Card Collector [LitRPG]

Chapter 16: CH 15 – The Surprise Events Are Not Over Yet

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It was around 10 o'clock in the morning when Axel Blaze rendezvoused with Brooke Sanches in a back alley.

It isn't a place for official meetings but definitely a good place for secret meetings.

It is a hidden Bar in one of the alleys near the slum area.

"Aren't we meeting the Baron?"

Brooke Sanches nodded, "Of course we are. That's why we are here."

"But this place..." Axel Blaze doesn't like it.

Is this really a place where an aristocrat should come?— His mind is full of doubts.

With the ring of the door bell, a stout man with a mustache, wearing luxurious clothes entered the Bar, followed by a gray haired, lanky butler.

With the arrival of the man, Brooke Sanches signaled the bartender.

The bartender nodded and hung the 'closed' signboard on the door before entering the back room leaving the guests alone.

The stout man thumped on a chair and started raining daggers at Brooke Sanches before shifting his gaze to Axel Blaze.

He snorted, twisting his nose.

"Did you bring the papers?" Brooke Sanches directly got to the point.

The stout Baron gestured to his butler who took out a bundle of papers from his inventory and put it on the table.

Brooke Sanches picked the paper, sorting them out.

The Baron and his butler just waited without speaking any words.

"These. I want these."

From the bundle of papers, Brooke Sanches picked 10 documents.

The Baron checked the selected documents and instantly denied.


"Impossible? Are you sure?"

Brooke Sanches sneered.

The Baron stared into Brooke Sanches's eyes for a while before breathing out with his eyes closed.

"Ok. But promise me you will never ask for more in the future. Also... About those..."

The Baron's eyes wavered.

Brooke Sanches nodded, "Fine, I promise."

"Words don't count. Make a system contract."

Brooke Sanches squinted his eyes, "You don't trust me?"

"Trust? I didn't even trust my own brother, let alone you, humph!"

"I see..." Brooke Sanches nodded and then tapped a few times in the air.

After a while a Contract Panel visible to the two appeared in the air and both of them accepted the contract.


Master, the Baron used Inspect on you.


Before Axel Blaze couldn't say something, the Baron snorted and started tapping the air.

A Contract Panel appeared in front of Axel Blaze—


A system contract is witnessed by the gods and upon breach of contact the involved party will receive Heavenly Punishment!

(Pinned Items)

1. A is giving away 10 of his belongings to B forever.

2. B can do whatever he wants with the belongings.

3. B will never ask for anything else from A after receiving these 10 belongings.

4. B will break off all his relationships with A and his family.


With a frown, Axel Blaze looked at the bunch of papers Brooke Sanches was holding.

"Don't worry, I have selected the best ones for you. You can trust me, Master Axel."

Brooke Sanches gave a wide smile.

Trust my ass! From the start to end you handled everything. Are you Axel Blaze or am I Axel Blaze?

Max is one thing, but I have only met you yesterday.

Axel Blaze extended his hand and asked for the papers.

"These are just copies, the real ones are pinned in the contract." Brooke Sanches informed while passing the papers.

"I like the smell of paper."

With a return smile, Axel Blaze went through the documents.

Holy shit! These are all luxurious buildings and expensive resorts. Also, a mansion, a shopping center, a villa...

Axel Blaze cannot explain his excitement.

His heart is beating like a drum but his face is as calm as water.

"Hmm... I accept."

"Humph! Of course you will."

"Let's go."

The Baron called his butler and left the Bar.

Master, when you accept an item through the System, it will be converted into a Card. There are 10 this time, I have put them in the Card Binder.

Ok, thanks Ruby.

By the way, these papers...

Those cannot be kept in the Card Binder as they are not cards. Also you cannot turn them into cards as you cannot use the Dismantle command on them.

Axel Blaze picked up the papers and asked Brooke Sanches—

"By the way. Since I have the Contract in my Status Window, I won't be needing these papers right?"

"Hmm... It's up to you, if you want to keep them or throw them away. Documents like these are just used as formalities when doing business since it's rude to make others stare in the air while fiddling with their fingers."

"I see."


Nothing has ever gone so smoothly in his life. It is so smooth that even a Bar of wet soap feels rough compared to this.

Axel Blaze couldn't calm down inwardly. His gut feeling is telling him that something bad is about to happen.


"Hey Hanz, mix a cocktail for Master Axel here, we are celebrating!"


The bartender arrived and started mixing liquors.

"Here, two Negroni's, our Bar's special—It's on the house."


"Master Axel, what will you do after this? I mean, you are rich now!— Not as rich as the aristocrats or large businesses but as a lone individual, I think it's enough money to last your whole life."

Axel Blaze raised one brow, "Whole life? You sure Master Brooke?"

"A good set of Epic Grade equipment costs millions of amilots. Their maintenance cost is also high. There are also expensive potions which you will have to buy after reaching a higher level as low quality potions are not much effective. Those potions cost in hundreds of thousands!" He smiled, "Adventurer is quite an expensive occupation."

Staring at the pile of papers kept on the table, Axel Blaze murmured—

"This much money will be gone before you know it."

Brooks Sanches frowned, "But you are only a porter aren't you?"

Axel Blaze nodded, "For now."

"For now?" 

Brooke Sanches raised his brows and then nodded.

"I see— Your Job isn't as simple as it looks, I think you can become an Adventurer in the future."

"How about you staying in my party till then? This is the second time I am asking you."

"To tell you the truth, I never ask someone twice!"

Axel Blaze shook his head slowly, "I really appreciate the offer Master Brooke but I don't think I am ready to join any parties for now."

"You must have heard from Max what happened in Kat town."

Brooke Sanches nodded, "I have heard everything."

He patted Axel Blaze's upper arm, "Master Axel, you have suffered."

The Bar went silent for a moment.


"By the way Master Axel, if you are not planning to stay in the Capital then how about selling me those properties?" "You know, even if you don't stay here, you still have to hire people for maintenance and stuff."

Brooke Sanches' words put Axel Blaze into deep thought.

After hearing about Areas from Max, Axel Blaze is in no mood to stay at one place. He wants to roam the word, farming levels.

Looking at the contemplating Axel Blaze, Brook Sanches added—

"Don't worry, I will pay you the market value of those properties."

These following words helped Axel Blaze to come to a decision.

"Ok." He nodded with agreement.

Brook Sanches asked with joy, "Really? You will sell them?"

Axel Blaze nodded, "Yes, as you said, it's too bothersome to maintain the places without being nearby."

Brooke Sanches clapped, "Good. Let me prepare the Contract."


It took several minutes for Brooke Sanches to prepare a contract.

The contents of the Contract are somewhat similar to what the Baron had presented.

But in place of money the trade is offered in items.

Brooke Sanches smiled, "The total market value of the items I offered is 850,000,000 amilots while the properties cost 800,000,000 amilots— Master Axel can cross check the items in the City Market if he doesn't believe me."

"Let's do that."

The smile on Brooke Sanches' face got replaced with awkwardness, "Master Axel doesn't trust me too huh? Do I look that untrustworthy?"

"It's not like that, Master Brooke— This is the first time I am working with such a large sum of money. I just want to make sure that no sides are blamed in the future."

"Also... Can you pay 50,000,000 in amilots?"

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The duo walked out of the Bar.

Brooke Sanches nodded, "Sure, that can be done. Let's go."

He led the way to the market.


The items offered by Brooke Sanches came out to be rare crafting materials. Minerals and Ores which are said to be only found in Area-1 and are in huge demand in other Areas.

If not here, Axel Blaze can sell these materials for almost double the price if he ever visited the other Areas in future.

This just makes it more unbelievable that Brooke Sanches is offering such materials as a trade.


"Welcome. How may I help you Sir?"

In the afternoon, a rich and handsome guy entered a luxurious store.

The Heaven's Gate welcomed Axel Blaze who left after buying two Card Cases.

One with the number 6 and the other with number 5. The number 5 Card Case just arrived in the morning.


Master, a message from Max. He invited you to the bar at night.

The same bar which we went to in the morning?

Yes, it seems so.

Axel Blaze nodded, Ok remind me later.

Master, don't you think it's weird to call you in such a desolate place at night? That place reeks of crime.

What rubbish. You got the feeling because the shop is located at a weird place, near the slums— Anyways, since it's Max who is calling me, it will be fine. I cannot think of such a kind-hearted Orc having malicious intentions. 

Also, that bartender has good skills and Max loves good alcohol.


Became an orphan soon after birth. Got bullied since he was a child. Lost the woman he loved when he reached adulthood. Later, lost his home. When he thought things were going to get better, he lost the things he received from the dwarf grandpas.

And now...

The only friend he made in his life, has betrayed him.


Axel Blaze is being chased through the streets by masked men...

"Oi Number 2, are you sure that guy's level is under 30?"

"Yes Number 1, I am hundred percent sure. We were only separated for two weeks. There's no way he can reach level 30 in such a short time."

"Then why didn't the Inventory Capture item work on him?"

"I am not sure. Maybe he is using some sort of protection item?"

"Protection Item?..."

Number 1 cursed, "Fuck you!"

"You should have thought of this before using the Inventory Capture item outside the Bar. You moron, always mess up." He snorted.

"Hey, don't blame me, it's not like I am the only one at fault here. You guys also let him slip away."

"Hey Number 5, you have an Appraisal item right? Scan that guy's body."

"Sure Number 2."

After a while, Number 5 shook his head.

"Nope. He is only wearing Common Grade items."

"You sure? Check again."

"I already checked two times."

"That's weird, then why didn't the Inventory Capture item work?"

All the 5 numbers are confused.

These Numbered robbers are none other than Brooke Sanches and his party.

The reason why Brooke Sanches traded items rather than money is for this reason.

"Fucking idiot. Don't ever use me as your best friend ever again. I would rather become the best friend of a pig than an Orc like you."

"Can't do. An aristocrat as a best friend always works well to win the trust of others. It also makes me look like an important person while raising my credibility at the same time." Number 2 snorted.

"Fuck your credibility! Didn't you used to work in the theater in the past? Use those stupid acting skills of yours rather than ruining my image!"

Number 2 grumbled, "My acting skills are not stupid. You won't understand how tough it is to act like a kind-hearted guy while harboring ill intentions. You will always have to be careful not to alert the target." "Didn't I do a good job of dropping his guard against you? Else who in their right mind will believe a complete stranger who calls them the son of an aristocrat and offers to help them recover their share of inheritance?"

Number 1 just snorted and didn't say anything.

The men kept chasing...


Master, those are Brooke Sanches and Max. The others are—

Must be their party members, I don't need to know their names right now, just remember their information.

Don't worry, I never forget anything, Master.


Running at full speed, the group arrived at the City Market.

Axel Blaze used the crowd to his advantage to slip away from his pursuers and hid inside a small shop.

Master more people are after you.

More? Same group?

Ruby denied, It doesn't seem so.


She opened a red Character Information panel in front of Axel Blaze.

Name : Gio * *

Age : 31

Species : Human

Level : 32

Experience Points : 498,018/528,000

Class : Rogue

Job : Terminator

Titles : [3]

Affiliation : Amon

Skills : [4]

Axel Blaze yelped after reading this, "Holy smoke!"

"Did you like something Sir? Is it this pair of shoes?" The shopkeeper asked.

"Er... No. I am still checking."

The shopkeeper nodded, "I see."

Isn't that a Wanted guy? And one with two stars! Moreover he is affiliated with a Demon!—These people won't even care about the surroundings when carrying out a murder. Just which fucker hired them?

Master there are 3 of them. Want to see other Character Information?

No need. Rather, scan the area and find a way to escape. I am fine with getting captured by Brooke Sanches, but make sure we don't fall in the hands of those three murderers.

It took Ruby a while to find a safe path, after which Axel Blaze silently left the shop.


Master run, we have been found.

How far? By which group?

At the edge of my scanning radius, so 500 meters and... By both groups. One is coming from the right and the other is coming from the left.

Aren't we pincered— You know the map of the city right? Which way is the Warp Gate?

It's behind us about 3 kilometers away.

Axel Blaze cursed with shock, "I will fuck the guy who planned the Capital city to be one fourth of the Human Continent!"

"There he is, capture him."

It was Max who shouted from the left, it's the numbers gang of Brooke Sanches.

Axel Blaze shouted at the peak of his throat—

"Max you bastard of a fake friend. I will kidnap your children in the future."

Axel Blaze instantly turned around and started running towards the Warp Gate.

"I am an idiot for expecting a flourishing life after always falling into tragedy."

"I am not believing in anyone from now on. Everyone is fucking selfish! They are all bullies."

He clenched his teeth, "You want me to be evil? I will become evil! Just watch."

You can believe me Master, I will always be on your side. I will never betray you.

Axel Blaze snorted, "Who knows?"

Ah Master, Ruby is not like others. Please believe in me. Ruby loves Master.

Axel Blaze didn't speak and increased his pace.

Number 1 cursed while huffing and puffing—

"That bastard, he has quite some points put in the AGI stat. He runs so fast."

"Having high AGI is useless if you don't have the END to back it up. With this speed, he will get tired sooner than us." Number 5 assured.

"Hope so, else I will lose all my precious materials."

The murderers gang also arrived on the spot from the right. As if they had a prior agreement, both the groups nodded at each before chasing after Axel Blaze together.


This was another day of surprise events for Axel Blaze, but this time something outweighs all the cons— He is filthy rich!

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