Capture The Blue-Eyed CEO

Chapter 324: What About Us?

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[This chapter is dedicated to lanceroadrunner. Thank you for giving your power stones to our story.]


Jess woke up with the morning light streaming across her floor. It no longer reaches her bed since she moved it at the far end of the room. It was some of the few things she changed for Noah. And the mere thought of Noah, the memories of last night came flooding in. The images of what he did to her body last night were enough to tear a happy smile from her lips. 

Today seemed to be a good morning, she thought to herself when the door of her bedroom clicked and the delicious scent of coffee permeated in the air when it opened. She didn't have to see to know who entered her room with coffee and probably—a breakfast that would be served in bed. 

The smile on her lips grew bigger. She pushed down the blanket from her body only to pull it back when she realized she was fully naked under the blanket. She pushed herself up, propping her elbow on her pillow, pulling the blanket closer to her body.

"Good morning." She heard Noah's sexy drawl. 

She smirked. "Good morning," she replied, stretching her legs under the blanket, covering her body. "Can you hand me my robe?" She asked as Noah put down the breakfast tray on her bed. 

"You don't really need them. I saw everything that has to be seen and I'll just remove your robe off you anyway." 

Jess rolled her eyes when Noah smirked and crawled on the bed with her. He picked up a piece of grape and popped it in her mouth. 

"Tiefenbacher, I love all of these," she scanned everything on the breakfast tray that Noah brought. "But I have a feeling that I'm missing something." Her head snapped to Noah's face when she heard him sigh. 

"What is it?" She asked with her brows drawing tightly with worry. 

Noah leaned his head in the headboard, pulling her with him. He rubbed her arm, kissing her shoulder blade. "I wish we could be like this forever…that I don't have to leave." 

"Leave?" Her voice quivered even though the information didn't really surprise her anymore since the Old Sly Tiefenbacher told her about Noah, moving to Berlin soon with Lucille. But it doesn't mean that it didn't hurt to hear about it directly from Noah. 

He promised to tell her about stuff regarding him and his psychiatrist, and he still owed her an explanation about his latest lie. And now, he's telling her that he's going to leave her. Tears start to form at the corner of her eyes and the back of her throat hurts from trying not to cry. She couldn't understand why she's being too emotional nowadays. 

There are a lot of things that she has been doing that she can't fully comprehend nor explain. One, for example, the way she clung and whined like a child to Noah when he came to the lab. And now, she feels like throwing a tantrum, hearing from him that he's going to leave her. 

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"I have to be at the main headquarters." His eyes were begging for understanding. 

Jess had her lips tightly pressed together as she stared at the coffee on her hands. She has the overwhelming urge to pour the hot coffee on Noah's head. A part of her brain was telling her that she's being irrational but a part of her was too cranky to even care. 

"Why does it feel too soon?" She pursed her lips and put down the coffee mug. She doesn't trust herself not to do what was on her mind if she ended up not liking Noah's answer. 

"I'm sorry but I was thinking of Lucille. I can still work from here till the end of the month actually but then, Lucille has to be enrolled in some classes with her mother…"His voice faltered when Jess bit her lower lips and lowered her eyes, her lashes were covered with tears. "Oh, baby, I'm so sorry." He pulled her to his arms. "I promise to fly home as often as I can. I will call you until you hate me." He grinned playfully at her as he wiped her tears but his attempt to lighten up her mood wasn't successful. Jess sobbed in his arms like a child. 

With her small gasp for air as she sob uncontrollably in his chest, his heart was being torn into pieces. A split-second thought of giving up the CEO position in ANAT crossed his mind. What stopped him was the fact that even if he gave up the CEO position, it does not ensure that his job won't take him away from her side, if not, it would leave him defenseless and powerless to protect her and Lucille and thus, he harden his heart and soften his voice. 

"Baby, stop crying, please," he crooned. 

Jess pushed his chest and wiped her tears and her snot. He smirked at how adorable she looked. Her disheveled hair, tear-stricken face, and red nose turned his heart into a squishy mess. He wanted to bottle her looks for him to take to Berlin and have a look whenever he misses her which for sure is going to happen a lot. 

"You don't have to call." She pouted. "I'm going to be so busy at the lab to entertain your calls." 

She said those words, glaring at him and with a bitter undertone to them. 

"I'll call and visit you. You wouldn't even think we are that far apart." 

"Does Lucille know about this plan of yours?" She forgot her tantrum when she remembered Lucille and how she would react to the news, especially since she's having so much fun at school and with her friends.

"She knows. Even before she came from Shanghai, she knew the plan because her mother and I sat down and talked about it." 

"How about us? When are we going to sit down and talk about us?" Her tone has all the insecurity and bitterness that had been sitting on her chest since she saw Noah with Stellar. 

Noah gazed helplessly at Jess. His blue eyes were begging for understanding and forgiveness.. Jess grabbed the steaming coffee from the breakfast tray.

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