Capture The Blue-Eyed CEO

Chapter 339: Lights On

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Warning: Sexy time ahead. Skip this chapter if it's not your thing. 

[This chapter is dedicated to SubrataRoy2018. Thank you for your never-ending support— not just in this story but with my other stories as well. I am eternally grateful.]

Her room was brightly lit—both from the lightbulb on the ceiling and the sliding door of the balcony that had all the curtains pulled on the side, allowing the city light and the moon to peek inside the bedroom. 

"Noah," she breathed shakily, "turned off the light first, please." Her cheeks were burning not just from Noah's intense gaze, raking her body but with the fact that Noah was slowly peeling her clothes, kissing every inch of her body as he did the task as if he wanted to make sure that her body was the same as he left it to be. 

Noah exhaled deeply. His hands were trembling and clammy with the mixture of anger and worry that has never left his chest since he received the call from Ellise. The thought that someone approached his Jess and touched her in a way that she didn't permit made his blood boil. 

"I'm fine." She brushed her fingers on his jaw that was rough with stubble that made his expression darker and oh so hot, sending shivers in her spine. 

A thin line is drawn on his mouth, his eyes gazing at her like a pair of laser beams, scanning her up and down in her nakedness. "Baby," he painfully whispered. "I am so so sorry." 

"Don't," she whispered. The corner of her eyes stinging. "If you say sorry, it would feel like you did something wrong to me…like something bad happened to me…" She choked on her words. Her fingers that have been drawing circles on his jaw, slid down and curled at the nape of his neck. "Nothing bad happened to me." She sobbed, shaking her head.

"Yes," he kissed her lashes, wiping her tears clinging to them. "You're amazingly beautiful as always and I miss you damn much!" He whispered against her wet lashes, trailing kisses to her cheek, down to her waiting lips. His lips didn't linger on her lips, but continued to make a path down to her neck, to her breast–where it lingered before it continued down to her smooth stomach towards her womanhood, glistening just like eyes but not with tears. 

Jess shuddered and groaned grabbing Noah's hair as he kneeled down on the floor, kissing her entrance, wet with needs, as his hands grabbed her ass, keeping her rooted to the foot of her bed as she threw her head back, yapping as Noah's scorching tongue lap her like a kitten, drinking a bowl of fresh milk. 

When she no longer could take the delirious need that had been building from deep inside her core, her knees gave way and she stumbled backward. Noah let her fall at the edge of her bed, but instead of stopping, he pushed her trembling knees apart, lifting her left foot and slowly kiss the inside of her thigh, going down to the tip of her toes and when he was satisfied kissing her left foot, he turned to her right and from the end of her toes, he kissed upward, taking a familiar path back to her quivering entrance where his tongue lingering all over again, and left her, screaming and begging for mercy.

"Tell me what you want, baby," he urged huskily. His voice was heavy with desire. 

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Jess grabbed Noah's hair, pulled him away from her triangle that has been thoroughly given attention like never before. "I want you…" She brazenly told him, staring at his striking blue eyes full of lust and desire. "I want you…inside me, please." She bit down on her lower lip, her butt wiggling on the mattress, begging for release. 

Noah stood up from kneeling on the floor, positioned himself in her entrance, and in one swift fluid motion, gave Jess what she was begging for. The room spun around, surrounded with both of them grunting and groaning like wild animals, calling each other names like they have to repeatedly call the name of the or else they would forget in the midst of the carnal desires that was engulfing them and pushed them to the edge of no return where they clung to each other as they fell…and felt alive. 

"I love you, Little Miss Jess." Noah dropped himself next to her, pulling her to his sweaty chest, kissing her temple, wiping the strands of hair that got stuck on her flushed cheeks. 

"I love you, too." She whispered at the crook of his neck, gasping for air. Her whole body was drained and totally spent. She remembered what Luke told her and a wicked grin tore her lips. He can tell Luke that Noah screwed her up to her heart's content and she's back to her loveable bitchy self again. 

"What were you thinking?" He asked when he felt Jess grinning against his skin. 

"Nothing," she giggled. 

Noah poked her side. "What is it?" His mouth caught her ears and tugged the soft bone of her earlobe. "You aren't going to tell me?" He said, poking her side again at the same time, sucking on her lobe. 

"No, no, please," she screamed, squirming to get away from Noah but her knees hadn't gotten their strength back so she fell back and became a prisoner of Noah's chest again, instead of escaping.

"Tell me, what is it?" He kept his hand at the small of her back, keeping her plastered on his body, he shamelessly grinds his groin on mid-section. 

"It's Luke!" She screamed, hysterically laughing. 

"Tch, I fucked your brain out  and you're thinking of another man?" He rolled and Jess found herself trapped inside his arms, her back stuck on the mattress. 

"It's what made me laugh. Luke said I should ask you to fuck my brain out.." Her giggles died down because she felt something hard, poking between her thighs, seeking entrance without permission, and filled Jess again, making her lose her mind—drowning in her carnal desires.

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