Capture The Blue-Eyed CEO

Chapter 336: Coffee Date

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"Be useful since you're already here."

Stefan, grateful that Jess broke the awkward staredown between him and Marie. He was having a difficult time getting her to like him—which wasn't a problem with other girls. "What can I do for you, ladies?" He gave Jess his million-dollar smile, the one that made every woman's heart flutter. 

"Buy us coffee," she said. She could clearly see that Stefan was smitten with Marie and Marie was giving him a hard time. She doesn't want to be alone with Marie since it's the first time they met and she's uncomfortable with her presence, she would rather have Stefan with them for she doesn't know what to talk to Marie. It's not like her everyday routine that Marie followed is something worth discussing. 

"It would be my honor to be at your service, ladies." 

Jess rolled her eyes at the back of her head with how sleazy Stefan sounded. If she doesn't want to be alone with Marie, she won't invite Stefan. He's only adorable in the beginning. With his clinginess with Noah. But after that time at Matsugen where he lied to her, she had been wary of him ever since. 

"How do you two get here?" His gaze shifted back and forth to the two women. Marie wore the same poker face expression that she has on. 

Jess shrugged her shoulders and expelled a sigh. "I walk." 

"Let me call my driver. He can pick us up." 

"Let's just walk. There's a coffee near the south exit. It's a few minutes' walk from here." Marie said that made Stefan stop dialing his driver's phone number. She wanted to talk to this guy that happened to come right around the same time when something happened to Jess. She doesn't believe in coincidence and she doesn't like what her guts were telling her about Stefan and his adorable puppy eyes. She has been doing this job and she doesn't brush off any suspicion that comes to mind even if the subject of her doubt was someone good-looking—especially the good-looking ones. 

"Jess?" Stefan turned to Jess asking for her opinion while he shoved his phone to his pants side pocket. 

"Yes, let's all take a walk," she grimaced. She knew the coffee shop Marie was talking about and it's not a short walk. It would take them a good twenty minutes to reach the said coffee shop and right now, walking with the two of them is the last thing on her list of to do. She sighed softly, glancing at Marie that is now talking to Stefan. 'Good for them to hit it off.' She wished to be at the lab. She would rather be alone in the cold lab than take a breezy stroll in the park with them. Her anxiety with people is bubbling on the surface, especially since she almost got molested in the bright daylight and she had no idea. If she didn't have someone who was keeping an eye on her, those disgusting men could have touched her. She shivered with the thought. Suddenly, she wished Noah was with her. She glanced at Marie again, wondering if Noah was informed of what happened to her. She pulled her phone from her shorts back pocket and checked if Noah sent a message. She saw none. A sigh escaped her lips with her disappointment. She was about to return her phone to her pocket when it vibrated in her hands. She answered it in a flash. 

"How are you?" Ellise's familiar grumpy tone of voice was heard from the other line. 

"I'm fine!" She snapped at her. She wanted to hear from Noah, not from her. 

"Spare me with your bitchiness." She clicked her tongue. "Your lover boy is up in the air and my men couldn't reach him. I personally left him a message about what happened…" Her voice turned softer, "we don't want him to hear the news in a cold, professional manner, which is what is going to happen if I let my men do the job." 

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Jess upon hearing what Ellise said, felt guilty. "I'm sorry for being such a bitch." She said softly, stepping sideways to put a distance between her and the other two. She wanted some privacy to talk to Ellise. 

"Don't apologize. If you ain't a bitch, it ain't you." 

Jess creased her brows and her lips curled in annoyance. Ellise just dropped the call! 

"You okay?" Stefan hollered out. "Was my stupid cousin giving you a hard time?" 

She exhaled a deep sigh and waved her hand, gesturing to them that she's fine and it was nothing. She doesn't want to tell Stefan that it wasn't Noah who called. She looked at Marie and she saw that the girl knew that it was her boss who called her. She doesn't need to explain things to her. It's part of her job description to know. 

She walked two steps behind Marie and Stefan to the coffee shop but when they reached the store she went ahead of them. "Get me a cup of Hibiscus tea," she told Stefan without a glance. 

"Aye, captain." He gave her back a playful salute. 

"Where are you going?" Marie asked. 

She didn't turn around to answer her. "Toilet." She headed straight to the bathroom because while they were walking, her mind kept on replaying the scenario of the two men touching her while she was asleep. And she felt the urge to wash her skin for it felt like something dirty was crawling on them. She went inside the empty stall, pulled the tissue out of the tissue holder and grabbed the bidet beside the toilet bowl, and sprayed her arms with water. 

She did it both in her arms and her legs. 

"Are you there?" 

She blinked and stopped what she was doing, staring at the closed door. 

"Jess?" Marie knocked softly again. 

"Yeah, I'm here," she answered as if she woke up from a dream. Then, threw up.. The offensive feeling of being touched without her permission washed all over her senses and it overwhelmed her to the point of washing all her exposed skin and throwing up bile.

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