give you access to it. But don't worry about it. There is still a big chunk of that study that you won't ever have any access to at all. And that wasn't my choice. It was decided by the group of scientists that are still working on it. It's no longer my study. I gave up on it a long time ago. Nicole worked with it still but didn't find anything more, I suppose." 

"Thank you. And I'd say that I'm hooked on this research. I hope it won't freak you out if I asked Dr. Sison about it." 

"No. You can ask Dr. Sison if you have questions about it since she's the current head of that research." 

"Hmm," she mumbled and slung her bag over her shoulder. Scanning her desk to make sure she didn't forget anything. She even opened her drawers to make sure she put everything inside her bag. "I'm going home now, Noah." 

"Did you already inform the company driver?" 

"Yeah, I did. I --" 

What she was going to say was halted when she heard a screeching voice from Noah's side. She recognized the cheerfulness as early as the morning. 

Lucille is an early bird. She must have already picked her school for she can hear the excitement in her voice. 

"I'm talking to Little Miss Jessie, Schatz. Can you wait for me in the breakfast room?" 

Noah didn't bother to excuse himself as he talked freely to Lucille while their call was still ongoing. She listened to the early banter of father and daughter as she walked to the parking lot where the company driver was waiting for her. 

She's using the same mode of transportation as everyone because she doesn't want to get any special attention from the rest of the team. She refused the car and the driver Noah and Ellise both offered. 

"Good evening, Miss." The company car greeted her warmly when he saw her approaching. 

"I have to go now," she said to Noah.

"You don't have to drop the call, I --"

"I'm not alone in the car. Another employee is here too." She whispered on the phone, waving her left hand at June who was sitting behind the driver's seat. 

"Good evening, Jess." 

"Good evening," she smiled, returning her greetings as she got in the car next to her. 

"Was that your boyfriend?" She smirked, asking teasingly. 

"Yes," she replied. Her lips bloom into a wide smile.

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