Capture The Blue-Eyed CEO

Chapter 335: Failed Kidnapping

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[This chapter is dedicated to Mercury_Drug. Thank you for your continued support. Cheers!] 


Stefan was jogging in the park after his meeting. He was so busy that he had no time to go to the gym to exercise, thus, he's using his lunch break to run. He has been working at the ANAT office here in LA since his cousin flew to the head office in Berlin for the upcoming shareholders' meeting. He barely had any sleep running errands left and right as soon as he landed in the states. 

He gritted his teeth in annoyance. Now, he has to do another job that could be done by anyone but his old man wanted him to do it. And he can't say no to his old man. "The damn bastard." He muttered to himself as he continued to jog. He checked his smartwatch if he was on the right track so that it wouldn't attract any unwanted attention that would jeopardize their plan. He was glad that Jess's schedule coincided with their plan for today. He laughed dryly. It was like she was walking right into a trap. 

He was about to turn the corner, taking his time because he didn't want to arrive at the scene too early to raise any suspicion towards him when he heard someone's hurried footsteps running in his direction. "Shit, why now? They said everything was working according to plan?" He gritted his teeth and increased his pace. He wouldn't dare to imagine what his old man would do if he couldn't execute the plan today. 

His worries doubled when he saw the man that was running toward his direction. The man is wearing a tattered shirt and jeans that badly needed a wash. He doesn't know the man but he has an idea who he is and what he's doing in this part of the park. The homeless man swerved in another direction when he saw him. He sprinted in the direction where the homeless man came from and wondered where the other man was. There are two of them that were given a task to kidnap Jess. They were wearing homeless clothing to avoid attention. 

He was panting from the sprint he did but he had no time to catch his breath with what he saw when he arrived at the designated area. The other man he was looking for was being dragged to a black SUV and a woman was standing next to Jess. 'Where are these people coming from?' He was confused. Jess was supposed to be alone and these people didn't look like ordinary ones. With just one look, he can see that they were professionals. 'Did Noah have Jess tailed secretly?' 

"Hey!" He cheerfully called for Jess when the black SUV left with one of his men. He texted the plate number of the SUV to his other men in the area with the order to eliminate the useless bastard who couldn't do a simple job abducting a woman. 

Jess and the woman she was with turned in his direction at the same time. The woman who was with Jess gave him a scrutinizing look while Jess smiled when she saw him. 

"Fancy seeing you here, Miss Zimmerman," he stopped, panting. "Although, you don't look like you're here to have your breath taken away." He added with his eyes fixed on the other woman who was wearing a poker face expression on her beautiful face. If he doesn't have a trained eye for the kind of job she has, he won't be able to tell that she's working as a bodyguard for the woman who looks so ordinary. If he didn't see the black SUV dragging one of his useless men, he won't even think that this woman is private security. He would assume that she's just a friend of Jess and they are just strolling at the park because the woman is wearing a dainty summer dress in fuschia pink. 

He swallowed the anger that rose to his chest with the fact that his men had no idea that Jess has someone following her. Damn his overly possessive cousin! 

"Hello, Stefan! I didn't expect to see you here either." 

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He wanted to see Jess's expression but he didn't want to drop his casanova act. He winked at the woman that he had been staring at for a good three minutes but she didn't even show any expression on her doll-like face. "I didn't expect to see an angel when I stepped out of the office to run." 

Jess rolled her eyes when she saw that Stefan couldn't take his eyes off Marie. She's one of her personal bodyguards that was employed by Ellise. Her other shadows took the bastard that tried to molest her while she was sleeping peacefully under the tree. Her shadow took action before she even woke up. Everything was over when she opened her eyes. Though, Marie stayed with her because according to her, there were two men but they were only able to catch one. She was pissed off but stayed chill as a cucumber when Stefan appeared out of nowhere. 

"Marie, this is Stefan. Noah's cousin." She rolled her eyes at Stefan who quickly stepped forward, offering his hand to Marie. 

"Nice to meet you, Marie. Would you two lovely minds if we go for a drink right now?" 

Stefan was grinning widely like a child eager for a playdate that even Marie who was still distraught losing one of the men that was trying to harm Jess, couldn't help but give Stefan a small smile with how he looks at her so adorably. 

"It's up to Jess. I was just tagging along." She said noncommittally. 

"Oh? Are you a friend of Jess?" He smiled, standing close to her. 

"No. I work with her." 

Stefan flinched inwardly with Marie—if it is her real name—answer to his question in a direct manner, not really hiding her real association with Jess.  "Oh, you're an employee of ANAT too?" He asked, chuckling. "I had no idea so many beautiful women were hiding in the lab. I should have work there instead of working in the administrative building." He said, showing an exaggerated reaction of regrets. 

"No. I don't work in the lab."

Stefan swallowed an imaginary lump with the cold answer he got from Marie. 'Fuck! This woman is not easy..' He thought, panicking.

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